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Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC

Page 9

by Crystal Daniels

  Lee drops his cigarette to the floor and smudges it out with his boot.

  “Come on now, that’s no way to talk to a customer. I may be shopping around for a bike.”

  He starts walking around, looking at magazines and flipping through pages when his phone rings.

  “You’d have to have a job and money to do that,” I say crossing my arms and glaring at him.

  I can’t hear what he is saying on the phone because it’s in hushed tones, but whoever it is has wiped that smugness right off his face.

  Quickly hanging up, he shoves his phone into his back pocket and walks out without another word.

  I breathe out a sigh of relief as soon as he’s gone.

  I’m thankful that he left, but it just adds to all the other shit that’s been going on lately. He’s been gone from the house more than usual, which I’m not going to complain about. Still, something isn’t right. I’m not sure what, but my gut is telling me something is up.

  I shake all those thoughts off and finish the orders I started before breaking for lunch. I walk to the entrance and flip the lock and insert the sign that points to the bay doors in case an actual customer shows up.

  I’m hungry since breakfast consisted of nothing but coffee this morning. After taking my sister to school I didn’t have time to stop for anything else. She has exams this week and can’t be tardy. She has a great shot at graduating with honors and I’ll make damn sure nothing screws that up for her.

  I’m walking through the door leading to the garage on my way to the break room with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on my mind, when I hear Quinn holler out from over near the third bay door, where he’s airbrushing graphics onto a gas tank.

  “Hey, Bella. What do the mafia and pussies have in common?”

  I smile and hang my head because I know another dirty, inappropriate joke is about to come out of his mouth. I love that about him. Quinn is one of a kind.

  “I don’t know, Quinn. What do they have in common?”

  “One slip of the tongue and you’re in deep shit!” he says with the biggest grin, laughing at himself.

  I laugh, “Quinn, that’s nasty!”

  He shrugs his shoulder continuing with his work. He doesn’t know it, but he just helped lift my mood.

  “Quinn, I’m heading to the break room to make a sandwich. You want something while I’m in there?” I ask as I finish making my way across the garage.

  “Hell yeah! Can you make one of those grilled sandwiches you made for everyone the other day? That shit was good.”

  I had brought stuff to make Reuben sandwiches to show them my thanks. I love to cook. It helps to calm my nerves when my anxiety gets the best of me. They’ve all been great to me ever since I started, and Alba shows up often after school and nobody complains about her hanging around. So, she and I cooked for them before closing last week.

  You would have thought those men had never eaten before by the way they devoured their food. They definitely like to eat.

  Logan was here that day.

  I was in the break room slicing the bread, while Alba was mixing up the sauce when he walks in to grab a drink from the fridge.

  “Smells good,” he says.

  I looked over at him and couldn’t help but smile. The deep tenderness of his voice gives me butterflies in my stomach.

  “My sister and I are making Reubens for everyone. Even made enough to run across the street to Gabriel. Just my way of saying I appreciate this job and the MC.”

  He’s standing there, looking at me. I start to feel flushed from his intense stare.

  Alba walks up and hands me the sauce, making me break eye contact with him.

  Logan stands, holding his bottle of water, with one of those cocky smiles of his.

  I hear him whisper, “Perfect,” just before walking out the door.

  “Yo, Bella. How about that sandwich, darlin’? You got some more of that good tasting shit?”

  I had completely zoned out on Quinn. All because of a one blue and one green eyed man.

  “There might be some stuff to make one. I’ll bring it out in a few minutes.”

  I walk through the break room door and head over to the kitchenette area. Opening the fridge, I find everything I need to make Quinn, and even Jake a sandwich before fixing my own. Once I’m through making lunch, I take Quinn’s to him along with a cold water.

  “Thanks, Darlin’,” he says, picking up the sandwich, taking a bite.

  “Fuck yeah,” he nods his chin at me, thanking me while chewing.

  “I’m going to take this other one to Jake. I haven’t seen him come out of the office all day. He has to be hungry by now.”

  Quinn is busy devouring his lunch, so I turn and head back inside. I raise my hand to knock on Jake’s door and get startled when I hear him roar.


  I’m not sure what’s going on, so I knock on the door a little louder than usual and wait.

  “It’s open,” he barks.

  Walking in, I see him standing at the window. The scowl on his face that seems to be permanently etched in his skin slightly disappears when he turns and notices that I’m there.

  “Bella, what do ya need sweetheart?”

  “I haven’t seen you come out of your office for anything all day, so I brought you something to eat. Thought you might be hungry.”

  Sitting down in his chair, he lets out a heavy sigh, “Shit. Yeah, Bella. I’m hungry. Sit down with me.”

  This is a first. I sit down in the chair across from his desk and set my water down.

  “You okay, Jake?”

  He eyes me for a moment before speaking. “Nothing this club can’t take care of.”

  I bob my head, “Okay.”

  Jake takes a bite of his lunch. I can tell whatever is going on is weighing him down. He looks so tired. “Bella, I do have something I could use your help with.”

  I look at him over my PB&J I just took a bite of.

  “Sure, Jake. What do you need?” I ask after swallowing the bite.

  He sits back in his chair a bit. “I have some price quotes I was supposed to drop off to Grace, over at the bakery. I’ve got some club shit that needs taken care of, so I won’t have time. Could you take them by after work for me?”

  I’ve just finished the last of my food, and I take a drink of water before replying.

  “Sure. I can do that. Those donuts you’ve been bringing in lately are amazing and she makes the best cinnamon rolls. That gives me an excuse to pick one up on my way home.” I smile.

  I see the corner of Jake’s mouth turn up. I leave his office and soon after he’s heading out, dropping off the papers I need to deliver before heading out the door. I stick them in my purse, so I don’t forget them later.

  The rest of the day goes by quickly and before I know it, it’s 7:00 pm and we’re closing for the night. Logan never did show up today, so Quinn walks me to my car.

  “You let him know when you get home.”

  “Who?” I look at him. I wasn’t aware that he knew I always let Logan know when I made it home at night.

  “Don’t look at me like that, woman. I know Logan, so make sure you text him. Got it?”

  “It’s not like that Quinn. Logan is just being a good guy.”

  He closes the car door once I’m inside, then bends down and looks at me.

  “He knows what’s right in front of him, Bella.”

  If only that were true.

  Quinn walks away and mounts his bike, waiting for me to pull out ahead of him. Once we’re down the street I turn left as he turns right.

  I’ve made it to the bakery downtown just a few blocks from the garage and pull into an empty parking place in front of the store. When I get out, I notice the glow of the end of a cigarette from across the street. When I look closer I see a man leaning up against the building, but since the sun has set it’s too dark to make out any of his features.

  Okay, I’m officially creeped out
a little.

  I chalk it up to paranoia and walk into the bakery. The door chimes as I enter and I’m hit with a sugary, sweet vanilla aroma.

  A redhead comes walking up from the back, wearing a smile.

  “Hi. I’m about to close for the night. What can I get for you?”

  “Hey,” I wave, “I’m Bella. I work for Jake over at Kings Custom Bikes. He asked me to drop off these papers with the price quotes. He had some club business to take care of, so he left early today and couldn’t make it.”

  I reach into my purse and hand her the folder.

  “Oh...Okay,” she says, looking a little disappointed. “Thank you, Bella. I’m Grace.” She extends her hand, introducing herself. “I appreciate you coming over after work to bring these by.”

  Walking around the counter she sets the papers down.

  “Would you like anything before you go?” she inquires.

  “Actually, I would love one of those cinnamon rolls.”

  Smiling, Grace grabs a pink box from a shelf behind her. “These are one of my bestsellers. I tell you what, I’m going give you two for one, as a thank you!”

  “That would be awesome,” I say returning a smile of my own.

  She rings up my purchase and I wave goodbye, heading out the door to my car.

  I glance around, looking for the guy I saw just moments ago when I arrived. I don’t see anyone, so I climb into my car and buckle up.

  Just before backing out into the main road, I reach into the box, tearing off a piece of cinnamon roll, popping it into my mouth.

  As I’m pulling out, some asshole comes up behind me with his high beams on. I move over into the other lane to let him pass, but all he does is move in behind me.

  “This guy is being a dick.”

  My turn off to head home is up ahead, so I wait it out. I stop at the intersection and make another right, but whoever it is continues to follow me.

  I’m starting to panic a little and instinctively grab my phone to call Logan. Shit, my phone is dead.

  Okay, think!

  I decide to make a left and head to where I know the MC’s clubhouse is located. At this point, all I can think of is one of Lee’s scummy friends is messing with me. If I head toward the clubhouse, whoever it is will change their mind once they see where I’m heading.

  It’s only about a twenty-minute drive and the car is still tailing me. I’ve never been out to the compound before, but most people who live in the area know of it. As I’m making my turn onto the club’s private road, the car starts to back off and makes a U-turn.

  I keep on going in the direction I’m heading, hoping that I took the right road. Soon enough, I start to see some lights. As I get closer, I can see someone standing at a gate. Pulling up I notice it’s Austin. The prospect that helps at the shop from time to time.

  “Bella? What the hell are you doing way out here?”

  “I need to see Jake.”

  He eyes me a moment. “He’s here, but I have to announce you before you can go in. You sure you’re okay? You look scared shitless.”

  “I’m not the best right now, Austin.”

  He nods his head and pulls out a phone.

  Thank God Alba is hanging out at her friend’s house for the night. She would be freaking out by now since I haven’t made it home yet.

  Austin leans down, which startles me.

  “Shit. Sorry, Bella. Listen, I can’t get in touch with anyone, but go on in. One of the guys can get Jake for you.”

  I don’t question if he will get in trouble for letting me in without permission, I just drive on through the gate and park my car under a tree near the end of a row of bikes parked out front. I sit for a moment to try and calm my nerves before getting out of my car.

  The music is loud. I can hear laughing and cutting up from inside. I walk towards the only door I see. Sitting there is a big, heavier set guy I’ve never seen before. He’s leaned back in a chair, smoking a cigarette. He’s wearing the same cut as everyone else in the club.

  As I’m approaching, he looks up and lets his eyes travel over me.

  “You look a bit young to be out here to party, girl.”

  “I’m old enough,” I sass.

  He grunts at my response.

  What the hell is it with men and grunting?

  “So? You going to let me in?” I put my hand on my hip and cock my head.

  “Get on in there, girl,” he gruffs out, a cloud of cigarette smoke billows around his face.

  Walking through the door, I’m instantly hit with the thick smell of cigarette smoke mixed with a hint of marijuana. The music is so loud you can’t even hear your own thoughts. I’m scanning the place, trying to spot anyone I’ve met before when a biker walks up to me.

  “What’s your name, sweet thing?”

  I look up at him. “I’m looking for Jake or Logan.”

  The burly man runs his hand through his beard. “Well, hell. Prez is probably in his office,” he points over towards a door that’s at the far end of the room.

  Looking in that direction I notice Gabriel’s huge frame over everyone else’s, sitting at the bar and then my eyes slide to Logan, who’s sitting next to him. Beside him is a tall blonde, who happens to be rubbing her tits all over him and talking into his ear.

  I’m instantly filled with jealousy. He isn’t even yours, Bella. You just want him to be.

  I feel gutted. Like someone punched me in the stomach.

  Gabriel looks up and notices me standing there. I watch as he nudges Logan, giving him a chin lift in my direction.

  Logan turns, making eye contact with me.

  First, I see surprise in his expression, then it quickly turns to concern. He jumps up from his stool, marching over in my direction. Darting my eyes around the smoke-filled room, I notice people staring and it makes me feel uneasy.

  Logan’s eyes are trained on me.

  “What the fuck, Bella! Why are you here? And why in the hell haven’t you returned my calls?” he barks.

  I’m taken aback at the harsh tone in his voice, but can’t seem to find anything to say.

  I’m feeling claustrophobic, as a panic attack starts taking hold.



  “What the fuck, Bella! Why are you here? And why in the hell haven’t you returned my calls?” I snap at her. She flinches at my tone.

  Fuck. I didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but the shock at her being here and seeing the panicked look on her face has put me on edge. She’s white as a fuckin’ ghost, and her body is trembling.

  “Angel,” I say, gently reaching out to her, but she takes a step back.

  “I need to see Jake,” she whispers with a shaky voice.

  The music has stopped and everyone’s eyes are on us. Her eyes are darting around the room, uncomfortable with all the attention we’re getting.

  “What’s wrong? Why do you need to see Jake?” I plead, trying to draw her attention back to me.

  Just as she goes to say something, Prez comes from his office.

  “What the hell is going on out here?” his voice clipped and alert from the sudden silence in the clubhouse.

  He notices Bella standing in front of me. Taking in her state, he quickly strides over to her. Gently grabbing her shoulders, he says, “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

  “I... I need to talk to you,” she murmurs.

  “Okay, but first I need you to calm down for me. Can you do that?”

  Nodding, she takes a couple of deep breaths. hits me. She’s having a panic attack. Fuck. Turning to Gabriel, I inform him, “Get everyone out, now. Party is over.”

  Gabriel walks to the middle of the clubhouse and whistles, drawing everyone’s attention to him, “Party’s over. If you’re not a member, get the fuck out.”

  I turn my attention back to her, “Come on, babe. Let’s go to Jake’s office.”

  I go to grab her hand, but she moves away from me again, leani
ng closer to Jake as we make our way to his office. What the fuck is that about? That’s twice she has avoided my touch.

  Jake guides her to take a seat on the couch, while I grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge. I hand her the water, twisting the cap off she takes a long pull, drinking half.

  A moment later after she has calmed down and gotten her emotions under control, I ask her again, “Babe, what’s going on?”

  She looks at me and for a split second, I see hurt on her beautiful face, just before it’s replaced with anger. She turns towards Jake to speak instead, and it pisses me off.

  “When I got to the bakery, I noticed someone across the street smoking a cigarette, and I started to feel uneasy like he was watching me. It kind of creeped me out, but by the time I left he was gone, so I just brushed it off.”

  Kneeling in front of her I ask, “Did you see what this person looked like?”

  She shakes her head no and takes another drink of water before continuing. “It was too dark for me to get a good look. Anyway, not long after I left, someone pulled up behind me with their high beams on and started following me. I started taking different turns in the opposite direction of my house, thinking it was one of Lee’s friends trying to mess with me. When they continued to follow me I panicked, and decided to come here. They followed me onto the compounds private road until about halfway down before doing a U-turn.”

  Jake and I look at each other, thinking the same damn thing. Los Demonios are behind this shit.

  I blow out a breath.

  “You did good coming here,” Jake assures her. “The club’s going to take care of it.”

  Jake stands, making his way to the door. “Church in five,” he bellows, walking out of his office.

  I stay in my spot kneeling in front of her. “Where’s your sister?”

  “She’s at a friend’s house. I need to go check on her, or at least call. My phone is outside in my car, but it’s dead, which is why I didn’t call someone first before coming here.”

  “How about I get Gabriel to ride out and make sure she’s okay. You can use the phone on Jake’s desk to call her.”

  She nods her head, agreeing.


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