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Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC

Page 15

by Crystal Daniels


  Fuck. This whole time. She was taking me to a place that was special to both of them. I guess it was her way of giving me not only a piece of her but a piece of my father as well.

  “Logan, I would be honored to have the chance to be a part of your life, but I will respect whatever decision you make.”

  I hear what he’s saying and I’m processing everything, or at least trying to when I hear Bella’s sweet voice telling me to give him a chance. I can feel my mom nudging me to do the same.

  Clearing my throat, I fold the letter, putting it back into its envelope and look at him. “Mom is buried out there. At the lake.”

  He made the first moves, now it’s time for me to try and make mine. I hand him the letters. I stand, needing to leave, ride and clear my head. Before I go, I offer an olive branch.

  “Listen, Sunday we’re having a big BBQ out at the compound. I’d like to introduce you both to my family. It will start around noon, but feel free to show up before.”

  I walk out the door, not waiting for a reply, and mount my bike. I take a long ride to clear my thoughts, trying to come to peace with everything, before heading home to my woman. My family.



  Today is Friday, my sister’s last day of her school’s spring break vacation. She’s come to work with me every day this week. I don’t think she was ready to stay at the clubhouse by herself all day. Alba knows that she’s safe there and gets along with all the brothers, but feels more comfortable being wherever I am. Honestly, I’ve enjoyed having her with me. It’s been a long time since we’ve spent so much time together because I’m always working. I know she will eventually become more at ease being around the club, but until then, I welcome her company.

  Walking out of mine and Logan’s room at the clubhouse I make my way down the hall to Alba’s room. I knock once before opening the door. I see she’s dressed and ready to go.

  “You want to go downstairs and grab some breakfast before we go?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I’m starving.”

  When Alba and I walk into the kitchen we see Lisa already at work cooking eggs and sausage. We dive in helping, by popping bread in the toaster and making fresh coffee. My sister grabs the plates and silverware to set the table. The men will be filling in here soon, no doubt lead by their noses. This has become our daily routine. We both enjoy helping Lisa in the kitchen, and with all these hungry men to feed she could use the help. I can’t believe she did this every day on her own. You never hear her complain though. The smile on her face shows she loves taking care of people, and it suits her too. I’ve quickly learned it’s in Lisa’s nature to be the momma bear.

  As if on cue, one by one the guys file into the kitchen, taking their seats at the table.

  Bennett is the first one in, walking over to Lisa, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, and giving her a sweet kiss on her neck. I love how they look at each other. Lisa and Bennett are the perfect examples of what true love looks like, and the fact that they still look at each other, the way they do, after they’ve been married for so many years is awesome.

  While fixing myself some coffee I feel the energy in the room change. Looking over my shoulder, I see him standing in the doorway, his hungry eyes watching me. He strides over to the table taking a seat. Never once losing eye contact.

  “Come on and eat, Angel.”

  Smiling I walk over taking the chair next to him. I sit at the table listening to the conversation flow, loving the jokes and banter between the brothers. This is what family should be like. And I feel so lucky to be a part of it.

  “What are you thinking about, babe?” Logan asks.

  “I was just thinking that you have a really great family, that you’re very lucky to have them.”

  “They’re your family now too, Bella. There is nothing my brothers wouldn’t do for you and your sister.”

  Logan gives me a soft kiss on my lips. I turn my attention back to my plate when I hear Alba giggling. She’s sitting next to one of the prospects, Blake. They are the closest in age. She’s eighteen, and I remember Logan saying Blake was twenty. Glancing to the other end of the table I see Gabriel shooting daggers at the young prospect. I swear I’m about to see steam come out his ears.

  I’ve been noticing lately the way he looks at Alba, and my sister is none the wiser. You would think I would be concerned, but I know Gabriel is a good man. A bit rough around the edges but good nonetheless. I look next to me at Logan and he has made the same assessment. He’s shaking his head at his brother, silently telling him not to kill the poor unsuspecting prospect. I chuckle to myself. This will no doubt get interesting and I intend to sit back and see how it plays out.

  After quickly helping Lisa with the breakfast dishes, Alba and I head to the clubhouse parking lot where Austin is waiting to drive us to the shop. Logan refuses to let me or Alba go anywhere by ourselves. He explained that with all the shit going on with Los Demonios and Lee it would be safer for one of the club members to take us wherever I needed to go. To be honest I’m fine with it. I feel a lot safer having one of the brothers around all the time.

  Logan hasn’t been into work at all this week because he’s dealing with club business, so it’s just been Quinn and Austin working the garage. I’ve missed not having him there, but I understand why he’s not. Part of me feels responsible for the crazy mess the club is having to deal with. I mean if it weren’t for my asshole stepdad none of this would be happening. I confessed this to Logan last night, and he immediately squashed my guilt. Saying that nobody in the club feels that way and that he’d take me over his knee and tan my ass if he ever heard me say something like that again. I’m not ashamed to say that his words turned me on. Logan saw the heat in my eyes after saying that, then spent the whole night worshiping my body. I woke up this morning with a delicious ache all over.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when we arrive at the garage. Stepping out of Austin’s truck I turn to him. “I’m sorry that you’ve been stuck with babysitting duty, I know the last thing you want to be doing is carting our asses around everywhere. If you want, maybe I can talk with Logan about you and Blake taking turns or something.”

  “No!” Austin practically shouts. “It’s an honor to be the one to watch over the VP’s old lady, Bella, please don’t say anything.”

  “An honor?” I asked tilting my head, my facial expression no doubt telling him that he sounds ridiculous.

  “Seriously, Bella, it means a lot to me that Logan asked me to be the one to look out for you and your sister, so please don’t say anything. Besides you and your sister are fuckin’ great and easy to look at,” he says with a grin.

  “Come on, let’s get to work,” I say while rolling my eyes. Austin follows behind me chuckling.

  The day passes quickly and it’s time to close for the day. I went across the street to Kings Ink at lunch time and talked to Gabriel about wanting a tattoo. He told me to come by after work and he’d fit me in.

  I wasn’t expecting to get it done this soon, but I already knew exactly what I wanted so why wait.

  Alba helps me clean the break room while Quinn and Austin close the bays. When we’re done we grab our things and wait for Austin. He’s in back taking out the trash. Ever since Mason attacked me I don’t go out there anymore. I know he was dealt with and will never hurt me again, but I’m more cautious about my surroundings, especially at night. I’ve let what happened to me be a lesson learned. Logan never told me exactly what they did with Mason and I haven’t asked. He only assured me that he was not dead. That was all I needed to know. If Logan says I’m safe from Mason, I believe him.

  I see Austin making his way from the back. “You ladies ready?”

  “Yep, Gabriel is expecting me.” We’re making our way to the parking lot when Quinn jogs up to us.

  “Hey, Prez just called, says he needs the prospect. Looks like you ladies will be stuck with me.”

  We say a quick goodbye to Au
stin, then the three of us stroll across the street to Kings Ink. Quinn opens the door to the shop for Alba giving her his trademark smile and wink. My sister blushes crimson red then ducks her head before walking in. When he ushers me in I give him a look that tells him to quit messing with my sister. Quinn isn’t deterred, giving me a cocky grin.

  I’m sitting on a stool next to Gabriel who is finishing up the stencil for my tattoo. I told him in detail what I wanted and he wasted no time getting to work.

  I try to make small talk with him but realize I’m talking to myself. His attention is on Alba and Quinn, who are sitting next to each other across the room. They look to be having a normal conversation, but I don’t think Gabriel likes it too much. When Alba laughs at something Quinn says the pencil in Gabriel’s hand snaps in two.

  “You okay, big guy?” I ask him. I look over at my sister and Quinn again before turning my attention back to Gabriel. “You know he’s just trying to fuck with you right?”

  Cutting his dark eyes to me, he mutters “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Look, I’m not the only one who has noticed the way you look at her. Logan sees it too.”

  Gabriel’s body goes tense and his jaw tightens. I reach out, putting my hand on his arm. He jerks slightly at my touch but doesn’t move away. “It’s her age that bothers you, isn’t it? You know, Alba will be nineteen next month.”

  “It’s still not fuckin’ right, Bella. I’m a grown ass man lusting after a goddamn kid. There is nothing okay about that shit.”

  “Gabriel,” I say, waiting for him to look at me. “I don’t know you that well, but I believe you’re a good man. My sister would be lucky to have you.”

  Standing up I decide to wait with Quinn and Alba while he finishes the drawing. I go to walk away but decide to leave him with a bit of advice. “I understand the whole age thing Gabriel, just don’t take too long deciding what you want. My sister is a beautiful girl. It won’t take long before she catches someone else’s attention.” With that I let him be. I’ve said my peace and given my blessing.

  The sting and burn of getting the tattoo is a little painful, but bearable. Since it was my first tattoo, Gabriel recommended that I might not want to get it on the base of my neck, but I was adamant.

  “It’s going to be beautiful, Bella,” Alba says from right beside me.

  “You ever think about getting inked sweetheart,” Quinn asks Alba.

  “Yeah, one day,” she tells him.

  “I know exactly what your first tat should be.” Quinn flirts.

  I know what he’s doing. I try making eye contact with him to warn him not to poke the bear, but nope, he just keeps right on going.

  “What should it be,” she asks.

  I can tell by my sister’s tone that she knows Quinn is joking with her.

  “You should get Quinn right across—”

  He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Gabriel cuts him off. “Not fuckin’ happening, brother,” his voice booms, “she won’t be getting any prick’s name on her body, least of all yours.”

  My sister’s cheeks are flushed red and I can tell she doesn’t quite know what to make of the situation. Looking over my shoulder, I nudge Gabriel’s leg to get his attention. “Hey big guy, take it easy.”

  Then I turn to the shit stirrer, pointing a finger at him. “Quinn, knock it off.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Quinn feigns.

  “Yeah, you do.”

  “Alright, alright, I’ll be good.”

  Turning my attention back to Gabriel, I say, “Now, can we please finish my tattoo? I’d like to get home sometime tonight.”

  We make it back to the clubhouse a little after ten. I don’t see Logan’s bike so I know he’s not back yet from whatever club business he’s on. Alba goes straight up to her room while I head for the kitchen. I haven’t eaten since lunch and my stomach has been growling for a couple hours now. When I walk in I see Liz. She’s one of the club girls, who was also Cassie’s little sidekick. Ever since Logan kicked Cassie out Liz hasn’t caused any problems, but that doesn’t mean anything. I don’t trust the chick. By the look she is giving me I’d say she doesn’t too much care for me either. I go on about my business ignoring her and she’s smart enough to do the same.

  After I finish my grilled cheese sandwich, I head up to mine and Logan’s room for a shower. Gabriel said getting the tattoo wet was fine, but to use a mild soap. Since it’s at the base of my neck, I pile my hair on the top of my head, deciding not to wash it. I don’t want to take a chance of my shampoo irritating anything.

  Once I finish showering, I pull one of Logan’s t-shirts from his drawer and slip it on—not even bothering with panties. Logan will just tear them off anyway.

  Propping my foot on the edge of the bed I grab my favorite lotion off the bedside table and begin applying it to my legs. I hear the click of the door lock and glance up to see Logan and smile.



  I am hands down the luckiest fuckin’ man in the world. Coming back to the clubhouse, knowing my girl would be here waiting for me is the only thing that got me through this fucked up day. When I open the door to our room, I’m greeted with Bella’s sweet smile. Fuckin’ perfect. I love seeing her in my t-shirt. Since she’s been staying here, it’s the only thing she’ll sleep in.

  Bella doesn’t waste any time walking over and, wrapping her arms around me. I pull her in, burying my face in her neck, inhaling the sweet vanilla scent of the lotion she just put on. I close my eyes and hold her for a few moments.

  “I’m going to take a shower. Come talk to me, tell me about your day,” I say giving her a kiss. She follows me into the bathroom, then lifts herself back to sit on the counter.

  I turn the shower on and strip out of my clothes, not missing the heated look on her face. “How did everything go at Gabriel’s tonight?”

  “Good,” she answers cryptically.

  Bella refuses to tell me what her tattoo is. I wanted to be the one to take her to get it done, but she insisted it was a surprise. I’ve appraised her from head to toe since walking into the room, but haven’t seen a sliver of ink yet.

  “Did things go well with your dad and brother?” She asks, changing the subject.

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “It went pretty good. I’m still trying to process it all, but I’m glad I talked to them.”

  “I’m happy for you, Logan. I know learning what really happened to your mom was horrible. I can’t even begin to imagine what that’s like, but to also discover you have a dad and a brother that both want to be a part of your life...I’d say that’s pretty amazing.”

  Getting out of the shower and drying off, I let Bella’s words sink in. She’s right. I may never get over what happened to my mother, but I could try and make things work with my father. The past is the past, there’s nothing I can do to change it. And after hearing his side of things, I can understand why he waited to contact me.

  “You know what else I think, Logan?”

  Walking up to her I stand between her legs, wrapping my arms around her waist. “What’s that, Angel?”

  “You deciding to give your dad and brother a chance, the three of you moving forward, it shows you win. Your grandfather may be dead, but he didn’t succeed in keeping you apart.”

  Placing my forehead against hers I let out a deep breath. Leave it to Bella to show me the bigger picture, showing me the good in a tough situation.

  Reaching down, I cup my hands under Bella’s ass lifting her up. She responds, by wrapping her legs around my waist as I carry her out of the bathroom, setting her down next to the bed. Seeking the heat of her body, I swiftly pulled my shirt off over her head.

  Her gorgeous eyes fall on mine. I can’t ever remember wanting something so much. “You have no fucking idea what you do to me,” I rasp, with my mouth hovering over hers.

  Bella’s breaths are coming out in pants, and I can feel her
body shiver with anticipation.

  Giving her what she needs, I claim her mouth with mine. My hand trails down her stomach until I reach her slick folds, slipping two fingers inside her pussy. Bella brings her arms up around my neck as I continue to move in and out of her. Moments later her hips jerk forward and her pussy clamps down on my fingers, while my mouth swallows the moan of her orgasm.

  Pulling away, I look into her dazed eyes. She watches intently as I put my fingers in my mouth. “Best thing I ever fuckin’ tasted,” I tell her.

  “Now, I want you on your hands and knees,” I command.

  Without hesitation, she climbs onto the bed. Dropping the towel from around my waist, I settle in behind her. I run my hand up the curve of her perfect ass, then back down to her wet pussy. Grabbing the base of my cock, I slide the head back and forth between her wet folds, teasing her. Growling with frustration, Bella begins rocking her hips back, seeking what her body craves. Deciding to show her who’s running this show, I bring my palm down on her ass, slapping it. I love the look of my reddened handprint on her flawless skin. “You’ll take what I give you. Now be still,” I order.

  “Logan, please,” she begs. “I need you inside me.”

  “You can wait,” I say reaching down to run my finger through her pussy.

  “Fuckin’ soaked. You love it when I spank your ass, don’t you?” I ask, slipping my finger inside, causing her to moan, and the walls of her hot pussy clamp down on my fingers. One thing I found out about my girl early on is she loves when I punish her. Deciding I’ve teased her enough, I grab the base of my cock, and bring the tip to her entrance. Closing my eyes, I grab Bella’s hips and slowly sink into her tight heat. Relishing the feel of the best thing I’ve ever had.

  “Fuck, you feel so damn good,” I rasp.

  Turning her head, she looks at me over her shoulder. Her face flushed red and her eyes filled with lust. The sounds of her moans echoing off the walls fuel me, as I drive into her harder and harder. Reaching for the hair lying against her sweaty back, I grab a hold, wrapping the long strands around my hand. That’s when I see it. My movement falters, my breath getting stuck in my throat. Bella stills. She knows I’ve just seen it and is waiting for my reaction.


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