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Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC

Page 21

by Crystal Daniels

  I’m pulling strength from her right now. It shouldn’t be that way. The big sister needing her baby sister to take care of her. I don’t know how to let that sink in. Right now though, it feels like the most natural thing to do.

  The nurses help me into a new gown before leaving and Dr. Evans asks if I feel like I need anything for pain. Truthfully, I hurt. I ache all over but I only ask for a mild pain reliever. I don’t like taking medicine if I don’t have to.

  Finally settled, I sip some more on my tea. The whole time my sister has been sitting right next to me. Quiet.

  “Alba, are you okay? Did they hurt you in any way?” I’ve been needing to ask her this question since I first woke up. The thought of her going through anything makes me shiver.

  “They manhandled me, told me what awful things they wanted to do to me, but they didn’t do anything else.” She grabs my hand and holds it in hers. “Promise,” she whispers.

  I hear a knock at the door and Logan’s voice asking, “Angel, are you dressed? I brought visitors.”

  I’m a mess and he brings visitors? I look over at Alba and she sees the worried look on my face. “I’m sure I look hideous,” I tell her.

  “Do you want me to make them leave. I’ll do it. It’s probably the guys, but if you want them gone just say so.”

  She makes me laugh. I know she means every word she says, but I’m not used to her being so boisterous. The laugh hurts like hell but feels good at the same time.

  “I think we can spare them your wrath for now.” I smile at her.

  “Come in,” I try and call out but my voice comes out as a little squeak.

  The door slides open, and in walks Logan, followed by Gabriel, Quinn, Reid, and Jake. All have big smiles on their faces.

  “The guys just needed to put eyes on you, Angel. Soon as I told them you were awake they showed up.”

  Walking over he takes the seat he was in before, right by my side. One by one, the guys come over and kiss my forehead.

  I grabbed Logan’s hand. I’m overwhelmed with emotions. I’m scared, happy—but mostly grateful. Every man standing in front of me helped save my life and my sister’s. I have no idea how to thank them or repay anyone for what they did for us.

  With tears threatening to spill and a shaky voice I try my best to say something anyway.

  “Umm, I want to say thank you, for everything, but I feel it’s not enough guys. What you all did for my sister and me—” I can’t even finish. My lips tremble. What I was trying to hold in breaks free, and I bury my face in my hands.

  “Angel, don’t cry. I told you. You belong to me and that makes you family. There isn’t a damn thing we wouldn’t do for you or your sister.”

  I try my best to wipe my face dry with the bed sheet before peering up at everyone. I see nothing but pure love and devotion on every one of their faces.

  A nurse walks in with a tray and sets it down in front of me. I’m not hungry. From the looks of it, it’s just some simple chicken broth and a pack of crackers, so maybe sipping on the broth won’t be so bad.

  The guys don’t stay long. They say their goodbyes and leave.

  I insisted Alba leave and get a good night’s rest in a decent bed instead of cramming herself into the one I’m lying in right now. She finally relented. Only because Gabriel promised to have her up here early tomorrow morning.

  Yawning, I push the button on the bed to let the head down. Logan decides to climb in beside me once I’ve gotten myself comfortable.

  His tall frame barely fits with his feet hanging over the end of the bed frame. I let him hold me. I snuggle into his warmth, calming the storm brewing inside. I’ve put a brave face on all day. No one realizing that I felt uneasy. Then again, maybe they did and I’m just fooling myself. I can’t get the image of Jorge out of my mind. I don’t even have to close my eyes and he’s there. I can still hear his sadistic voice ringing in my ears.

  As if knowing he needs to drown out the noises in my head, Logan puts his lips next my ear whispering in his deep raspy voice, “I’ve got you, beautiful. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  That’s exactly what I needed to hear. My pulse steadies, my body relaxes and my eyelids slowly close.

  The next morning, I wake up to the smell of cinnamon rolls and coffee. I sit up in bed, watching Logan place a roll on a little cafeteria plate sitting it in front of me before dumping several packs of creamer and sugar into my coffee and stirring it up.

  “Morning, Angel.”

  “Morning,” I say, while rubbing my eyes.

  We sit and eat quietly, up until my sister comes bursting through the door holding a shopping bag.

  “Went shopping last night. I got you some comfy clothes to put on. I figured you’d like to get out of that hospital gown once you took a shower this morning. I picked up some of your favorite hair shampoos and body lotion,” she beams.

  My sister seems to be in a good mood this morning.

  “I can’t wait to get a shower. I feel so gross.”

  I slowly swing my legs over the side of the bed and sit upright on the edge. I grab onto the side rail because I feel a little lightheaded.

  Logan helps me to my feet. “You wanna take a shower now, babe? Just let me get the nurse to bring in some fresh bandages and I’ll help you,” he says.

  “Logan, would you mind if my sister helps me shower?” I ask him hesitantly.

  I can tell he wants to argue, but doesn’t. He sits back down in his chair and pulls out his phone. My sister walks over and helps me to the bathroom. I look over my shoulder to peer at Logan and he’s watching my every move with hurt written on his face. My heart sinks to my stomach.

  Alba turns on the shower as I slowly start to undress.

  “I brought your iPad. I know you like to listen to music in the shower,” she softly tells me.

  “Thank you.”

  I pull up my playlist so I can hit random play before stepping into the shower. Hesitantly I let Alba help me unwrap the gauze, then gently peel the bandage off my side. I don’t look down and I can’t look in a mirror because the only one in the bathroom is above the sink.

  Hating myself for putting her in this situation, I carefully gage her reaction. She tries to mask her emotions, but she quickly falters. Silently, tears run down her face. My own tears spill, cascading down my cheeks, making me feel pathetic and small. We both stay silent as my sister helps me into the stall. I press play and stand under the spray of the water.

  Music fills the room.

  My heart is pounding and fresh tears wash down the drain when Christina Perri’s ‘Arms’ is the next song to play. The emotions that I’m feeling when this one line repeats throughout the song has my emotions spilling over—‘You put your arms around me and I’m home.’

  I couldn’t be certain, but I almost thought I heard my sister’s sobs mixed in with the words of the song. I just stand there under the hot stream of water, trying try to make sense of all the mixed-up emotions I’m feeling. Trying to wash away my pain.



  Stepping out of Bella’s hospital room, I lean against the door and blow out a frustrated breath. She’s refusing to let me help her do anything that involves me seeing her wounds. Part of me understands why she’s being this way, but the other part of me just wants to take care of my woman. Dr. Evans has assured us the scars will fade significantly over time, but right now they are red and swollen. She explained to Bella she could have plastic surgery in the future, but in her professional opinion the surgeon who stitched her up did an excellent job, so any more surgery’s is highly unlikely. Dr. Evans also has scheduled for a counselor to come speak with Bella later this afternoon.

  “You okay, brother?” Gabriel asks from beside me. He’s been keeping guard of Bella’s hospital room since he and Alba showed up yesterday.

  Looking down at him sitting in a chair nursing a cup of coffee, I respond while running my hand down my face, “Fuck man, I don
’t know.”

  “Bella’s a strong woman, Logan. She’ll get through this shit.” Gabriel assures.

  “Yea, brother, you’re right,” I tell him pushing off the door. “I’m going to check on the kid, be back in a few.”

  I talked with Sofia for the first time yesterday. She told me she was the one who called letting me know about Bella. Poor kid took a beaten’ for trying to help my woman. Because of that the club is in her debt.

  Coming up to her room I see Dr. Evans walking out. “Hey, doc, how’s she doin’?”

  Smiling she answers, “Sofia is doing much better today.”

  “Have you been able to locate any of her family?” I ask.

  Shaking her head sadly, “No, Sofia said her parents are dead and she doesn’t have any family. I’m afraid I’ll have to call child protective services.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” I argue. “She’ll be coming home with Bella. She and I will take care of the kid.”

  “Legally, I have to inform child protective services in a situation like this.” Dr. Evans informs me.

  I go to interrupt her but she cuts me off by holding up her hand. “Unofficially, Sofia has no family, but officially if I had a name of, let’s say a cousin, someone I can put on paperwork. Preferably someone of Latin descent, being that Sofia is from Mexico.”

  To say I was shocked at the doc’s suggestion was an understatement. I fully expected for this situation to go in the other direction. I really don’t give two fucks about the system, but the doctor helping us out saves the club from having to handle shit. She has no doubt noticed a certain broody Cuban outside Bella’s door lately, and in a roundabout way just told me how to solve our problem regarding Sofia.

  “Can I ask why you’re doing this?”

  Sighing Dr. Evans darts her eyes around making sure we’re not overheard. “Sofia has been through hell, the kind of hell nobody should ever have to go through, let alone a seventeen-year-old girl. The system will no doubt fail her. If I can, in some way, help avoid that then I will, even if it goes against the rules of this hospital. I have a feeling about you and Bella. I see the way those men are—the ones that have been coming to visit. My gut tells me she will be well taken care of.”

  “She will be,” I promise.

  “Okay then, I’ll have some paperwork that needs to be filled out. I’ll bring it by later when I come check on Bella.”

  Knocking on Sofia’s door I wait for her to answer before going in. “Hey, kid. How’s it goin’?”

  “Hey, Logan,” she says quietly.

  I take in her appearance, she looks better today than yesterday. She’s still covered in bruises and is now sporting a bright pink cast on her left arm. The swelling on her face has gone down considerably as well. At the end of her bed is an array of magazines, books, and an iPad. I sent Quinn out yesterday to pick up some shit I thought Sofia might enjoy while being stuck sitting in this hospital room. She’s also underweight, and since hospital food fuckin’ sucks, Quinn’s been bringing her treats, mostly ice cream. The first time he asked her what she wanted, she shyly told him she missed ice cream, so every day this week he brings a different flavor.

  “How you feelin’ today?”

  “Better, how’s Bella?”

  “Good, she’ll be here in a bit to see you.”

  “Really?” Sofia asks with excitement, sitting up a little straighter in her bed.

  “Yeah kid, she’s been asking about you nonstop since she woke up yesterday.”

  I can’t help but grin at the smile on Sofia’s face.

  “So, you guys will get to go home soon now that Bella is getting better,” she says sadly while looking down at her fidgeting hands.

  “Hey,” I say walking over and lifting her chin with my finger, “You’re going to be going home soon too.”

  “No, I won’t, I don’t have a home.”

  Damn this kid is playing on my heartstrings. Bella told me about her promise to Sofia to save her. I’m not going to tell Sofia she’ll be coming home with us, that’s Bella’s place. “Don’t you worry about all that okay, it’ll all work out, you’ll see.

  “Hey sweetheart, it’s Chunky Monkey day.” Quinn singsongs walking through the door. I’ve never been more grateful for the interruption.

  “Hey, brother. I just came from seeing your girl, she’s itching to come see Little Bit here.” He tells me, using the nickname he’s given Sofia. “Okay, I’ll go get her and bring her down.”

  Walking back into Bella’s room, I motion for Gabriel to follow. I see her and Alba sitting on the edge of the bed talking in hushed tones while giggling. I’ll admit having her sister here is the best thing for her.

  “Hey, beautiful,” I say, greeting her with a kiss. I watch as Gabriel takes a seat by the window while I pull a chair up next to the bed. “I’ve got some news to tell you before we go see Sofia.”

  “Okay...” Bella draws outs skeptically like she’s preparing for me to say something bad.

  “It’s good news, babe,” I assure her. I watch as she visibly relaxes. “I spoke with Dr. Evans, she informed me Sofia has no living relatives. She was able to gather a little information from her. We know both of Sofia’s parents have passed, and she has no family in the States.”

  Bella interrupts me. “Logan, what’s going to happen to her? We have to do something.”

  “Hold on, I’m getting to that. In cases like this, child services would get involved. Dr. Evans has come up with a solution. What I’m about to say doesn’t leave this room, unless it’s one of the brothers we’re telling.” I wait a moment for Bella and Alba to nod their head in understanding. “She suggested Sofia may have a cousin to claim her as family. Preferably someone who is Latino, since Sofia is from Mexico. It would make it more believable.” I wait for what I said to click. It only takes about three seconds for their heads to turn in Gabriel’s direction.

  Grinning and rolling his eyes, he asks, “What do I have to do?”

  I never doubted my brother. He would do anything for the club. We all already consider Sofia family for what she did for Bella. “You’ll have to sign some papers, Dr. Evans will bring all that shit by later.”

  “So,” Bella chimes in. “She gets to come home with us?”

  “Yeah, babe, she’s coming with us. Figured you’d want to be the one to tell her.”

  We’re interrupted by a knock on the door, followed by Dr. Evans and an older lady. She looks to be in her late fifties with short gray hair and a warm smile. “If you’ve got a minute, Bella, I have someone who’d like to talk with you.” Dr. Evans’ requests. “Her name is Helen. She is a counselor who specializes in PTSD.” I notice Bella’s body visibly stiffen when the word PTSD is spoken. “I also want to go over your discharge instructions since we’re letting you go home tomorrow.”

  As introductions are being made, I notice Gabriel quietly leading Alba out to give us some privacy.

  Over the next hour we listen to Helen give us tons of information on post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as the names and phone numbers of specialist near Polson. I can tell Bella has shut down and is not really paying attention to Helen’s advice. She’s nodding her head while giving a polite smile, but she has a wall up, I see it in her eyes.

  Once Helen has left, and doc gives Bella her after care instructions, I decide now is not the time to press her on her dismissive attitude towards counseling. Instead, I’m going to help her focus on something positive. “How about we go see Sofia? She’s probably wondering where we’re at.” Giving me a smile, a real one, not the fake bullshit smile she had plastered on her face moments ago, she nods.



  Refusing to use a wheelchair, Logan helps me make my slow trek down the hall to Sofia’s room. I’m so excited to finally get to see her. The last time I laid eyes on her she was a bloody beaten mess on that basement floor. I remember not knowing if she was even alive. When I woke up after being in the hospital for th
ree days, one of my first thoughts was of Sofia. I’d felt so much relief when Logan told me they had gotten her out of that house and she was safe, right here in the hospital. When we walk into her room, she is so engrossed in the iPad she’s holding. It takes a minute for her to register we’re even here. “Bella!” Sofia beams.

  “Hey sweetie,” I exclaim. Offering me his hand, Logan helps me sit on the side of Sofia’s bed. “How are you feeling? The guys treating you good?” Quickly nodding her head, Sofia affirms.

  “Yes, everyone has been really nice to me. Logan brought me this iPad, and Quinn brings me ice cream every day.”

  “That’s great, I knew they’d take good care of you.”

  “How about you?” Sofia asks. “Logan said you get to go home soon.”

  “Yup, we sure do. I’ll have one of the guys come help you get all your stuff together tomorrow.” It’s all I can do to be nonchalant. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. It only takes a few seconds for her to catch on to what I said.

  Snapping her head up from staring at her lap. “What do mean help me get my stuff together?”

  “Well, we are going home tomorrow.”

  “Home? We?” She asks confused.

  “Yes, sweet girl, you’re coming home with us tomorrow.”

  “Really!” Sofia screeches. I can’t help but bust out laughing at her excitement. I ignore the way laughing causes my body to hurt.

  “We’re going to go so you can get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” I announce, patting Sofia’s leg.

  “Okay, Bella, thank you so much.” she hiccups, trying to hold back her tears.

  “You’re welcome, baby girl.”

  I’m utterly exhausted after Logan helps me get settled back in my hospital room. I hate how a short walk down the hall leaves me worn out and breathless. Dr. Evans told me that was to be expected. She said to not overdo it, to give my body a chance to heal properly.


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