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Lust Abroad

Page 24

by Whitley Cox

  The front desk woman’s eyes went wide. “Oh . . . Miss? Miss Ryan. We’ve been expecting you. Yes, of course, welcome to The Windward Hibiscus Hotel. We’re so happy you’ve decided to come and spend your time at our resort. If there is anything, anything at all that you need, please do not hesitate to call and let us know. We have a twenty-four-hour concierge service, and even though we’re on an island, there’s not much we can’t accommodate.”

  I glanced at her name tag it said “Janessa.” Smiling, and hoping my cheeks were not as red as they felt and I didn’t have the words “I JUST HAD SEX WITH A STAFF MEMBER” stamped on my forehead, I said, “Thank you.” A man dressed in the customary beige pants and navy polo shirt with the hotel logo and name emblazoned in the top right corner, came over and offered me a customary smoothie in a glass. I thanked him and sipped it greedily. Sex with a stranger was parching. Mmm coconut and something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

  “It’s guava, Miss,” Janessa said, taking in my creased brow as I continued to sip through my straw.

  “Is that what it is?” I hummed. “It’s delicious.” I finished off the delightful glass of liquid heaven and set the empty vessel down on the front desk. “Now I know I’m supposed to go and meet with Mr. McAllister, but I was hoping to freshen up first. If I could be shown to my room, I’d really appreciate it.”

  Her French-tipped nails tippy-tapped on the keyboard, and her round face with rosy cheeks stretched into a big smile. “We actually have you in our presidential villa for the duration of your stay. Mr. McAllister wants you to spend your time here in the lap of luxury. You have an unencumbered view of the ocean as well as fresh fruit trees right outside your door next to your own private veranda. The veranda has full privacy as well, if you’re one of those who chooses to tan topless.”

  I smiled ruefully. “I’m not, but good to know. Thank you.”

  She nodded as she reached for a key card from a big stack, swiping it through a reader to load it with my room number. “All right then, Miss Ryan, if you’ll just follow me, I will take you to your villa so you can freshen up.” She sashayed out from behind the desk and went to reach for my bag. I let her, and then the two of us took off back down the same hallway I’d just come down. Past the same door I’d just ducked out of, the door to the room where not fifteen minutes ago I’d had the most intense, incredible and unforgettable sex of my life, all with a man whose name I refused to learn.

  Also by Whitley Cox

  Love, Passion and Power: Part 1

  The Dark and Damaged Hearts Series: Book 1

  Love, Passion and Power: Part 2

  The Dark and Damaged Hearts Series: Book 2

  Sex, Heat and Hunger: Part 1

  The Dark and Damaged Hearts: Book 3

  Sex, Heat and Hunger: Part 2

  The Dark and Damaged Hearts: Book 4

  Hot and Filthy

  The Dark and Damaged Hearts: Book 4.5

  True, Deep and Forever: Part 1

  The Dark and Damaged Hearts Series: Book 5

  True, Deep and Forever: Part 2

  The Dark and Damaged Hearts Series: Book 6

  Upcoming Releases

  Quick and Dirty

  Book 1, A Quick Series Novel

  Quick & Easy

  Book 2, A Quick Series Novella

  Hot Dad

  Hard, Fast and Madly: Part 1

  The Dark and Damaged Hearts Series: Book 7


  There are so many people to thank who have helped me on this daunting journey to becoming a published writer. First and foremost, my friend and editor Chris Kridler, you lady are a blessing, a gem and an all around amazing human being. Thank you for your honesty and hard work.

  Author Jeanne St. James for doing the first beta-read for me, your notes, insight and ideas were so helpful. Thank you. Justine and Krista for their beta-read as well. I love that I can hand you the rough, unedited stuff and you’ll read it and give me your feedback. Thank you.

  Tara at Fantasia Frog Designs, your covers are fantastic, and you are a peach. Keep ‘em coming, lady!

  The Naughty Room Readers authors, I love being part of such a tremendous set of inspiring, talented and supportive women. Thank you for letting me learn, lean on and join the team.

  My street team, Whitley Cox’s Curiously Kinky Reviewers, you are all awesome and I feel so blessed to have found such wonderful fans.

  The ladies in Vancouver Island Romance Authors, your support and insight have been incredibly helpful, and I’m so honored to be apart of a group of such talented writers.

  And lastly, of course, the husband. My rock, my travel companion, my partner in crime, my everything. I love you.

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  About the Author

  A Canadian West Coast baby born and raised, Whitley is married to her high school sweetheart, and together they have a spirited toddler and a fluffy dog. She spends her days making food that gets thrown on the floor, vacuuming Cheerios out from under the couch and making sure that the dog food doesn't end up in the air conditioner. But when nap time comes, and it's not quite wine o'clock, Whitley sits down, avoids the pile of laundry on the couch, and writes.

  A lover of all things decadent; wine, cheese, chocolate and spicy erotic romance, Whitley brings the humorous side of sex, the ridiculous side of relationships and the suspense of everyday life into her stories. With mommy wars, body issues, threesomes, bondage and role playing, these books have everything we need to satisfy the curious kink in all of us.




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