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Jungle Virgins - Two Book Combo

Page 8

by Robert Lubrican

  Penny opened her eyes. What he was doing to her nipples felt so wonderful she knew she could have an orgasm just from that if he kept doing it. She ruffled his hair. He was very gentle when he wanted to be, not savage at all. He raised his head and then straightened up, letting his knees support him. Her eyes flitted to his penis, which was, once again, long and hard.

  Penny wanted more than anything at that moment to spread her legs and let him back inside her. But there were no bats scaring her to death now, and she had her wits about her much more than she had the night before. And those wits told her that she should not let this man think that she was his any time he wanted her. She had to regain control of the situation, and get on with her mission somehow.

  For the first time since she met him, it occurred to her to ask him if he knew Tarzan of the Apes. She pushed him away from her breasts. Something in her cried when she did it, but she stamped that out in her mind.

  "Tarzan?" she asked. "Do you know Tarzan?"

  The man had been looking longingly at the breasts she had just pushed him away from. When she said the name he looked at her. She saw something there... something guarded. His face went blank.

  "You do know Tarzan!" she said. "You must take me to him. Please, I must find Tarzan. It's very important." When he didn't react, her lawyer's mind kicked in. "I can pay you!" she said.

  Boy was disgusted. Outsiders always thought all they had to do was offer money, and they could get what they wanted. Money was worthless in the jungle and, though he had seen some things that money could get that were useful, he had no interest in it, or in those who offered it so glibly.

  He stood up as much as he could in the cave. Her eyes noted that his penis was now limp, hanging between his thighs. Something in her cried at the loss of that erection too. Her brilliant barrister's mind came to the uneasy conclusion that she had just made a horrible mistake in pushing him away.

  But before she could examine that thought further, he shoved some kind of plant at her. When she looked at it, confused, he pulled it back and took a bite out of it. Then, dropping it beside her he turned and went to the cave entrance. He stared at her from there, like he was examining her for some flaw. Then he picked up the briefcase, slung it over his shoulder, and left, climbing down the face of the cliff. Penny gave a little yelp as she realized he wasn't coming back. Her eyes darted around the cave, looking for anything she should take with her, and she felt foolish as she realized anything they needed they could just pick up in the jungle. Then she scurried out and looked down.

  She gasped.

  They had climbed some fifteen meters up on the cliff face, and in climbing up, she had never needed to look down. Now, trying to see how she could follow him, she panicked. She called for him, and when he looked up at her she tried to explain that she couldn't do this. She told him she didn't know how to climb down. She begged him to come back.

  He just kept going and she cursed herself for thinking he could magically understand her. She turned and, shaking with fear, felt around below the cave opening with one foot, finding a small niche to put her toes in. It hurt.

  What had taken her perhaps ten minutes to climb, took her almost an hour to get down. Several times she screamed at the boy - she was calling him a boy again in her anger - begging, promising him anything, threatening him, asking him to come get her and help her down. He just sat on the forest floor and watched as she fumbled her way down the rock face. Her breasts and hands got the worst of it. They scraped on the rock painfully as she slowly made her way down.

  When she finally got to solid ground, she wanted to attack the boy and beat him with her fists, but she was just too tired. She shook with relief at being down. She sat down to rest and instantly the boy was up and walking back toward the trail they'd left the day before.

  Thirty minutes later they were back on the trail and moving slowly. Penny still wasn't acclimated to the jungle, or to walking barefoot.

  When they came to a small clear running stream she yelled at Boy and sat down to soak her feet. Then, feeling the wonderful cool water, she scooted the rest of her into the shallow rill, trying to cool off.

  Boy came over and splashed water on her, smiling. She splashed back and soon they were madly thrashing the water at each other, laughing like children. He stood up and his erection pointed right at her.

  Penny was conflicted. His cock looked so delicious she wanted to use her mouth on it. She had only done that one time in her whole life, and it was to get something she particularly wanted and couldn't get any other way. She had gagged on that cock, when it started spurting. She didn't think she'd do that if she sucked the juices out of this one. Then, remembering that she wanted to keep things under control, she thought again about that first cock she'd sucked, and how awful it had been. Those thoughts helped her overcome her desire to let this disturbing boy affect her sexually.

  Firmly she said "No! No sex!" She put her hand up and struggled to her feet. She pointed down the path. "We go! We go there!"

  Then, thinking she was brilliant one minute for being in such good control of her desires, and thinking she was stupid beyond belief for turning away something so fabulous and exciting, she started off down the path.

  Boy was puzzled. What they had done last night might not have been planned, but it had been wonderful. And he knew she had loved it too. So why didn't she want to play now? Boy was experiencing what all men find out sooner or later.

  You can't understand women.

  They made it another two hours and were getting close to home when she had to stop to rest again. This time she just sat down in the middle of the trail, her shoulders drooping dejectedly.

  "Where are we going?" she moaned. "We've been walking for two days and I can't tell if we've actually moved even a hundred meters!"

  Boy stared at her, silent. She needed to be cheered up. He looked at her big full breasts and her cherry pink nipples. They were dirty and scratched, but he leaned over and sucked one into his mouth.

  "Mmmmmm" moaned Penny as she felt the wonderful tingling of his mouth on her. Then she snapped alert. If she let him do this he'd be filling her pussy up in no time. She pushed him away. "No!" she said firmly.

  "You can't just assault me whenever you feel like it." she scolded. In her own mind, if she called it an 'assault' then she could also pretend she hadn't permitted it to happen... and loved it.

  Finally she stood up and followed again, limping now. Half an hour later they turned a corner in the trail and she stopped, staring.

  Up ahead was a system of tree houses that immediately brought to mind Swiss Family Robinson. There were three of them, with bridges built of wood and vines connecting them. They had thatched roofs, such as the natives in this area were rumored to use, but the sides were open to the breezes. They were ten meters up off the jungle floor, about the same height as the mid level forest canopy.

  The boy stopped, cupped his hands by his mouth as if he were going to shout, and a strange ululating warbling noise issued from his throat that sent both fear and a thrill through Penny at the same time. It was obviously a call of some kind.

  To her amazement, a like call was returned, from up ahead.

  She saw something flashing through the trees... an animal of some kind... one of the primates, and, so rapidly she could hardly believe it the same chimpanzee that had licked her between the legs, or so it looked to her, was on the ground, jumping and hooting and gesticulating with its hairy arms in front of the boy.

  Again the boy spoke in some guttural language that the chimp seemed to understand and it dashed back in the direction of the compound.

  Boy felt better knowing that Cheetah had already reported that the 'new person' had been found by Boy and saved from 'the enemy'. He knew his parents would have many questions and was surprised that his father hadn't already sought him out to see what Cheetah's ramblings were about. Cheetah had a limited vocabulary and often said things in a way that was hard for a man to comprehend. For ex
ample, Cheetah's word for 'Bee Hive' was what came out as 'black ball' in the language Tarzan had invented when he was young. There was another sound that meant 'Bee Hive', but Cheetah just didn't use it.

  Boy hurried on. Now he could be done with this troubling woman who made him feel so wonderful and then refused to do it again.

  As they got closer to the tree houses Penny strained to see anyone there. She didn't know what she'd do if more of the terrifying natives lived here. Penny had been through a lot, and so we must understand that her imagination was working at a super high level. She had a horrified vision of a possible future in which the boy turned her over to a crowd of feather covered natives ... and they ate her.

  But she was tired, and sore, and couldn't walk another kilometer, much less run. She saw a figure standing in one of the tree houses, waving. It's shape wasn't that of a man. The figure put it's hands to it's mouth and a distinctly feminine warble of that disturbing call came to them. The boy answered back.

  They got closer still and Penny's heart leapt as she realized the woman was white. That was all she could tell so far, but the chances that there were two white women in this horrible jungle were nil. It had to be Jane Parker!

  Then she stood stock still as she realized there were two white women in the jungle. She was one. This other woman could be someone else. For all she knew there were a hundred white women living in the jungle. And this white woman was stark naked. Jane Parker wouldn't walk around stark naked.

  She was dancing with excitement, though, when they got to the base of the huge tree that held the tree house the woman was standing in, so far up. Her voice came down. It wasn't speaking English. It was some other language that Penny couldn't understand. The boy answered back up in the same tongue. There wasn't anything even remotely British in the sounds the

  woman was making.

  Penny sat down on the ground and started crying.

  * * *

  Jane was very glad to see her son safe. When Cheetah had come flying into the compound with his news that Boy had saved a 'new person' from 'the enemy' he had been too excited to actually interrogate. Moreover he had stuck his nose right in Jane's crotch, something he'd never done before. Jane went naked routinely, as there were no 'civilized' persons within a hundred miles, and they always had plenty of notice when a compliment of natives was coming for a conference, or to offer tribute, or to tell Tarzan of some complaint that they thought only he could rectify. She had clothing she wore then, but she didn't bother with it otherwise. Besides, Tarzan was all man and quite often wanted to 'frolic' at the oddest times and in the oddest places. Being naked made it that much easier to get her sex stuffed nice and full.

  She had worried at first, after boy was born, that something had happened inside her that kept her from having more children. As much as Tarzan wanted to make love, and as often as they did that, she should have been the mother of nine or ten children by now. It had never occurred to her to ask Tarzan about it, and she found out almost by accident that he was eating something that made his sperm inactive, some herb in the jungle that men used when they didn't want to father children.

  She found out when he asked her why she didn't want to have any more children.

  "I do my love" she had answered, "But I'm afraid something is wrong with me and I can't."

  It was that beginning that led to the realization that her husband had been practicing birth control, and planned to keep doing it until she told him to stop. He thought she knew. When it got cleared up she immediately told him to stop eating the herb and, within months she was pregnant again, this time with twin girls.

  That delivery had been interesting. It had been so interesting that she asked him to resume eating the herb until the girls were almost six. Now, she was pretty sure she was already pregnant again.

  Perhaps Cheetah knew, because he could smell the difference, and that was why he had tried to lick her fanny.

  Now she stared down at the strange woman her son had brought to the compound.

  She called out to him. "Boy, I'm SO glad you're all right. Cheetah said something about the enemy and we were worried."

  Boy called back up that he was fine. Then he said to his mother the same thing he'd said to her a hundred other times when he brought some orphan animal home.

  "Mom, look what I found in the Jungle. Can I keep her?"

  Jane laughed. Then the woman sat down and began to cry. Perhaps she was worried that Boy was trying to take her as a slave or something.

  "Tell her to stop crying and bring her up here. Who is she?"

  "I don't know. I haven't talked to her. She talks constantly and I was afraid that if she knew I could talk that she'd never shut up. She speaks English like you, though."

  Penny, in the midst of feeling sorry for herself, listened with half of one ear to the foreign chatter going on between the boy and the woman. Then... the half of the ear she was using picked up the single word... English... in the middle of the boy's conversation.

  It's effect on her was electric. "English!" she shouted. She jumped up and yelled "Yes! I'm English ... oh pleease tell me you speak English!"

  Jane chuckled softly. This woman was from London if she hadn't lost her ear for the accent. She leaned over and yelled. "Of course we speak English, dear. Boy is going to bring you up here and then we can have a nice, long conversation... in English."

  And the effect of that on Penny was devastating. She blubbered with relief, sobbing and threw herself at the boy, hugging him and kissing his cheeks and lips and rubbing her body against his.

  Boy, of course, responded by kissing her back. His adolescent penis lanced out from his body and he hugged the woman tightly.

  Jane looked down in astonishment as the woman attempted, by all signs, to have sex with her son! She became agitated and yelled down.

  "Here now! Stop that! Behave yourself!"

  Penny jumped back instantly, blushing furiously. "I'm sorry" she blubbered. "I've just been so frightened and this poor boy couldn't speak English and he didn't seem to understand me and I was so afraid and now I feel so relieved..."

  Jane groaned. This woman had no business in the jungle. That was plain to see. Still, her story would no doubt be entertaining, and Jane hadn't had anyone from her home country to talk to for many many years. Then she saw her son's erection and suddenly noticed that the woman was naked.

  "I'm coming right down" she yelled. Then she leapt to a vine and, hand under hand, let herself down to the ground. She stood there, looking at her son's erection and her eyes narrowed as she saw the look he gave this blond woman. Now that she was closer, Jane could understand why any man would be interested. This woman was quite beautiful, in an overstated sort of way.

  She pointed at her son's penis and, in Tarzan's language, said "Go take care of that thing. You'll scare her to death."

  Boy, a typical teenager, resisted. "It didn't scare her last night." he said in the same language. He left out the part where he tried to use it again and was put off by the woman.

  Jane realized what he was saying and she felt a little lurch in her stomach. Her baby? Naked and rutting in this hussy? She didn't like the idea of that at all. She also saw that the woman was filthy from her journey.

  "Come with me." she said curtly. "We'll get you cleaned up and then sort this all out."

  Penny's gasping sobs began to abate. "Thank goodness you speak English. I've had such a horrible time these last few days. This boy helped me and I shouldn't be alive at all had he not found me. Will you please convey to him my thanks?"

  Jane turned and said over her shoulder... in English... "Boy, this woman, whom you still haven't introduced, wishes that I tell you she is thankful that you helped her. Now, help her up to the house." Then she began climbing the huge tree, which had hand and footholds cut into it. Boy, hearing a tone in his mother's voice that suggested he was somehow in trouble, even though he hadn't done a single thing wrong, answered from habit... in English. "Yes mother." Then,
also from habit he turned to Penny and said "You're welcome." also in English. Only after he'd said it did he realize she now knew his secret.

  Penny stood shocked and turned her gaze on Boy. He was examining his foot, where the cannibal's filed tooth had drawn blood. He glanced at her and then averted his eyes quickly.

  "You speak English?" It wasn't really a question, though her voice rose a notch at the end. "You speak English?" This time her voice rose an entire octave and Jane paused to look down.

  "Well... yes." said Boy. "I have to go now." Then he began to run. He had no real destination, but he didn't want to stay there and listen to the woman yammer at him.

  As he loped off he heard her again screaming "You speak English! You come back here right now!"


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