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Schism (Gateway Series Book 4)

Page 10

by Brian Dorsey

  “They are also sending Admiral Crow’s fleet and General Fallingrock’s division with Colonel Sand’s brigade.”

  “That is a large contingent.”

  “It is…but I fear we will still have a long fight on our hands given the size of the forces we will be facing.”

  “Are more troops not available?” asked Daria.

  “They are,” replied Vae as he stepped away from Daria and poured a glass of whiskey. “Almost an entire corps is available and not reserved for any pending operations.”

  Now Daria grew concerned. Her husband had never shared these kinds of details about a mission. “Why can’t they be used?”

  “I do not know,” replied Vae. “Fallingrock was placed in command until the Marshal returns…he also asked for additional forces and was denied.” Vae took another drink. “Based on Stone’s previous success, the Akota usually deal with the Followers with overwhelming force to help establish and control safe zones and allow the inhabitants to regain a sense of security so they will eventually join us in fighting them.”

  “But not this time?”

  “No. They told Fallingrock the troops were marked for reserve status and not available. He was also told Stone would take command when he returns from his current mission.”

  “We at least he will be in command instead of an Akota,” said Daria.

  “Yes. He will be in command of a force insufficient to handle the mission without significant casualties and a long struggle.” Vae finished the drink in his hand. “And in doing so, the Akota will also have occupied Stone, our Humani troops, and every single Akota commander loyal to him…except Colonel Skye.”

  “Really,” huffed Daria. “I would think they would have his Akota babysitter attached to his hip…not that she needs an order to do that,” she continued with a scowl.

  Vae let out a laugh that trailed into a low sigh. “She was promoted to command a regiment, one that is currently available to deploy. But when I asked Fallingrock about her, he said her regiment had ‘other assignments’.”

  “What do you think is happening?”

  “The only thing I know is that the Akota leadership has removed all Humani and any Akota senior officer that would claim loyalty to Stone from the fight against the Xen.” He paused. “All except the one that should be by his side.”

  “They want you all in one place?”

  “And they want us busy,” replied Vae. “No…occupied.”


  “Well, so far so good,” said Orion as she turned toward Stone. “We used platinum-based stocks from the Delta system for payment. Figured it was safer than Humani or Akota currency.”

  “Good idea,” replied Stone. “Wolf team, Hydra,” he spoke into his comms link, “report status.”

  “Beacon dropped,” came Katalya’s reply. “We’re standing by.”

  Stone looked toward his watch: 1:50. Like Orion said, so far things had gone well. The docking was easy; they had paid for undocumented docking and access and they had been left alone. The message burst was sent and Crow’s fleet was on the way. It was almost time. “I’ll head back to the others.”

  “Better buckle up,” warned Orion. “In eight minutes you’re in for the ride of your life.”

  “Just get us there in one piece,” replied Stone.

  “No promises…this is strictly point and shoot.”

  With a nod, Stone turned and made his way back to the others.

  “Seven minutes!” he heard Martin shout as he entered the troop compartment before she sat into her chair and strapped in. “Glad you could join us, sir,” she said with a smile as she tied her scarlet hair into a pony-tail. After she finished, she took a deep breath and exhaled before turning back to him. “You ready?”

  “Just like old times,” he replied.

  “Just remember,” she said, her smile fading. “You’re not a Marshal today…today you’re a warrior.”


  “Where is Councilman Coppertee?” asked Sierra.

  “He has arrived on Port Royal, Commander,” replied Councilwoman Woodstock. “He should be here shortly.”

  Sierra’s throat vibrated with a low growl. The other Council members had gathered in the Hall and were anxiously awaiting the revelation of the threat.

  All but Coppertree.

  Sierra could kill the twelve that were here and then go after Coppertree but killing all of them at once would be much tidier. She activated her comms link. “Sergeant Hale, have you met with Councilmen Coppertree?”

  ‘Yes, Commander,’ came the reply. “He has just disembarked and we are on the way with him and one security guard.”

  “Very well,” she replied. One guard—she had sent three of her warriors in case the Councilman had full contingent. “Ensure he gets here quickly…the others are waiting.”

  “Aye, Commander.”

  “He should be here in a few moments…” Sierra said to Woodstock. She looked around the room. Each council member was accompanied by two or three guards and their administrative aide. Then she scanned the edges of the Hall. Two dozen of her men lined the walls. It would be over in seconds. “…then you’ll know the nature of the threat,” she added.


  Dan-Lee took stock of the Humani guards escorting him and Councilman Coppertree to the Hall. He had known something was wrong as soon as Coppertree had been recalled, but the warriors confirmed it. The way they carried themselves, their weaponry…all of it reminded him of the Elite Guard. But they were different.

  “Sergeant,” asked Dan-Lee, “why isn’t the Elite Guard performing this duty?”

  The sergeant turned toward Dan-Lee. “Because none of your fucking business, guard.” He stopped and stepped in close to Dan-Lee. “Just keep your mouth shut and follow us.”

  “Sorry,” replied Dan-Lee, feigning fear. “I didn’t mean to ruffle your feathers.”

  The sergeant turned away.

  “I mean…” continued Dan-Lee, “I just don’t know why the ProConsul would send assassins to be security guards.”

  The sergeant spun around. “What did—”

  Dan-Lee’s pistol was against the sergeant’s forehead in a flash. The crack of his pistol was still echoing through the landing platform as he turned and fired into the chest of the second Humani. He swung his pistol toward the last warrior but tumbled backwards as the warrior slammed into him.

  Dan-Lee hit the ground and brought his hand upward to press against the warrior as his opponent lunged toward his neck, teeth snapping. Pushing hard against the jaw of the warrior, he reached for the second pistol in his vest and shoved it in his opponent’s gut. He squeezed the trigger and felt the warrior’s body convulse.

  But the warrior did not relent.

  “What the—”

  He fired again. And again.

  With the third shot, the warrior’s body when limp and Dan-Lee shoved him clear.

  Dan-Lee jumped to his feet. He sensed movement and spun to his right as the second warrior leapt toward him from two meters away. He fired just as it reached him.

  The round tore through the warrior’s head, causing his body to bend backwards mid-air and fall to the ground.

  “Fucking die,” cursed Dan-Lee as he fired another round into the warrior.

  The third warrior was slowly pushing himself off the ground.

  “What are you?” asked Dan-Lee, his weapon leveled at the wounded man.

  “We are the will of the ProConsul,” grumbled the warrior as it reached for its comms link. “And we—”

  Dan-Lee’s pistol recoiled again and the warriors head snapped to the left.

  “Son of a bitch,” huffed Dan-Lee as he again scanned the area. “There you are,” he said as he saw Councilman Coppertree, his body pressed against the wall, shaking with terror.

  “What the hell was that?” gasped Coppertree. “Why did you do that?”

  “They were going to kill you. And by default me,” replied Dan-Lee. “I’d hoped they were ac
tually part of a protective detail and I could use them to find a way to get to Alpha Humana but that’s apparently not going to happen.”

  “What do you mean? What are you talking about?”

  “I’ve been waiting a long time to get my revenge against the Ragna family and I thought the Association might lead to a chance at getting on Alpha Humana. But that’s all fucked now. I’m guessing the rest of the Council is dead or soon will be.”

  “Dead? But why?”

  “I’m guessing the Humani have grown tired of your duplicity…or just decided to cut out their middle man in the Dark Zone.”

  “What are we going to do now?”

  “Well, we’re getting off this moon.” He grabbed Coppertree by the collar. “And you’re staying with me until I figure out if I can still use you.”


  Orion looked at her watch. 1:58

  “Here goes nothing,” she said aloud as she activated Hydra II’s thrusters and detached from the mooring locks.

  ‘Vessel 1862, this is Port Royal docking control. We have detected thruster activity and detachment from moorings.’

  “Yes, control. We are detaching for a test of our stabilizing unit.”

  ‘Thruster testing should be preceded with a 20 minute notification, Vessel 1862.’

  “Sorry,” replied Orion. “We’ll just be a second.” She deselected the comms bridge to the control station and depressed the combat mode selector on the control panel. “Shit’s about to get real.”

  Orion watched as the status display updated as Hydra II morphed into its combat configuration. She activated the combat data suite and weapons status and tracking displays appeared on a screen above her. “There we go, baby,” said Orion, as the tracking screen flashed green as four large ships appeared on the display. A second later her screen identified the ships as Terillian battleships. “Here we go.” She activated the NAVSYS and punched in the orders Rickover had provided.

  ‘Vessel 1862 what is—standby…’

  “They must have picked up the battleships,” she said, activating the ship’s intercom. “Everyone hold on!” she ordered.

  ‘All vessels, this is Port Royal control. All vessels standby for mooring lockdown. Emergency defense measures are being activated. All vessels are directed to maintain all crewmembers onboard.’

  “Standby for jump in 3…2…1…”


  Councilwoman Woodstock looked up from the panel at her chair. “The Terillians are attacking!”

  “What?” asked Sierra.

  “Four Akota battleships just jumped into orbit and have opened fire on our outer defenses.”

  “Damn it,” she cursed.

  “Is that the threat? Why did you wait to tell us?” pleaded Woodstock.

  “Sergeant Hale, report location,” said Sierra, ignoring Woodstock. “Sergeant Hale.”


  “What is happening?” asked Woodstock again as she rose from her chair.

  Sierra looked around the room. It had went to shit but her mission was still clear.

  “All Dog Soldiers, this is Commander Skye. Commence Operation Black. Commence Operation Black.”

  Woodstock turned toward Sierra. “What is operat—”

  Sierra snatched a sword from her back with one hand as she drew her pistol with the other. Sweeping downward, she slashed through the chest of one guard and the abdomen of a second in one motion as she fired her pistol into the forehead of Woodstock’s third guard. As the guards fell to the ground, she sent two rounds into the chest of Woodstock’s aide.

  “No!” screamed Woodstock as gunfire and screams filled the Hall. She collapsed to her knees.

  “The ProConsul sends her regards,” said Sierra with a smile as she pressed the barrel of her pistol to the top of Woodstock’s head and fired.

  Sierra holstered her pistol as she looked around the Hall. Her men had been quick and efficient. Twelve councilmen, their guards, and their aides were dead. But what were the Terillians doing here so soon. She paced back and forth in thought. ‘And why only four battleships?’ she pondered. “Shit,” she said, stopping in her tracks. “It’s a diversion.”

  “Commander?” asked a nearby lieutenant.

  “The Akota, Lieutenant Denton…they are coming for the council too.” She activated her comms link. “Lieutenant Toliver, send spin message to the ProConsul and the Doran fleet. Inform them the operation is underway and that 12 of 13 Council members are dead. Thirteenth is unaccounted for. Additionally, four Akota battleships have begun bombardment of Port Royal defenses. Recommend Doran fleet jump immediately.”

  ‘Aye, Commander,’ came the reply from her communications officer.

  Sierra slid her sword into its sheath and gripped her assault rifle. “Lieutenant Denton, position your men on the exterior of the building but stay hidden until I give you the order to fire. Lieutenant Kawal,” she continued, “disperse our men in defensive positions throughout the Hall…Scout Rangers will be arriving soon.”

  Sierra’s heart rate increased. Stone and Martin would be coming too.


  Orion forced air form her lungs. “Shit,” she cursed, struggling to stay conscious. The jump from the dock to the security had occurred in the blink of eye but she felt as if her insides were still at the docking station as she let out a deep grunt. Her eyes began to focus and she saw the security gate in front of her. She took manual control of the plasma cannons and directed them toward the barrier.

  “Katalya, Magnus, get your heads down,” she warned as she pulled the trigger.

  The security gate evaporated in a ball of fire.

  “Landing,” she said into the communicator as she lowered the ship to the surface.

  ‘On the way,’ came Magnus’ voice in reply.

  “Roger. Port doors open.”

  Orion scanned the exterior viewing panels and looked through the cockpit. The plasma cannons had done the trick, no defenders were left to return fire.

  ‘Onboard,’ reported Katalya.

  “Roger,” answered Orion. “Buckle up!”

  Orion pushed Hydra II through the massive hole in the barrier created by the cannons. Once on the other side, she punched in new coordinates in NAVSYS for the Council Hall. She took another deep breath, still not fully recovered from the last jump. “Shit.” She activated the intercom. “Jumping in 3…2…1…”


  Stone’s stomach clinched tight and his muscles convulsed as his vision blurred. Shaking his head, he focused on a single point on the deck to gain his bearings.

  “Fuck,” huffed Martin. “That sucked.”

  “Good luck!” came Orion’s voice over the intercom as the lights above the door shifted to green and hatches dropped open.

  “Go!” shouted Stone as he unlatched his harness and leapt through the hatch.

  He hit the ground with Martin and Crowdog in front of him. Martin had taken cover next to a brick wall and Crowdog was moving forward to find a position to cover them.

  Stone rushed to the wall and fell into position beside Martin. He felt Shara take up position beside him.

  “Alpha team’s out,” reported Martin.

  ‘Roger,’ came Orion’s voice over the comms circuit. ‘Lifting off to drop Bravo.’

  Stone turned his head to the left away from the dust and debris filling the air as Hydra II lifted off.

  “Where are their defenses?” asked Stone.

  “I don’t know,” replied Martin. “But we need to move up.”

  Stone felt a knot in his stomach. “Something’s not right.”

  “I know,” said Martin. “But we can’t stay here.”

  “Go,” ordered Stone.

  “Moving,” replied Martin before she leapt over the wall toward the entrance to the Hall.

  As Stone and the others ran toward the entrance, the lack of gunfire was unnerving. Even if the Association h
ad been taken by surprise, there should be a few guards trying to stop them. In a few seconds they reached the Hall and stacked up next to the door.

  “Something’s fucky about this,” Martin said to Stone.

  “We should have taken some fire already,” added Shara.

  Stone could see the concern on Martin’s face. He nodded.

  “Crowdog, report status,” she ordered into the comms link.

  No reply.

  ‘Bravo on the deck,’ came over their circuits.

  “Crowdog, report,” Martin repeated, this time in Akota. She turned toward Stone and shook her head. “This is—”

  The thud of bodies hitting the ground stopped Martin mid-sentence.

  “Damn it,” cursed Stone as he saw Crowdog and another man lying on the ground next to him. Crowdog had a huge gash across his chest but his sword was protruding from the side of the man’s body. The other man jerked up from the ground, the blade still embedded in his body.

  Martin’s rifled barked and a salvo knocked the man back to the ground.

  “Look at his neck,” said Shara. “The Akota.”

  Crowdog’s neck looked like an animal had torn a chunk out of it.

  “It’s like one of the Wolf Clan had taken a bite out of his neck,” said Martin.

  Stone shifted his rifle and scanned the walkways above them. “Check the other body,” he ordered as he kept watch for movement above them.

  Martin knelt next to the man lying next to Crowdog. Placing her hand near the man’s mouth she pushed his mouth open. “Fucking fangs,” she declared.

  “It must be the other group they were testing on Venato,” said Stone. His teeth gnashed in his mouth. “Everyone be advised,” he ordered into the comms link, “modified soldiers are in play.”

  “Sir,” said Martin, gaining his attention. “Charges are placed…are we going.”

  He exhaled hard. “Go!”

  “Breaching!” yelled Shara and a series of charges around the door exploded, sending a shock wave that rattled Stone’s bones.

  Martin spun into the entrance but instantly fell backward and curled into a ball as an explosion of gunfire erupted sending lead flying through the opening.


  As the rattle of gunfire echoed in the distance, Katalya threw herself over the ledge onto the walkway above the Hall.


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