Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC

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Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC Page 5

by Crystal Daniels

  I nod as he leads me down a short hallway and opens the first door to the right.

  “This is where we keep all our customer files and invoices along with the printer and fax machine.” Guiding me back out into the hallway again, he shows me another door.

  “This is Jake’s office. If he’s here, just remember to always knock first before going in. Okay?”

  “Always knock, got it,” I smile. I’m trying hard to concentrate on everything he is telling me but with his hand still making contact, I’m finding it hard to concentrate on anything else.

  We walk back through the garage, to a door that’s found on the far end.

  “Through here is the break room if you’d like to use it.”

  I walk in and notice that it’s a completely furnished room with a small kitchenette along with a small, round dining table. Off to the right is a large couch with a coffee table and a big ass TV hanging on the wall.

  “This looks more like a small apartment,” I tell him as I walk around. I look over my shoulder at Logan, who’s leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed watching me.

  “By chance is there a soda machine or coffee anywhere? I could use some more caffeine this morning.” He points to the counter next to the refrigerator.

  “There’s a coffee maker there, and we always keep water, soda, and beer in the fridge. The guys unwind after work sometimes back here, so you’ll find that it’s usually stocked.”

  I smile. It seems like a laid-back place.

  “Well, I think I got a good feel of the place, but I would love to see Jake and speak with him for a moment when he gets here, thank him again for the job.”

  Logan reaches in the refrigerator, grabbing himself a water and hands me a soda.

  “He’ll be here soon. Let him know what you like to drink and eat, and he’ll make sure to stock it.”

  He leads me back out through the garage and back into the main building. I walk over to the front counter, setting my purse down behind it on a shelf, and then turning the computer screen on that’s sitting on top.

  Leaning in over my shoulder, Logan points to the screen. “The system we use is pretty simple, but if you have any questions, Jake can answer them. I don’t mess with this shit.”

  Logan is still standing close. He smells so good. His smell isn’t overpowering. He smells simply of fresh clean soap and leather.

  “Where’s the restroom?”

  “You can use the one in the break room. At the door to the left side of the TV.” He informs me.

  I move past him, lightly brushing my back against his front and make my way to the bathroom. Once inside, I lean against the door and close my eyes while taking a deep breath.

  Looking in the mirror, I give myself a mental pep talk. Get yourself together, Bella.

  I walk back out front and notice Jake talking with Logan and a younger guy I haven’t met yet.

  Turning their attention towards me as I make my way to the counter, Jake speaks up first. “Hey, sweetheart. Glad to see ya. Heard Logan here showed you the ropes. Anything else you need to know, you come ask me. There are donuts in the break room, help yourself.”

  “This here’s Blake. Write down anything you might need for the break room, he’ll go get it,” Logan says introducing Blake.

  “I don’t need anything special. Whatever is in there is fine.”

  “He’s going either way, best to tell him or he’ll pick up random chick food.”

  Most guys think all women want salads. This chick likes real food. I’ll take pizza and burgers over veggies any day.

  “Okay. Give me a second to write a few things down.”

  Once I’m through, I hand my small list to Blake.

  The rest of the day goes by smoothly. I only had to bug someone once on a specific order. Quinn was the one to show me how to enter in all the specs.

  Before closing, I make my way back to Jake’s office. Knocking three times, I wait for him to answer.

  “It’s open,” he barks, sounding irritated, so I slowly open the door peeking inside. He peers up from what he’s looking at and his features relax a bit when he notices it’s me.

  “You got a minute?” I question.

  He leans back in his chair, rubbing his beard. “Sure, sweetheart. Come on in.”

  “Jake, I just wanted to tell you thank you for giving me a chance with this job. You have no idea how much I needed it.”

  “You did good today. Keep on doing like you have been and we’re square.”

  I feel a little lighter after thanking him. I walk around and hug his neck. He tenses for just a moment but seems to relax. I make my way to the door but he stops me.

  “Bella, you need anything just let me or one of the guys know. It’s dark outside, so no walking to your car alone. Got it?”

  “Yeah, Jake. I’ll let someone know I’m leaving.”

  He nods his approval and I shut the door when I leave.

  Logan is standing out by the front counter when I come back out.

  “Walking you to your car tonight,” he states, unknowingly making my skin hum with his gravelly voice.

  I grab my things from behind the counter before walking towards the door he’s now holding open.

  We make our way across the parking lot and I unlock my car.

  “Hand me your phone,” Logan demands.

  I look at him and raise an eyebrow, silently asking why. He has his hand held out waiting for me to comply.

  “Putting my number in your phone, beautiful. You text when you get home. Let me know you made it safe.”

  I should feel strange with his demand, but I don’t, so I hand him my phone without hesitation.

  There is no ignoring the spark that is felt when the tips of our fingers brush slightly as he hands my phone back. With a husky tone in his voice, Logan says, “Get in the car, Bella.”

  I get in and start the engine. He takes a few steps back as I pull out the lot and head home.

  The whole time my pulse racing from being near him.

  I make it home and pull into the driveway. Before I get out of the car I reach over into my purse and grab my phone. Pulling up Logan’s number, I type out a text.

  Me: I’m home

  Logan quickly answers back.

  Logan: Goodnight, Angel



  Angel: I’m home

  Me: Night Angel

  Angel: Goodnight Logan

  It’s been two months since Bella started working at the garage and each night ends with her text letting me know she’s home. Though I’ve enjoyed getting to know her, it’s hard as hell keeping our relationship on a friend level. Bella is not the kind of woman you take to bed, then forget about. She’s too fucking good, too sweet for me to treat her that way. Problem is, I can’t seem to take any woman to my bed lately. My cock knows what it wants, and it’s not club pussy. My heart and my head are playing tug of war with each other. My heart is telling me to take what I want, make Bella mine. My head is telling me to stay fucking clear and not to go down that road again. Am I a bastard for sometimes sending mixed signals? Hell yes. Do I care? Fuck no. I never said I wasn’t a selfish man.

  Smiling, I put my phone back in my pocket, and motion for the prospect to bring me another beer. I came to the clubhouse after work to have a few drinks with my brothers and to sort shit out with our run this weekend. Tensions have been high ever since Los Demonios were caught trying to break into our warehouse. Dealing with all this bullshit right now is another reason I’m keeping Bella at a distance. I can’t risk anything happening to her.

  I’ve just finished my third beer when Gabriel takes a seat next to me at the bar.

  “Look, man. I’ve got to ask. We got this run tomorrow and I want to make sure your head’s in the right place after all the shit we’ve been dealing with lately.”

  “Yea, brother. I’m straight,” He answers looking me dead in the eyes.

  Satisfied with his repl
y, I stand up and take one last pull of my beer. Time to call it a night, so I head upstairs to my room and take a quick shower before laying my tired ass down for the night.

  Fuck. I can’t sleep. I’ve been lying here staring at the ceiling for the past couple hours. I’m feeling too uneasy about the run we have coming up. Ever since Los Demonios moved their club into Dixon, they have kept to themselves. They’re mostly into selling drugs and pussy, but as long as they don’t bring their drugs to Polson, we don’t give two shits about what they do. The Kings have an understanding with our local police. We help them keep Polson clean and in return they look the other way when it comes to our less than legal operations.

  What has me pissed the fuck off is their sudden interest in our operations and why those pussies thought they could come into our territory and try to steal from the Kings.

  I sit up on the edge of my bed. Sighing, I run my hand through my hair, deciding that if I can’t sleep, I may as well take a shower and start my day.

  After spending a good fifteen minutes under the spray of hot water to relax my muscles, I dry off and pull on a pair of jeans, my boots, and a long sleeve black Henley. I slide my cut on, lock up my room, and head to the kitchen.

  I see Reid sitting at the table. Looking over, I notice a fresh pot of coffee sitting on the counter. I fix myself a cup before taking a seat across from him. We sit in silence for a moment before I speak.

  “You still not sleeping?”

  “You know how it is,” he says, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Yea, brother...I do.”

  We’ve all got our own demons keeping us up at night. My brother is struggling right now. Reid was in an accident almost four years ago causing him to lose his leg, but that’s not what he struggles with. He lost his little brother in that car accident. I lost one of my best friends. The whole club was devastated when Noah died.

  Changing the subject, I ask, “Do you have today’s route mapped out for us?”

  Reid is the club’s road captain, and he plans all our runs. We take a different route every time, making sure we stay off police radar.

  “Yep, we’re all set, brother. I think we should take a prospect with us today,” he suggests. “You know with all the shit that’s going down, we could use the extra eyes.”

  “Let me run it by Prez.”

  Lisa comes walking in with Bennett, “Hey, boys. I’m going to make some breakfast. You hungry?”

  “Hell yeah. You know we’re not about to turn down your cookin’.”

  After I finish two helpings of eggs, bacon, and toast I take my empty plate to the sink where Lisa is washing the dishes.

  “Thanks, Lisa,” I say, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Anytime, sweetheart. You boys be safe out there today.”

  I leave the kitchen and make my way down the hall towards Jake’s office.

  When I pass Cassie in the hall, I try to ignore her, but she reaches out grabbing my arm to stop me.

  “Hey, baby. I’m going to miss you,” she purrs while running her hands up my chest. I take her wrist and move her hand off me.

  “Not now, Cassie.”

  “Come on, Logan. Why don’t you let me take care of you before you go?”

  “Fuck, Cassie! Go find some other brother’s cock to suck, that’s what you’re here for.” I bark at her, completely fucking annoyed at the way she’s been acting lately.

  “You’re acting this way because of that bitch, aren’t you?”

  “What the fuck you are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about that little bitch you work with.”

  Suddenly, I see red. In one swift movement, I wrap my hand around the bitches throat and push her against the wall. Her eyes go big, shocked by my actions.

  “Bella is none of your fuckin’ business. You, Cassie, are a clubwhore, and your only business is laying on your back or getting on your knees. Is there any part of that you don’t understand?”

  After nodding her head quickly, I let her go.

  “Now get the fuck out of here.”

  How does the bitch even know about Bella? She’s probably been snooping around. Pissed I haven’t touched her pussy in months.

  Once she scurries away, I continue to Jake’s office. I knock on his door before going in.

  “Hey, Prez. Got a minute?”

  “Sure, kid. What’s up?”

  “I was talking with Reid, and he suggested we take Austin with us today. With all this shit going down lately, I think it’s a good idea.”

  Jake leans back in his chair folding his arms over his chest contemplating my request.

  “Alright. Take the prospect. Call on the burner if there are any signs of trouble.”

  Leaving his office and walking into the common room, I see the prospect cleaning up from the night before. “Austin,” I holler from across the room. “Get your shit and be out front in five.”

  He doesn’t say a word, just lifts his chin, and does what he’s told. Making my way outside, I see Reid leaning against his bike smoking a cigarette. Looking around I notice Quinn isn’t here.

  I turn to Reid. “You see Quinn?”

  He looks at me with his head cocked. “Do you really need to ask? You saw the redhead he had hangin’ all over him last night,” He says with a grin.

  Fuck no, I don’t need to ask. I head back inside going straight to dipshit’s room. I open the door without knocking and sure as shit he’s banging the hell out of the redheaded bitch while wearing dreadlocks and an eye patch.

  Shaking my head, I let out a sigh. “Hey, Johnny Depp. Wrap this shit up. We leave in five.”

  Quinn pulls out of the chick not even bothering to cover himself, smacking her on the ass. “You’re fuckin’ lucky I was finished, bro. There is no way in hell I was leaving this fine pussy and riding with a case of blue balls,” he says as he walks over to the chair sitting by the bedroom door and starts pulling on his jeans.

  Deciding I’ve seen enough, I tell him, “Don’t forget to take off the dreads, brother.”

  I turn around and head back outside leaving him to finish getting ready.

  As I’m fishing a cigarette out of my cut I look over and see Quinn mounting his bike. I can’t help fuckin’ laughing at him because the fucker is still wearing the eye patch.

  He shrugs his shoulders and starts his bike.

  Quinn is who he is and makes no apologies. We all like to bust his balls from time to time, but he knows he has no judgment from his brothers.

  “Listen up,” I raise my voice above the rumble of the engines, “You all know the shit going down with Los Demonios. We need to keep our eyes open today. Stay observant. They’re some shady motherfuckers.”

  Our first stop is the warehouse to load the guns in the van that I have the prospect driving. We normally would have three brothers on this run, that way things look less suspicious, but with the recent threat to the club, we have five men today.

  Pulling up in front of the warehouse, I see a couple of our guys sitting outside.

  “Alright. Let’s get this shit loaded. I want to be back on the road in an hour.”

  Forty-five minutes later we’re loaded and ready to roll when Gabriel pulls me aside.

  “Just got a call from a friend in Dixon. He’s doing me a favor by keeping an eye out for any Demonios today. He told me he saw about seven of their men riding through today in three trucks headed in this direction. My guess is they are about thirty minutes out. What’s the plan?”

  “We stay ahead of them. Plus, they don’t know our route. We can’t miss this delivery. We do, and then our buyer’s will be looking to take their business somewhere else. I’m not willing to risk it.”

  “I’m with you, brother,” he says.

  I motion to everyone as we prepare to head out. “Let’s roll.”

  The plan is to meet up with the Asians in Eureka. We don’t go all the way to the border because of check points. That’s their problem, not ours.

nbsp; Two hours later, we make it to our agreed meeting place. Looking at my phone, I see we are about twenty minutes early.

  Climbing off my bike, I decide to have a smoke while we wait.

  Feeling irritated, I check the time again. It’s been forty-five minutes, and still, our buyers are a no show.

  “I don’t fuckin’ like this. Something’s off.”

  “Agreed, man,” adds Reid.

  “This shit reeks of Los Demonios.”

  Throwing my cigarette down, I grab the burner from my cut. “I’m going to call Prez. See what he wants to do.”

  I barely get those words out of my mouth when two trucks come flying up the dirt road. I reach into my cut for my gun.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” A man, with a heavy Spanish accent, says. Taking my hand slowly out of my cut, I turn around to find a man with a gun to Quinn’s head.

  “Sorry, boss. Chaparro ‘Shorty’ here, got me while I was taking a piss.”

  “Cállate cabrón Shut up asshole,” the man says, then clocks Quinn in the eye with the butt of his gun.

  “Son of a bitch! That wasn’t necessary, man.” Quinn tells him while holding the side of his face.

  “Now, here’s what’s going to happen. My men and I are taking those guns. If I see any one of you reaching for your piece, you’ll be going back home with one less gringo.”

  I motion for all my men to take it easy. I look specifically at Gabriel and I can see the wild look in his eyes.

  I shake my head at him.

  Now is not the time for him to lose his shit.

  Thirty minutes later, they have our guns loaded into their trucks and it’s taking all I have not to put a bullet in his head, but I won’t risk Quinn’s life.

  “You know you won’t get away with this,” I say, gritting my teeth.

  “Fuck you puta, bitch,” he laughs. “Looks to me like we are.”

  My men and I just watched those sons of bitches take our guns. I’m about to call Jake when Quinn approaches me with anger and regret written all over his face.

  “Look, Logan. This is all on me. I fucked up, brother.”

  “Damn straight you fucked up. Had you been paying attention that motherfucker wouldn’t have gotten the drop on you.”


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