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Mighty Men with Weapons

Page 8

by Mighty Men

  He plunged inside her slick, wet walls and she cried out his name. The point of penetration was all the sweeter when she watched him move between her legs.

  “That’s my little whore,” he whispered.

  Her hips rolled forward, and her hands slapped against his shoulders. He pounded into her like he’d never enjoyed sex so much in his life, but the men watching them probably knew better.

  She came, too fast for his liking if he’d wanted to stay in between her legs. He didn’t care either way. He knew where he’d find his.

  Donovan. Colby.

  Thrusting into her walls, he let her take all she wanted. Faster and faster, he fucked her. The sweat ran off his chest and dripped from thick curls. Her hands smoothed over his pecs, and she smiled when her mouth fell open in a request for more.

  “Nate! No, don’t leave me yet! I want more...need...all of you.”

  Oh, he had more all right. He wanted her good and hooked. He pushed her legs apart and moved slower, taking his time. She tried. God love her heart, she wanted him to come, but he couldn’t. He didn’t want to give her the satisfaction.

  “I own you now,” he assured her, licking at her ear and gazing into Colby’s eyes. “This pussy belongs to me for as long as we allow you to stay,” he said.

  Colby nodded and turned away. He probably expected Nate to finish. And he would. Only, Colby’s sweet ass would provide the pleasure. Right after he convinced Donovan to join them.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Admiral Shoemaker walked into a classroom setting of eight newly trained ISOs. He took to the podium with complete authority. He moved the microphone to the side. He didn’t need the added assistance when his voice carried well enough all on its own.

  “You are the only group of newly selected ISOs. Together, you will go on an unusual mission, one we’ve never attempted before with a group of ISOs because, as most of you know, our operatives work on independent assignments. However, this job is full of obstacles, and we have limited time to complete our mission.”

  He strolled through the classroom like a college professor might walk the floor during a lecture. He studied each man looking back at him. He evaluated them on an individual basis. He had four killers and four with the potential to become all they needed to be in order to serve their country. Little did they know they weren’t fighting for a good cause but rather a personal vendetta, one the admiral planned to resolve as soon as possible.

  He stalked forward all at once and continued. “We have three ISOs in place in the Cook Islands. Due to some suspicious activity, these ISOs will be relieved from their duties. Your job is to take them out. Pick them off one by one, otherwise you will fail.”

  Pausing, he studied the operatives for a reaction. He wondered if they felt as he might if he were in their shoes. Did they wonder if they would soon face a similar fate? Did they want more specifics since they were assigned the task of taking out their own kind? Or were they too green, too new in the field, to care?

  Admiral Shoemaker continued, flipping on an overhead and moving to the light switch. Nate Francisco’s picture came up on the white wall. “Gentleman, this is your first target. ISO Francisco is an operative with unique skill sets. Physically and mentally, there has never been an ISO to match him. A former SEAL, if he leads you to the water, you will lose him or lose to him. He is trained in underwater delivery and ninety-five percent of his independent assassinations have occurred in the sea.

  “An excellent swimmer, Francisco is an unmatched marksman and has outperformed any sniper the SEALS ever had in place, independently or on a team. He’s also a loose cannon. You’ll want to take him out first, because if you fail to do so, then the scent of death will inspire him, and all eight of you will die in the South Pacific.”

  The hard expressions scattered around the room never changed. The men paid close attention, and they undoubtedly tasted the kill. Several of the ISOs seemed eager to begin their first mission.

  Only one operative acted concerned over the assignment. For a second, Shoemaker thought about reassigning him.

  He really needed an eight man team in place since he planned to send in the choppers rather than have the men travel by commercial flights. Besides, it might very well take an army to bring Nate Francisco down. Maybe he should seriously consider training a classroom of ISOs rather than a handful.

  * * * *

  The clickety-click of high heels sounded out in the hallway. A cute little blonde with bouncy boobs and ringlet curls made her way toward him.

  “Hey, good looking,” Darby Winslow flirted with the new nurse when she passed by his door. He’d been working her for days. Talking to her about her life and family, Darby thought the newcomer was warming up to him, and he hoped his tireless effort paid off.

  He needed an ally on first shift, and she was his target. Already, he formed an alliance with the nurse in charge of late afternoon meds. If he could do away with the morning medication, he would keep a clear mind. He needed a good head on his shoulders because he believed his father had something big in the works. Fearing the worst, he stepped up his game.

  He made the right friends and started counting down the hours. Soon, he’d walk right out of the facility and straight into Donovan’s waiting arms. If he could find him.

  “How are you this morning, Darby?” the sweet little nurse drawled. Her pink cheeks were highlighted with red rouge she didn’t need. If Darby found women attractive, he would’ve likely thought of her as beautiful. Instead, he only wanted to use her, and if she kept showing him profound interest, he’d do whatever required in order to get his way.

  “I’m good, sweetheart,” he said. “How are you?”

  “Ah, you know, Darby. Trouble at home again. There’s never enough time to set things right with me and my husband.”

  Darby hoped things would remain rocky for her until she walked him straight out of the hospital. Then, he’d wish her and her husband all the luck and love in the world.

  “I know what you’re going through,” he said, patting her shoulder.

  “Darby, do you?” she asked, batting her eyelashes.

  “Why sure, hon,” he said, draping his arm over her shoulder.

  She looked up at him like she saw her saving grace. Nurse Sharon had a hell of a marriage. Her husband drank, and her kids, from the way she described them, were brats. She wanted some attention, and he showered her with plenty.

  “I’ll be back in a minute,” she promised.

  “I’ll be right here,” he said, smiling.


  “What darlin’?”

  “I know this is uh...inappropriate...but would you mind having lunch with me today?”

  Ah, bless her little heart, she made things easier than he ever imagined. “Why, sure, Sharon, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather eat with today.” Except Donovan, and, love her soul, she was making his dreams more and more attainable. Soon, he’d find his way back to Donovan’s bed, and once he found him again, he was never letting go.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Donovan sat on the front porch, swinging back and forth. Nate walked out and inhaled the salty night air until his nostrils burned. Staring at the moon, he quickly snapped, “Where’s Colby?”

  “Did you enjoy yourself?” Donovan asked.

  “Where is Colby?”

  “Don’t worry. I haven’t knocked him off.”

  “I’m not concerned about you,” Nate said, but even as he spoke the words, he doubted them. Donovan wasn’t entirely loyal to them yet. He had a long way to go in order to establish some level of unity.

  “You should be.”

  He nailed that one. “We’re all going to work together here, Donovan. Either you’re a team player, or you aren’t. No games. We don’t have time for them.”

  “Why’s that?” he asked, raising a brow.

  “Are you really that naive?” he asked, searching the empty beach, hoping to spot Colby. “Where the hell is he?”

  Donovan stood. “I guess he went to grab something to eat because he offered to bring me something back. I didn’t take him up on it for fear he’d poison me, but I think he’s bringing back something for you and Karen.”

  Karen walked out then. “I’ll go to the restaurant, thank you very much.”

  Donovan shrugged and then smiled. “Looks like I’m not the only one with a trust issue.”

  Colby rounded the cabana then and stepped out of his sandy sandals at the bottom of the porch. Carrying a large tray of covered food, he pretended not to notice Karen at all.

  Damn, Nate thought. He was going to have to stop this jealousy thing.

  Donovan peered at the food. “Looks good,” he said, eyeing the grilled pineapple chicken. “I guess I’ll run over and check out the buffet. Karen, would you like to join me?”

  Nate shot Colby a heated glance. He probably didn’t like the idea of Donovan and Karen alone any more than Nate did, but there were some things he didn’t want to postpone. Colby topped his to-do list. After rolling around with Karen, Nate needed Colby’s undivided attention, and he wanted it fast.

  “I’m famished,” she drawled, smiling at Nate like they’d just formed the most intimate of all connections.

  “Good,” Donovan said. “You can eat with me.” He didn’t wait for her reply. Instead, he started toward the restaurant, and she trailed right behind him.

  By the time they were out of sight, Nate’s penis responded with plans of its own. Hell, he wasn’t sure his hard-on had diminished since he had sex with Karen. Even in the shower, he wasn’t able to do anything about his erection and since Colby didn’t join him there, he took his fisted hand to the cause.

  Colby smiled. “You hungry?”

  “You know it.”

  “Chicken?” he asked, walking inside with the tray.

  “Sausage sounds better,” he said, reaching around his waist and unhooking his belt while he pushed aside the clutter on the kitchenette counter.

  Nate’s lips went to Colby’s nape, and Colby didn’t turn around after he set the food next to the sink. Rolling his head to the side, Nate kissed and licked, nipped and sucked.

  “Ah, Nate,” Colby said grinding his hips backwards and rubbing his ass all over Nate’s stout erection.

  Nate released his cock and sheathed himself as his pants dropped. He retrieved a travel-size bottle of lube from his pants pocket right before they fell to the floor. Colby pushed his own jeans down and saved Nate the trouble. Stepping out of his slacks, Nate grabbed Colby’s hips.

  “Bend over,” he instructed, rubbing his penis up and down the crack of Colby’s ass. He lubricated his cock and Colby’s bottom. Then, he slid right between his globes.

  “Nate,” Colby whimpered.

  “That’s right,” he said, giving him what he needed. “I’m right here where you like me.”

  “Always,” he said, bucking against him. “God, you feel good.”

  “Always,” he assured him. “There’s no one who’ll ever take this ass like I can.”

  With the promise, Nate fucked him right. He worked in and out of his body in a timed beat, finding his pleasure with every single stroke.

  “Give me what I want,” he said, pumping Colby’s cock with his hand while thrusting forward and deeper into his ass.

  Colby’s cum drenched his knuckles. “Nate! Fuck yeah.”

  “You got that right,” he growled. “Fuck yeah.” Finding his release and pounding the hell out of one fine looking ass, he realized then why he’d grown so bitter over the last couple of years. He’d missed Colby. He missed him because he’d never known a man like him and never experienced a love like the one they shared.

  * * * *

  Their arms were wrapped around one another. The dinner tray had long since been set on the floor, and Colby longed to ask for special favors.

  He didn’t know why he never pushed Nate for more than he gave him in Afghanistan. Perhaps he was young and so smitten by Nate, or maybe he feared losing him if he required something Nate didn’t want to willingly give.

  Now he had everything to gain and everything to lose. Still, he wanted to know if Nate would deny him.

  Tightening his arms around Colby's waist, Nate kissed the top of his head.

  “I love you,” Colby said. “I love you a thousand times and then some. I love you.”

  Nate froze. Colby expected him to react, and the reaction he received was pretty much what he anticipated. Love probably never crossed Nate's mind.

  When Colby shifted, he braced himself over Nate. With his palms flat on either side of his head, Colby leaned down and kissed him.

  Nate shuddered. Colby went with the surprising gesture and made love to his open mouth much the same way he wanted to fuck him. His tongue darted in and out of Nate's mouth, and he felt Nate move under him, his knees bending in a relaxed position.

  Colby swirled his tongue between Nate's teeth and looped his tongue around Nate’s over and over again. French kissing him until the need hung lower, Colby pressed the tip of his dick against Nate’s ass.

  Swallowing hard, he backed away from Nate’s hungry mouth and said, “I want you to let me.”

  “I’m yours,” he said, a wicked grin shaping his full lips.


  Nate pulled him closer. “Yeah, you know it. Now fuck me. I dare ya.”

  “Oh God,” Colby said.

  When Nate’s lips covered his ear, he felt every nerve ending in his body come alive with a new fuse, a wash of heat rushing up and down his spine.

  “Fuck me, sweetheart. Fuck me until you collapse from exhaustion.”

  Colby sank into his ass, and the first penetration drew a weighted sigh from Nate. “Ah, yeah. Feels nice, doesn’t it babe?”

  Nate’s bottom tightened around his cock, and he milked Colby’s dick. Working him as Colby jabbed forward, Nate drew his legs up and rolled those broad shoulders forward, stretching his neck in an effort to watch their bodies meet.

  Pressing on Nate’s knees, Colby withdrew and entered, withdrew and reentered. He tapped Nate’s balls with his fingertips and continued to fuck. Beads of sweat careened off their foreheads, and Nate held him in a lover’s trance.

  “Love me, Nate. Love me back,” he said, plunging inside his ass again and again. Right then, he wanted Nate to say the words. He needed to hear the words of endearment.

  Nate wrapped his hand around his own cock, and his thick fingers tugged at his heavily veined skin. “That’s it,” he whispered. “Let me feel you, Colby.”

  Colby pushed Nate’s muscular thighs farther apart and moved closer and closer, fighting for release. In and out, he fucked. Harder and harder, he moved in a way designed for a man’s pleasure.

  Nate looked like a god as he worked for the climax. He pulled his shaft in and out of his hand.

  Locked in a timeless spell, Colby licked Nate’s moistened lips when Nate’s hot spray jetted across his belly, a smidgen of his release dotting his bottom lip.

  “God, that’s sexy,” Colby said.

  “Come,” Nate ordered.

  And he did. Heaven help him, he got off the very second Nate asked, and why wouldn’t he? He had never denied him anything, and he wasn’t about to start now.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I want you and Donovan to sleep together.”

  “What?” Colby felt a slight sting with Nate’s request.

  Nate sat up and pulled Colby with him. He ran a lone finger up and down his leg. “Don’t act so surprised.”

  Colby looked across the room. At any moment, Karen and Donovan would return from dinner. They really didn’t have time to start a discussion about why he didn’t want to sleep with Donovan Collier.

  “I really don’t think you want me in Collier’s bed.”

  “Why not?”

  “We might kill each other, for starters.”

  “What if I’m there to mediate?”

  Colby laughed. “Excuse me, but I
thought sex was supposed to be enjoyed by the participants, not forced.”

  “No one will force you or Donovan. In fact, I’m willing to bet you’ll enjoy yourselves.”

  “You think he’ll willingly go to bed with me?” Colby wasn’t asking but, rather, processing.

  “Undoubtedly, the two of you were attracted to one another from the moment you first met.”

  “I can think someone is sexy without fucking him.”

  “You’ll have chemistry.”

  Colby stared at Nate in disbelief. “And how the hell would you know?”

  “I know you.”

  Shaking his head, Colby said, “Nate, we haven’t been together in a long time. You know the person I used to be, but you have no idea who I’ve become.”

  “You haven’t changed,” he assured Colby. “I understand what makes you tick, and Donovan will get you going. Trust me.”

  “The way he got you going?” Colby fired back.

  Nate was thoughtful. He waited and then responded. “Yeah,” he said. “Precisely the way he got me going.”

  Sighing, Colby said, “I admit I found him attractive. That is, before I connected the dots.”

  “You mean with Darby?” Nate probed.

  “Yeah,” he said. “Nate, I gotta tell ya, I don’t think Donovan and I can be in the same room for long periods of time, let alone the same bed.”

  “Why not?”

  Colby shook his head. “Did you miss the fact I was hired to take out Darby? Did you?” The anger boiled with each word he spoke.

  “Hell no,” Nate said, standing. “We’re killers, damn it. He’s not going to hold an assignment against you. You had a job to do, one you obviously didn’t complete if Winslow is, indeed, still alive.”

  “Oh, I left him alive, all right, and he lived to tell Donovan everything we did together.”

  “And you think that’s where Donovan has a problem.”


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