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Reveille in Washington

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by Margaret Leech

  WOOL, JOHN ELLIS 1784–1869 Born in Newburgh, N. Y.; he entered military service as an officer of volunteers in 1812, and was commissioned U.S. captain of infantry. He distinguished himself during the war, was severely wounded and promoted major. In the Mexican War, with the rank of brigadier, Wool was General Zachary Taylor’s second in command at Buena Vista. He was two years older than Scott, but in 1861 he was less feeble than the General-in-Chief, and could still sit a horse. In the first summer of the war, he superseded Butler at Fort Monroe, taking command of the Department of Virginia. In June, 1862, he succeeded Dix at Baltimore, commanding what was then the Middle Department. Wool was placed at the head of the Department of the East, with headquarters in New York City, in January, 1863, but after the draft riots in July he was replaced by Dix. The infirmities of old age forced his retirement from active service shortly after.



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