Rising Star
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57. Delores T. Wood to Jane Ramsey, “Close: Developing Communities Project,” 29 June 1987, HWP COF Box 27 Fld. 27 (“Hal Baron and Joe Washington handling matter . . . . Mtg. set next Monday Sept. 28”); David Giffey, “Mulling Change with a Young Obama in Spring Green,” Madison Capital Times, 21 July 2009; Kellman in David Moberg, “Obama’s Community Roots,” Nation, 16 April 2007, and in Sharon Cohen (AP), “Barack Obama Straddles Different Worlds,” 14 December 2007; McKnight, “The Future of Low-Income Neighborhoods and the People Who Reside There,” Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research, Northwestern University, June 1987, 18pp., esp. pp. 3, 5, 7–8, 12; McKnight, “Do No Harm,” Social Policy, Summer 1989, pp. 5–14, reprinted in The Careless Society, pp. 101–14; Beryl Satter, Family Properties (Metropolitan Books, 2009), p. 128; Boyte in “Mr. Obama’s Neighborhood,” Bradley Center, Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C., 1 October 2008, p. 13; William Upski Wimsatt, “Anonymous Benefactor,” CR, 26 March 1998; Anthony Burke Boylan, “Scholar Stanley J. Hallett, 68, Mixed Theology, Urban Planning,” CT, 26 November 1998; John McCarron, “Stan Hallett’s Quiet Crusade for Simple Solutions Will Live On,” CT, 30 November 1998; Linda Randle in David Jones, “Obama the Chameleon,” Daily Mail, 1 November 2008, p. 46 (recalling Sheila as “super intelligent” and having “a lot of ambition”); DJG interviews with Hal Baron, John McKnight, Jerry Kellman, Greg Galluzzo, Mike Kruglik, Johnnie Owens, Bruce Orenstein, Linda Randle, Sheila Jager, and Harvey Lyon. See also John P. Kretzmann and McKnight, Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets (ACTA Publications, 1993).
58. Barbara Marsh, “Strike, Learning Goals Stall School-Biz Pact,” CCB, 21 September 1987, p. 3; Andrew Martin and Casey Banas, “Parents Rally to Reform Schools,” CT, 9 October 1987, p. 7; Banas, “Schools Risk Funding Loss,” CT, 11 October 1987, p. 1; Marsh, “School Reform Gets Tepid Biz Response,” CCB, 12 October 1987, p. 3; Banas and Cheryll Devall, “A 1st Step to Reform in Schools,” CT, 12 October 1987, p. 1; Linda Lenz, “Mayor Vows Unified School Reform Plan,” CST, 12 October 1987, p. 5; Chinta Strausberg, “Mayor Tabs School Summit a ‘Success,’” CD, 13 October 1987, p. 1; William Snider, “Chicago’s ‘Unprecedented’ Populist Revolt,” Education Week, 28 October 1987, pp. 1, 20–21; Robert Davis and Jan Crawford, “Reform Must Be Tied to Aid, Schools Told,” CT, 3 November 1987, p. 3; Banas and Devonda Byers, “Chicago’s Schools Hit as Worst,” CT, 7 November 1987, p. 1; “Schools in Chicago Are Called the Worst by Education Chief,” NYT, 8 November 1987; Jack Houston, “Mayor: We’ll Clean Up Schools,” CT, 8 November 1987, p. 3; Marsh, “School Reform a Must: Biz Group,” CCB, 9 November 1987, p. 3; Banas, “School Plan Calls for Local Control,” CT, 10 November 1987; William S. McKersie, “Reforming Chicago’s Public Schools: Philanthropic Persistence, 1987–1993,” Advances in Educational Policy 2 (1996): 141–57; H. Gregory Meyer, “Taking a Novel Approach Toward Harold Washington’s Reign,” CT, 24 September 2004.
59. Pullman Christian Reformed Church Bulletins, 6 and 27 September and 4 and 11 October 1987; “Ill. Economy to Be Explored,” DC, 15 September 1987, p. A5; Inscapes (GSU), 30 September 1987, p. 2; Board of Governors News, “First Annual Board of Governors Public Policy Conference to Be Held at GSU,” 5 October 1987; Mark Bouman, “The Place of Place in Community Economic Development,” 16 October 1987, “Developing Illinois’ Economy: A Statewide Perspective,” 16 October 1987 (pp. 15–16), Mark Bouman Papers; Richard Ringer, “Chicago Bank Agrees to Plan for Local Loans,” American Banker, 26 August 1987, p. 3; Leon Pitt, “Bank, Blacks in $20 Million Pact,” CST, 18 September 1987, p. 42; John Camper, “Community Pressure Keeps Bank Funds Right at Home,” CT, 22 September 1987, p. C1; Ben Joravsky, “South Side Hardball: Residents and White Bankers Team Up in $20 Million Investment Agreement,” CR, 15 October 1987; R. Bruce Dold, “Minority Bank Faces Surprise Foe,” CT, 5 May 1988, p. C1; Joravsky, “Roseland’s Thorny Problem,” CR, 7 July 1988; Susan Chandler, “Bankers Paint Two Pictures of Roseland Activist Lomax,” CST, 24 July 1989, p. 37; Maggie Garb, “Foreclosures Plague Austin, Roseland,” CST, 7 August 1988, p. H1; Garb, “Community Leaders Working to Put Hope Back in Roseland,” CST, 29 July 1990, p. 16; Brian Edwards, “Dressed for Success,” CT, 11 October 1991; “Chicago Man Opens Mall,” Jet, 10 May 1993, pp. 24–25; Satter, Family Properties, pp. 371–75; Richard Mertens, “Dream Deferred,” University of Chicago Magazine, May–June 2011; Darryl E. Getter, “The Effectiveness of the Community Reinvestment Act,” Congressional Research Service, 7 January 2015; DJG interviews with Mark Bouman, Richard Longworth, Josh Hoyt, and Ed Grossman.
60. Nina Totenberg, “Justice Brennan,” All Things Considered, NPR, 29 and 30 January 1987, AT-87-0129.01/01-C; Obama to Brennan, 7 December 1990, WJBP Box II-94; “The Disadvantaged Among the Disadvantaged: Responsibility of the Black Churches to the Underclass,” Harvard Divinity School, 23–25 October 1987; Luix Overbea, “Black Clergy Look for Ways to Stem the Spread of Urban Poverty,” CSM, 6 November 1987, p. 6; “The Return of America’s Conscience,” Harvard Divinity Bulletin, February 1988, p. 4; Obama to Phil Boerner, 26 October 1987, Boerner Papers; Titcomb in Peter Serafin, “Punahou Grad Stirs Up Illinois Politics,” HSB, 21 March 2004, and in Mendell, Obama, p. 82; Kellman in Bob Secter and John McCormick, “Portrait of a Pragmatist,” CT, 30 March 2007, in Liza Mundy, “A Series of Fortunate Events,” WP Magazine, 12 August 2007, in Smith, “The Ascent of Mr. Charisma,” Sunday Times Magazine, 23 March 2008, on Anderson Cooper 360, CNN, 15 April 2008, in Rodric J. Bradford, “Hiring Barack Obama,” BustedHalo.com, 19 April 2008, in Byron York, “The Organizer,” National Review, 30 June 2008, in Serge Kovaleski, “In Organizing, Obama Led While Finding His Place,” NYT, 7 July 2008; Kellman’s July 2008 interview with Jim Gilmore; Kellman in Jon Meacham, “On His Own,” Newsweek, 1 September 2008, p. 26, in John B. Judis, “Creation Myth,” TNR, 18 September 2008, on All Things Considered, NPR, 17 October 2008, and in “Obama as We Knew Him,” Observer, 26 October 2008, pp. 4–7; Obama in John Corr, “From Mean Street to Hallowed Halls,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 27 February 1990, pp. C1, C4, in David Heckelman, “Lawyer-Legislator Breathes Life into the Dreams of His Father,” CDLB, 26 April 1997, p. 9, in his 2001 interview with Julieanna Richardson, on The Strausberg Report in 2002, in “Introducing Barack Obama” in 2003, and on Charlie Rose, 23 November 2004; Obama’s 2 and 16 June 2006 commencement speeches at the University of Massachusetts at Boston and Northwestern University; Obama’s remarks at Campus Progress Annual Conference, D.C., 12 July 2006, and remarks to College Democrats of America, Columbia, SC, 26 July 2007; Obama’s 5 December 2007 remarks at Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, and 25 May 2008 Wesleyan University commencement address; Obama, “A New Era of Service,” University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, 2 July 2008; Obama in Richard Stengel et al., “The Interview,” Time, 17 December 2008; Robert D. McFadden, “Rev. Peter J. Gomes Is Dead at 68; A Leading Voice Against Intolerance,” NYT, 1 March 2011; DJG interviews with Arnie Graf, Asif Agha, Sheila Jager, Charles Payne, and Jerry Kellman.
61. Obama to Phil Boerner, 26 October 1987, Boerner Papers; Greg Galluzzo 1987 planning diary, GGP; Galluzzo to Ellen Benjamin (Borg-Warner Foundation), 16 May 1987, and Galluzzo to Mariita Conley (Beatrice Foundation), 2 December 1987, Gamaliel Papers; Kruglik in Secter and McCormick, “Portrait of a Pragmatist,” CT, 30 March 2007, in Remnick, The Bridge, p. 161, and in McClelland, Young Mr. Obama, p. 175; DJG interviews with David Kindler, Kevin Jokisch, Danny Solis, Phil Mullins, Mike Kruglik, Paul Scully, Mike Pfleger, Mary Yu, Ken Brucks, and Regina Foran Thibeau. On Foran, see Jan Crawford, “10 Groups Granted $148,000,” CT, 26 July 1987, and Foran, “Glimpses of Discipleship,” Upturn, October–November 1987, p. 9. In September 1987, Ken Rolling of Woods wrote that UNO’s groups “together represent perhaps the strongest organizing neighborhood constituency in the city outside of the political machines.” McKersie, “Strategic Philanthropy and Local Public Policy,” p. 370.
62. Gre
g Galluzzo 1987 planning diary, GGP; Patrick J. Keleher 1987 pocket Day-Timers, 17 September 1987 (“Nice chat with Barack”), 13 October 1987, 13 and 17 November 1987 (7 P.M. Reformation Lutheran in the latter), PJKP; “Classes to Begin on College Testing,” CT, 22 September 1987; “College Entrance Exam Forms Available,” CT, 25 September 1987; “Al Raby to Leave City Rights Post,” CT, 19 October 1987, p. 2; Nat Krieger, “DCP Seeks to Improve Public Education,” CD, 23 November 1987, p. 8; Larry Finley, “Agencies Get Help to Help Others,” CST, 29 December 1987, p. 9; Jean Franczyk, “School Reform Pressure Continues,” Chicago Reporter, January 1988, pp. 1, 8–9, 11; Obama to Anne Hallett, Developing Communities Project 1988 Proposal to the Wieboldt Foundation, 26 January 1988, Wieboldt Foundation 1988 Annual Report, p. 15, Wieboldt Papers; “New School Reform Effort in Roseland,” TNW, March–April 1988, p. 11; Edith R. Sims, “Successful Programs, Policies, and Practices Employed at Corliss High School,” Journal of Negro Education 57 (Summer 1988): 394–407, esp. 394–97; “A Guide to Regional and Local Grantmakers,” [1988], esp. pp. 203, 205, Human SERVE Papers Box 16, Fld. 742; Woods Charitable Fund, Report for the Year 1987, esp. p. 20, and Report for the Year 1988, esp. p. 26 (showing $25,500 for “operating support” to DCP); Robert Foulkes and William Peterman, “Roseland Community Credit Needs Assessment,” Voorhees Center, University of Illinois at Chicago, June 1992, esp. parts G1 and G2; Obama, DFMF, pp. 256–61, 267–68, 279–80; Jerry Kellman, AriseChicago Breakfast Talk, 24 November 2009; Kim Geiger, “Obama Tour Covers President’s South Side Past,” CT, 11 November 2013; DJG interviews with Greg Galluzzo, Johnnie Owens, Aletha Strong Gibson, Ann West, Carolyn Wortham, Homer Franklin, Shirley Chappell, Sokoni Karanja, Steve Perkins, Jerry Kellman, Mary Bernstein, Tyrone Partee, John Webster, and Jean Rudd. On Robert Healey, see Ana Mendieta, “Labor Leader Robert Healey Dies at 72,” CST, 24 July 2002, p. 16, James Janega, “Stalwart Led Chicago Labor Unions,” CT, 24 July 2002, and “Robert M. Healey: A Legacy of Vision and Strength,” Insight (IFT), Winter 2003. On Carver High School, where the late Marcellus Stamps Jr. succeeded the late Alexander Whitfield as principal in mid-1987, see “Carver’s Walters: More Than a Coach,” CST, 26 October 1986, Bonita Brodt, “That ‘Mean’ Lady,” CT, 3 March 1987, and Vernon Jarrett, “Academic ‘All-Star’ Inspires Carver Kids,” CST, 23 November 1987, p. 28; on Fenger High School, whose principal was the late Leo Dillon, see Robin Downing, “Gangs Lead to Closed Campus,” New Expression, September 1987, p. 5; on Julian High School, whose Dr. Oliver is also deceased, see Kimberly Ward, “Social Clubs Don’t ‘Clique’ with All Students” and “Social Clubs Banned at Julian,” New Expression, January 1988, p. 12, and February 1988, p. 4.
63. Thomas J. Murphy to Lawrence E. Kennon (ZBA), 18 September 1987, HWP PSS Box 12 Fld. 11; Casey Bukro, “South Side Smog Report Singes Wood Stoves, Traffic,” CT, 25 September 1987, p. 3; Bill Richards, “Waste Management Faces More Inquiries,” WSJ, 28 September 1987, p. 6; Murphy to Michael Holewinski, 7 October 1987, HWP PSS Box 12 Fld. 11; Deborah Nelson, “U.S. EPA Refuses to Testify in S. South Pollution Probe,” CST, 14 October 1987, p. 22; Nelson, “S. Side Landfill in Use Without Permits Since ’83,” CST, 16 October 1987, p. 5; Robert Bergsvik, “Paxton Court Date Is Set,” DC, [17 October 1987] (HWP PSS Box 12 Fld. 11); Bukro, “Garbage Piles Up as City Loses Ground,” CT, 26 October 1987, p. 1; “Burying Our Heads in the Garbage,” CT, 28 October 1987, p. 18; Howard Stanback to Harold Washington, “Proposed Solid Waste Management Plan: An Outline,” 28 October 1987, HWP COS Box 49 Fld. 6; Bergsvik, “Toxic Panel Wraps Up Public Hearings,” DC, 29 October 1987, p. A2; Jean Davidson, “State EPA Calls for Crackdown on Southeast Side Pollution,” CT, 30 October 1987, p. C6; Don B. Gallay to Lee Botts, “Paxton Landfill,” 3 November 1987, HWP PSS Box 12 Fld. 11; Botts to Stanback, “Comments on Proposal on Toxic Waste Incineration,” 12 November 1987, HWP CSS Box 49 Fld. 6; “Waste Proposal Meeting Agenda,” 16 November 1987, JLP Box 41 Fld. SAMP; James E. Landing to LCSC Members, 20 November 1987, JLP Box 29 Fld. LCSC.
64. Casey Banas, “948 School Jobs Axed for Teachers’ Raises,” CT, 25 November 1987, p. 4; Thomas Hardy and R. Bruce Dold, “Mayor’s Death Stuns City,” Hardy and Dold, “Washington Suffers Heart Attack,” Robert Davis, “Black Leader, 65, on Verge of Dream,” and John Camper and John Kass, “Private Man with a Public Life,” CT, 26 November 1987, p. 1; William Braden, “Heart Attack Kills Mayor,” Philip Franchine, “Stunned City Mourns,” and “The Mayor and His Rich Legacy,” CST, 26 November 1987; “Washington’s Showdown Victory,” CT, 8 April 1987; “Harold Washington and Chicago,” CT, 26 November 1987, p. 30; Davis and Manuel Galvan, “Mayor Will Lie in State in City Hall,” CT, 27 November 1987; Hardy and Mitchell Locin, “Mayor’s Coalition in Peril,” CT, 29 November 1987; John Kass, “Who Will Wear the Mantle?,” CT, 28 February 1988; Holli and Green, Bashing Chicago Traditions, p. vii; Robert Mier et al., “Decentralization of Policy Making Under Mayor Harold Washington,” Research in Urban Policy 4 (1992): 79–102, at 95; Orr in Camper and Kass, “Scandal Gets Too Big for Mayor to Ignore,” CT, 9 February 1986; William J. Grimshaw, Bitter Fruit: Black Politics and the Chicago Machine, 1931–1991 (University of Chicago Press, 1992), pp. 184, 195–97; Kass and Michele Norris, “Service Becomes Rally for Evans,” Dold and Hardy, “Sawyer’s Mayoral Bid Gathers Steam,” Dold and James Strong, “Sawyer Says He Has Enough Votes to Win,” CT, 1 December 1987; Galvan, “Memorial Gives Way to Politics,” William Recktenwald and Galvan, “Madhouse Inside and Outside,” and Kass and Camper, “Council Elects Sawyer Mayor,” CT, 2 December 1987; Strong and Hardy, “Sawyer Elected After a Raucous Night,” Hardy, “Succession Fight Split Blacks, United Whites,” Camper, “Mayor Makes Pitch for Unity,” and Kass, “Key Washington Ally Watches Glumly as Her Political World Comes to an End,” CT, 3 December 1987; Patrick Reardon, “Fallout Burns, Soothes Sawyer’s Backers,” CT, 7 December 1987; Vernon Jarrett, “Ald. Shaw: Our City’s Leading Phony,” CST, 8 January 1988, p. 41; Gary Rivlin, “Seven Days as Mayor,” CR, 10 March 1988; Sawyer’s December 1989 interview with Betty Brown-Chappell; Hawking, “Political Education in the Harold Washington Movement,” pp. 209–23. See also Larry Bennett, “Harold Washington’s Chicago: Placing a Progessive City Administration in Context,” Social Policy, Fall 1988, pp. 22–28, and Bennett, “Harold Washington and the Black Urban Regime,” Urban Affairs Quarterly 28 (March 1993): 423–40.
65. Obama on The Friday Night Show with Bob Sirott, WTTW.com, 3 December 2004; Obama in Gretchen Reynolds, “Vote of Confidence,” Chicago Magazine, January 1993; Obama, DFMF, pp. 287–89; Obama in Hank DeZutter, “What Makes Obama Run?,” CR, 8 December 1995; Obama’s 2001 interview with Julieanna Richardson; Obama in Caroline Daniel, “Political Rookie Traverses the Ethnic Divide,” FT, 24 June 2004, p. 8; Obama in Barkley, Who’s Afraid of a Large Black Man? p. 36; Obama, TAOH, p. 360; Obama in Maraniss, BOTS, p. 562; Obama’s 30 July 2013 interview with David Blum; McKnight in Judis, “Creation Myth,” TNR, 10 September 2008; McKnight YouTube video, 1 August 2008; McClelland, Young Mr. Obama, p. 178; Greg Galluzzo in Daniel Libit, “The End of Community Organizing in Chicago?,” Chicago Magazine, April 2011; Peter Slevin, Michelle Obama (Knopf, 2015), p. 163; DJG interviews with Steve Perkins, Patty Novick, Judy Stevens, Michael Baron, John McKnight, Greg Galluzzo, and Mary Gonzales.
66. Greg Galluzzo 1987 planning diary, GGP; Patrick J. Keleher 1987 pocket Day-Timers, 8 and 11 December 1987, PJKP; Jack Houston, “School Reform Efforts Move Ahead,” CT, 30 November 1987, p. 1; Casey Banas, “Forum Asks Local Power for Schools,” CT, 2 December 1987; Harry Golden Jr., “Mayor to ‘Reach Out’ to Heal Racial Rifts,” CST, 4 December 1987, p. 7; Barbara Marsh, “Report Rips Chicago United Record,” CCB, 7 December 1987, p. 1; Houston, “Teachers’ Rejection of Reform Draws Ire of Watchdog Groups,” CT, 13 December 1987, p. 3; Patrick Reardon, “City School Integration Spending Hit,” CT, 16 December 1987; Manford Byrd Jr., “Help Schools Before Pushing Jobs Plan,” CT, 21 December 1987; Jean Franczyk, “Sch
ool Reform Pressure Continues,” Chicago Reporter, January 1988, pp. 1, 8–9, 11; Howard Stanback to Ernest Barefield, “Solid Waste Management Planning,” 7 December 1987, HWP COS Box 49 Fld. 6; Landing to Lake Calumet Study Committee Members, 7 December 1987, and Fitch to Landing, 7 December 1987, JLP Box 42 Fld. Fitch; Casey Bukro, “City’s Garbage Disposal Crisis Major Issue Facing New Mayor,” CT, 8 December 1987, p. C4; Report of the Joint Committee of Hazardous Waste in the Lake Calumet Area, December 1987, esp. pp. 16, 20, RGP; Robert Bergsvik, “Pollution Report Urges Health Studies,” DC, 9 December 1987, p. 1; Lake Calumet Area Health Study Urged,” CT, 9 December 1987; Barefield to Stanback, “Solid Waste Management Planning,” 11 December 1987, HWP COS Box 49 Fld. 6; Bergsvik, “2 Landfill Permits Expected,” DC, 18 December 1987, p. 1; Larry Gross, “5 Teens Charged as Adults in Altgeld Garden Slaying,” CD, 8 December 1987, p. 3; Dan Nakaso, “Obama’s Tutu a Hawaii Banking Female Pioneer,” HA, 30 March 2008; Mary Zurbuchen in Amanda Ripley, “The Story of Barack Obama’s Mother,” Time, 21 April 2008; Allen G. Breed (AP), “‘Toot’: Obama Grandmother a Force That Shaped Him,” 23 August 2008; DJG interviews with Johnnie Owens, Alice Dewey, Asif Agha, and Sheila Jager.