Capturing the Wolf God's Attention [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Capturing the Wolf God's Attention [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 3

by Marcy Jacks

  He was doing this. Rowan’s face was just a little on the side of red, a blush, and it was there because Dillon was putting it there. This insanely handsome man was in bed with Dillon, and Dillon was making it worth it.

  It was going to be worth it for the both of them.

  He put his mouth back to work. It suddenly became his mission to make Rowan come for him before they had sex. He worked his mouth up and down the places that he could reach before breathing and gagging became an issue, and using his lubed hands, he made Rowan moan his name, lift his knees, and thrust into Dillon’s mouth.

  “Yes! Oh, I didn’t think it would be like this,” Rowan moaned.

  Uh, he didn’t?

  Dillon shrugged off the sting, reminding himself that he was still out of the guy’s league. Rowan had probably never been with an average—at best—man like Dillon before. His other lovers were probably as hot as he was and part of the underwear club or something.

  The man likely fucked models and rich guys who had the time and money to go to a gym and hire personal trainers to make sure their body fat percentage never went up above two percent.

  He had to start running again, right after he got Rowan off.

  “That’s it,” Rowan said, and he was carding his hands through Dillon’s hair, which made him wish he’d used better conditioner since it probably felt like the hair off of a scraggly rat.

  Rowan was close. Dillon could feel it in the way the man’s cock swelled even more inside of his mouth. Holy mother of God, how was that even possible?

  Dillon finally had to pull his mouth away because he was starting to get worried, but Rowan’s cock didn’t get much thicker than that, and Dillon had to shut his eyes and abruptly turn his cheek since he pulled his mouth away at almost the exact moment that Rowan came.

  Warm, white cum splattered on Dillon’s cheek. Dillon was mortified. He wasn’t sure what to do about it either. He hated cum shots and had never let anyone do that to him before, but here was Rowan, who did do it, and Dillon was totally willing to let the guy get away with it just because he was hot, and still in bed with Dillon.

  Well, that could change. Rowan was now running his hands through his own hair, which looked soft as all hell, with a satisfied smile on his face while that perfect chest of his moved up and down while he panted.

  Dillon was damn near hypnotized by it, and he could hardly look away either. Up and down, and up and down it went. He forgot all about the cum on his face, up until Rowan opened those gold eyes of his.

  They really did look gold again, but Dillon shrugged it off as the light, and he wasn’t about to turn to the window to check again either because Rowan was staring at him like he was a meal that was about to be devoured.

  “No one’s ever looked at me like that before,” Dillon said.

  “They should have,” Rowan replied, and he took Dillon’s chin in hand. “You are absolutely divine.”

  His words came right before he forcefully turned Dillon’s face and licked his own cum off of his cheek.

  Dillon’s heart went into cardiac arrest territory. Really. He couldn’t think and he could hardly breathe, and the only thing he knew at that moment was that this was incredibly awesome, and why hadn’t he ever allowed anyone to do this to him before? Why the hell had he never done this with another man because it was the best thing in the world.

  “It’s only this great because it’s me you’re with,” Rowan said.

  Dillon frowned as he came out of the fog. “Did I say that out loud?”

  Rowan chuckled as he pulled Dillon back up the bed with sheer strength. “Gah!” Dillon said as he went, his back bouncing on the mattress. “Jesus, you’re strong,” he said.

  “I am,” Rowan replied, and the predatory look in his eyes was back as he crawled up the bed.

  Dillon had the interesting sensation of being both fearful and anxious at the same time. He never understood the reason why so many people were attracted to bad boys, and it was because he was jealous that they seemed to get laid a whole lot more than he did. No, it had nothing to do with that, but he was starting to see the appeal.

  Rowan didn’t give off the impression that he was a rebel without a cause or something, but if this feeling was anything like men and women felt when they were with guys like that, like they weren’t entirely in control, and with a man who had dangerous secrets to keep, then yeah, he was definitely seeing the attraction here.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, and after that, you’re mine.”

  Dillon damn near opened his mouth to say that he didn’t belong to anyone, even though it was sort of kinky hearing that, but then he looked down and saw that Rowan’s cock was still erect, and a white drop of cum was forming at the slit of his dick as though he hadn’t just had an orgasm two minutes ago.

  “Did you take something before coming here?” Dillon asked. He reached down to touch it, just to see if what he thought he saw was really what he saw.

  Yup, rock hard, and it pulsed at Dillon’s touch. This time there were dark veins bulging from the column and running all the way to the head.

  “You look like you haven’t come in days,” Dillon said.

  “It feels that way with a man such as yourself in bed with me.”

  Dillon almost wished that Rowan would stop trying to build his confidence like that. Not that he didn’t appreciate the effort, far from it, but damn, Dillon could tell the difference between a compliment made from lust, and when a man was just going into overkill because he really wanted to get laid.

  Dillon didn’t say anything, though. He just smiled and nodded vaguely.

  That was when Rowan kissed him. The tingling was back, and Dillon was pleased, and that warm tingle distracted him just long enough for Rowan to do something incredible.

  He grabbed the waistband of Dillon’s jeans, and he tore them. He did it as easily as those over-muscular wrestlers on TV, but he did it to denim that was damn near new, and didn’t have any holes or rips already in it to make the tearing any easier.

  Dillon was too busy being in shock and awe to say anything about that. “Christ, you’re eager,” Dillon said, and now his main problem was trying to decide whether or not it was a turn-on to have one of his favorite pairs of jeans casually destroyed like that.

  “I feel like I’ve been waiting forever to have you,” Rowan said.

  More of the over the top stuff, but Dillon no longer cared now that his cock was free. Damn, he’d been so focused on making everything good for Rowan when he was going down on the man that he’d completely forgotten about the ache that was in his cock. Now it was throbbing more desperately than it had been before the jeans came off, and pre-cum was quickly sliding down the side.

  Then the most embarrassing moment of his life happened. He tried to stop it, but he couldn’t.

  Rowan went down on him. The man’s lips were warm and wet, and his mouth was tight.

  “Rowan, don’t—!” Dillon said, but it was already too late. He came like he was still fifteen and being touched for the first time in his life.

  His body spasmed and jerked, he had no control over it, and it was so fucking good that he almost forgot to be angry with himself for doing it, but then it was over. He couldn’t even enjoy the buzz that tended to follow after the fact because, well, he’d come, and he didn’t have the body of Superman that Rowan had. There was no way he was going to get it up again within the next ten minutes.

  “Fuck! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

  “You are fine,” Rowan said, and he was smiling that same predatory smile on his face. Predatory like before, but multiplied. Just like before, Rowan looked like he was having his dying wish granted to him or something.

  No, not quite like that, but once again, Dillon definitely got the feeling that he was in bed with the big bad wolf.

  Fuck, his eyes were really glowing.

  “What do you—hey!” Dillon said when Rowan grabbed his hips, hard enough that his nails were digging into h
is skin as he turned him around and put him on his hands and knees.

  Dillon’s face flamed up. Right. Well, it wasn’t like he was all that surprised that they were still going to do this. People likely didn’t make Rowan wait for anything.

  He was still going to make an effort to enjoy himself, so even if he was giving his ass up, and it was always awkward when he didn’t get off, or feel much of anything when he was being fucked, he was still going to consider it a win that he’d had Rowan in bed with him at all.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” Rowan said, and he pressed a kiss to Dillon’s tailbone, right above his ass, which made the heat in his cheeks worse. “So perfect.”

  Dillon snorted a laugh. “Uh, I guess you never looked at yourself in the mirror before, but you’re the gorgeous one.”

  Rowan didn’t say anything to that, and Dillon thought that he might’ve given away a little too much of himself with that one. Nothing said insecurity like rebuffing compliments onto someone else like that.

  He turned to look over his shoulder, but it was just in time to watch as Rowan dipped his head and put his mouth over Dillon’s pucker.

  Dillon’s hands clenched over the white comforter, and he reached for the pillows and had to quickly slam his face down onto them to keep his moaning down to a decent level.

  The pillows were yanked away first, and Rowan’s tongue on his pucker was the second thing to go. “No, I want you to make some noise for me,” he said.


  “There is no one around to hear you. Let it out,” Rowan commanded, and he put his mouth back on Dillon’s entrance, pushing his tongue inside and licking him deep.

  Well, it wasn’t like Dillon could go against his wishes now even if he wanted to. There was nothing he could do but let it out, and he did.

  The squirrels and birds ten miles away probably heard the things he was yelling as he pushed his ass back against that long, wicked tongue.

  This was the best night of Dillon’s life.

  Chapter Four

  This was going to be the best night of Rowan’s life. His mate tasted divine. Really, there was nothing better than this, and now that he had it, he didn’t know how he’d gone his entire life up to this point without it.

  To think that he even had a mate. Rowan had spent thousands of years sleeping, waking up with his brothers only a year ago. He could have easily remained asleep all through Dillon’s life and never known he had a mate at all, but here he was.

  “Holy God,” Dillon moaned, and his asshole tightened around Rowan’s tongue as he struggled to keep control of his own pleasure. “Fuck, harder, Rowan.”

  Dillon continued to speak, random babbles that people made when they were being loved like this. Fucking, it was called now. Rowan had heard that word enough times when he was sleeping to know what it meant and all the forms it was used in, but he didn’t think that word had any place in this bed with him and his mate. Not while they were doing this.

  Rowan pulled his tongue away. His blood was humming in his veins and he could feel Dillon’s doing the same. It was calling to him, singing his damned name, and making sure that he heard it. It was the heat, and he had to answer it.

  He reached for the bottle of lube. He hadn’t taken any lovers since he’d awoken, but he also knew what this was as well. Oils that were used for sexual purposes were easy to recognize in all their forms.

  “I’m going to take you now,” Rowan said. “And it will be the greatest pleasure of your life.”

  Through his panting, Dillon still managed to smile. “Sure of yourself, are you?” he asked.

  He thought Rowan was just boasting? It was going to be interesting to show the man how serious he really was.

  “Dillon, you’re hard again,” Rowan said. “And I can almost be assured that you didn’t think it was possible.”

  He knew Dillon had been thinking that, just as the man also thought that Rowan would simply start fucking him regardless of whether or not Dillon was ready for it. They were mates now, and Rowan was one of the old Gods, or so he’d been told. It wasn’t that difficult for him to listen to the loud thoughts that went through Dillon’s head.

  “I guess you have talent,” Dillon said, and Rowan wanted to laugh with how the man was attempting to at least sound as though he wasn’t impressed.

  Rowan put the lube onto his fingers, and he pushed one inside of his mate’s hole.

  Dillon shivered, and his entire body felt tight. He seemed to be holding himself back, attempting restraint.


  Dillon said nothing as he was being prepared. He must have run out of words, or had suddenly become shy, but that was all right, to an extent. It was clear that his mate did not think very much of himself, which Rowan was going to have to address, and soon, but right now he had to keep his tasks all lined up. Focusing on one thing at a time was always best, and now he wanted to stretch his mate.

  The man was tight, but his body was willing now that Rowan had already licked and kissed him there. Rowan continued to press kisses along each small bump of Dillon’s spine.

  He moved up the man’s back, until his chest was draped over Dillon’s spine like a blanket. He licked the side of Dillon’s neck, and he delighted in the shiver that passed through his mate’s body.

  “I…I don’t want you to let this go to your head or anything,” Dillon said, finally finding his voice again. “But I’ve never been this fucking horny in my entire life. Hurry up and do me.”

  “Do you?” Rowan asked.

  “Fuck me,” Dillon said, and he all but snarled the words over his shoulder.

  Rowan’s spiritual connection to the human got to be stronger, and his mind was fogging with desire and need. High on it. He was getting high on this feeling, and Dillon wasn’t the only one who needed this now.

  There was no more time for preparation, and they were both too damn twitchy to care as Rowan pulled his fingers out of Dillon’s tight pucker. His mate groaned when they were gone, but then he sighed with relief when Rowan pressed the head of his cock against Dillon’s entrance.

  He was still so damn tight, but Dillon was not about to wait any longer. “Do it. I’m serious. You fucking teased me all this time so you’d better do it.”

  Rowan groaned and licked the side of his neck. “Anything you want.”

  It wasn’t a hard inward thrust and quick romp like what Rowan would have preferred at this point. Some time had to be taken, considering his mate almost felt like a virgin, but it was still a mostly smooth process.

  Rowan had to stop twice when he felt his mate was in pain. It was easy for him to notice with his hands and body all over the other man. The skin-to-skin contact made it easier for him to sense each spike in Dillon’s heart rate, as well as the way his blood flowed, when his lungs seized up, all of it.

  It still felt like damn near forever before his balls finally touched the back of Dillon’s ass, and he was all the way inside.

  “Jesus Christ,” Dillon gasped, looking over his shoulder. “I can’t believe you fit.”

  “You were made for me,” Rowan said through his teeth as he also struggled to contain his pleasure.

  He sensed more confusion coming from Dillon, and for the first time he considered that maybe he should stop giving him hints. Werewolves were still hunted in this time, so what was the harm in letting Dillon think that Rowan was simply a human that was romantic at heart? He could still protect him from anything that came their way, and perhaps nothing would if Rowan decided that he wanted to live a quiet life.

  It was an incredible dream, and he planned it out and thought it through, one new detail with each thrust of his hips.

  They could live just outside of the city.

  “Rowan,” Dillon moaned.

  Rowan licked at the building sweat on the back of Dillon’s neck. He would build the house himself while his lover worked from home.

  “Oh, fuck,” Dillon said.

  Rowan panted,
letting his warm breath ghost over his mate’s back. He was going to build one room special, an office, with windows on all sides to let in the light so that Dillon could write his stories.

  “Harder. Fuck me harder,” Dillon said.

  Rowan did. He lifted himself up so that his body was no longer draped over the other man, and he pulled Dillon with him so that he was riding Rowan’s lap.

  Perhaps Rowan would even be able to read some of the erotic scenes his lover penned, exciting them both before he took the other man to bed like this, for the rest of their lives.

  Rowan kissed the side of Dillon’s neck and teased the man’s earlobe with his teeth and tongue. Dillon reached behind him to hold on to anything, Rowan’s hips, his arms. He seemed to be grasping for him without being able to get the hold he wanted.

  “I’m—I’m coming! Holy fuck, I’m coming again,” Dillon said.

  Rowan already knew this because of the way Dillon’s hole was so painfully tight around his cock. He squeezed Rowan until he thought he was going to pass out, but just listening to the long and satisfied moan that left Dillon’s throat was enough to make Rowan hang on.

  He began thrusting again once Dillon’s body allowed him to do so. Mine. Mine. Mine.

  It was easy for Rowan to come after that, smelling the musk in the air that was entirely his mate’s and knowing he was the one who did that to him. What could Rowan do but allow himself to give in?

  He spilled his seed deep inside the man, and part of him wished that Dillon was one of the luna werewolves, like Edward’s mate, so that he would know what it was like to have a pup growing inside of his mate, and to be the one to put it there.

  Rowan sighed as his body became a boneless slop. He could barely keep himself and Dillon in the sitting position they were in, but he managed it. Children or no, this was worth savoring.

  “What just happened?” Dillon asked, and he was still panting.

  Rowan didn’t have the energy or the brainpower to think of something to tell him, some way of shrugging off the bond that had just formed between them.


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