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Believing in Mellie [Men of McKenna Downs 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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by Zoey Marcel

  Men of McKenna Downs 3

  Believing in Mellie

  Melanie Laurie flies to California with Emmett O'Neil and Diego Sanchez to make sure her sister is safe. Mellie knows that eventually she will be the wife of all five cowboys she works for, but she wonders if she can be the submissive that Greyson O'Neil and Diego need. She can’t resist Emmett’s suave charisma and his tell-it-like it-is honesty, but as she submits to his training, she realizes she wants more from the former player than any woman has ever had with him.

  Emmet is skeptical at first that any one woman could be the one to satisfy the five of them, but as he introduces Mellie to BDSM and sees the sincerity of her compassionate nature, he can't protect the heart he swore to guard with his life.

  The stalker learns of Mellie's love interests and decides it's time to punish her and make her aware of him, even if that means resorting to murder.

  Note: Contains scenes of consensual gun play for sexual titillation.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboy

  Length: 47,883 words


  Men of McKenna Downs 3

  Zoey Marcel


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: LoveXtreme Forever


  Copyright © 2014 by Zoey Marcel

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-297-1

  First E-book Publication: May 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To Gracie. Thank you for your friendship and for helping me with the title of this book.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  About the Author


  Men of McKenna Downs 3


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  They wouldn’t make it on time. She just knew they wouldn’t. All Melanie Laurie could do was sit between her two escorts on the plane from South Dakota to California and hope and pray that her little sister Kendall was all right.

  A burglar had broken into Kendall Laurie’s house while she’d been talking with Melanie on the phone. Melanie had heard the glass break and the god-awful crunching sound of footfalls crashing down on the scattered shards as the horrible man, whoever he was, had made his way toward her sister. Melanie had hung up and dialed 911 when she’d heard Kendall in a life-and-death struggle with the man.

  Mellie’s mind ran back over what the burglar had said to Kendall when she wouldn’t stop screaming and crying for help. “Shut up, bitch! I’m not even here for you!”

  What did that mean? If the criminal hadn’t been there for Kendall, then who had he come for? Kendall’s deceased girlfriend and former roommate Amelia, perhaps? Maybe the man didn’t know that Amelia was dead.

  Then again, maybe the scumbag had broken into Kendall’s home just to rob her.

  Melanie closed her eyes, fighting back tears and trying to fend off nausea. God, she hoped that was all the man wanted from her sister. She didn’t even know if Kendall was still alive. She kept calling, but her sister didn’t answer.

  One of her escorts on this flight, Diego Sanchez, kept reassuring her that Kendall was probably talking to the police and the intruder had likely been arrested. The handsome Latino also suggested that Kendall’s phone might have been broken in the scuffle with the robber.

  Melanie had nodded and thanked him, praying that Diego was right.

  Her other escort, who was one of both her and Diego’s bosses, didn’t say much during the flight. Emmett O’Neil struck her as a thinker and a serious man of few words when he was in a reflective or troubled mood. When he had things to say, he said plenty, and with a confident authority she couldn’t resist despite his occasional arrogance.

  Now wasn’t one of those times. He made it a point to tell her they would get there soon, but he made no effort to tell her that everything would be okay. She would say it was because he didn’t care, but the silent concern etched onto the manly sophistication of his face told her otherwise. He did care but was probably at a loss for the right words, or maybe he was just a realist who didn’t believe in giving people false hope when he didn’t have all the answers.

  She appreciated both methods—Diego’s gentle reassurances and Emmett’s soothing touches and honest silences. They were good men, but she needed to be alone for a few minutes.

  She excused herself and stole away into the narrow as hell bathroom on the plane. It was little more than
a cramped closet with a dumping hole and a sink in it, but it was the perfect hiding place in which to give into the ruthless tears that wanted her.

  She wept almost soundlessly, jumping a little with a slight gasp when she heard a faint knock on the door from the other side.

  “Just a minute.”

  She dabbed at her eyes, frowning at how weepy and pathetic she looked. She hadn’t had time to apply makeup before leaving the O’Neil ranch in a hurry, so at least she didn’t have mascara bleeding down her face like the freaking Joker.

  Still, wasn’t tired and plain without makeup bad enough without having to throw swamp-faced woman into the mix? How perfectly splendid.

  She opened the weird door, heart stammering in her chest like Porky Pig. Emmett stood there, solemn and quiet. Before she could speak he pretty much plowed into her as he made his steady entrance into the bathroom and then shut and locked the door.

  Her pulse skyrocketed when his fingers went to her fly. Arousal and irritation fought for dominion over her while raw shock sought to beat them both down with its cold, jarring club. She was frantic with worry over her sister and this frigging player wanted to fool around with her?

  Self-control won out over her tongue like it usually did. Usually.

  “I don’t think there’s enough room in here to have sex, Emmett.” She said it nicely, but she still couldn’t believe that anyone would be so selfish.

  Emmett blinked in surprise before his expression turned angry and somehow sexier. “You must think I’m a bastard.”

  He roughly yanked her jeans and panties down, exposing her bare bottom and her shaved sex.

  She wasn’t sure what to say to that. Calling a man a bastard when he’d been thoughtful enough to accompany her on an impromptu flight to another state in the middle of the night hardly seemed fair.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but Emmett beat her to the punch. “I’m comforting you the only way I know how.”

  More like comforting his needy penis.

  To her surprise, he didn’t sink his cock into her or even undo any of his clothes. He simply smoothed his fingers over her nude labia and then cupped the womanly heat between her thighs. It was definitely distracting, which was likely his intent.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered quietly.

  Melanie widened her stance, feeling slightly wet. She didn’t look at him, feeling embarrassed that she was alone with this O’Neil brother for the first time and also guilty for having assumed he’d only been thinking of his dick. His cock never even entered the equation.

  He fondled her pussy and pulled her close. His nose rested against her head, and she wondered if he was breathing in the scent of her hair.

  Lord knew she was inhaling his masculine essence with each breath she took. He smelled dark and sweet like black licorice mingled with the tantalizing fragrance of warm spices, similar to the allspice and cloves aroma that filled houses during the height of fall and winter baking. Whatever cologne it was that he wore was sheer masculine elegance with more than a hint of “I’m sexy and I know it.”

  She felt the hard planes of muscle that served as his torso while she leaned against him, absorbing his male heat and the stimulation he gave her. He massaged her soft clitoris gently, causing it to lift with interest. He plunged a finger into her moist channel, drawing out her wetness and spreading it all over her vulva. When she was slick enough he brought her cream higher and smeared it all over her hardening clit.

  She held on to him, letting the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat lull her as his finger crooned sensually to her clitoris. Her mouth fell open and her breaths came out short and faint against his shirt as a sudden climax came over her. Her pussy fluttered on emptiness, oozing warm dampness into her slit for him to play with.

  She spoke, unsure if she needed verbal consolation from a pessimist to guarantee that hope was indeed possible, or if she needed to dispel the personal silence eating away at her.

  “I’m scared, Emmett. Promise me Kendall is okay.”

  He hesitated. “I can’t promise you something I’m uncertain of.”

  “You could lie to me so I’m comforted.”

  He pushed a broad finger into her vagina, stealing a tattered gasp from her. “I will never lie to you, Melanie. I would sooner see you cry than make false promises to you.”

  She wasn’t sure if that was sweet or heartless of him. Emmett was definitely the cynical one of the O’Neil bunch. Greyson was supposedly even more so, though she’d only had two conversations with the eldest O’Neil thus far. He was—what was the term she was looking for? Oh yes, a hard-ass jerk. That was the phrase.

  Emmett worked his finger up into her pussy in a lazy back-and-forth motion. He made delicate circles on her pulsing nubbin that soothed her. The harsh rasp of his callused fingers scraping her tender bits gave a delicious edge to his gentle touch.

  There was a sort of manly elegance to his face that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. There was nothing remarkable about his features save for his piercing eyes. They were baby blue and absolutely captivating. The slight drooping of his eyes gave him a serious look, but the confident way he carried himself kept those eyes from conveying tragedy. He seemed a master at using them to demonstrate his authority and his passion whenever he looked at her.

  His voice was masculine and baritone, but it came out classy and distinguished. His finesse of speech sometimes and the gentlemanly affectation he gave off reminded her of someone who would sound phenomenal with a British accent.

  Perhaps it was his pleasing voice and alluring eyes that got to her. The rest of his face wasn’t model-handsome. It was more of a masculine plainness with mature lines that faintly creased his forehead and fanned out from the corners of his eyes. Regardless, his unremarkable face was mesmerizing when offset with his striking eyes and posh voice, like the sparkling interior of a geode within a dull exterior.

  His blond hair was buzzed quite short, but the front had the slightest texture that was probably soft to the touch. He had a good nose, too, which made for an appealing profile view.

  He was forty like his brother, Hunter. Emmett’s strong, fit body was a mouthwatering testament to the care he’d taken of himself over the years.

  “I can promise you that I won’t let anything happen to you,” he finally said.

  “Why is that?”

  He didn’t answer right away, but the tracks his digit made around her clit were faster now as if his finger had turned racecar all of a sudden. She wondered if the sudden acceleration in pace was an attempt to distract her from getting too personal with him.

  “Hunter and Jake are crazy about you. I owe it to them to protect you.”

  Well, that was loving…toward his brothers. Not really flattering for her, though she couldn’t imagine why in the world she would want him to flatter her. Emmett was one of those suave James Bond types. Sure he knew how to please the hell out of woman and take what he wanted, but no way did a man like that ever have commitment on the brain, except as something to spurn.

  Melanie whimpered softly against him as he got her off again. The orgasm rolled through her, gentle and enduring like ripples of water on a lake. This time her cunt lightly sucked his finger buried deep inside her. Her warm nectar poured over his inserted digit, snagging a mild, guttural sound from him.

  “Thank you,” she whispered into the fabric of his shirt.

  He kissed the top of her head and brushed his thumb over her heated mons.

  “Is that the only reason you want to keep me safe—because of your brothers?” She knew the question was a mistake the second it came out of her mouth.

  Emmett stiffened and withdrew his finger from her. He quickly pulled her underwear and pants up and closed her fly.

  “I’m sorry,” she said meekly.

  “Don’t be sorry. We’ve been in here long enough. People will get suspicious. Flush the toilet before you come out.”

  He left in a hurry.

  Good heavens,
she hadn’t been proposing to him. She’d just been curious why he was so adamant about protecting her. Apparently one did not ask such questions of Emmett O’Neil.

  His reluctance to answer her question could be misconstrued by anyone else as something of an interest in her.

  She still wasn’t used to it. Hunter and Jake O’Neil had made their intentions known to her. They wanted to marry her…and yet they had no problem sharing her with their brother, Emmett, and even with their ranch hand, Diego. It was generous of them and downright confusing. Why weren’t they jealous?

  Melanie studied herself in the mirror. Her pale bluish-gray eyes were moist from her prior weeping, but a glowing softness had replaced the former dullness of sorrow in them. A warm blanket moved in over her chest when she realized who had put it there.

  Until now only Hunter and Jake had been the ones to give her warm, cozy feelings after sexual sensations.

  With Emmett it had just been about lust and having a good time. Now she realized there was more to him than a stiff cock. He’d come in here for the sole purpose of consoling her the only way he knew how—sexually. But he hadn’t taken any pleasure for himself, merely used sexual release to bring her relief from misery.

  She found she missed his surprisingly calming presence during this troubling moment, and it amazed her that this time he had been the one to put the light back in her eyes.

  Chapter Two

  Kendall wasn’t home. Melanie found out from a neighbor that her sister had gone to a hotel for the night. Her heart raced when she got a call on her cell phone and heard Kendall’s voice on the other end.


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