Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC

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Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC Page 6

by Crystal Daniels

  Quinn hangs his head at my sharp words but it needs to be said, and he knows it. Sighing I tell him, “Shit, man. Regardless, it happened. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that we’re all going home in one piece.”

  Back at the clubhouse, Jake calls emergency church. We need to figure out our next plan of action. Once we all make our way into the room and take our seats, Jake regards Quinn. “You okay, brother?”

  He nods his head in response.

  “Alright. Once Logan informed me of what happened, I called our buyer. Turns out they got a text telling them the meetup time had changed. That’s why they were a no show.”

  “You believe him?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I believe him. They’ve been dealing with us a couple of years now without incident, so I don’t see them risking their business to start up any sort a relationship with an unknown MC.”

  “So, what do we do?” This coming from Reid.

  “We wait for now,” Jake says. “If we go in hot, letting our anger cloud our judgment, things will get sloppy. So, we play this smart. Let them think they’re getting away with fucking us over. In the meantime, we contact the Russians. Let them in on what’s going down. I have a feeling they’re not going to take to kindly to Los Demonios fuckin’ with their business. I know you don’t like waiting, letting them pussies think they’ve won, but it is what’s best. Are we all in agreement?” Jake asks.

  With collective ‘ayes’ from all the brothers, Prez slams the gavel. “It’s decided. We wait.”

  Walking out of church, I stride up next to Quinn and slap him on the back.

  “Come on man. Let’s go grab a beer.”

  Some heavy shit went down today and my brother is feeling the weight of it. Even though he fucked up, he needs to understand that what happened out there could have happened to any one of us. Hell, we all fuck up from time-to-time but at the end of the day, you suck it up and roll with it.

  “Not tonight, brother. I’m going to go for a ride. Clear my head.”

  “Alright. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.”

  As he’s walking away I call out to him. “Hey, Quinn.”

  Turning, he looks back at me.

  “You know you can call me if there’s anything you need, man?”

  “Yeah, brother. Thanks.”

  I take a seat at the bar next to Reid, “Quinn doing okay?” He asks.

  “Yeah, just going to sort his shit out.”

  Quinn is known for cuttin’ up, crackin’ jokes, and always fuckin’ with one of us. Behind that humor is a man that is very passionate about his club. Seeing him so torn up about today doesn’t surprise me. I know he’ll be okay once he clears his head.

  Needing a shot of whiskey, I turn my attention to who’s behind the bar and see our prospect, Blake.

  “What can I get you, Logan?”

  “Give me two shots of whiskey and a beer, man.”

  Several shots and too many beers later, I decide to crash in my room. Too fucking tired and drunk to bother with a shower.

  I strip off my clothes, put my piece on the nightstand and climb into bed. Looking at the time, I see it’s a little after one in the morning. I know Bella is asleep by now, but after the day I’ve had I just want to hear her voice.

  Grabbing my phone off the table beside my bed, I find her name in my contacts and press the call button. It rings four times before I hear her sleepy voice.


  I let out a deep sigh because this is exactly what I needed.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Logan, is everything okay?”

  “Everything is fine, babe. I just wanted to hear your sweet voice, and tell you goodnight.”

  With a raspy giggle, she says. “If you’d have waited a few hours you could have told me good morning.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I say chuckling.

  “I’m going to let you get back to sleep. I’ll see you at work Monday. Goodnight, Angel.”

  “Goodnight, Logan.”



  The weight of Logan’s firm muscular body pressing against mine has my whole-body buzzing. Pulling my hair to one side, his lips make their warm decent down the side of my neck and over my shoulder. The feel of his hands caressing my skin as they run over the curve of my hips has me desperately wanting more.

  Rubbing my ass against his hard length, his cock slips between my legs. He begins sliding the head of his cock along my wet folds. A whimper escapes my lips just before he thrust into me from behind. Reaching his hand around, he starts to rhythmically work my clit.

  “You’re gonna come for me, Bella,” his words rasp in my ear, causing my skin to tingle. “I want to feel your tight pussy come all over my cock.”

  Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep.

  Opening my eyes, I groan as I reach over to shut my alarm off. I blow out a frustrated breath. My body is still tingling and my panties soaked. I’ve been waking up the same way for weeks now. Logan consumes my every waking thought, and now he’s taken over my dreams as well. He still hasn’t moved our relationship past being friends, even though he sometimes gives me the impression that he wants more. Of course I’m too much of a chicken to make the first move.

  Looking over, I see Alba’s bed is empty, which is surprising because my sister is not an early riser. It’s a struggle getting her butt up every morning.

  Walking out of our room and into the hall, I stop in my tracks when I see Lee hovering by the bathroom door with his hand on the knob. My stomach clenches because I know Alba is in there.

  Rushing over, I get right up in his face. “Get the hell away from that door.”

  “What? She’s been in there awhile. Just wanted to make sure she’s alright is all.”

  “You’re disgusting.” I seethe.

  Lee’s face goes red, “Your mouth is going to get you in trouble, little girl. I would watch it if I were you.”

  The bathroom door opens, and Alba lets out a startled yelp. “Bella, is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine. Come on,” I say, grabbing her hand and leading her back to our room.

  “Are you going to tell me what that was all about between you and Lee back there?”

  “It’s nothing for you to worry about.”

  After eyeing me for a second, she goes about getting ready for school.

  A few hours later, I’m in the break room at work making lunch for everyone. It’s become my thing. Logan has even started eating with me every day unless he has club business.

  I look forward to our time together, getting to know one another. We mostly talk about everyday things like when my sister and I moved to Montana and what high school I went to.

  In return, he told me about growing up with the club and how much his brothers mean to him. I found myself so comfortable with Logan that I’m sitting here telling him about my father and the abuse my sister and I suffered as children.

  My father is a subject I never talk about. The memories of the beatings and verbal abuse are too much at times and can trigger panic attacks.

  I’m stunned at Logan’s reaction after telling him about my father. His body is vibrating with anger as he stands up from the table and starts pacing the break room, then he stops, turns, and punches a hole in the wall.

  “Son of a bitch!” he roars.

  I sit here a little confused by his actions. He must have taken my confused look for something else because he immediately drops to his knee in front of me.

  “You have no reason to be afraid me, babe. I would never hurt you.”

  “I know, I’m not scared of you. I just don’t understand why you’re so upset.”

  “I’m upset because the thought of any man putting their hands on you—on a child—makes me want to kill the motherfucker.”

  “It was a long time ago, Logan. I’m fine now.”

  “Where is the piece of shit now?” He asked through clenched teeth.

bsp; “Dead. Died when I was six.”

  “Good,” he says, before returning to his chair.

  I jump, when Quinn’s voice startles me from behind. “What’s for lunch? Sorry, sweetheart. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “It’s okay,” I chuckle. “I made meatball subs.”

  Wrapping up a couple and placing them in a sack, I hand them to Quinn. “You mind taking these across the street to Gabriel for me?”

  “You got it, darlin’.”

  Hearing my phone ring, I pull it from my back pocket. I see it’s Mason calling…again. Sighing, I shake my head. This shit’s getting ridiculous. You would think that months of not returning his texts or answering his calls that he would take a hint. He has been getting more persistent lately. It’s like the more I ignore him, the harder he tries. He went from a text or call here and there to several a day. It was his last voicemail that had me a little concerned. He was calling me a tease and demanding I pick up the phone. Just thinking about our last date sends chills down my spine.

  “Everything okay, Bella?” Logan asks.

  “Of course,” I say, setting my phone on the table then bringing our plates over before sitting down. I’m about to take a bite of my food when my phone chimes again. This time with a text. After setting my sandwich down on my plate I go to grab my phone, but Logan beats me to it.

  “What the hell, Logan? Give me my phone.”

  “What the fuck?” he hisses, totally ignoring me, “Who the fuck is Mason, and why in the hell is he demanding you call him back?”

  “It’s not really any of your business. Now give me my phone back.”

  His face reddens, nostrils flare, and his hand grips my phone so hard I’m afraid he’s going to crush it.

  “When I see some motherfucker, with a pissant name like Mason, calling and texting your phone, it is my business, babe.”

  “Um...I’m pretty sure it’s not.” I snap back.

  My phone chimes again, and from the murderous look on Logan’s face, it’s not good. Logan swipes his finger across the screen.

  “Shit. Logan, please don’t do that. Just leave it alone.”

  “Fuck no, Bella. I’m not ignoring this shit.”

  “Is this Mason? No motherfucker, you can’t talk to Bella. If you call her phone one more goddamn time I will personally come beat your fuckin’ ass,” he says, then hangs up. “I’m only going to ask you one more time, Bella. Who the fuck is Mason?”

  What the hell has gotten into Logan? Since when has my personal life become his concern?

  Giving up on trying to get my phone back, I slump down in my chair and let out a heavy sigh.

  “He’s a guy I went to school with. A few months ago, I saw him at the coffee shop in town and he asked me out. I thought what the hell and agreed.”

  I look up and see Logan clenching his teeth. “We only went out a few times. I remember him being a decent guy in school. On our first couple of dates he was nice and respectful, but it was on our third when he changed.”

  “Changed how?”

  “Well, we went to dinner and then he was going to take me to a concert. He said a local band was playing at a bar in town, but he’d left the tickets at home. I didn’t think anything of it at first. We drove to his house, and he invited me to come in for a minute so I wasn’t waiting in the car. Once we were inside his house, it was like a switch flipped. Suddenly, he was all over me. Mason was telling me it was time to give it up and quit being a tease. I was so scared. I didn’t know what to do. He was strong and so much bigger than me. Somehow, I managed to knee him in his balls and when he went down I ran out of the house. I kept running until I reached a gas station down the street. I called a cab to take me home. A few days later is when the calls and texts started, and he’s been doing this for a couple of months.” I tell him.

  “I’m not a tease, Logan,” I say looking up at him, “I didn’t do anything to lead him on.”

  “It’s not your fault,” he says, pulling me into him and holding me.

  I lay my head on his chest breathing in his scent, and it instantly calms me. A few minutes later I lift my head and look up at him. Logan brings his hand up, cupping both sides of my face. He brings his face down closer to mine and our eyes locked on one another. My breath hitches, and my lips part. My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest. This is it. Logan is finally going to kiss me.

  “You guys better have saved me some lunch,” Quinn’s loud voice echoes as he comes walking into the room, breaking the connection.

  Seeing that he has just interrupted us, Quinn stops in his tracks. “Aww fuck, I sure got shitty timing. Well, don’t let me stop you guys. Please continue.”

  That causes me to giggle, and Logan reluctantly releases his hold on me. “It’s okay, Quinn.”

  “Fuck no it’s not,” Logan growls.

  Quinn, of course, ignores Logan and sits down with us, giving me a wink.

  7:00 pm rolls around so Logan and I are closing the garage down for the day since Quinn and Jake left about an hour ago. After filing the invoices for the day all that’s left to do is to take the garbage out.

  Walking out from behind the reception counter with my small bag of trash, I see Logan closing the bay doors.

  “Hey, I’m taking the garbage out.” I yell over my shoulder.

  “Give me a minute and I’ll do it.”

  “I got it.”

  “Babe, I said I’d get it. Just as soon as I get this broke ass door closed,” he grunts as he manually starts to pull down the second bay door.

  “I’m capable of toting this small bag of trash by myself. I don’t need your burliness to carry it for me,” I sass, while admiring his backside and the way his muscle flex as he pulls on the garage door down.

  “Woman...” I hear his fading voice say as I continue to finish the task at hand.

  After grabbing the trash from the break room as well, I head to the back door. Opening it, I walk over to the garbage bin and toss both bags inside. As I turn to make my way back, I’m slammed up against the wall of the garage with so much force my breath gets knocked from my body.

  Before I can get my bearings back, a hand covers my mouth, keeping me from making a sound.

  “Did you think sicking your biker-boyfriend on me was going to scare me away, you little bitch?” Mason sneers only an inch from my face.

  I start struggling to get out of his hold, but it’s no use, so I do the only thing I can think of. I bite down as hard as I can on the hand that’s covering my mouth, drawing blood.

  “You fucking bitch!” he roars, right before back handing me across my face, knocking me to the ground. A second later he’s on top of me and his hands are everywhere.

  I refuse to let this asshole do this to me, so I start fighting back with everything I have.

  “Stop fucking fighting me, you stupid cunt!” Mason says right before I see him rear back. This time with a closed fist.

  I close my eyes and brace myself for the punch, but it never comes.



  “What the hell is taking that woman so long?” Checking my watch–it’s been at least 5 minutes since I watched her walk towards the back door. I’m making my way to the back of the garage to check on her when I hear her scream through the door, “Get off me!”

  What the fuck? My stomach clenches at the sound of her distress.

  I start running towards the back door that leads to the alleyway. That’s when I see Bella struggling with someone that has her pinned on the ground. His hand rears back and he’s about to punch her when I grab the fucker and pull him away from her, then slam him against the wall and watch his body crumple to the ground. Reaching down I grab a handful of his hair, pulling his sorry ass up. I press him against the dumpster only to bury my fist into his face repeatedly until he can no longer stand on his own. My knuckles cut from connecting with his teeth.

  Letting him go, I walk over and kneel to help Bella to her feet
. “Babe, you okay?” I ask as I’m looking her over. Her shirt is torn and hanging from her shoulder. When I make it to her face, I’m met with an angry looking welt on her cheek, combined with tears running down her face.

  I’ll be damned if a man lays a hand on her while I’m breathing. Fueled by rage, I walk over to the little punk that’s trying to get back up and give him a boot to the side of his bleeding head.

  “I’m going to assume you’re Mason. The little cocksucker who’s been harassing Bella.”

  I stand him up and punch him in the ribs causing him to groan in pain.

  “Man, she’s a fuckin’ tease,” he coughs out.

  That earns him another fist to the face. Bloods gushes from his nose as he falls to his knees.

  “You broke my nose,” he whines.

  “I’m going to do more than break your fuckin’ nose.”

  Bringing him to his feet, I slam him against the brick wall of the building, this time wrapping my hand firmly around his throat.

  “Logan! Watch out!” Bella screams, just as Mason brings his hand up, slicing my arm with a knife.

  Grabbing his wrist, I twist his hand back making him drop the weapon, and I tighten my grip on his neck causing his face to go red.

  Reaching into my cut, I pull out my gun, pressing the tip of the barrel against his temple. “You’re eat up with stupid, aren’t you motherfucker.”

  “Logan, he’s not worth it! Just let him go!” Bella bellows.

  I cock my gun, my adrenaline pumping. “This fucker put his hands on you. I’m not letting that go. Get inside, Bella.”

  She walks up and touches my arm. “Logan...look at me.”

  When I don’t, she tries again. “Logan,” she says calmly. “Please. He’s not worth it.”

  How can anyone want to hurt her?

  “I can’t let this go, Angel.”

  She nods. “I know. Just, don’t kill him. I’m more worried about what will happen to you. What if someone hears a gunshot and calls the police? I don’t want you to get in trouble.”


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