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Lord Whitsnow and the Seven Orphans

Page 11

by Em Taylor

  “Why was it a secret?”

  “Mr Dick thought it best until he returned from war.”

  “I see. So, you had strong feelings for him and you and he…”

  “I did not want him to stray or to get ill.”

  Robert pressed a kiss into her hair, giving him a moment to try to understand her train of thought. He could understand the straying bit but the illness…

  “You thought he may be unfaithful if you did not use your mouth on him?”

  “He said men have needs. Well, I know that. You do. You poor thing. I have just made it worse for you.” She pressed her hand to the fall of his buckskin breeches that he had changed into before their picnic. He lifted her hand and pressed a light kiss to the palm before settling it on his shoulder.

  Poor him, indeed. Devil take it. What nonsense had Dick told the poor chit?

  “He said there was a thing called blue balls that men could get.” Robert made a non-committal sound. He did have to give Dick points for ingenuity. “He said it could cause him to become barren. Then he suggested if I could not accommodate him, he may have to seek help elsewhere. Oh Robert, he was terribly handsome and quite a few of the women in the village had set their caps at him.”

  “So, he asked you to suck his cock?”


  “Well, I hate to put it so baldly, my love but it is essentially what you did.”

  “I suppose it was.”

  “Did you wish to do it?”

  “I…” he felt her shake her head.

  “Oh, my love. I am so sorry. I should never have allowed you to…”

  “No. With you it was different. I did want to.”

  “You did?”

  “I did. Is that wrong?”

  “Not at all. But my love…” He rolled her onto the blanket and positioned himself between her thighs. Damn it. She felt so good. So right. So perfectly where she should be. “I shall never go looking for another woman because you refuse me.” He looked deep into her eyes. “No harm shall befall me because you refuse to help me release my seed. Even if I do not use my hand to do it, I shall survive. No man ever died of blue balls. At times it may be deuced uncomfortable, but it is far from dangerous. Edward Dick was wrong to suggest that he would become ill or barren if you did not help him. He would have been fine. I should not speak ill of someone who has no right of reply due to an infirmity, but he is a rogue for what he coerced you to do.”

  “Yesterday, in your dressing room…”

  “Entirely my choice. Yes, I was painfully aroused. But had the house gone on fire and I had to escape, I could have left it well alone and dealt with the fire. You watching me, however, made me that bit more aroused. Do you know what you do to me?”

  “I can feel it.” She rocked her hips and rubbed his hard shaft with her cleft. The buckskin of his breeches was an unwanted barrier. Robert eased himself away from her and unbuttoned the falls then settled against her damp flesh, moaning with need as she bucked again. He would simply give her another release by rubbing against her. Much though he desired to be inside her, he would not allow himself the pleasure. She was still an innocent, even if she has sucked his prick like a courtesan.

  This time however he cared naught for her modesty. When the ribbon tie of her chemise would not undo, he pulled it down her arms.

  “Robbie, it needs to be untied.” He grunted when he heard a rip of fabric. “Or perhaps not.”

  “The steward is bringing five hundred pounds next week. Will that pay for a chemise?”


  “You needed a loan.” We can call it a fair trade. One chemise for five hundred pounds.” And then his lips were around that beautiful dark pink nipple and any protest she may have considered were silenced as she moaned his name. Robbie. Only his family called him that. He had never asked any other lover to call him the intimate name. But he wanted her to call him the name that made him feel wanted and loved and secure.

  He thrust against her—her juices coating his cock, making it difficult not to just slip inside her heat. He wanted to. He was desperate to. But he would not. He moved to her neck, sprinkling delicate kisses there. An awareness of her nails digging into his scalp and back made him smile. Damn, it was erotic. She was such a sensual woman and she had absolutely no artifice. It was entirely natural. Her legs were wrapped around his hips and she bucked against him seeking her own pleasure. He caught her lips with his and he knew it was all over bar the shouting. Damn, he should have pleasured her first. He was going to come off before her.

  “Robbie!” She had pulled out of the kiss and her lips were at his ear.

  “I am sorry my love,” he managed. His apology was too late. It was going to happen.

  “I am not innocent.”

  “I am coming off, my love, I am sorry.”

  He lost his rhythm as he ground himself harder against her. Damn she was perfect.

  “Robbie, I am not a virgin.”

  It was the last thing he heard as he reared up onto his arms and spilled his seed over her belly and chemise, his stomach clenching, his muscles like iron as pleasure pulsed from his core.

  Not a virgin. Not innocent. Wet and wanting. He had to give her pleasure.

  Robert settled on one side of Lucy and pulled her to him. He caught her mouth in a desperate kiss and he nudged her legs apart with his knee. Finding her folds with his fingers he rubbed her pearl with his thumb. When at last she began to relax and moaned, he slid one finger into her slick heat. She gasped.

  He captured her gaze with his.

  “I apologise that I took my pleasure first. It has been some time and I have somewhat lost my ability to restrain myself. Once you are comfortable with one finger I shall add another. If you wish me to continue.” She nodded mutely. He grinned. “You are so wet and tight. Absolutely perfect.”

  And soon Lucy Butterworth was writhing in his arms and begging to be taken over the edge. Robert was in seventh heaven. After she had cried out his name as she had gripped his shirt and bucked against the heel of his hand, they had spent a long time just kissing and caressing one another.

  “Is that why you refused to marry me?” he asked eventually. “Because you’re not a virgin?”

  Her face coloured but she held his gaze.

  “No, My Lord. This changes nothing. Today has been rather pleasant but I still cannot marry you.”

  “Rather pleasant. Lucy!” He was trying to keep his voice under control. He did not want to sound angry. “Today was magnificent. I cannot imagine wanting another woman in my bed. I need you. Lie with me tonight. I promise I shall be careful.”

  He ran the back of his hand over her taught nipple and he saw the moment she capitulated.

  She nodded.

  Perhaps if they made love he could break her defences. He could squirrel out the rest of her secrets and convince her in a post-coital haze that she could trust him and could marry him.


  Chapter 17

  When they arrived home, Emily met them at the door, Eleanor in her arms.

  “She seems quite distressed. She was fine most of the afternoon but this past half hour she has just cried and cried. Her tears are silent. It is just heart-breaking.”

  Emily smiled at Robbie’s sister. “She shall be fine. She still finds this large house a little strange and is not used to you or the servants yet. Give her to me and I shall settle her.”

  “Did I do something wrong?” Emily’s eyes were wide with fear.

  “No, of course not. Eleanor is different to other children. She takes a little more time to adapt to her surroundings. It is difficult to explain things to her.”

  “It is why she needs a tutor who is trained to work with deaf students,” muttered Robert.

  Lucy frowned at him. How dare he use this situation to try to coax her into marriage.

  Emily still looked unconvinced. “Emily, she was like this a few times with Susan.”

  “Susan was cruel.”r />
  “Mayhap sometimes but I do not think she was cruel all the time. I have seen Eleanor like this when I have had to leave her with a friend once before. Even the presence of the boys cannot soothe her. She needs me. I am sorry to have been away so long.” She gave Robert a significant look. He did not flinch or look at all chagrined.

  “Well, as long as it was nothing I did.”

  “No dear. I am sure you were fine.”

  “I do worry that I shall be a terrible mother.”

  “Oh Emily, you shall be a wonderful mother.”

  “I keep telling her that,” It was Lord Beattie, entering the hallway. “There, did I not tell you the child just needed her mama.”

  “Oh, I am not her mama.” The lie sliced through Lucy like a knife, but Lord Beattie gave her a curious look and Emily gave a tiny shake of her head. He had obviously assumed or thought all the orphans considered her their mama.

  “I should take Eleanor up to the nursery,” she said.

  “No please, stay and have tea with us. I saw the horses approach and ran for it. She seems quite settled now. Eleanor is welcome in the drawing room. Nurse is looking after the boys.”

  Lucy did go to the drawing room for tea and discussion turned to rather mundane topics, such as the weather, the May Day fair, the boy’s schooling, and events in the village. When tea was over, Lucy excused herself and took Eleanor to the nursery. But Eleanor would not be settled. It took until after ten o’clock before Eleanor eventually fell asleep in her arms. Lucy had sent her apologies that she would not be down for dinner. A tray was duly sent up, but she did not eat it. She did try to convince Eleanor to eat a little with some degree of success.

  When she arrived back in her bedchamber sometime after ten o’clock, there was a letter lying on her bed. Thinking it may be a note from Lord Whitsnow, she opened it.

  Dearest Miss Butterworth,

  I note that your behaviour since your dalliance with Lieutenant Dick has not improved. Shall we increase the cost of keeping your secret about your bastard child to six hundred pounds. I am sure, despite the Earl of Whitsnow’s fondness for ruined young ladies, or perhaps for ruining them, he would not want to marry such a creature and take the chance that the first babe in his nursery was somebody else’s bastard.

  I am happy to keep the secret that you cannot keep your skirts down and your legs closed. As I said, the price has just gone up.

  Consider your behaviour, Miss Butterworth. We should hate for the people of the village to learn what a lightskirt you are once you have paid your penance.

  A concerned Subject of King George III

  Bile rose in her throat and she ran to the basin next to her ewer on the dressing table. She retched but nothing came up. After three more heaves, she had still cast up absolutely nothing from her empty stomach. Water filled her mouth and she allowed it to drip into a linen as tears filled her eyes and ran down her cheeks. Another hundred pounds. Could she really ask Robert for another hundred pounds to keep her secret? It was unfair. Of course, she would pay him back but the whole charade was getting ridiculous.

  But the thought of the look on his face. Now she was not sure if he would be disgusted she had given birth out of wedlock or that she had denied her own child these past five years. He could certainly never take a bastard into his family.

  And it was one thing to accept that Eddie had convinced her to do the deed with him. Perhaps she had painted Eddie as the villain. She had been willing, if only to prove to Eddie she loved him. With Robert it was different. She wanted to experience the act itself with him. After everything that had happened at the waterfall, she knew it was going to be so different and so pleasurable.

  She called the maid who quickly and efficiently helped her undress and prepare for bed. The maid seemed to understand she was in no mood for talking tonight and organised her clothes for the morning before taking her clothes from the day and bidding her goodnight.

  Lucy opened her book, hoping Mansfield Park may take her mind off the happenings in her own life.

  She realised she was dozing and not taking a word of the book in when the door connecting her bedchamber to her dressing room opened and her book slid from her lap.

  She looked through half closed eyes at Robbie, standing in a dressing gown, frowning at her.

  “My love, you’re falling asleep.”

  She rubbed at her eyes. “I can wake up.”

  “No. You look like you need three nights’ sleep instead of just one.”

  “We were going to do it.”

  “Not with you half-asleep we were not. Come, let me slip in beside you and hold you until you fall asleep.”

  “Hmm, that sounds nice.” He nudged her over in the bed and he slid in beside her, his dressing gown still on, then he pulled her hard against his body. She was able to wriggle away a little to untie the belt of his dressing gown.

  “Darling, what are you doing?”

  “I want to feel your skin.

  “As long as that is all you are doing.”

  She ran a hand over his bony but soft skinned hip. Then between them and found his long hard arousal.

  “Robbie, it is hard.”

  “Leave it alone and eventually it shall not be hard.”

  “How long shall it take to go soft?”

  “With you in my arms? Oh, I should think about thirty years at the very least. Now go to sleep and stop touching parts of my body.”



  “I need another one hundred pounds.”


  “The price went up.”


  “I was a very silly person.”

  She snuggled into his chest He was so warm, and everything was becoming very hazy. She was sure he asked in what way she had been silly, but it seemed her lips could not move against the skin of his chest. So, she stopped trying to speak and succumbed to the warmth and comfort of Robbie’s embrace.

  Chapter 18

  Robert sat on his bed and considered the day. He had woken early, having fallen asleep just after Lucy with her in his arms. Luckily, he had woken before the maid who set the fires had come in, so she had not seen him in Lucy’s bed.

  He’d then caught a few more hours’ sleep before getting up and dragging Beattie and the boys out of bed. Beattie had been more than willing to don a pair of breeches and teach the boys to swim. A couple of the older boys were already reasonable swimmers so between them all, the younger ones all had help.

  By the time the ladies and Eleanor were up and breakfasted, half the day seemed to be over. Robert saw his man of business and arranged a further one hundred pounds. He had no idea if Lucy remembered or indeed had just been rambling through tiredness, but he did know that the money would be procured in the next few days. Better to have too much than too little.

  The afternoon had been spent doing lessons outdoors along with a game of cricket. Eleanor had joined in and had squealed with delight. It was not often the girl made any noise and it always seemed to delight Lucy when she did.

  He’d had to coax Lucy away from Eleanor and down for dinner that evening, but nurse had assured her that the little one would be fine.

  Robert had checked to see if Lucy was in her room when he had arrived in his room half an hour before. She had not been. Now he sat on his bed, naked, his cock as hard as stone and wondering if he should put on his dressing gown and check again or leave her, when a knock sounded at the connecting door.

  He called for the only person who could possibly be standing behind that door to enter. Then felt slightly self-conscious about his nakedness.

  Lucy walked through the door, biting her lip and clutching her dressing gown to her. Her eyes widened and immediately dropped to where he had covered his erection with his hands.



  “I… um… was not sure if I should come to you this evening. You were not in your bedchamber earlier.”

  “I was checking on Eleanor. She is fine. I can go if now is not a good time.”

  He dropped his hands to his sides. “Come.”

  “Do I take off my dressing gown?”

  “If you wish.” She hesitated. Was he doing the right thing letting her make the moves. He did not want to force her. Did not want her to think she was under any obligation like she had thought she was with Dick.

  She allowed the garment to slide from her body revealing a sheer night rail. A slightly ugly old fashioned frilly ensemble but he could see her beautiful breasts through it and the nest of curls hiding the treasure he coveted, so he was not going to complain about the night rail.

  “My great aunt bought it for my trousseau. I have no idea why I thought to bring it here. Mayhap I knew something like this would happen. Mayhap I knew you were dangerous. Mayhap I knew I had no self-control and that I am a lightskirt and this is inevitable.”

  Robert was off the bed and had her in his arms in seconds.

  “You are no lightskirt. You are a lady. A proper lady. You know I intend to marry you. Lieutenant Dick intended to marry you. It is hardly his fault, or yours for that matter, that he was injured.”

  “But I keep refusing you.”

  “But I still have weeks to convince you. And my charms are legendary.”

  “Legendary with whom.”

  “In this bedchamber.”

  “And how many ladies have you had in this bedchamber.”


  “One other than me?”

  “No, just you. I do not indulge in the local women in Cumberland.”

  “You only… only in London?”

  “And on the occasional visit to Edinburgh. Scottish ladies are very accommodating I find.”

  “You are a brute.”

  “I do not recall you finding me brutish yesterday when I was licking you here.” He pressed his hand to her cleft, forcing her legs slightly apart. She gasped.


  “Yes, my love?” He placed his lips on her neck and began kissing in earnest and he stroked her through the sheer night rail. Lucy placed her hands on his shoulders and moaned as she bucked into his touch. “You see, my charms may not yet be the stuff of legends, but they shall be one day.”


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