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Believing in Mellie [Men of McKenna Downs 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 5

by Zoey Marcel

  “I’m aching for you, too. I’m not going to masturbate today. Neither is Diego and neither are you. We’re all going to ache and suffer through the long, agonizing day.” Emmett’s tone heated and dripped with darkness that sounded savage even to him. “Then tonight we’re going to give into what we’ve all been burning for.”

  Melanie licked her lips and his heart sped up.

  The door opened and Diego walked in. Melanie’s coy blush and sudden withdrawal from eye contact delighted Emmett.

  “I should go,” she said quietly. “Thank you.”

  She blushed and walked swiftly from the room.

  Emmett raised a brow at his friend’s suggestive smile. “What?”

  Diego shook his head, still holding the accusing smile on his face. “I didn’t say anything, merely observing. Does she know about tonight?”

  “She does, but if my predictions are accurate, I think she’s going to back out.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because she feels bad for wanting us. She won’t go through with it unless we tell her the truth about our plans for her.”

  “She might.”

  Emmett stared at the door as if he could see through it and watch Melanie moving around in her room. “I don’t think so. If she wants answers, I’ll tell her.”

  “Without talking it over first with your brothers? That should go over well.”

  “They’ll get over it. I’m more concerned about Mellie.”

  Diego smiled. “Mellie?”

  Emmett feigned a scowl. “Melanie. Stop smirking.”

  Diego laughed. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “Your silences are very telling.”

  “So are your stares at her.”

  Emmett felt a rising sensation inside of him. It elated him to be flying this high over a woman, but it made his lungs tighten in panic for fear that the fall this time would be that much harder.

  Chapter Five

  Mellie became nervous and tingly after she said good-bye to her sister and was left alone with Emmett and Diego. They took her to dinner and then walked on the beach with her to watch the sun set over the ocean.

  She tried not to notice how roguishly handsome Emmett was with his jaunty stride and his charismatic appeal. She failed in her endeavors of indifference toward him and also couldn’t seem to resist stealing glances at Diego. The Latino was sinful and seductive with his rakish allure and the suave sensuality of his accent.

  Resistance was a joke, but her wandering eyes made her feel guilty. She was unofficially spoken for, yet she kept noticing Emmett and Diego. It wasn’t like her to be so greedy.

  “I appreciate that you bought me dinner and took me to the beach,” she began cautiously, “but I can’t sleep with either of you.”

  “I already told you that Hunter and Jake were fine with it. I understand you’ve heard it from them before as well,” Emmett replied calmly as he gazed off into the dusky horizon.

  Melanie twiddled her fingers anxiously. Jake had told her before that keeping her job wasn’t dependent on her sleeping with them. She would still be employed as their housekeeper even if she denied them. She believed him, but she hoped Emmett didn’t think her refusal to bed him and Diego stemmed from a lack of desire. Lord knew she had plenty of that whenever she looked at the two robust hunks.

  “I know,” she said, facing the rolling waves with him. “It’s not that I don’t find you and Diego attractive.”

  “I know,” Emmett said with a self-assured nonchalance.

  The arrogant hottie.

  “It just feels too much like cheating if Hunter and Jake aren’t present while I’m with you and Diego.”

  Emmett turned to her. “I’m glad you have a healthy sense of loyalty to my brothers. You’re a good woman, but you have much to learn.”

  He’d said that last part to her the night he met her and stopped her from going into Leather & Lace, the BDSM club in McKenna Downs. It was frustrating and a big turn-on to have him tell her what she was and wasn’t ready for and that she needed him to teach her more. He had the unique ability to piss her off and arouse the hell out of her at the same time.

  His eyes were heated now as he stepped closer, bringing the warmth of his clothed body toward hers.

  “You’re standing really close,” she squeaked.

  The conceited tilt of his lips made her hot. “Is it making you wet?”

  She blushed and quickly averted her eyes, trying to deny the sudden surge of warm moisture into her already sticky panties.

  He used his finger to move her face back to his. Her heart sped up when he leaned in and pressed his cool lips to hers. Their firm softness delighted her as he gently massaged her lips open. He took his time about wooing her lips, letting her know that she parted them of her own volition and was kissing him back.

  His tongue swept into her mouth, gentle but determined as he seduced her with his heat and skill. She’d been able to go through the motions of past kisses with her two exes, but not with the O’Neil men. She had yet to kiss Diego, but the three O’Neil brothers she’d kissed were wonderful and experienced.

  She hadn’t kissed Greyson either and had no intention of ever doing so. He was bossy, arrogant, and neurotically particular about the way he liked things done around his house.

  Emmett tongued her slowly, deliberately and made no apologies about putting his arms around her. The hard outline of his erection pressed through his jeans and lightly rubbed her belly. His mouth was hot, rich, and decadent like wet silk making love to her mouth repeatedly until she couldn’t think straight.

  She broke the kiss and nearly choked on a startled gasp when she felt someone close in on her from behind. Apparently Diego had finished with his phone call to home and now stood directly behind her.

  Emmett looked at her seriously. “Let him touch you, Melanie. I want you to feel his hand on your pussy and come in your panties for him while I kiss you.”

  Her cunt unleashed a hot splash of dampness into her underwear.

  “Why aren’t they jealous?” she whispered.

  Could Hunter and Jake really love her if they were more than fine with sharing her body with others? Maybe if it was just with their brother, but with their ranch hand and friend?

  Emmett smoothed his hand over her cheek and then followed through over her hair. “Because you were meant to be shared, and you’re going to be.”

  He moved in slowly, giving her just enough time for a protest that never came. She was paralyzed and enthralled. Emmett’s tongue dug away in her mouth again, mingling sinfully with hers. There was kissing and then there was mouth-fucking. This was definitely the latter.

  Her pussy clenched when a hand grabbed her right between the legs from behind. Diego.

  Her pulse spiked when his hand slid higher and started to undo the button on her shorts and then lowered the zipper. His callused male hand journeyed slowly downward, sneaking into her panties. Her heart rate went out of control when he cupped her private flesh and held his palm against her heated mons.

  “You are so soft and hot down here, dolce,” Diego murmured lustily into her ear.

  Mellie couldn’t help the meek little moan that escaped. His heady words and the carnal feel of his big, masculine hand touching her privates like he owned them was too much.

  Emmett continued to ravage her mouth slowly, devastating her gradually like a time-delayed poison, crippling her with his dark venom.

  Diego’s finger sank into her slit and teased her sex lips with delicate strokes before turning his attention to her hungry clit. A wild spark of energy zinged from the sensitive area. He rubbed her gently, massaging almost weightless circles all over her tingling clitoris.

  Emmett deepened the kiss, eating away her whimpers, consuming all her needy little sounds so no one else heard them. The large rock they stood behind offered them privacy, but she still felt a trace of anxiety that someone would happen across them like this.

  “I want your orgasm,
Melanie,” Diego demanded in a lascivious hush, “and I want it now.”

  Her body responded to him as if on cue, lighting her up inside with fire and shakes. She let out a breathless cry that evaporated in Emmett’s mouth. His tongue turned savage as he thrust it forcefully toward the back of her throat like a stiff cock in midfuck.

  The dual stimulation melted her and made her legs shake.

  “Beautiful,” Diego breathed against her neck. “We should get her back to the hotel.”

  “I would just as soon take her here,” Emmett countered. His head jerked up when a few small rocks fell from the cliffs above as if someone had disturbed them. “Then again, perhaps we’d better return there after all.”

  * * * *

  Emmett knew he needed to tell her. Melanie seemed nervous, which was fine with him. He knew precisely what to do to snap her out of it. But it was the guilt he knew she felt that he couldn’t put her through. It was unnecessary since she had his brothers’ permission to do this, but kindhearted Mellie still felt bad anyway.

  “Give Diego your keycard,” Emmett ordered. “You’re sleeping in here with us tonight.”

  Melanie obeyed without a word, eyes following Diego out of the room.

  Emmett sat in a chair and studied her. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  She fidgeted nervously. “Will I be sleeping on the floor?”

  “Of course not. You’ll sleep in one of these beds.”

  “Will you or Diego be sleeping on the floor?”

  He knew where she was going with this.

  “No.” He continued when he saw her mouth open to speak. “And no, he and I aren’t going to be sharing the same bed.”

  She squirmed. “Who will I be sleeping with?”

  He couldn’t help the sudden drop in his cadence. “Who do you want to sleep with?”

  She blushed hard, acting ashamed of her own wants. “I can’t sleep with you.”

  He shrugged, feigning ignorance. “Sleep with Diego then.”

  “I can’t do that either.” Her eyes closed and she almost looked like she was in pain. “Is this what you do with all the maids? Is that why they leave—because you guys fool around with them and then get tired of them?”

  Emmett scrutinized her intently, finding her utterly fascinating. “Whatever gave you that impression?”

  Her eyes opened and she heaved a shaky sigh. “I just don’t understand this lifestyle with you and your brothers…and Diego.”

  “I know you don’t. That’s why we’re going to show you.”

  Her focus shifted to him and he saw the stubborn determination in her lovely eyes. “I won’t sleep with other men after I’m married.”

  “Of course you won’t. I’ll beat your ass if you do.”

  His response appeared to surprise her. She was probably wondering what the hell business was it of his if she was unfaithful in her marriage to two of his brothers. He knew she wasn’t the cheating kind, but he’d been screwed over before and wanted to let her know up front what would and would not be tolerated from her.

  “Excuse me?” She blinked at him in confusion.

  “You heard me. If you’re unfaithful there will be severe consequences for you, and I don’t mean divorce.” Emmett eyed her sharply. “Hunter would forgive you. Jake would be pissed and hold back with you for a while, but he would come around eventually. I would beat your ass and treat you like shit until you proved that you truly loved me. If you didn’t, I would leave you. Diego would punish you in rather painful ways, but he would forgive you if you were truly sorry.”

  Melanie gaped at him. His speech, while harsh, was necessary. Emmett didn’t believe she had it in her to break faith with someone she loved, but sometimes people ended up doing things they would have sworn they were never capable of.

  “I’m not sure you want to know what Greyson would do. He would either divorce you or he would keep you around, but the latter might be worse given how sadistic his tastes are and his propensity toward grudges.” Emmett stared off into space for a minute, feeling an inconvenient sadness come over him. “He wasn’t always like that.”

  Melanie’s sudden irritation snagged him back into the present. “What do you, Diego, and Greyson have to do with my marriage?”

  Diego came back into the room with Mellie’s suitcase. “Emmett, you rascal, your brothers wanted you to wait. Didn’t I recommend that you discuss it with them beforehand?”

  “You’re right.” Emmett stood and whipped out his cell phone. He dialed Jake’s number, barely giving his youngest sibling time to answer.


  “Melanie’s distressed. I’m going to tell her the truth about our plans for her. Consider yourself informed.”

  “What?” Jake shrieked. “Emmett, don’t you hang up on me!”

  Emmett hung up and then set his phone aside, taking in Melanie’s reaction. She looked exasperated.

  “What is going on?”

  He stepped closer, but not too close just in case she was one of those crazy flail-your-arms-when-mad type of women. “I’m sure you’re aware of the tradition in McKenna Downs, whereby brothers or friends often share the same woman…as their wife.”

  Her eyes popped open and she started blinking rapidly. “You…you mean…it’s not just Hunter and Jake who want me long term?”

  Emmett nodded once and took another step forward. “Not by a long shot. I’m going to marry you, too, gorgeous, so are Diego and Greyson once we bring him around.”

  “Stop!” She put her hand up, acting frantic. “You’re a player.”

  Emmett smiled. “True.”

  “You don’t even love me.”

  He offered no reply to this, but his pulse spiked with longing and excitement.

  “I can’t marry someone who doesn’t love me.”

  “Are you in love with me?”

  She looked away and answered a bit too quickly. “No. You can’t just spring something like this on me. And Greyson? There’s no way I will ever enter a relationship with that man. He’s too bossy and demanding.”

  Emmett frowned. He couldn’t argue with that, but if this plural marriage was going to work, then Melanie needed to be on board with it and get used to Greyson’s overbearing personality.

  “And Diego? He works for you. Is that how it’s going to be—you just pass me around to all your friends? I realize sleeping with multiple partners probably makes me seem loose, but I’m not a complete slut. I need to be respected in my marriage.”

  “You will be,” Diego promised. “You will be respected and cared for and you will give us the same in return. We can have a good life together if you give us a chance.”

  “I don’t understand why you all feel obligated to share a wife. Does Greyson know about this?”

  “No. He doesn’t,” Emmett answered. “We don’t feel obligated. We all want you.”

  “But you and Diego don’t know me as well as Hunter and Jake do. How is this supposed to work when neither one of you love me and I don’t know you that well?”

  “That’s why we want you to spend more time with us,” Diego explained. “Get to know us better and give us a chance to win you over.”

  “There you have it,” Emmett agreed. “We don’t know where this can go or what we’re capable of feeling for each other unless we spend more time together and get to know one another better.”

  Mellie stared at him, looking interested and afraid of getting hurt.

  He knew he needed to get through to her somehow. “I’m not asking you to fall in love with me. All I’m asking is that you give me a chance and see where it leads. If we don’t fall for each other, then that will be the end of it and you can marry Hunter and Jake.”

  She hesitated as consideration hovered in the air. “I’m not marrying Greyson or sleeping with him.”

  Emmett nodded slowly. “Fair enough, but I would still like to train you in BDSM, and if you can handle what I give you, then I’ll turn you over to Diego.”

  She eyed him critically. “Hunter isn’t into BDSM, is he?”

  He shook his head. “No. That would be Greyson and Diego. I do it sometimes, but I consider myself more of a Top than a Dom. Hunter and Jake think of me as a Dom, but that’s because they’re vanilla.”

  Melanie was quiet for a good long minute. “Promise me that you’re not playing games with me. If you are, I’ll leave without giving any kind of notice.”

  The threat irritated him, but she was insecure and vulnerable right now, so Emmett dismissed it. “I’m not playing games with you. We want you for good. You and I will have a little trial run and if you fall for me, which you will, then I’ll pass you to Diego so he can use his wiles to win you over.”

  A bemused smile peeked out of hiding on her lovely face. “You just assume that I’ll fall all over myself for you like the other women?”

  Emmett cracked a conceited smirk. “I know you will. I have a way with women, and you’re too sweet and innocent not to be taken in.”

  Her eyes narrowed, but this time her willful stubbornness came through in a playful smile. “Challenge accepted.”

  He grinned, feeling a warm light in his chest. “I should warn you I’m a sore winner.”

  She tossed her hair behind her shoulder with a haughty air. “Just so long as you’re not a sore loser.”

  He wanted to take her in his arms and hold her. She was positively charming.

  “You can take that shower now. When you get out, Diego and I are going to have our way with you.”

  Her eyes sparkled with desire as she moved toward her suitcase to grab her things. Emmett paid extra attention to her big, delicious ass, determined to bury himself there when she finished showering.

  “Don’t be long.”

  She gave him a rebellious little smile that told him he would have to spank her later for lingering in the shower. The thought thrilled him.

  While Melanie showered, Emmett got things ready for their imminent tryst.

  “It appears we will have to bring her around to Greyson as we will him around to her,” Diego mused from his chair.


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