A Crown of Blood and Bone: Paranormal Romance (The Shadow Walkers Saga Book 1)

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A Crown of Blood and Bone: Paranormal Romance (The Shadow Walkers Saga Book 1) Page 6

by Sloane Murphy

  I scream as I’m yanked back by my ponytail, my bones jarring at the sudden force of the stop. He shoves me and I crash to my knees, and pain rushes through me. He grabs my arm so tightly, I feel his sharpened nails cut deep before he pulls at my hair again, exposing my neck before he laughs.

  “Such a pretty little lamb.” I feel his breath on my ear, as he gets closer. His teeth break the skin on my neck and pain like I’ve never known floods me. I do not want to die like this. He releases me and laughs, “So sweet!”

  I throw my head back with as much force as I can, and I hear the crunch as I connect with his face. I pull myself forward out of his grip, my scalp burning, before jumping to my feet and running. I don’t need to go far to get back to Main Street where I know there are a ton of people. I push myself harder, ignoring the pain that rips through me until I see the lights show in the distance. I don’t stop until I’m halfway down Main Street, and then fall to the ground again, tears I hadn’t noticed running down my face.

  Looking behind me, I don’t see him amongst the other people who are looking at me like I’ve lost my mind, and a sob wracks through me. I clamber through my bag for my phone and dial the one person I know who will pick up.

  “Remy? I didn’t expect to hear from you,” Creeks voice filters through and it makes me cry harder.

  “Help me...” I manage through my tears, trying to catch my breathe.

  “Where are you?” his voice hardens, and I hear Colt in the background.

  “Main Street,” is all I manage, and the line disconnects. I pull myself together and get out of the middle of the road. I lean up against one of the store fronts and slide down until I hit the ground again.

  The screeching of tires as the truck stops in front of me cuts through the haze. I hear someone cursing, and then look up to find Creek kneeling in front of me.

  “Remy, are you okay?” His eyes run across my body, as he takes in the blood and he swears again.

  “Come on, let’s get you out of here,” he says, tucking one arm under my knees, and another around my back before lifting me, and I can’t find the words to stop him.

  “She’s still in shock. We need to get her cleaned up,” he says, and I hear Colts voice crack slightly as it filters through.

  “I’ve got her back. Is all that blood hers?” he asks and I feel Creek shrug as he slides me into the back of the truck.

  “I have no idea. Let’s get her back so we can check her out. She was bitten.”

  “Fuck!” Colt growls as Creek climbs in next to me and closes the door. Colt rounds the truck and climbs back in, taking off at speed, but I don’t feel it. I don’t feel anything.

  I open my eyes and realize we’ve stopped moving. I try to lift my head but my neck screams, and as I become more aware, I realize just how much pain radiates through me.

  What the fuck.

  I groan as I try to sit up, breathless at the attempt.

  “No sweetie, you should stay lying down,” Maddie’s soothing voice says. I look over and see her sat beside me.

  “What happened?” I ask. I’ve never hurt like this in my life, and my memory is fuzzy.

  “It’ll come back, don’t worry. The drugs in your system are likely making things seem a little out of whack. You were attacked last night. You’re at your dad’s place. Creek and Colt came to get you when you called, they left you here and went hunting with Bauer. Your father and I patched you up, gave you something for the pain. You were lucky. It is a rare an untrained Hunter can escape any of the other factions, especially a Dracul once he’s tasted you.” Worry etches her features, but she shakes her head and smiles back down at me.

  “But of course, you did, you’re Remington Bennett. The fiercest of us all. You’ve always been the strongest, stubbornest Hunter I’ve ever known. The Shadow Walker,” I laugh at her words, then groan from doing so.

  “Thanks, I think.” I smile, and my lip cracks. “Could I get some water?”

  I lick my lips, and she nods, rushing away to get me some water. I force myself to sit up, because she was right about one thing, I am a stubborn fuck, and there is no way I’m staying lying down, but I can’t help but wonder what she meant about the shadow walker thing.

  She reappears with my dad behind her, and I know I’m not going to be able to ask her right now.

  “Morning Remy, girl. How are you feeling?”

  “Like I got hit by a truck. It’s fun.” I smile and take a sip of the water Maddie hands to me.

  “That’s my girl. Not letting it get you down.” He smiles at me, but I can see the purple lines under his eyes.

  “Never. Sorry if I worried you guys, you look exhausted,” I say softly.

  “Oh hush,” Maddie waves me off. “You don’t ever be sorry. You were attacked. We’re expecting to hear back from the boys shortly, it’s still dark out, but they’ll be back at sunrise.”

  “This, this is why we need to do the ritual. As soon as possible,” my dad says forcefully, and Maddie scolds him.

  “You leave the girl alone. She’s barely awake, give her a minute before you start on at her, Denny. Fates help me.”

  “I just mean that if she’d have done the ritual by now, she’d either have her weapons, or be concealed so she wouldn’t have been attacked.” He growls back at her and I see her eyebrows lift.

  “Oh, is that right? So, the factions don’t just attack humans at random? Well, I guess we can go put our feet up then can’t we. Our job is done.” She rolls her eyes and I can’t help the laugh that escapes me.

  “You guys, can you not? My head is killing me,” I ask, “Hilarious as this is, I want to make the most of going back to sleep before my memory of last night returns and I’m likely to never sleep again.”

  “Of course, sweetie. Sorry. I’ll keep the guys away, we could all use a few more hours sleep. You rest up. Feel better. Your Hunter healing is working, so you won’t be down for much longer, though it will be slower since you’ve not completed the ritual.” She smiles at me and shoo’s my dad from the room, I stop a laugh from rising again and battering my bruised everything.

  I lay back down and close my eyes, when the memories start to come back. A face, and a feeling of fear like I’ve never known.

  I stretch out as the sun brightens the room, and just for second I’m free before the memory of why I’m in my childhood room hits home. I get up and look in the mirror, and gasp. No more cuts or bruises, my ribs feel fine. Hell, I feel better than I have maybe ever.

  What the ever-loving fuck.

  “It takes a minute, but you get used to it.” I spin and find Creek leaning against the door frame, a steaming cup of coffee in his hands.

  “I don’t know that I’ll ever get used to this.” I sigh and sit back on the bed. Glad to be in at least a tank and some boy shorts. He laughs and shakes his head.

  “You’ll be amazed. Once the memories start to come back…” he pauses and looks at me, like he’s looking at my very soul. My breath catches, and I hold it until he looks away. “Well, you’ll see. If you complete the ritual. Though, after last night, and knowing everything… I can’t imagine you ever not picking the life of a Hunter. The other factions would rejoice at the infamous Remy Bennett rejecting her heritage.” He shakes his head and strides across the room, offering me the mug of coffee.

  I take it and close my eyes as I take a sip, unsure what to even say to that.

  “Can I ask questions? About who I was, about what you know?” I ask him quietly, and he sighs before sitting opposite me. It feels strange, looking at this man who almost looks like a stranger, but feels like the person I’ve been closest to my entire life. His eyes are about the only thing that haven’t changed. His face is sharper, his hair longer, a beard that I never would have believed would have suited him, but somehow does. His shoulders broader, and arms stronger than I would have thought possible. Every inch of his skin covered in ink, telling stories I know nothing about, but I know the man beneath, and I know that he w
ouldn’t have marked himself unless it meant something to him.

  He runs a hand through his light hair, and I wait while he tries to find the words.

  “I wish… There is so much… But I can’t. Not until the process is complete. You need to gain your memories yourself, only if you have holes after it all can I fill you in. You have no idea how much I want to tell you… to close the gap I can feel between us. Especially when…”

  He stops and I can see how hard it is for him. No matter how angry I am at him, I don’t want to cause him pain.

  “It’s fine, don’t. If you can’t, then I’ll just have to wait.” “Does that mean you made your decision?” he says, and

  I can see him fighting the joy trying to rise at the possibility. “I think so,” I nod, trying to tamper down the emotions waging a war inside of me. Yes, I love Jack, but I know he’d never believe any of this, let alone be on board with any of it. It means giving up everything I’ve worked towards my entire life. But the idea of letting those things run free, knowing I chose to do nothing about it while innocent people are mutilated and murdered at their hands, that isn’t something I can live with. I thought about it when I woke in the middle of the night, and the whole thing plagued my dreams. I could easily have been killed last night, it was fluke and pure genetics that kept me alive, gave me another chance at life. I can’t waste that chance by doing nothing.

  I also can’t give up the people who have always been there for me, even with the lies and deception, I know deep down that they were trying to protect me, no matter how much it still stings.

  “I just, I have a lot to sort out. I have my whole life planned, well, had. It’s just,” I sigh. “It’s a lot. Last night opened my eyes, in the worst of ways, but I know in my heart that I can’t just close my eyes to that part of life and keep pretending I don’t know it exists. I’d live in fear, constantly looking over my shoulder, and that irks a part of me so deep in my soul, that I know this is the right decision.” He leans forward and wraps me in the biggest bear hug of my life, and I let go of some of the rage and bitterness I’ve been keeping in my heart towards him, hugging him back.

  “I missed you,” he breathes and squeezes me tighter. He releases me and heads towards my door.

  “I know this isn’t an easy choice for you. For any of us, but you’re doing the right thing, no matter how much it hurts now. There’s so much more to this, to everything, than you can imagine. I’m going to go start breakfast, but don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”

  “I know you won’t. Thank you,” I tell him, but what I don’t tell him is that actually, this was a pretty easy choice. Is this going to break my heart? Blow up my current life? Hell yes it is, but will the other choice be the better one in the long run? Something inside me tells me yes. Last night showed me that I am strong enough for this, yes I was scared but I didn’t break, I didn’t die. I survived. I might not have killed the Dracul, but I survived. Without any training, any idea what the hell I was doing, I survived, and something deep inside of me feels like a missing piece of myself that I’ve been searching for has clicked into place.

  I take a deep breath and get ready for the day. Ready to face everyone at breakfast, and then, then I need to go and face the rest of my life with the decisions I’ve made.

  The smells coming from the kitchen make my mouth water as I finish drying my hair. I throw on a pair of denim shorts, a tank and a shirt from the limited wardrobe I still have here before heading down where I can hear hushed voices. Two guesses what they’re talking about. I roll my eyes and laugh.

  “You guys suck at being stealth. How you manage to keep the monsters at bay bewilders me,” I laugh as I head straight for the coffee pot which has just finished. I pour a mug and turn to face the four people looking back at me with a whole range of expressions on their faces. The amused Creek, the concerned Colt, Maddie looks almost guilty, and my dad, well he just looks grumpy like usual.

  “Sorry sweetheart, we weren’t,” Maddie starts, and I wave her off.

  “Don’t be silly, I was playing. You guys can keep your hushed whispers as long as I can get a plate of whatever that smell is.” I eye up the stove behind Creek, he always could cook, but the smells of meat and herbs from behind him are divine. I flutter my lashes at him playfully and he laughs, before handing me a plate. I take a bite and groan, heading to the table to annihilate the meat, potato, and egg goodness before me.

  “Am I missing something?” Colt asks, his eyes bouncing between me and Creek. “I am definitely missing something.” He eyes me almost suspiciously as he sits next to me with his own plate before the others join us. Dad and Maddie chatter away while the rest of us eat in silence. Creek smiles at me, causing me to smile back and Colts frown grows.

  “So… I guess you guys should know,” I tell them after I finish eating. The silence that drops into the room is almost deafening. “Last night opened my eyes. A lot. This Hunter thing, this is a lot. Like beyond anything I could have ever even imagined.”

  “Remy, you don’t have to decide yet,” my dad says gruffly and I shake my head.

  “No, Dad. I do. I’ve already made my decision. I have so much to lose, no matter what I choose, but I can’t give up this knowing the truth. I choose to be a Hunter.” I finish saying the words, and I feel something settle inside of me, almost like I just stepped onto a new path of my fate. “I couldn’t continue living my life, knowing what I know. Looking over my shoulder every day, being afraid of the dark. Giving up my family, my heritage. Knowing that people were dying, that maybe wouldn’t if I hadn’t made the selfish choice to ignore the knowledge that I have now that I know.”

  Maddie’s eyes well, and she blinks to wash away the tears that threaten. I can’t tell if she’s happy or not. My dad’s face barely changes, but he does give me a small smile with a nod. “Well, good. I’ll contact the elders to prepare the ritual.”

  “Hell yes! Little sis is with us once again. Remington motherfucking Bennett ladies and gentlemen. Factions beware, cause my sister is a badass!” Colt says and I laugh at his enthusiasm. “You knew didn’t you, asshole?” He says to Creek who shrugs, and stands, clearing the table.

  “If I did or not, I’m just glad she made the choice she did.” He says softly with a smile before loading the dishes into the dishwasher. I feel a little guilty, he saved me, cooked and is now cleaning, but he looks almost content doing what he’s doing, so I smile back.

  “So, now you guys know, I have to go blow up my life,” I say with a heavy breath.

  “I know this is hard sweetheart, and if you need any help, we’re all here. For anything,” Maddie says and my dad grunts his agreement.

  “Well, first, I need to deal with school, un-enroll from everything I just started, cancel my whole life I guess, and then, well then I need to speak to Jack.” I hold my head in my hands, before running them through my hair.

  “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this, but he cannot know, Remy. He can’t know any of it,” my dad tells me, and while I know he’s not sorry to see Jack go, I can see in his eyes that he’s sorry I’m hurting.

  “I know Dad. I won’t tell him, he’d try and have me committed if I started talking about this stuff in front of him. I just, need to kinda break my own heart and hide it while I break his, and that’s not easy.” Maddie stands and comes to hug me while Colt squeezes my hand.

  “I can’t tell you I know what this is like, I’ve loved my Nate since I was nothing more than a girl, but I can’t imagine how much it would hurt to have to let go of him like you’re having to do. Regardless of our feelings about the young man, we know that for you, this decision was harder than it was for us. None of us had ties made to the human world like you do.”

  “Thank you. It hurts, and I don’t think its hit me how much it’s going to hurt yet, but I know this is the right decision.” I smile at her as she squeezes my shoulder.

  “Fancy giving me a ride back to my place?” I ask Colt. “Sure thing li
ttle sis. You about ready?”

  “Yeah, I’ll leave my stuff here from yesterday, I just need to grab my bag.”

  “You ready, man?” he asks Creek.

  “Yeah, I’m good to go,” he replies and shrugs his hoodie on.

  “I’ll see you soon Pops. Mads,” Colt says hugging them both as he heads out, Creek doing the same.

  “If you need anything,” Dad says as I hug him goodbye. “Anything, Rem.”

  “I know Dad. Thank you.” I kiss his cheek before hugging Maddie and heading outside towards my new life.


  This week has been, well quite frankly, a shit show.

  I’ve removed myself from the resident program I joined ready to move with Jack, I canceled my dance classes, much to the dismay of my instructor, canceled all of the funding I’d secured for myself to study. Basically, I erased all of the plans I’ve spent the last year making, and now I’m sat on my sofa, spinning the engagement ring on my finger, trying to work out what the right words to say are. I know that really, there are no right words for what I’m about to do. My heart feels like I’ve cut it out of my chest slowly, but I know that the decision I’ve made is the right one. That this is the path I’m meant to take, the path that I can live with happily.

  Jack is on his way, he sent me a text ten minutes ago saying as much. After me dodging him all week, and my lame ramblings of us needing to talk, I know he knows something is wrong. He has to. Right?

  I hear his key twist in the lock of my apartment door, and Sushi leaps from the sofa and runs towards my bedroom. He never did like Jack.

  Strange little cat.

  I take a deep breath as the door opens and Jack comes in. I smile at him, but his face is like thunder. Awesome.

  “Are you sick?” he asks brashly as he closes the door before looking me over.


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