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Not Broken-The Happily Ever After

Page 31

by Meka James

  Mal pulled them off. “These are mighty nice as well. Mighty nice, indeed. I can already picture you in these, the matching bra, and a sexy pair of high heels. This is good stuff. So, when do I get my surprise?”

  Shawn’s chubby fingers reached for the underwear. Once he had them back, they again went onto his head before he crawled over and climbed into the open suitcase. I picked him up and sat him down on the floor, removing the thong from his head in the process.

  “I bet you are excited.” I involuntarily glanced down at Malcolm’s crotch. “And if I told you, then it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

  Mal jumped up off the bed and scooped up Shawn before he could escape out the door. He let out a gleeful squeal when Mal spun him around.

  He walked over and picked up the boyshorts out of my suitcase. “I’d love it if you’d surprise me with these tonight.” With a quick kiss and a playful slap to my ass, he and Shawn were off.

  When I got downstairs, the two of them were on the floor wrestling. I put the suitcase down quietly then propped up against the wall to watch. Mal laid on his back, pretending to fight Shawn off while Shawn climbed on top of him. Malcolm was such a kid, but it worked in his favor. He was a good father to Shawn. Father. He’d easily stepped into that role. Willingly. And without being asked. Certainly, an unexpected occurrence, but watching them together I knew Shawn couldn’t have a better man to call dad.

  “One, two, three, you’re out,” I said.

  “What? This is rigged. Quickest count ever. I could have taken him.” Mal laughed as he sat up.

  I walked over and picked up Shawn and lifted one of his arms in the air. “Not rigged. My baby is champion fair and square.” I gave him a series of quick kisses on his neck and tickled his belly, sending him into a fit of giggles.

  “Uh-huh, sure. I want a rematch. And you need to be in proper ring girl attire.” Mal added and gave me a wink.

  “Why would I need that? I’m the ref, not the ring girl.”

  “Call it incentive for me to throw the match so Lil’ Man can retain his title.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Any excuse to have me barely dressed.”

  Mal stepped closer and slid his arms around my waist. A delicious smile spread across his face. He leaned forward, and his lips brushed against my cheek when he whispered, “Can you blame me?”

  I involuntarily shuddered. He stepped back, laughing as he took Shawn from me. “You get everything you need?” he asked, looking over at my suitcase.

  “Yeah, um, there’s a second one upstairs still that needs to be brought down.”

  “‘k.” He sat Shawn down before dashing off up the stairs.

  I took a seat on the floor next to Shawn, who had busied himself with his plastic building blocks, and reached out to straighten a few flyaway strands of his hair. “Whatcha say, kiddo, you up for a few more nights away from this place?”

  I knew I was. Coming back after time at Malcolm’s made this house less appealing. With most of my secrets exposed, the comfort and security I’d once had within the confines of these walls had morphed to more of an oppressive weight. Just driving through the gates, the pressure of it settled in my chest, making it hard to breathe.

  Malcolm came back down the steps, carrying the larger suitcase with ease. He said nothing as he picked up the other one and headed out the door. Shawn began to fuss when I picked him up, unhappy I interrupted his building.

  “How about we take them with us?”

  I put all the blocks in the large plastic bag, zipped it, and then gave it to him to carry. That seemed to appease him a little as he worked to unzip it.

  “Woah,” Mal said, stopping short from running into us when he reentered the house at the same time I tried to exit. “You got everything?”

  “Yeah, I’m going to grab his cars. Could you—”

  “Get him buckled in?” He smiled and gave me a wink.

  I laughed and nodded. “Thanks.”

  He gave me a quick kiss and the two of them ran off. Malcolm flying Shawn through the air as they headed to the door.

  When we got back to Mal’s place, I carried a sleeping Shawn up to his room while Mal took our bags. I turned around in circles when I entered the master bedroom but didn’t see my luggage. The sound of a door being opened got my attention. Mal came strolling out of the water closet.

  “Where are my suitcases?” I asked as he walked over to the sink to wash his hands.

  “In the closet.”

  I headed over to the large master closet. Inside, my suitcases sat on a completely empty side aside from three brand new packs of hangers. Mal had all his clothes and shoes, surprisingly, neatly arranged on one half of the space.

  “You can hang up stuff if you want. You know, just in case you don’t want to have to keep digging through your suitcase while you’re here.”

  I glanced back over my shoulder at him. “I thought you’d have this filled.”

  “The chest of drawers is empty, too. I took the dresser because it had more room.”

  I looked over at the tall piece of furniture that stood against the wall next to the closet. “You left me space?”

  Mal put his hands on my hips and pulled me back against him. “You sound surprised.” He gave me a kiss on the top of my head. “I told you this place is for us. When you’re ready. But, like with the decorating, I figured it’d be easier to plan ahead. Less adjustment needed that way.”

  I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist. He responded without hesitation, encasing me in warmth and security.

  “This is my favorite place.”

  “The closet?”

  “Your arms.”

  Chapter 53


  Macy and Mitch were waiting in the parking lot at Midtown Tavern when we arrived. She smiled and waved at us. Malcolm wasn’t overly thrilled about the karaoke night, and that made Macy even more excited about it. I had to admit, the idea of karaoke wasn’t my favorite either, not if I had to sing, but watching other people get drunk and sing badly would make for a fun night of entertainment.

  “This place is packed. Think we’re gonna get a table?” I asked, pulling her into a hug.

  “I think so.”

  “Hey, Mitch.”

  “Hey, Lee, how are you?” he asked, giving me a quick squeeze.

  Malcolm gave his sister a warm embrace before giving Mitch a bro hug.

  “Let’s go in and get a spot while we can.” Mitch took Macy’s hand and headed off toward the entrance.

  Mal placed his hand on the small of my back as we followed behind. “I meant what I said in the truck. I’m not singing.”

  I smiled up at him. “Aww, come on. I think you’d be great singing a little J. Lo or maybe some Lady Gaga.”

  Mal’s face contorted into the funniest look of total appall. I nearly choked on laughter.

  Macy gave an inquisitive glance back. “You okay?”

  I nodded. “Mal was just telling me he can’t wait to perform ‘Hips Don’t Lie.’” I could barely get the words out before I erupted into more giggles.

  “You’re not funny,” he said, frowning at me.

  “I kinda am, though.”

  Macy pressed her lips together to hide a smile. “Wow, Malcolm, we’ll have to get a table up front so I can record that.”

  “Why don’t ya’ll pick on Mitch?”

  “Don’t drag me into this. They’d plot to force us into a duet of ‘I Got You Babe’ or something.”

  “Oh, that’s perfect.” I said.

  “Man, don’t give them ideas.”

  “Too late,” Macy stated.

  Mal groaned, shaking his head, but I saw the smile tugging at his full lips. Music and multiple excited conversations filled the bar. It was busy, but luckily not too packed. We weaved through the crowd. Malcolm held my hand, leading me through. As we passed two women, I looked back when I heard one make some snarky comme
nt about being with a white woman. My eyes made brief contact with one of them before the gap filled with people as we continued on. We managed to find a four-seater, high-top table near the back. I glanced back in the direction of the bar but couldn’t see the women.

  “You okay?”

  I turned my attention to Malcolm and nodded. “Yeah, just checking out the crowd.”

  Macy and I got settled, and the guys headed to the bar after getting our drink orders. I watched Mal’s retreating back until he disappeared from sight. That nagging self-doubt part of me wondered if those women were still there. Wondered if they’d say something to him. I shook off the idea. I couldn’t let negative thoughts take over. For all I knew, they could’ve been talking about someone else, but then that look the one gave me made me believe the comment was about us.

  “Done checking out his ass?”

  I turned back to Macy, wide-eyed. “I wasn’t.”

  “Uh-huh, sure. I saw you watching him mighty hard.”

  “Well, if I was, I’m more than allowed to,” I replied, and stuck my tongue out at her.

  She scrunched up her face, which made me laugh. “Anyway, you’re looking good. Is that new?”

  Macy smiled and looked down at her outfit. The cute light pink, off-shoulder, peasant shirt matched well with the dark wash skinny jeans. “Yep. First night out in months, and I’m feeling a shit ton better, that was a cause for retail celebration.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “I even made it to the salon.”

  I ran my hands through my own hair. “I need to do the same.”

  She reached over, letting some of the strands run through her fingers. “I like that you’re growing it out.”

  “You sound like your brother. And here I thought my cut was cute.”

  “It was. Really. Not everyone can pull off a pixie cut, and you did it beautifully.” She sat back in her chair and frowned. “What did Mal say?”

  “Nothing. He’d just asked me a while back if I was ever going to grow it out.”

  Malcolm and Mitch returned to the table before she could say anything.

  “Here you go, baby, one virgin daiquiri,” Mitch said, handing Macy her drink. “And your chili cheese fries should be out shortly.” She gave him a quick peck on the lips.

  Malcolm slid onto the stool beside me, pushing a glass in my direction. “Got you this red wine the bartender suggested since you didn’t know what you wanted.”

  “Thank you.”

  He stretched his arm out along the back of my chair. His thumb moved in gentle strokes across the top of my back, and I leaned back into his touch. I slipped my hand under the table, placing it on his thigh. He looked over at me and smiled before taking a drink of his beer.

  “Ugh. I can’t with you two,” Macy groaned.

  Mitch laughed. “Baby, all he did was smile at her.”

  “But I know what that smile means.”

  “What? It’s a smile. Why are you adding meaning where there is none?” Mal asked.

  She waved him off as she took a sip of her drink. “All I’m sayin’ is with the way Lee here can’t keep her eyes off your ass, and you looking at her like that.” She stopped and frowned over at me. “And where is your other hand?”

  “It’s busy,” Mal answered for me. “I think motherhood is turning you into a prude.” He said before taking another drink of his beer.

  “No, it’s just you,” Macy replied, scrunching up her nose at him.

  “Lee, next time we should go out and leave them to bicker at home.”

  “I agree.” I reached across the table to clink my glass against Mitch's beer bottle. “In fact, let’s leave them now. I wanna dance.”

  Mitch looked momentarily surprised but he took another drink, and then kissed Macy on the cheek before climbing off the stool to join me. We didn’t go too deep onto the dancefloor and still had a clear view of the table. Mal moved over to my vacated seat, and the two of them watched us.

  “Any other woman and Macy would kick my ass for this,” Mitch laughed.

  I nodded in agreement. We settled into an easy rhythm, having fun and laughing each time we looked back to see the siblings no doubt talking crap about us.

  “Hey, Mitch, have you ever done tattoo removal?”

  “Not many, but I can. Why?”

  “And scars?”

  “Not usually, but every case is different.”

  “No, I meant scar removal, if that’s an option.”

  He stopped dancing. “Not impossible, but it can be tricky. Why all the questions?”

  I looked over my shoulder at Macy, and he followed my line of sight.

  “Okay, if it’s something you don’t want me to tell her, then you need to make an appointment. Doctor confidentiality and all that’ll help me feel as though I’m not hiding stuff from her. You know how she is, especially when it comes to you.”

  I nodded then turned and linked my arm with his as we headed back to the table. “I wouldn’t put you in that position. She knows about the tattoo.”

  “But not the scar.” I shook my head. “Okay, well come by to see me if you want, and we can discuss.”

  I smiled at him. “Do I get the friends and family discount?”

  He gave a hearty laugh and nodded his head. “Sure, sure. The rich folk always want the discounts.”

  “Discounts on what?” Macy asked when we got back to the table.

  Mitch reached for one of Macy’s fries and shot me a look. I settled back into my seat. Mal slipped his hand around my waist, resting it on my hip.

  “What are you two cooking up?”

  “Nothing.” I grabbed my glass and took a drink. “Just thinking about getting some work done.”

  Macy choked on the fry she’d just put in her mouth. “What?”

  “What? What? Why is that so shocking?”

  “Because it is. You aren’t that kind of person.”

  “What kind of person?”

  “The kind so wrapped up in her looks that she’d go under the knife.”

  “For once, Macy and I agree on something,” Mal chimed in.

  Macy turned to her husband. “You told her no, right?”

  He picked up his bottled, and guzzled the remaining contents. “I’m gonna get another.”

  Macy grabbed his arm. “Oh no you don’t, mister.”

  I laughed and shot a quick side glance at Mal. “Nothing major, geez. Just maybe one of those Brazilian butt lifts.”

  “I like your ass as it is, and any work you get on it means time I can’t grab it.”

  Reaching up, I cupped his cheek with one hand, and pulled him toward me. “You say the sweetest things,” I said before giving him a quick kiss.

  Macy pretended to gag and Mitch took the opportunity to make an escape, “You want another?” he asked, pointing at me and Mal. We nodded.

  Macy turned her attention to me after he’d walked off. “So, what’s the deal, Lee?”

  I reached for Mal’s hand, shifting my gaze between the two of them. “I asked him about tattoo removal.” I smiled at Mal. “Happy? My ass won’t be out of commission.”

  He laughed and nodded. “Very.” He gave my hand a light squeeze, then leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of my shoulder. “I love you,” he whispered.

  Reaching up, I stroked the side of his face. “Love you more.”

  “Doubt it.”

  “Ugh. Where’s my man?”

  Right on cue, Mitch appeared through the crowd with three drinks in his hand. Once he’d distributed them, Macy threw her arms around his neck in dramatic fashion.

  “Save me, babe. These two are drowning me in a sea of mushiness.”

  “Aww, is my poor wife feeling left out?”

  She pouted with a nod. Mitch put his hands on either side of her face and gave her a long kiss. This time it was Mal who pretended to gag. She got up and sat in Mitch’s lap. He placed his hand on her belly and whispe
red something in her ear. The smile that broke out on her face gave me a clue as to the nature of their secret.

  More people piled into the place, and we had to damn near yell to talk to each other over the volume of the music. A song I liked came on. Easing off my chair, I moved to stand in front of Mal to dance. His hands were on my waist, pulling me back between his legs. They moved over my hips, down to the hem of my dress, and then slowly made their way beneath it. Turning, I mouthed at him to stop before swatting his hand away. He’d been dying to know which panties I wore tonight.

  “I have to pee,” Macy announced. She grabbed my arm, pulling me along with her. She groaned at the sight of the long line. “Why can’t we use the men’s? If you’ve seen one dick, you’ve seen them all, so what’s the big deal?”

  I said nothing as I tugged her away from the men’s and took our place at the end of the line. We started dancing to the next song that came on. As we inched forward, a small wave of women walked out of the bathroom. Two of them were the ones who had made the comment about me being with Mal. The one I’d made eye contact with when we’d arrived stopped and looked me up and down with her lips stuck out in a twisted pout. I had no idea what her problem was, but I gave her the same stare down. She wasn’t bad looking—thick and curvy, wearing a pair of jeans that could have been painted on. If the bright red color of her shirt didn’t catch your eye, the deep V certainly would.

  “What the hell you lookin’ at?” Macy asked.

  Some of the other women in line turned to look. The woman’s friend pulled her away before she could respond.

  “What the hell was that? You know her?”

  I looked back and shook my head. “Maybe she likes my dress.”

  Whatever her problem was, it wasn’t mine, and I wouldn’t dwell on it.

  Macy linked her arm with mine as we headed back to the table. “So, I thought it’d be weird, but it’s not as bad as I thought.”


  “You and Mal. Seeing the two of you together, it’s good. You’re good. You’re happy. I can tell.”

  I smiled and squeezed her arm. “I’m trying to…” My words died off when we made it through the crowd, and I saw that same woman standing near our table.


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