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Loved Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 2)

Page 3

by Nellie C. Lind

  Shade and Phoebe lived across the street. They’d been home for a few days now since the incident with Nightmare and his Fighters. Their bond was restored, and they seemed happy.

  Faye, on the other hand, was not her cheerful self anymore. Not since she’d kissed Silver to save Shade from the Fighters. Where he was now, Celise didn’t know, but she knew one thing. It wasn’t over for Faye, far from it.

  “Why don’t you sit down and bother me a little? You look like you need it,” Faye said with a wry smile.

  She snorted. Faye may not be the same any longer, but she sure hadn’t lost her attitude. Her suggestion was tempting though. Celise needed someone to talk to, and it seemed like Faye needed someone to talk to as well. She removed her shoes and took a seat.

  Faye put her book down. “So what’s eating you?”

  Celise sighed. “Diane and Wind invited me over today. Diane wanted me to examine Wind, even though I did so just two weeks ago.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Is that too soon?”

  “Yes. I worried that something had happened to him, but he was fine.”

  “So why did they invite you over?”

  Celise breathed deeply while she gathered her words. “Diane is dying.” She didn’t say anything else, letting Faye take in the news.

  Her friend’s smile faded, and her blue eyes widened. She stilled, and disbelief colored her face. “Oh, my God.” Her voice trembled. “She told you that?”

  “Yes, but I figured it out some time ago. Phoebe and Shade have figured it out as well.”

  Faye winced. “Am I the only one who doesn’t know?”

  “Diane didn’t tell anyone, but since she told me now, I doubt it’s a secret anymore.”

  “But why? Why keep such a thing secret?” She crossed her arms over her chest and anger radiated from her. “She and I sure are going to have a long talk.” She shook her head. “Unbelievable. And they invited you over to tell you that?”

  Celise shook her head. “No. You know what’ll happen to Wind if Diane dies, don’t you?”

  Faye licked her lips. “He’ll die, or become one of the Fighters if he by some miracle survives.”

  She nodded. “Exactly.”

  Her friend’s eyes widened with new surprise, then a big grin spread on her lips. Excitement shone right through her, and a gentle laughter broke from her mouth.

  It was amazing how fast she could switch from one mood to another.

  “Oh, my God, Celise! You’re going to be Wind’s new bound one, aren’t you? You’ve never spoken about it, but I’ve seen your interest for him. You must be thrilled!”

  She tried to smile, but it came out stiff.

  Faye frowned. “But you don’t look thrilled. Aren’t you happy? Don’t you want to be with Wind?”

  She slumped her shoulders. “I do. I really do, but he only wants me to save himself. He has no interest in me whatsoever. All I am to him is a way to escape death. I can’t bind him to me because of that. It feels wrong, even if I love him.” Celise sighed. “Tomorrow, Jade is paying them a visit, and Wind wants me to be there. If I don’t come, he and Diane will go to MedAct to find someone else who wants to take over the bond.”

  Faye didn’t move. She stared at her. “Well, that sucks.”

  Celise couldn’t help but smile when Faye pouted. “You’re not taking this seriously. I have no idea what to do.”

  “Of course you do! You become Wind’s new bound one, no matter what he feels right now.”

  She blinked. “Just like that?”

  “Yes, just like that.” Faye put her hand on Celise’s shoulder. “Hon, I love you, but you’re looking way too much into this. He doesn’t feel anything for you because of the bond, right?”

  Celise nodded. “Right.”

  “Then from here on, you’ve two ways to go. You either become Wind’s new bound one, or you don’t. It’s that simple, but trust me, you’ll be happier with him than without him.”

  She looked at her hands. “If he’s bound to another, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.”

  “Exactly, and is that what you want?”

  Celise shook her head. “No.”

  “Then, you go there tomorrow, and tell them you’ll take over the bond.”

  Faye’s straight-forward way made her feel better, and she was right.

  She was reading too much into this. Overthinking. Wind didn’t love her now because he couldn’t. It was unfair of her to demand more of him at this moment. “How about you?” Celise asked.

  Faye pulled back. “What about me?”

  “Have you heard anything about Silver?”

  Her expression tensed. “No, nothing. It’s been days since we were at the house, but to me, it feels like years. Phoebe wanted to talk to me about it, but I don’t want to bother her. She’s supposed to be having the best time of her life right now with Shade. They seem so happy, and the last thing she needs is listening to my problems.”

  Celise nodded. “I understand, but you can talk to me. You won’t ruin my mood.”

  Faye smirked. “Yes, I will, because I just gave you a better one.”

  “No, I promise. Besides, I see something’s on your mind.”

  Faye sighed. “Very well.” She took a deep breath as if to prepare herself. “Ever since we left that house, I’ve been thinking about Silver. I didn’t mean to bind him to me. I didn’t believe what Nightmare told me, that you can bind a Fighter to you from a single intimate touch, but when they started beating up Shade, I had to do something, and it sure got their attention.” She bit her lip. “Silver’s eyes flashed once, and it didn’t take long before he completely lost it. He tried to finish the bonding, but the Fighters stopped him. I have no idea where he’s now, but Jade told me he’s probably in a lot of pain. That really makes me feel bad.”

  Celise felt sorry for Faye, but she felt sorry for Silver, too. He had to be in a lot of pain. His eyes had to flash two more times to seal the bond, and without Faye, that was impossible. Until Faye was able to bind him to her, his bond would scream for her in the worst kind of way, slowly torment him out of his mind. “So what are you going to do?”

  “There’s nothing I can do. I have no idea where the Fighters live. I can’t go to Silver.”

  Celise leaned closer. “Remember the signal I used to track Nightmare? I could use it again to find Silver.”

  Faye gasped. Horror filled her gaze. “No! Don’t do that. If you do, who knows what will happen. All I want is to find a way out of this. Sure, he’s hot as hell, but I don’t want to be his bound one. I wouldn’t mind doing him, but if that results in a bond, then no thank you.”

  “You have to do something, Faye.”

  She raised her hands, with her palms out. “I know, I know. I just don’t know what … yet. I need to think.”

  Celise nodded. She understood. Pressing Faye further would do no good, but sooner or later, she’d have to deal with the situation.


  Celise’s heart thundered hard as she knocked on Wind’s and Diane’s door the following day at noon. She assumed Jade was already there judging by the familiar car in the driveway.

  She’d never been this nervous in her entire life. Her body shook, her head spun, and her breathing was strained. She could barely stand still when she caught someone approaching the door from the inside.

  Celise had made up her mind.

  She’d become Wind’s bound one because she loved him. He didn’t love her now, but once the bond was hers, he would. What happened after that, only time could tell.

  Celise took a deep breath as the door opened. She looked straight into Wind’s shining eyes.

  He was dressed in jeans and a black shirt, without any paint stains this time.

  When he saw her, he gave her that gentle smile she loved so much. It always made her feel safe when his calm and gentleness radiated at her.

  He took a slow step closer. Even if he was smiling, there was an underlying worry in his eye
s. It was almost as if he worried she’d turn around and run away. He grabbed her hand.

  Wind’s touch sent goosebumps all over her skin.

  “I’m glad you came, Celise.”

  Her nerves made it difficult to relax. It made it even more of a feat to maintain eye contact with him. She didn’t want him to see or sense how freaked out she was. “I’ve come to a decision.” Her voice had come out a croak, and her face heated.

  He tensed, and in a way, she found it sweet. Maybe he cared more about her than he dared to admit.

  “Are you here to tell me you don’t want to be with me?”

  “Do you believe that?” she whispered.

  He hesitated. “I’m having a hard time reading you, and that’s something I’m usually good at. It’s an ability Diane gave me since she’s always found it difficult.”

  Celise nodded. That was why she hadn’t been able to hide her feelings from him, but then again, she hadn’t really been able to hide them from anyone.

  She’d had a conversation with Wind a few years ago about her feelings for him. He’d been kind and gentle when he’d told her they could never be. It’d hurt like hell, but he’d been understanding and had remained her friend.

  “And what are you reading?” she asked.

  “You look both happy and sad.”

  She nodded. That was spot on. She was happy about her decision, but it meant she had to take him from Diane. Not to mention her friend wouldn’t be with them much longer.

  She grabbed his hand, gently caressing the back of his hand with her thumb. His skin was smooth and warm. The touch awakened a hunger within her she had a hard time controlling. She wanted to throw herself at him, and stay in his arms forever.

  Wind tensed.

  She met his gaze. “Does this hurt you?”

  “Not physically, but my bond protests because it’s an intimate touch. If we’d shaken hands, I wouldn’t have felt a thing, but my bond knows you’re a threat.”

  Celise frowned. “A threat?”

  He shrugged. “You know what I mean.”

  She took a deep breath. “I’ve studied cyborgs for years, but I intentionally avoided studying how to transfer the bond to a new bound one. I’m not saying I didn’t peak at it, but I didn’t put too much effort into it.”

  “Because of me.” His voice was filled with understanding.

  “Yes, because of you.”

  Silence lingered between them as they looked into each other’s eyes.

  Wind’s grip on her hand tightened. “You didn’t answer my question, Celise.” The worry in his eyes radiated.

  She wished she could hold him, but didn’t want to bring him more discomfort. Celise let go of his hand. “Do you still want me to become your bound one?”

  “Yes. Very much so.”

  “Are you sure? I mean, there’s no guaranty things will work between us.”

  He took a step closer. “I’m sure. I prefer you over any other woman MedAct would introduce me to.”

  She closed her eyes, grimacing. “Be really, really sure, Wind. It will devastate me if you change your mind.”

  Without warning, he wrapped his arms around her.

  Celise couldn’t stop her gasp when his body heat surrounded her. Being this close to him gave her an inner peace she rarely felt. She couldn’t help but rest her head on his shoulder, even if it most likely made his bond protest. He didn’t smell like paint today. Instead, her nose was filled with a light, but masculine scent she instantly fell in love with.

  “I won’t change my mind,” he said. “I promise I’ll do everything in my power to make this work.”


  Wind had no idea how he was going to make things work between them, but he had to convince Celise she’d made the right decision. He’d been worried she’d turn him down, but she was an intelligent woman.

  She knew well why he wasn’t capable of stronger feelings for her, and maybe she’d chosen to accept that.

  Celise smelled nice. She had that vanilla perfume on again, but his bond hated what he was doing. Everything inside him told him to release her, stop touching her, stop cheating on Diane, even if he, deep down, knew he wasn’t.

  Wind wished the bond could understand that. The discomfort, the heartache, and the stress made him want to scream, but he remained silent. Too much was at stake.

  She pulled away and gave him a shy smile.

  Strangely, there was a small part of him that didn’t want to let go.

  “Maybe it’s best if you don’t touch me right now. I see what it does to you,” she said.

  He blinked. “You don’t want me to hold you?”

  “I do, but your bond doesn’t want you to, and since we don’t know how to transfer it to me yet, there’s no point in tormenting you.”

  He gasped when his bond responded to her words. It was as if it felt gratitude toward her understanding, but only for a split second. Yet, Wind had a strong feeling he’d be able to hold her now without the bond going crazy. His heart kicked up speed as he reached for her again. He had to find out …

  “I’m glad you could come, Celise,” Diane said from somewhere behind him.

  He winced and lowered his arms. He glanced at his love as Diane approached from the living room.

  She smiled, but her eyes were tired. Her skin was pale, and she looked fragile as she supported herself on a cane. It was impossible to miss that she was sick, reminding him of the present situation. His heart ached from the knowledge of what was to come.

  Wind clenched his jaws together to stop himself from becoming emotional. He’d cried many times in her arms by now, but more tears wouldn’t change anything.

  He was going to lose her.

  It was just a matter of time.

  His gaze turned to Jade Silva, who stood next to Diane. The doctor was a sweet-looking woman with soft features, but her brown eyes were filled with so much strength and determination, it almost made him gasp. This woman was not someone to play around with.

  Diane hugged Celise. “Thank you for coming, my friend. It means the world to me.”

  Celise smiled but seemed unable to answer.

  Jade approached and shook her hand. “Hello, Celise. It’s nice to see you again. How’s your work with the cyborgs here in Glaswell coming along for you?”

  She appeared to take a deep breath, as if she was trying to relax. “Great. I learn more and more each day.”

  “And what do the cyborgs think about your work?”

  “No one is complaining so far.”

  The doctor nodded. “They trust you. That’s good. Gaining a cyborg’s trust is not easy.”

  “I’ve noticed. Some of them didn’t even want to talk to me in the beginning.”

  Wind clenched his knuckles. The thought of other cyborgs touching Celise filled him with a pinch of anger. It was her job, but still, it didn’t rub him the right way.

  He stilled when realization hit him.

  Yesterday, he couldn’t even see himself being bound to her, and now, he was reacting like this?

  Jade turned to him. “What do you think, Wind? Is Celise doing a good job?”

  He cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the sudden emotions. “She’s always thorough when she examines me.”

  The doctor grinned and her gaze darkened. “She’s probably just as thorough when she examines other cyborgs, don’t you think?”

  Wind frowned. The image Jade planted inside his mind didn’t sit well with him at all. “Are you implying something?”

  She only kept grinning and headed to the living room.


  Celise followed Jade with a thundering heart.

  Wind and Diane held hands as they also headed toward the room.

  The sight hit her in the chest. She had to remind herself he wasn’t hers yet. Besides, they deserved last moments together, because after today, everything would change.

  With trembling hands and weak knees, she sat on one of the couches
inside the big bright living room. A round table stood in the middle.

  Diane and Wind sat on the other couch while Jade sat next to Celise and took a tablet out of her bag.

  Celise tried to stay calm. She avoided looking at Wind and Diane but felt their eyes on her. It made her feel like she stood on a huge stage. She didn’t like that. She’d never liked that.

  Jade glanced over all of them. “Before we begin, I want to make sure everyone has agreed to this, and that there’s no doubt whatsoever. I don’t want to waste your time, and I don’t want to waste mine.”

  “I’m sure,” Diane said. “There’s no one better suited to take my place than Celise.”

  Emotions washed over Celise, a huge mix of everything from pure joy to insecurity. Her life had taken an unexpected turn, and handling it seemed almost impossible. What if she was dreaming? Would she wake up soon?

  Celise clenched her fists. No, this was all real.

  Frightening real, and yet, exciting.

  “I’m sure, too,” Wind said.

  Jade turned to her. “Are you, Celise?”

  She swallowed and nodded. She couldn’t help but glimpse at Wind. “Yes.”

  The doctor studied her. “You don’t look sure.”

  She winced. “I’m just nervous.”

  Jade took a breath. “Yes, I guess you should be.” She tapped on the tablet’s screen, and silence filled the room.

  Celise remembered a few years back when she’d told Wind about her feelings for him, but only after he’d figured it out and asked. It’d been the most embarrassing day of her life. He’d been kind and understanding, and despite him telling he’d always be her friend, she’d stayed away from him for weeks after that.

  It had been him, who’d finally taken contact. They’d gone for a walk and talked about anything on their minds, but after that day, being close to Wind had become too difficult.

  She’d always smiled, always been kind, doing everything to maintain their friendship, but on the inside, she’d been slowly dying. That had been her reality for so long.

  Now, here she was, making a life changing decision she’d never seen coming.


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