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Loved Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 2)

Page 9

by Nellie C. Lind

  Faye’s laughter filled the room. “I told you it’s quite a story.”

  Wind looked at Celise. She seemed unsure of what to do, and he didn’t blame her. His unexpected reaction must’ve surprised her, too. He wrapped his arm around her waist in an attempt to comfort her.

  She met his gaze, tense and confused, but when he slid his hand down her back, she relaxed, and a smile appeared in the corner of her lips.

  He smiled back. Everything was all right.

  Wind glanced toward Shade and Phoebe again.

  They still stared at him.

  “That means Diane—” Phoebe closed her mouth.

  He nodded. “Diane’s dying. We don’t know how long she has, but not long. If she dies before my bond’s transferred to Celise, I’ll die with her, and that’s the last thing Diane wants.” Wind stood still, trying not to show the emotional chaos that went on inside him. The thought of losing Diane was unbearable.

  Phoebe took a deep breath. “I understand.” She let go of Shade. “That means you’re in transition right now. That would explain your sudden need to protect Celise. The bond’s new to you, just like it’s new to a newborn cyborg.” She went silent for a moment. “You do understand Celise has to touch Shade to examine him, right?”

  Wind clenched his fists. “I know.”

  “Is it wise of you to be here, then?”

  He pulled Celise even closer. “I’m not leaving Celise.”

  Phoebe sighed. “Since I know how strong the protective instincts are for you guys when you’re newborn, I doubt they’re any different for you now. That means there’s no way in hell I’m letting you stay here and watch Celise examine Shade. It has to be done before we go on our trip, and I won’t allow you to get in our way.”

  Wind glared at Phoebe. “I’m not leaving.”

  She threw out with her arms. “Wind, it’s us! Do you really believe any of us will hurt Celise?”

  He hesitated. “No, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll snap if Shade touches her.”

  Phoebe gave a frustrated sigh. “And that’s why you can’t be here.”

  “Let’s tie Shade down,” Faye said.

  Everyone stared in her direction.

  “What?” She shrugged. “I’m not suggesting some kinky game. What’s wrong with you people?” She flashed a wicked grin before becoming serious. “If Shade’s tied, Wind will have no reason to attack him as Celise examines him.”

  Phoebe shook her head. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Shade stood silently, with an unpleased expression. Faye’s idea seemed to appeal to him as little as it appealed to Phoebe.

  “I think it actually might work,” Celise said.

  Phoebe shot her an irritated glare. “What?”

  “Let me explain. We don’t have to go as far as to tie Shade. It should be enough if we blind him. We all know how strong a cyborg’s need to protect their bound one is, especially from another cyborg. It’s not something they have much control over. You know that yourself, Phoebe. And if that’s what Wind’s feeling right now, we should listen. Forbidding him to be here will only make it worse, but stopping Shade from seeing me will make him immobile, and that might calm Wind’s bond.”

  Wind smiled. “I think that’s a good idea.”

  Shade looked unhappy but sighed. “Let’s try it. We have no time to lose, and they have to get back to Diane. The last thing we want is Wind still being bound to her if she dies.”

  He gave Shade a grateful look.

  Phoebe nodded. “Fine. Let’s go into the living room. It’s big enough to move around in if Wind snaps.” She looked at Shade. “I’m staying with you.” He opened his mouth to say something, but Phoebe raised her hand. “Don’t argue with me. It’ll be a pointless discussion.” She turned to Faye. “You can wait in the kitchen.”

  Faye gasped, and her eyes widened. “No way! If Wind loses it, I want to be where the drama is. Besides, I doubt Shade’s the shy type. I’m sure he won’t mind showing some skin, right Shade?” She grinned.

  Shade growled. “I told you before. You’ll never touch me. I’m bound to Phoebe.”

  She snorted and rolled her eyes. “And I told you I know that.” She headed into the living room.

  “I swear, I’ll strangle that woman one day,” Shade muttered so quietly that Phoebe and Celise wouldn’t be able to hear, but Wind caught it, and couldn’t help his smile. He understood Shade’s frustration so well.

  Wind looked at Celise and felt the shift inside him as his bond accepted her a little bit more. That she’d chosen to listen to him meant a lot. It was almost as if each time she showed him understanding and patience, the bond let her in another inch.

  And maybe, there was a tiny hint of … love.


  Celise put her bag on the wooden table in Phoebe’s and Shade’s living room. She opened it and pulled out a scanning device she was well familiar with. She used it to examine all cyborgs in Glaswell.

  The small machine was frequently used by all MedAct’s medical staff as well. With one simple scan, it could say exactly what was wrong, and what had to be done. It saved a lot of time. She could then send the information to MedAct through the device. That saved a lot of time, too.

  Celise loved her job. Getting the chance to work with cyborgs and get to know more about them made her life worth living. She was one of MedAct’s Medical Advisers. It meant she had a medical education, but she wasn’t allowed to create cyborgs. At least not yet. She still had a few more years of fieldwork before she could apply for that education, but she couldn’t wait until the day. One of her goals was to find out why there were no female cyborgs. Barely anything was written about them in all the books she’d read. All she knew today was that the female cyborg program didn’t work.

  Wind stopped beside her and watched her.

  She gave him a shy smile. Looking at him always awakened that reaction within her, but this time, she felt happiness instead of longing.

  Somehow the transfer of the bond was working. His sudden possessive behavior was a turning point, but it didn’t stop her from worrying. Celise had never worked with newborn cyborgs, but she was familiar with their possessiveness when it came to their bound one.

  She’d read about it, and she’d spoken with many cyborgs, and each and everyone told her the same thing — it was almost impossible to control at first. Some had snapped as soon as a male approached their bound one, and didn’t matter if it was a human male or a cyborg male.

  Celise studied Wind. Would he snap too if she put her hands on Shade?

  The anger and determination in his eyes was unusual. The calm and gentle Wind was still under the surface, but this was a side of him she’d never seen before.

  In the end, the examination had to be completed, didn’t matter what Wind thought. This was her job. She took care of many other cyborgs under doctor Jade Silva’s supervision. Wind would have to get used to it. He already knew what she did. After all, she’d examined him for years.

  She glanced at her friends. Faye sat on the couch. Phoebe stood next to it with crossed arms and worry in her eyes. Shade looked tense.

  “Shade, this has to be your decision,” Celise told him.

  He nodded. “Let’s just do this.”

  She nodded too and swallowed. Anything could happen now. Her hands shook as she activated the scanner. “You know the procedure.”

  The tension in his shining eyes became even more obvious.

  Celise didn’t doubt that Shade wasn’t fond of the unwanted audience, but he didn’t have a choice but to strip in front of everyone.

  Phoebe’s cyborg threw off his shirt and wrapped it around his eyes. “Do it.” His voice was cold.

  She couldn’t help but notice Shade’s naked and hairless torso or how his rippled muscles worked under smooth skin. He had a body that would make any woman want to touch him, but she felt no such desire. He was beautiful, but her heart beat for someone else.

  Celise glanc
ed at Wind again.

  He looked even angrier than before. His hands were clenched into fists. His gaze was dark and set on Shade. His chest sank and rose fast as if he was breathing hard. It looked like he was fighting with himself. Everything in his posture said he was ready to attack.

  Guilt filled her. She shouldn’t have looked at Shade. “Wind?” Celise could barely control her shaky voice.

  “I’m good,” Wind said between clenched teeth.

  The scanner almost fell from her hand when she approached Shade. She had to do this fast. Wind was ready to snap.

  Shade didn’t move, but it was obvious he didn’t enjoy standing half-naked in front of everybody with his t-shirt wrapped around his head, especially since he couldn’t easily defend himself if he needed to. Any other day, she would have giggled from how funny he looked, but the tension in the room prevented her from it.

  Celise pushed a few buttons on the scanner, programming it to read Shade’s data. It would scan his entire body, and make sure the cybernetics functioned as they should.

  Shade’s bond to Phoebe was damaged. That was why she was here, ordered by Doctor Jade Silva to keep an extra eye on him.

  Shade was bound to Phoebe the way a cyborg should be, but every scanning she’d done since he’d left MedAct showed permanent damage. The bond would never be the same again, but thankfully, the harm wasn’t extensive.

  “I’m ready to begin,” Celise said.

  She placed the device against Shade’s naked chest.

  He took a deep breath when its cold surface touched his skin.

  The scanner started reading him. Celise watched the small screen where information about Shade showed up. It was everything from his blood levels to how his cybernetics functioned. He seemed fine, but when it scanned the bond, a warning came up.

  She read it, but like before, there was nothing to worry about. It was the same warning as always. All she could do was confirm that the warning had been received and allow the device to continue scanning Shade.

  Silence lingered in the room.

  She looked around. Everyone stared at her.

  Faye seemed rather curious, worry shone in Phoebe’s eyes, but anger flickered in Wind’s shining, metallic eyes.

  How she loved those eyes, even if they were filled with rage right now. She gave him a smile and the change in his eyes was instant.

  He relaxed and nodded.

  Celise turned back to Shade and kept watching the screen. No new surprises arose. The device went black after about a minute, and she pulled it away from his skin. “Done. You can dress now.”

  He untied the T-shirt from his head. “Any news?” He slid his arms into the sleeves, covering his impressive muscular frame.

  “Only the same warning as usual. You and Phoebe can go on your holiday.”

  Shade put his hand on her arm. “Thanks, Celise. I really appreciate—”

  A roar filled the room, and before she could react, Wind lunged at the other cyborg. He pushed him against the wall. Fury shone in his eyes, and they seemed to shine stronger than usual.

  The sight sent a cold chill down her spine. She’d never seen Wind like this. The calmness he always radiated was gone without a trace. Rage and darkness lingered in his expression now.

  He was ready to kill.

  Shade’s eyes widened but didn’t fight back. He allowed Wind to slam him against the wall.

  Phoebe gasped loudly and placed her hands against her mouth.

  “Shit,” Faye said and jumped back.

  Celise stood frozen. Her heart pounded as she watched the two cyborgs, seconds away from ending up in a fight. Everything within her screamed to separate them, but if she tried, she’d end up with a broken bone or two. They both were a lot stronger than her.

  “Don’t touch her!” Wind roared. His voice was filled with threatening promises.

  “Calm down,” Shade said. “You’re not a newborn cyborg. You know I’d never hurt Celise.”

  His rage seemed to intensify. His grip on Shade’s T-shirt became white knuckled. “She’s mine!”

  Shade placed his hand on Wind’s arm. “I know she’s yours, and I promise, I won’t touch her again. I forgot one touch would set you off.” He frowned. “You’re feeling primitive, aren’t you?”

  Wind only nodded with clenched jaws. His mouth was a hard line.

  “We both know what that’s like, how difficult it is to control, but I need you to take a deep breath. This is not you.”

  Wind didn’t flinch, but hesitation lit up on his face.

  Shade slowly grabbed his fist. “Let go, and allow me to move away from Celise. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

  Wind blinked. He didn’t move for a while. Then he released his grip fast, as if he’d been burnt. The anger seemed to vanish with it. Guilt radiated from his gaze instead. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean too—”

  Shade nodded. “I know. Is it like when you were newborn?”

  Wind shook his head. “No, it’s worse. The anger awakened when Phoebe called and it has just grown. The more I thought about Celise touching you, the more enraged I became.” His gaze turned to her. “I think what Jade warned us about is happening.”

  “What do you mean?” Celise asked.

  “I’m bonding with you even if I’m still bound to Diane. I feel it happening.”

  She held her breath for two seconds, as hope awakened inside her. “Does that mean—?”

  Wind smiled. “I’m starting to feel more than friendship. I think I just proved that.”

  His beautiful, shining eyes looked at her, and in them, she saw truth. He wasn’t lying. Wind saw her in a new light. Slowly, he started to see her the way she’d always wanted — with love.

  He approached her, and Celise rested her hand against his cheek, looking deep into his eyes. The love she had for him blossomed within her.

  He pulled her closer, wrapping his arm around her.

  Faye cleared her throat. “You have an audience, sweethearts, but don’t worry. I don’t mind watching.”

  Heat flushed Celise’s face when she noticed everyone had their eyes on them.

  “It looks like your bonding is going in the right direction,” Phoebe said and smiled. “I’m happy for you.”

  “Thank you,” Wind said. He seemed happy too, even if he’d been angry moments ago.

  Shade moved to stand by Phoebe’s side, and Celise couldn’t have been more grateful. He and Wind had to avoid each other when she was around until the bond was set. Even if they were friends, Wind wouldn’t be able to control himself.

  “I think we should go,” Celise said. She put the scanner inside her bag and threw the bag’s strap over her shoulder. “I’d love to stay and chat, but—” She glanced at Wind.

  Phoebe nodded. “I understand.”

  “Have a great holiday, you two,” Celise said. “See you later, Faye.”

  Faye gave them a wicked grin and nodded.

  It wasn’t a shocker where her friend’s mind was heading, but Celise wasn’t going to give her the pleasure of hearing more about their bonding. Instead, she grabbed Wind’s hand, and they headed for the front door.

  A joy she’d never dared to feel before wrapped around her like a warm blanket.

  He was becoming hers.


  Wind opened the door to his and Diane’s house.

  Celise followed him inside.

  He held her hand in a firm grip, almost as if he didn’t want to let her go. She loved it. His touch made her feel cozy inside. She couldn’t help but smile as they walked up the stairs to the second floor.

  Something amazing was happening.

  Wind had never looked at her the way he was now. He’d been driving and gazing at her from time to time with a mysterious smile, studying her, evaluating the situation.

  Wind led her toward Diane’s room. He didn’t knock before opening the door.

  Diane was still sitting on the balcony, reading a book. She lowered it
when they joined her. “How did it go?”

  Wind let go of Celise’s hand and approached Diane. “It went great.”

  “Well, that depends on how you look at it. At least Wind and Shade are in one piece,” Celise said.

  Diane frowned. She looked worried for a moment, but then her eyes sparkled with excitement. “The bond was triggered. Shade touched you, and Wind didn’t like it.” It was a statement, not a question.

  Wind fell on his knees in front of Diane and placed his hands on her legs. “It’s happening, my love. I can feel it awakening. I’m falling in love with Celise.” There was so much pride in his voice.

  Celise was unable to speak. Her heart skipped as his words sank in. Hearing him say it was like a dream coming true. The warm feeling in her limbs increased, and her love for him exploded in her chest. A tear of joy ran down her cheek.

  Wind pinned her with a gaze, and she saw it.

  The love he spoke of.

  It really was there, sparkling in his mesmerizing eyes, and all she wanted was to hug him and say thank you, but she didn’t move, because that would’ve been childish. Instead, she hugged herself.

  A feeling of peace filled her.

  For the first time ever, Celise wasn’t afraid to love him. Before she had always pushed her feelings aside, because they could never be, but now, she could finally let everything out.

  Diane smiled. “I’m happy to hear that. Are you all right with it?”

  Wind nodded. “My feelings for Celise are growing fast. They’ve increased remarkably, even during the short ride back here. I think it’ll continue at this pace until I’m completely bound to her.”

  “And what about your bond to me?”

  “It’s still there, as strong as always.”

  Diane’s smile faded. “Oh. That means—”

  “That I’ll be bound to the both of you for some time.”

  Celise didn’t miss Diane’s unspoken question when she made eye contact with her. She worried what would happen if Wind remained bound to both of them. Was it even possible for a cyborg to remain bound to two women? And what would happen if Diane suddenly died?

  She hoped with all her heart her friend’s passing was in the far future, but judging by her weak appearance, pale skin, and tired eyes, it was only a matter of time.


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