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Loved Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 2)

Page 14

by Nellie C. Lind

  “Don’t worry,” Blaze said. “Heaven will carry him inside.”

  Celise frowned. “Heaven?”

  “The bastard who drove us here.”

  The driver’s door opened, and seconds later, the blond cyborg came to the back of the van.

  His emotionless dead eyes made her jump. He seemed so different from the calm Blaze. It was as if there just wasn’t anything on the inside. Usually, people showed some kind of emotion, but when it came to Heaven, there was nothing.

  Nothing at all.

  As if he was empty.

  “Relax,” Blaze said, offering her his hand. “Heaven won’t harm Wind.”

  Heaven’s dead eyes looked at her. “Hurting Wind is not a logical action. We need you. Therefore, he cannot be harmed.”

  Celise blinked, unable to move. Her instincts told her to stay put, to not leave Wind, in case he’d need her. Plus, she’d have to remove the scanner from his chest in order for Heaven to carry him.

  The emotionless cyborg was just as attractive as Blaze with his androgynous features. He was tall and muscular, and she didn’t doubt he was strong enough to carry Wind.

  With a heavy heart, Celise grabbed the scanner and stepped out from the van. She was doing the right thing, wasn’t she?

  Celise couldn’t recall how many times she’d changed her mind during the journey. She should’ve gone to MedAct instead. What could Nightmare possibly do to save Wind, anyway? She doubted he had the necessary expertise and equipment.

  Celise scanned their surroundings. The car was parked on a slim gravel road. Where it continued, she had no idea. A beautiful forest with healthy trees and tall grass encircled them. Probably the same forest from before, since it stretched on for miles. “Is this where you live?”

  “You could say that,” Nightmare said as Heaven lifted out Wind from the back of the van.

  Faye frowned. “There’s nothing but trees here. Are you guys some kind of Robin Hood type?”

  His lips didn’t even twitch. “I guess you’ll find out soon.” The leader walked into the forest, approaching a small clearing. He stopped in front of a tree and placed his hand against its trunk. A blue light came from underneath his hand just before a clicking sound was heard.

  Celise gasped when the ground started to tremor.

  “Shit!” Faye yelled, taking a step back. “What’s going on?”

  “You’re about to enter our home,” Blaze said with a smile.

  Something seemed to be approaching from underground judging by the sound. It became louder and louder, and before Celise could fully grasp what the sound was, an elevator rose from the ground with grass still attached to the top. It came up from the middle of the small, but open area. The elevator had no walls, just glass surrounded it.

  Amazement filled her. She’d never expected this.

  Most people believed the Fighters lived shabby and dirty lives, constantly on the run from MedAct and the police, but this indicated something completely different.

  It almost excited her to find out where the elevator went. A tiny glimpse of hope awakened within her as well. Maybe there was a chance to save Wind here after all.

  “You expect me to get inside that?” Faye asked with huge eyes.

  “Yes,” Nightmare answered.

  “Well, forget it! You won’t trick me into doing such a stupid thing. Who knows what’s down there!”

  Heaven seemed uninterested in the sudden fuss. Instead, he entered the elevator with Wind in his arms. He stared ahead, waiting.

  Celise’s legs moved of their own accord toward the elevator. She had to go with Wind, no matter what. She was the only one who could defend him if anything went wrong.

  He was so helpless right now, and she’d give up her life to protect his if she had to. She didn’t trust the Fighters, but hope had brought her here.

  Maybe there was more to them, after all.

  Heaven spared her a glance when she entered the elevator.

  “Celise! You can’t be serious,” Faye said.

  “I can’t leave him. I just can’t.”

  Disbelief colored her friend’s features, but Celise avoided reminding her about her promise to stay no matter what. She couldn’t demand that of Faye. The fear in her eyes was obvious, and the decision had to be hers.

  Celise preferred to have Faye by her side. It kept her somewhat grounded, and who knew what would happen once the elevator reached its destination. Worst case, she’d lose it and break down if her hope had been in vain.

  The Fighters didn’t say anything.

  Instead, they entered the elevator as well.

  Faye cursed and stomped with her left foot. She pressed her lips together and fisted her hands, glaring at the Fighters. “I’m sure I’ll regret this, but fine. I’ll go.” She stepped onto the elevator, pointing a threatening finger at them. “But if any of you as much as touches me, Wind, or Celise the wrong way, I will hit you where it hurts the most.”

  Nightmare only grinned and pressed a digital button on the glass wall.

  Celise tensed when the elevator started to move down. She closed her eyes and prayed she’d done the right thing.


  The elevator seemed to go forever. They were surrounded by nothing but metal beyond the glass walls, creating a claustrophobic sensation in Celise’s gut.

  Nightmare seemed pleased with himself, and that worried her because she had no idea what he could be thinking.

  Blaze seemed to have a watchful eye on Wind. He scanned him over and over again with his gaze. He smiled when he noticed her watching him. “I’m the medic here. I used to work at a human hospital near MedAct with my bound one before she died. My specialty is humans. Yours is cyborgs. We will complement each other well.”

  Celise gave him a gentle smile back. For some reason, she was starting to like this Fighter, despite the hatred she’d seen in his eyes at first. “You haven’t worked with cyborgs?” she asked.

  “Not until I came here. I’ve learned a lot over the past three years I’ve been here, but it’s a little like asking a veterinarian to perform an operation on a human.”

  She nodded. “I understand, but you don’t like MedAct’s doctors, do you?”

  His smile faded. “Why do you ask?”

  “The way you looked at me when you first saw me …”

  He took a deep breath, looking away. “It’s a long story, but maybe I’ll tell you one day.”

  “I’m looking forward to hearing it.” Celise couldn’t help but feel she and Blaze had gotten closer these past few minutes. He actually made her feel safer, as if she’d made the right decision.

  “What happened to your bound one?” Faye asked.

  The elevator slowed, and a second later, it stopped. The doors opened, and a long, wide windowless corridor with white walls and ceiling lamps greeted them. It looked clinical and fresh.

  A slightly chilly and sterile scent filled Celise’s nose.

  Nightmare and Heaven stepped off the elevator. Celise followed, but Blaze and Faye remained.

  Blaze looked at Faye. His gaze was cold, but it wasn’t directed at her. He seemed to be pondering if he should answer her or not. Finally, he relaxed and turned toward the corridor. “MedAct killed her,” he said and left the elevator.

  And just like that, the conversation was over as he hurried out.

  Celise quickened her step but didn’t say anything. His statement was like a blow to the stomach. She wanted to ask him what had happened, but she doubted he’d answer. It couldn’t be true, could it?

  Faye joined her. “I guess I shouldn’t have asked.”

  She gave her a smile and opened her mouth to tell her friend not to worry about it, but a sudden noise drew her attention.

  Talking men.

  There was an open door right in front of them. It was wide and seemed to lead into a big room. She slowed her steps.

  Faye followed her lead.

  “Don’t worry,” Blaze said, noticing thei
r distress. “They won’t hurt you. They’ve been waiting for you as well.”

  Celise took a deep breath. She had no idea how many Fighters were in there, but it sounded like plenty.

  Faye seemed just as tense as she was.

  Wind, on the other hand, still wasn’t moving. The two hours would come to an end soon, and she still had no idea what was wrong with him.

  Or if she could save him.

  The room was huge; some kind of gathering room. There were three sofas, a pool table, a television, and tables with computers, along with other entertainment equipment. It was windowless and lacked decorations, but it looked clean and smelled fresh.

  Her gaze swept the area. She’d expected to see about five Fighters, but there were a lot more of them.

  A lot more.

  She counted at least twenty, and they came in all shapes and sizes, but it was obvious they were all cyborgs, judging by their shining eyes.

  The whole room came to a halt as they entered. Sitting Fighters stood and stared, with dropped jaws. Someone dropped a book that hit the floor with a loud thud.

  Celise’s heart pounded like never before. Fear skittered down her spine, and she fought shudders. Anything could happen. Her life, but especially, Wind’s life could be in danger.

  Without a second thought, she shifted closer to Heaven and touched Wind’s arm.

  Heaven didn’t pay her any attention, but she was grateful he didn’t drop her cyborg. He had to be heavy, but cyborgs were a lot stronger than humans.

  A long silence filled the room, and it ratcheted up her stress. Every minute counted for Wind, but something told her, they had to go through this room to get to wherever they were heading.

  One of the Fighters approached. He wasn’t as tall as the others, but he was attractive with big eyes, and long dark hair. “What’s going on? Who are they?”

  A few other Fighters moved closer. It was obvious not all of them were well. The exhaustion and pain in their eyes was unmistakable. It awakened Celise’s instincts as a doctor. It made her want to help each and every one of them.

  Nightmare only halted for a few seconds before he continued through the room toward another door. “I brought the MedAct doctor I talked about, along with Silver’s bound one, but we don’t have time to talk. Save your questions for later. We have a cyborg to save.” He ignored the others who tried to approach and exited through the other door.

  “I am not his bound one,” Faye mumbled in an angry tone.

  They exited the huge room and entered a new hallway. Celise had no idea where the leader was taking them, but it was like walking in a labyrinth. They took many different turns, and there were no signs, but Nightmare seemed sure about where he was going.

  “What is this place?” Faye asked. “It almost feels like we’re inside a hospital.”

  “It’s an abandoned bunker from a war a long time ago,” Nightmare answered. “I found it over thirty years ago and turned it into our home. It was a filthy and uncomfortable place back then, but we’ve worked hard to make it livable.”

  “I see that. Everything is so sterile and white. I never expected that of a bunch like you.”

  Nightmare gave Faye the evil glare but didn’t stop walking. “I feel sorry for Silver, who’ll have to put up with you for the rest of his life.”

  Faye bristled and made tight fists as she scowled. She opened her mouth to say something, but Celise grabbed her arm.

  “Whatever you were going to say, don’t,” she whispered.

  Nightmare stopped in front of double doors. He placed his hand on a scan plate next to the doors. A second later, they opened.

  Celise recognized medical equipment as they went in. There was everything from stethoscopes to big machines.

  The room itself was wide, and bright with white walls. It even seemed more sterile then the rest of the place, if that was even possible. She couldn’t help but smile as it made her feel like home.

  There were three hospital beds, two cabinets filled with medicine, needles, and other necessities that stood near the doors. Two other cabinets contained towels, wash clothes, and beddings. There were even two laptops in the room, lying on the desk that stood against one of the walls.

  “Wow,” Faye said. “You sure are prepared for anything.”

  Heaven put Wind on one of the beds. “I’ll go and hide the van while you take care of him.” He left without another word.

  Blaze got to work as Nightmare sat down by one of the computers. The medic cyborg pulled a big machine consisting of a large screen and cords closer to the bed and shoved Wind’s shirt up. He started to attach the cords to his chest and head.

  The machine came on by itself.

  Celise’s assumption it was to monitor his vitals was corrected when she read on, “ready to transmit” on its screen. It was some sort of electric charger.

  Worry hit her chest, and she rushed to the side of the bed. “What are you doing?”

  Blaze didn’t look up; he kept attaching the chords to Wind. “We’re saving him.”

  “What does that mean, exactly? I thought we were going to fix the bond.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with the bond. It’s doing exactly what it was designed to do. You saw it yourself.”

  “It was doing something, but I have no idea what.”

  He stilled and looked her deep in the eyes. His understanding and kind gaze made her wince. She’d never expected to see such kind eyes on a Fighter, especially one who’d shown nothing but anger at first. She swallowed as nervousness swept over her.

  “I’m trying to stop the bond from killing Wind. Unfortunately, when the bond realizes it won’t succeed with its mission, it’ll start screaming after a new bound one. Luckily for Wind, he already has a new bond initiated, so when his old one realizes it can’t kill him, it’ll let the new bond take over.”

  His words made Celise’s heart race. “How exactly?”

  “Through the machine, I’ll transmit a signal into his bond and block it from doing any more harm,” Nightmare said, punching keys on the laptop. “Trust me, it’ll work. It’s never failed.”

  “What kind of signal?” Her hands shook.

  “I created it myself many years ago. It’s saved every cyborg I’ve transmitted it into. It’s in my system as well. I don’t like using it, but I prefer to have it instead of needing it, and not having it.”

  Hesitation hit her. “I want to see it.”

  “Time’s ticking, Celise. You can examine the signal and anything you want … but later.” He kept pushing the keys.

  She clenched her fists, unsure of what do to. Time wasn’t on their side, but Celise didn’t trust Nightmare, either. For all she knew, he could be transmitting anything he wanted into Wind, and she wouldn’t be able to tell what he’d done before it was too late.

  “As soon as the signal is transmitted, an electric shock will go through his system,” Blaze said. “It won’t be painful, but it’ll start waking him up. It’ll take some time before his body responds, but he’ll be able to hear us, and you’ll have to play along.”

  She blinked. “Play along?”

  “The sooner his instincts awaken, the better.”

  Nightmare approached the bed. “The stronger his need to defend you from us is, the stronger defense the signal will give him.”

  Celise frowned.


  Faye grinned. She seemed to understand what the Fighters were talking about. “This sounds like a lot of fun.” She sat on one of the other beds. “I’ll watch from here.”

  That only confused her even more. “What are you talking about?”

  The rogue leader grinned too. “You’ll see, but don’t worry, as soon as he’s up on his feet, we’ll leave you two alone for a few hours so you can bond.”

  Realization hit her, but she was too stunned to say anything. They were about to tease Wind in the worst way they could tease a cyborg. The Fighters were going to make him believe they wanted to take her away
from him.

  Blaze watched the machine’s screen. Beeping sounds came from it, and a green button lit up in one corner. “It’s ready.”

  Nightmare backed away. “Everyone, keep your distance to Celise. He’ll be very angry once he’s up on his feet.” He grabbed Faye’s arm and pulled her closer to the door.

  She didn’t object.

  “Celise, you stay where you are,” the leader ordered.

  Blaze took a deep breath. “Let’s begin.” He pushed a button.


  Darkness was all around him. He was floating in a big, black nothing, where silence ruled. Peacefulness made him feel safe, filling him with a sense of freedom.

  Maybe this was how it felt like to be dead.

  Wind had no idea how long he’d been here, but he didn’t care. He liked the sensations and didn’t want to leave. He needed the calmness because he had a feeling something bad had happened just before he’d come here.

  Something he didn’t want to remember.

  “Is he awake?”

  Wind tensed as a male voice penetrated the void. He didn’t recognize the voice, but at the same time, couldn’t get away from the feeling he’d heard it somewhere before.

  “He’s awake,” another male voice answered. This one was unfamiliar.

  “Good. How’s the signal doing?”

  Sounds of movement reached his ears, and he suddenly felt he was lying on something soft. The darkness slowly slipped away. He wasn’t dead after all. He was very much alive, but couldn’t move. His body felt like a sack of bricks, and his muscles ached all over. It made him groan, but no sound would leave his lips.

  “The signal is working,” the unknown man said. “Within a few minutes, his old bond will be blocked for good. It won’t be able to hurt him anymore, and he’ll be able to move once the signal is in place.”

  What were they talking about? What signal?

  He scanned his body, trying to detect if something was off, but he couldn’t feel anything wrong.

  “Is he going to be all right?”


  Joy filled his heart. He wanted to smile, but his body didn’t respond. He wanted so badly to open his eyes and look at her.


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