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Lip Lock

Page 7

by Susanna Carr

  Except for Kyle’s.

  She’d been in there, but had never walked around and explored, always worried she would get caught for trespassing. Always feeling like she was tempting danger.

  But no one could catch her now.

  Molly gingerly tiptoed to Kyle’s door and opened it a crack. A table lamp cast a soft glow on his sleek, modern desk. She walked in and closed the door behind her.

  She never liked the stark black and white color scheme, or the minimalist decor. It was boring and bare and looked worse at night.

  She sat down on his black leather chair and found it huge. She spun around in it, getting a panoramic view of how Kyle saw the world every day. Luxurious. In control. Black and white.

  Her gaze fell across a framed snapshot and she stopped the chair from twirling. Molly smiled at the sight of Kyle and his three trusted advisors. Heh. He was gorgeous back then, but his sexiness didn’t have that dangerous edge.

  Now he was downright lethal.

  She got up from the chair and padded barefoot toward a set of doors. The first one was an unbelievable stereo system. Strange, she never heard music coming from this office. Maybe the room was soundproof. She wouldn’t put it past Kyle.

  She opened the other door and stopped. She squeezed her eyes shut and opened them again. She flicked on the lights just to make sure she was seeing correctly.

  Yep, she was right. It was an executive bathroom. CEOs really had these things? She thought it was just something only found in soap operas and movies.

  It was half the size of her last apartment. And about one hundred times nicer. All marble and chrome. Lots of glass and all the amenities. Was that a bidet? She was tempted to see how it worked, but was afraid she’d break it.

  Molly caught the reflection of the shower system in the mirror. She turned and sighed when she saw the multiple jet heads staggered at different heights and angles.

  If she had something like that, she would never leave. Maybe tomorrow she could take a shower in there. No one would know.

  Then again, maybe not. She instinctively knew that particular shower would ruin her for all other showers. It was better not to know.

  She reluctantly turned her attention elsewhere. Molly searched the cabinets and found them as empty as the kitchen. She opened the medicine cabinet, hoping it would reveal something about Kyle Ashton, the man.

  Razors, toothbrush, toothpaste. Nothing unusual. Darn.

  She opened a door that probably led to a linen closet. Uh, no. Make that a closet. A walk-in closet.

  She turned on the closet light and saw the three-way mirror and the built-in drawers and bins. She staggered into the closet, filled with envy.

  What man needed a walk-in closet?

  Apparently a man who needed three hundred black suits. Okay, so she was exaggerating. There were also white shirts.

  She stroked the heavy fabric of a suit sleeve and looked around. The floor-to-ceiling mirrors were a nice touch, but once she thought about it, a walk-in closet wasn’t all that. Bummer.

  Molly turned off the lights and stepped back into the bathroom. She would’ve liked to say the same about the bathroom, but she couldn’t. This bathroom should grace those fancy schmancy bathroom magazines.

  It made her wonder how grand the one at his home looked like. Homes, she reminded herself.

  It wasn’t like she was ever going to find out, even if it graced those fancy schmancy magazines. Like she had the money for a subscription. Or a mailing address, for that matter.

  She turned off the light and headed out of the bathroom when she heard a familiar ding.

  It was the elevator.

  Wow, these security guards got their exercise. Molly was eternally thankful that she was in the bathroom and not under her desk. She didn’t think she would be noticed, but she didn’t want to take the chance. She’d stay in the bathroom until the guard left.

  She peeked through the opening of the bathroom door as a male figure crossed the office threshold. He reached out and turned on the lights.

  Frick! Her heart leapt and pounded against her ribs. It was Kyle.

  Didn’t that guy ever go home?

  He walked across the room and the panic zoomed inside her. How was she going to get out of this situation? Would she ever learn? Don’t go where you aren’t allowed!

  She would follow the rule for the rest of her life if she got out undetected. But it didn’t look like her wish was going to happen as she saw Kyle head straight toward her!

  Chapter 5

  She scurried back into the closet, begging—absolutely begging—for him not to enter the closet. It was midnight, after all. On a Saturday.

  But time meant nothing to Kyle.

  She heard him enter the bathroom and hit the lights. Molly dove for the very back rack in the closet and squatted down.

  Her heart pounded. Her tongue felt huge and she couldn’t swallow. She kept her eyes glued on the door, but she didn’t want to look.

  This was why she could never play hide-and-seek as a kid. She couldn’t handle the idea of being found. Couldn’t tolerate the wait.

  She knew she was going to get caught. She couldn’t shake off the feeling. Or bravely meet the inevitable.

  No, instead she was huddling in the corner, images of her work record flashing in her head. Terminated because she was hiding in her boss’s closet.

  Yeah, let’s see how long it would take her to get another job with that kind of reference.

  She drew in a shaky breath, ready to have that door swing open. For Kyle to find her. The interrogation that would follow. She’d have come up with a good reason why she was here. Something brilliant. Irrefutable. Logical.

  So far, she had nothing.

  And why wasn’t he opening the door? She couldn’t take much more of this.

  Molly craned her neck and cocked her head to the side. All she heard was the shower.

  The shower! Molly sat up straight as a plan began to form. The bathroom would get all hot and steamy. The glass would fog and she could sneak out. Perfect!

  But that would mean getting out of her hiding place. Maybe she should wait until he left.

  So that he could what? Go to his desk and spend the rest of the night working on the computer? Leaving her stuck here?

  This was her only chance to escape. She needed to take advantage of it. Now.

  Molly reluctantly crept to the door. She winced and cringed as she slowly opened it a crack. She was so nervous that Kyle might see the movement. Or that he would spot her. Look right at her. Eye to eye.

  Instead she got an eyeful.

  Kyle grabbed the collar of his white rugby shirt and pulled it over his head. The bright lights bounced against the dips and swells of his toned arms.

  Molly ignored the tingle deep in her belly as she stared. She already knew that guy was fit, but oh…my…goodness…

  Kyle’s lean body rippled with strength. He was solid muscle. Defined and restrained.

  She memorized everything from the whorls of dark hair dusting his tanned chest to the jutting hip bone. Her heart skittered to a stop as his hands went to the snap at his waistband.

  Oh…The tingling grew hotter. Brighter. She shouldn’t look. No. She really shouldn’t. Not even a peek.

  He drew the zipper down.

  She should turn her head away.

  Her neck muscles weren’t cooperating as the zipper parted.

  Okay, at least close your eyes! She forced herself to obey and her eyelids started to lower.

  Until the jeans dropped to his ankles.

  Molly’s eyes widened. Oh…wow.

  He was long, thick and heavy. There was nothing elegant or refined about his penis. It looked rough. Wild. And this was before he was aroused?

  She could imagine how it would feel to have him inside her. Before he even thrust. Molly pressed her legs together as the tingling blazed into an all-out ache.

  Kyle turned around and she stared at his tight buttocks. Oh, yeah
. She could go for one of those, too. She could imagine exactly how it would feel to hold onto him as he claimed her.

  He stepped out of her field of vision. A shot of panic cleared her head. Where did he go? She caught a movement in the mirror and saw Kyle step into that sinfully decadent shower. She watched the reflection as he stepped under the water.

  Great. Just what she needed. A hot, naked, and wet Kyle Ashton.

  The shower stall didn’t hide a thing from her. Water pulsed against body. It sluiced down his chest and ran down Kyle’s powerful thighs. She wanted to lick every droplet from his sculpted muscle.

  Molly pulled at the neck of her sweatshirt. How hot was that shower? It was getting really warm in here.

  The scent of Kyle’s soap invaded her senses. Sophisticated. Expensive. It usually made her knees knock on everyday occasions, but this was concentrated stuff. It knocked her off her feet.

  The steam wafted from the shower stall and began to cloud the glass. Molly had to squint as the fog slowly streaked across the shower glass. She was half tempted to wipe the condensation from her view when she remembered this was what she was waiting for.

  Sure she was.

  She glanced at the door. It was closed, but not all the way. That was her escape. She’d better get moving before he was finished. Molly glanced back at the mirror.

  His head was tilted back and water streamed down the harsh angles of his face. She fought the fierce urge to join him and press her mouth against the strong column of his neck. To run her hands along his body as his hands remained in his drenched hair.

  That was never going to happen. She could fantasize about that later. Right now, she had to get away from Kyle.

  She slowly opened the closet door, thankful it didn’t creak. Hoping Kyle was like the rest of the world and closed his eyes when rinsing out the shampoo, Molly got on her hands and knees. She gathered up the last of her courage and began crawling along the bathroom floor.

  Her heart was banging against her chest. Nerves bounced around inside her. She couldn’t breathe. When she had to pass by the shower, she got down on her elbows and shimmied her way to the door.

  Almost there…She wasn’t going to look at Kyle, no matter how tempting. Her focus was solely on the door, and once she got it open, she was making a run for it.

  Molly reached out and grabbed the edge of the door and slowly, oh so slowly, opened it enough that she could squeeze through. She could feel the cool air wafting in from the other room.

  Home free! Molly exhaled shakily.

  “Hey, Molly,” Kyle called out from the shower, his tone clipped with anger. “Could you grab me a towel while you’re at it?”

  Kyle shut off the water as he studied Molly sprawled on the floor, frozen. Did she really think she would have gotten away?

  Her arms were stretched out in front of her. One leg was straight and tense, the other curled just underneath her bottom.

  Her long brown hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail. Molly wore a pale pink sweat suit, and the chunky shirt had ridden up, allowing him a glimpse of her smooth, silky back. Her feet were bare.

  He slicked back his hair, trying to rein in the dark swirling emotions. He wanted to know why she was here. What she had hoped to gain.

  Molly slowly got to her knees and shakily turned around. “Hi, Kyle,” she said brightly. “How’s it going?”

  She kept her eyes firmly above his shoulders.

  “I could use a towel right about now.” He unlatched the shower door.

  “Right.” She jumped up and hurried over to the towels folded on the sink. He saw her shoulders tense when his feet slapped against the tile floor.

  Her fingers clamped onto the soft terry as he approached her. He shook his head to dry his hair. Water flecked on Molly’s shirt.

  She met his eyes in the reflection. Her gaze drifted down. She blushed and her lips parted before she dragged her attention up.

  “What are you doing here, Molly?” he asked. The soft bite seemed to echo in the small room.

  “I…” She glanced at the door.

  Kyle took the towel from her tense fingers and scrubbed his hair. He decided against wrapping it around his waist. Being naked should put him at a disadvantage, but for some reason, it didn’t. The way Molly was looking—and not looking—at him made him feel invincible.

  He needed all the power he could get to deal with her. He had to make her answer him. Make her tell the truth for once.

  “I didn’t catch that,” Kyle said as she stuttered into silence. “Why are you here?”

  She looked down and swallowed visibly. “I’m working.”

  Kyle’s laugh was sharp. “In my bathroom? At midnight?”

  “Yes.” She met his gaze and slowly blinked. That blink always happened right before she had her story in place. “When does time or location mean anything to you? When it comes to work, that is?”

  “You’re a receptionist.”

  “I’m working at becoming an assistant.” Her gaze appeared level with his chest.

  “Molly, cut the crap. What are you doing here?”

  “I already told you.” She seemed hypnotized by his damp towel. Her head moved with every stroke. “I’m working.”

  “Fine.” He tossed the towel onto the floor. “You’re working. On what?”

  Her gaze went from his feet and slowly moved up to his face. He felt his cock stirring.

  “I’m here to make sure you have everything you need. Towels are here. Change of clothes in the closet. Yep, you’re all set.” She moved for the door.

  Kyle blocked her. “I don’t remember Sara tending to all my needs this way.”

  “She’s more discreet,” Molly said to his shoulder. “Years of practice.”

  “Maybe I should ask her how she does it. Give you a few pointers.”

  Pure anxiety flitted in her eyes. “That’s not necessary.”

  “Then again,” Kyle said as he took a step toward her, “Sara doesn’t take care of all my needs.”

  Molly bumped up against the counter. “I’m sure you have a full-time staff taking care of the rest.”

  What did she think? That he had a mistress? That he paid for his sex? “For the record, I have no one taking care of me.”

  “My condolences.”

  He liked her sassy mouth. He wondered what her lips tasted like. Would her kisses be uncontrolled? What mischievous things could she do with her mouth? His cock twitched with anticipation.

  Kyle rested his hand on the counter next to her hip. “The position is open.”

  The pulse in her neck beat wildly. “I’m sure I’m not qualified.”

  He seriously doubted that. She had him in knots and she hadn’t even kissed him.

  “There’s on-site training.” He placed his other hand on the opposite of her. “Excellent benefits. Not to mention job satisfaction.”

  He leaned in, his hips connecting with hers. Kyle knew his wet body made an imprint on her sweat suit. Temporarily branding her.

  Her hips bucked against his hard cock. Victory raced through his veins. She was going to say yes. Three months of intense wanting was about to end.

  “Thanks for the offer,” she said hoarsely, “but I’m going to have to refuse.”

  The words amplified in his head. “Refuse?”

  She tilted her chin. “As in no.”

  He stepped away and his hands fell to his sides. Why was she refusing? He could feel her caving.

  Molly took another step toward the door. “You better dry off before you get cold.”

  He grabbed her wrist before she could get away. “Why are you saying no?”

  She wouldn’t look at him. “I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  “If you must know,” she said, sliding her hand through his fingers, “it’s because I’m already in a relationship. Curtis Puckett, from Research & Development. Remember?”

  Kyle smiled. “Molly Connors, you are a liar.�

  “What?!” She whirled around and stared at him. She looked horrified. A blush swept her face.

  “Whatever is going on between you and Curtis, it ain’t sex.”

  His words galvanized her. Molly inched closer to the door. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He placed his hands on his hips. “Yeah, I do.”

  Molly tried to look offended. “I don’t lie.”

  Kyle’s bark of laughter ricocheted against the walls. “Are you kidding? You can’t stop yourself.”

  “Then why ask me anything?”

  “Because I want to know what you’re hiding.” Molly was probably the most fascinating woman he’d met. Was it the lies that intrigued him, or the hint of the true woman underneath the image? “One of these days I will know all of your secrets.”

  Her flushed skin went pale. She turned on her bare heel and bolted from the room.

  Kyle knew he had to let her go. This time.

  He knows…

  “Good morning, Annette,” Molly said with a smile bright and early Monday morning. Her stomach was in knots and her mind kept whirling, but she was determined to keep her game face on.

  He knows I lied to him.

  Lied? Ha. Even that was a lie. He knew she lied constantly. Fluently. Without even thinking about it.

  How long had he known? Molly wondered as the phone rang. Since the beginning? Had he been testing her? “Good morning,” she greeted the caller serenely. “How may I direct your call?”

  Worse, was he the only one who knew? Molly’s skin went clammy at the thought. Or did everyone else know and they were too polite to call her on it?

  Kyle was never accused of being polite.

  She didn’t mean to lie, Molly reminded herself as she grabbed the thick stack of mail waiting for her on her desk. She didn’t want to start out with the intention of lying.

  Okay, that wasn’t true. Molly rolled her eyes with self-disgust. She started the first time she didn’t have the money to cover a bill. She quickly made up for it, but she found that lying bought her time.


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