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A Day And Forever: A Steamy Older Man Younger Woman Romance

Page 5

by Mia Madison

  Kate looked up, sensing something. “You okay?”

  I smiled, kissed her forehead, and stroked her soft hair. “I’m good, babe,” I said. “Never better.”


  Tough Advice


  It turned out Jack wasn’t kidding about wanting to go to the library, so I dropped him off before I met up with Melissa at the mall. She was looking at me in a weird sort of way.

  “What?” I said.

  “You seem… different.”

  “Different how?”

  “I don’t know,” Melissa said as she scrutinized me. “Something’s changed. You’re like, glowing, almost as if…” She stopped, her eyes going wide. “Oh my god, Kate, you did it, didn’t you?”

  “Did what?” I said, trying to play the innocent card, but Melissa saw right through me.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  “What, Melissa?”

  “You fucking did it!” She squealed. “How did it happen? Who did you do it with? I want details, Kate!”

  Melissa was like a force of nature, insisting on hearing the whole story, so I finally relented. I told her how I found a bar far away from home, ordered a vodka without getting carded from a bartender looking like Gandalf, and how I pretty much threw myself at a complete stranger who turned out to be my dad’s friend who had come over to stay with us for a few weeks while he sorted out some personal problems. I intentionally left out the part where we had sex by the lake early in the morning and again not too long ago in my car in the middle of a forest. She didn’t need to know everything.

  Melissa shook her head in awe after I finished. “Kate, you couldn’t possibly make up a thing like that if your life depended on it. Holy fuck! And your parents know nothing about this?”


  “Damn,” she said as we continued walking aimlessly. “So what happens now? It must be super awkward to have the man you just fucked walking around the house.”

  “It was, in the beginning, but we’re cool with it now.”

  “So you’ve talked to him? You were actually able to talk to him with your parents around?”

  “Yeah, we talked,” I said, unable to hide my smile. “I gave him a ride…” I had to stop as the memory of me bouncing on top of him at the back of my car filled my mind. I cleared my throat. “I gave him a ride into town because he wanted to go to the library.”

  “He’s here? I want to meet him! Is he hot?”

  “Oh yeah,” I said, smiling.

  “How old is he?”

  “He’s probably a couple of years younger than my dad, so maybe around forty or so.”

  Melissa stared at me. “Oh, you dirty little girl!”

  “Hey, you’re the one who suggested I do this!”

  “Yeah, but I never thought you’d go through with it. And with an older man too! That must have been some itch you needed to scratch! How was he? Was he good? I heard older men know what they’re doing when it comes to sex. Is that true?”

  Her questions fired up the reel of my recent carnal experiences. I could still feel him sliding in and out of me, his hands pressing on my breasts, his mouth sucking my sensitive nipples, and his warm essence filling me up inside. The images in my mind were making me horny all over again.

  “Well,” I said, hoping Melissa didn’t notice I was getting all flustered. “I don’t have anyone else to compare him with, but oh yeah, he’s good.”

  We giggled together.

  “So you actually like him?”

  “Yeah, I like him.”

  “What happens now, though?”

  I shrugged. It was a question I had been asking myself.

  “Does he know you’re headed off to college tomorrow?”


  “You might want to have a real talk with him, then. Just make it clear to him that this was just a, you know, a thing, not a serious thing. Let him know you two can never really be together.”

  “Why not?” I said defensively.

  “Uh, hello? Of course you can’t. Kate, you’ve already got a full stack of reasons going against you.” She ticked off the reasons with her fingers. “First, he’s a lot older than you. Second, he’s your dad’s friend. Third, he’s probably married with kids.”

  “He’s divorced. Or will be divorced, I think. No kids.”

  Melissa dismissed my point. “Whatever. And finally, you’re going off to college tomorrow, and I’m telling you right now, if you think you can do a long distance relationship, it’s not gonna work. It just won’t.”

  “I see,” I said, Melissa’s words hurting me more than I thought they would. I didn’t care about our age gap or that he was dad's friend. I felt a connection to him I never experienced with anyone else, and every moment we're away I could not stop thinking about him. And it wasn't just infatuation. There was something about him, something that filled a part of me I didn't know I was missing until I met him.

  My moving away for college, though, that was going to be an issue. We had barely just met, and there was no time left to let our relationship flower and grow. Why couldn't I have met him earlier? I wouldn't have been so hell-bent on getting as far away from home as possible. I would have willingly gone to a local college - even a community college - if it would give us the chance to be together.

  We walked around for almost an hour, with Melissa doing most of the talking while I remained preoccupied with my dilemma. Finally I could not stand it anymore. I had to see him, had to hold him again. And he needed to know I was leaving. I pulled out my phone and texted him.

  u still at library?

  His reply was immediate.

  yeah, miss u though

  me too, wanna grab lunch?


  be there in 15


  I tucked my phone in my pocket and faced Melissa.

  "Hey, I gotta go. I need to pick Jack up and take him home."

  "Can I come with you?"

  "No!" I said, surprising her with my abrupt tone. I had to calm myself down. "No, I need to talk to him, like you said. He might feel awkward with you around."

  "I was just kidding, Kate," she said, smiling. “See you later tonight, then?”

  “Yup,” I said, hugging her. “Later.”


  Sex and Sushi


  Jack was waiting for me by the curb in front of the library, holding a couple of books.

  “Hey,” he said, closing the door and tossing the books in the back. We squeezed hands, and, after glancing around to make sure no one was looking, he leaned across and gave me a big kiss.

  “Got what you needed?” I said as I pulled out and merged into the main street.

  “Yeah, pretty much,” Jack said, smiling at me. I loved how he smiled at me, and how he looked at me as if I were the most important and precious thing in his life. My heart was already aching, knowing I was going to miss that smile, that look, and his touch.

  “What did you get?”

  “Just a couple of books on writing.”

  “So you’re really going to try and write again?”

  “We’ll see.” He pointed at a diner we just passed. “Isn’t that the restaurant your mom recommended?”

  “You do not want to go there, believe me.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, besides the fact that half the staff there are buddies of my mom who had probably been given instructions in advance to spy on you, their food is really not that great.”


  “Do you like sushi?”

  “I love sushi.”

  “Good, that’s where we’re going.”

  “Are you sure your mom doesn’t have spies there?”

  “Pretty sure. Mom hates Asian food, and the owners of this place are an old Japanese couple who can barely speak English.”

  A few minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant that looked more like a residence.

  “Looks like someone’s house,”
Jack said as we got out.

  “It is. The couple transformed the front into a restaurant some ten years ago, but they still live in the back.”

  “That’s cool.”

  We walked up the short flight of stairs and were greeted by a young Asian woman.

  “Konnichiwa. Table for two?”

  “Yes, please. Is the tatami room available?”

  “Yes, of course. This way, please,” she said, grabbing a couple of heavy menu books and leading us around the restaurant to a small private room with a traditional rice paper sliding door, tatami mats, and a sunken table. We had to remove our shoes before she let us in.

  “This is cozy,” Jack said as we sat across each other. “So this is where you take all your boyfriends?”

  “Hah,” I said. “No boyfriends, unfortunately.”

  “A hot cutie like you? I find that hard to believe.”

  “Believe it. With my dad being a well-respected, and some say well-feared, member of the church, the boys I know think God’s full wrath will rain on them if they as much as look at me the wrong way.”

  “Are you trying to tell me I’ve just doomed my soul for the things I did to you?” He reached across the table and caressed my hand, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  “Absolutely,” I said.

  An old woman walked toward us, and I instinctively pulled my hand away, but I knew she saw us touching. Even though I was pretty sure my mom didn’t know her, for some reason I still felt self-conscious about other people seeing me being intimate with him.

  ”Hello and welcome,” she said in a heavily-accented English. “Something to drink?”

  “Hot tea.”

  “Me too,” Jack said. “Why don’t you order for both of us, Kate?”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, go for it.”

  I rattled off some of my favorite sushi dishes without bothering with the menu. I’ve been here so many times I had pretty much memorized the food items.

  The woman took my order, bowed, and left.

  Jack and I talked endlessly about all kinds of things. We laughed and made jokes and opened our hearts out to each other and it felt wonderful, as if we had known each other for a very long time. When the food arrived we savored its many exotic flavors just as we savored each other’s company, and my heart grew heavier with each passing minute, knowing I had to tell him the bad news but wanting to delay it as much as possible.

  Jack, however, knew something was up.

  “What’s the matter, Kate?” He said, taking my hand and kissing it, causing me to shiver all over when his lips touched my skin. “You’ve been holding back on something, and I can feel it. Tell me.”

  I smiled and pressed my palm against his angular face, tracing the stubble along his jaw with my finger. “I wish we had met a lot earlier,” I said. I told myself I wasn’t going to cry, but my eyes welled up and the tears started rolling down my cheeks despite my iron will to prevent them.

  “Oh babe, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m leaving, Jack. I fly out tomorrow. For college.”

  “Oh,” Jack said, and I swore I heard his heart collapse. “So soon?”

  I nodded, not knowing what else to say. The old woman returned, but this time I didn’t pull my hand away. Suddenly I no longer cared about what she, or anyone else, thought about us.

  “So sorry,” she said, bowing deeply. “Is there anything else you need?”

  I cleared my throat. “No, thank you.”

  She placed the bill on the table.

  “I got it,” Jack said, reaching for his wallet and placing a credit card on the tray.

  “Thank you,” the woman said, bowing and leaving the room quickly.

  “So soon,” Jack repeated, kissing my hand and squeezing it. “Where are you going?”

  “New York. NYU.”

  “That’s… far.”

  “I know.”

  “You have a place to stay there?”

  “I’m staying in a dorm.”

  “I see.”

  Jack sighed. We stayed quiet for some time, holding hands across the table, both of us gripped in a depth of sadness no words could possibly express. At some point the old woman came back with Jack’s card and the receipt for him to sign. I didn’t even look at her, expecting her to leave immediately, but she stood still until I was forced to acknowledge her.

  “Yes?” I said sharply as I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

  “May I?” The woman gestured to a spot on the tatami mat between us.

  I was confused, my mind unable to register what she wanted. It was Jack who nodded.

  “Sure,” he said, reluctantly breaking off contact with me, his own eyes watery as well.

  “Domo arigato,” she said, kneeling down and tucking her feet under her, her frail hands resting on her thighs.

  Jack and I looked at each other, puzzled. He shrugged slightly.

  “Forgive the intrusion,” she said, bowing again. “I can tell, you two sad. In love, but sad. May I ask why?”

  I was aghast. How dare she? I was about to tell her to mind her own fucking business, but Jack caught my eyes and shook his head.

  “Yes, ma’am, we’re very much in love,” he said. “But Kate, here, she’s going away tomorrow. Off to college, in New York.”

  “Ah, New York? I understand, so far away,” she nodded. I looked at her, and for the first time I realized there was a sharp intelligence behind her weathered, aged face.

  “My name Harumi,” she said. “My husband, Hiroshi, and I have same problem. He much older than me. He twenty years older. We very much in love, back in Japan, but everyone against us. I was from rich family, very strict, and Hiroshi, he from poor family, worked for my father.

  “All friends say we not meant to be together. We hide always, keep our love secret, but father, he find out one day. He very powerful man in Tokyo. He punish Hiroshi, almost kill him, leave him bleeding and broken on dock. But Hiroshi survive. He stow away on ship, go to United States. He say he come back for me one day. He always write. I keep all his letters, read them every day. I not see him for ten years, but he keep in touch, and he keep his promise. One day he come back for me and I go with him on ship, to San Francisco.”

  Harumi took my hand and held it, surprising me with the strength of her grip. She held Jack with her other hand. “I say this now. Nothing impossible. You two love each other, I can tell. Nothing keep apart true love. Nothing. You two meant to be together. Your life not easy one, but worth all sacrifice. You understand?”

  Jack and I nodded.

  “Good,” she said, bringing her hands together until my fingers clasped around Jack’s. “Now I leave you two alone. No one come bother you. You stay as long as you want.”

  Harumi got up, bowed, and stepped out. She turned at the entrance to the room, gave us a mischievous smile, and closed the sliding door.

  Jack and I stared at each other. Without saying a word, he got up and walked around to my side of the table. He sat next to me, held my face in his hands, and kissed me. It was a long kiss, a kiss filled with strength and passion and tenderness, and my body respond immediately. I felt my nipples harden and a wetness started up between my legs even before his strong hand squeezed my breasts.

  He fumbled with my front buttons, as if his long fingers couldn’t undress me fast enough. With four buttons undone it was enough for him to push my bra down. One pale breast popped free and he was immediately on it, his mouth covering the dark circle, his tongue lapping and sucking on my taut nipple with an eagerness that surprised me.

  “Oh Jack,” I moaned, the sensations from the hundreds of sensitive nerve endings concentrated in my nipple generating a web of pleasure that spread through me quickly, my back arching as I pressed Jack’s face against my breast. His hand went under my dress, found my pussy, and let his finger slide through my folds, compounding the delicious feelings of pleasure already making its way to every inch of my body.

  “I want you, Kat
e babe,” Jack whispered. “I want you now, goddammit.”

  “Wait,” I gasped, grabbing his arm, his finger still inside of me. “What if she comes back?”

  “She won’t.”

  “Yes, but what if she does?”

  “This may be the last time I get to be with you, so I don’t fucking care. Do you?”

  He was right. Tomorrow I head off to college, and despite what Harumi said, I may never see him again. It might have worked out for her, but modern life can be a bitch. Who knew if we would get this chance again?

  “No,” I said, letting go of his his arm. With my heart hammering in my chest, I leaned back, lifted my dress, and spread my legs wide, my feet resting on the table. My juices were already flowing freely down to my ass and soaking the seat under me.

  Jack responded with a low growl. With his mouth latched on to my nipple tightly, he pushed a second finger inside me, his thumb bouncing around my exposed clit with a light pressure. The pleasure was too much. I started moaning louder but he clasped a large hand around my mouth.

  “Shhh,” he said, fingering me vigorously, his fingers curled up, rubbing a spot inside me I didn’t even know existed, sending delicious spasms through my spine and up, my legs trembling visibly.

  I shook my head and screamed into his clamped hand, my eyes wide as I gripped the edges of my seat, trying to stop the ball of tension that was quickly making its way upwards, but it was hopeless, and within a minute I was thrashing wildly as I came and squirted all over his hand, surprising both of us, the clear liquid splashing in every direction.

  “Fuck!” Jack said, unable to believe what had just happened. My squirting triggered something in him. I heard the animal-like growl he made, his eyes fierce and primal, and I knew I was hopeless to stop whatever came next. I didn’t care. I was his to do whatever he wanted, and what he wanted was to fuck me. Hard.

  Jack pulled me off the sunken table and pressed me down on the floor until my back rested on the tatami mat, my single exposed breast jiggling in front of me.

  “Be quiet,” he whispered, giving me a stern look.

  “No promises,” I replied.


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