Book Read Free

So Sensitive

Page 12

by Anne Rainey

  Wade cupped her chin, forcing her gaze to his. “Whether it’s personal or not, this guy could be one of your readers. In fact, I’m betting he is.

  We need to see it, baby. Trust us.”

  “I do, it’s just . . .” She couldn’t put into words how important her blog was to her. She used it to stay sane. Her problems with her dad, the stress of working two jobs. Her love life, for crying out loud! She’d mentioned Wade even. She hadn’t used his name, of course, but she’d certainly expounded on his many attributes. She’d confessed that she’d desperately wanted to take him up on his offer of a date. Most of her readers, women who had come across her blog because of one of the books Gracie had posted a review of, had encouraged her to go for it even. It would be too weird if he read those posts and put two and two together.

  “We’re not out to embarrass you. Whatever you talk about on your blog, it’s your business. We just want to help, that’s al .”

  She didn’t believe that for a second. Oh, he definitely wanted to help. He’d made no bones about the fact that he intended to find the guy harassing her and put a stop to it. But he was also curious. “You and I both know you’d read al the posts. Don’t lie.”

  “Fine, I’m interested in you. It’s not a crime, Gracie. Stil , you can trust me with your private thoughts. I won’t hold them against you, sweetheart.”

  Trust—there it was again. Clearly she sucked at trusting men. Worse, she sucked at relationships with men. Her experiences with past lovers had al been surface relationships. She’d never felt deeply about any of them. Wade would have nothing less. “I’l agree to show you the blog, but only you.” She turned to Jonas and said, “It’s nothing personal, but some of the things I discuss on there are very private. And, wel , I just—”

  “It’s none of my business; I get it.” He reached over and patted her thigh. “Don’t worry, you aren’t hurting my feelings.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks for understanding.”

  He shoved his chair back and stood. “But I am hungry. If this is going to take a while, I’m thinking I should order some pizza.”

  Wade kissed the top of her head. “Sounds good to me. Pepperoni and green peppers again?”

  Her stomach growled. There was nothing quite like a hand-tossed. “No, how about just pepperoni, extra.”

  Wade smiled. “Ah, going without the green this time, good choice. Do you like mushrooms?”

  Gracie stuck her tongue out. “Ew. I hate those slimy things.”

  “You’re kil ing me here.” Wade looked up at Jonas. “Order a medium with extra pep and a large with pep and mushroom.”

  Jonas nodded. “Wil do. I’l pick it up; give you time to look at the blog.” He headed toward the front door. With his hand on the knob, he shot Wade a look over his shoulder. “Do I need to do the whole knocking thing again?”

  Wade laughed. “No, it’s okay.”


  Jonas strode out the door, and she could hear the lock slide into place. She stared at the laptop sitting on the table, knowing she was going to have to show Wade her blog. Her deepest, darkest secrets would be there for him to read. Thinking about it had her wishing she could disappear.

  “Now, about that blog.”

  Gracie groaned. “You aren’t going to let up, are you?”

  “Have I yet?”

  True, he hadn’t once given up on her. Not when she’d denied his request of a date and not when she’d told him about her stalker. Some men would have taken it al in then run the other way, not wil ing to get involved with a woman with so much baggage. Wade wasn’t intimidated so easily, though.

  “It’s cal ed Gracie’s Ramblings.” She pul ed the laptop close and typed in the address. When her header popped up, she wanted to slink under the table.

  “Interesting image you’ve got there, Gracie.”

  “Shut up.” Her cheeks heated as she stared at the hot, shirtless cowboy covering the top of the screen. “It was an impulse, that’s al .”

  He chuckled. “I’l bet.” The hand he had wrapped around her middle started a slow path down her body. “Maybe I should buy myself a cowboy hat.”

  She slapped his forearm. “Concentrate.”

  His hand didn’t stop moving until it was covering her pussy. Nuzzling her neck, Wade whispered, “How can I with you sitting on my lap?”

  Gracie relaxed against him, the blog forgotten. “What about Jonas?”

  He slipped his hand beneath the waistband of the shorts he’d loaned her. Warm, cal oused fingers touched her clit, and she moaned. “We’ve got time. Spread your legs for me, baby.”


  “I want to play with my pretty pussy.”

  Gracie moved her legs apart, giving him better access to her body. “Oh, God, this is so crazy.”

  A finger glided between her pussy lips. “No, this is necessary.”

  “Necessary?” Her voice sounded as if she’d run a marathon. His effect on her was potent.

  Slowly, as if savoring every inch of her, Wade pushed his finger deep. “Yeah. If I don’t touch you, I’l die. And that would real y suck.”

  She didn’t laugh as he no doubt intended. Hel , it was al she could do to hold on as he teased and played with her; already he knew exactly how to touch her, how much pressure to use to elicit a moan, or several moans. The man was a very fast learner.

  When a second finger joined the first, she cried out, al sense of modesty gone. Al she wanted, al she craved was Wade and the things he could do with his hands, mouth, cock. He pressed his lower body upward, showing her just how much he wanted her.

  “Wade, I need you,” she admitted, too eager to feel his cock stretching and fil ing her.

  “Later for that, sweetheart,” he murmured against her ear. “Right now just feel.”

  His fingers continued their gentle torment. Sliding in and out, fucking her with a maddening tempo designed to drive her to the very brink, but never beyond. “Please, Wade!”

  His other hand cupped her breast and squeezed. “Soon, little angel.”

  Wade stroked the curls of her mound. It seemed so wicked to make out in his kitchen. Jonas could walk in at any moment. She didn’t care.

  Al her concentration was on Wade, his powerful body beneath her, surrounding her. His hot breath against her neck sent a shiver down her spine. She could smel the potent mixture of his aftershave and his desire.

  Wade cupped her chin and brought her head back until he was staring directly into her half-closed eyes. “Is this my pussy, Gracie?” He skimmed his thumb over her clitoris. “I want to own it. I want to hear you say it belongs to me, only me.”

  She wanted to speak, needed to answer him, but his touch was electric. Only Wade had the power to make her burn so completely.

  Three fingers thrust between the swol en folds of her pussy, and she lost control. She pushed into his hand, seeking more, needing everything.

  “Mmm, you’re so pretty like this, baby. Excited and hungry to be fucked. Later, I’m going to show you what it’s like to have this little ass fil ed with my cock. For now, I want you coming for me. I want your cream soaking my fingers.”

  Gracie clutched onto his arm, her fingers digging into his flesh. “Please, faster, Wade.” The carnal images his words evoked ripped through her mind like some forbidden film. She ached for everything he had to give.

  “Like this?” His strokes increased, driving al rational thought from her mind.


  His smile fluttered against her cheek. She felt his male triumph. He knew she was helpless with him. It grated on her, but she couldn’t think why. Al she real y cared about was the feel of Wade’s long, thick fingers fil ing her. His thumb flicking her clit, and the hand tugging at the ring in her nipple. He was everywhere at once, driving out everything except the way he made her body hum with pleasure. Intense, hot, eager. It’d never been that way for her before. Not with any other man. With Wade, a mere touch sent her b
lood pressure into the danger zone.

  A few more pumping strokes and she was there, soaring into the air. Wade covered her mouth with his and drank in her moans of pleasure.

  Only after the last little quiver died away did Wade release her mouth and pul his fingers free. He brought the wet digits to his lips and licked Only after the last little quiver died away did Wade release her mouth and pul his fingers free. He brought the wet digits to his lips and licked each one clean. His dark smile promised things. Wild, taboo things.

  “You taste like warm, sweet cream.”

  She blushed. “Um, thanks, I guess.”

  “Hmm.” He dipped his head and kissed her, a tender peck, nothing more. When he lifted his head the intensity in his gaze had changed. The smoldering passion was stil there, as was the hard-on prodding her butt cheeks, but there seemed to be satisfaction there as wel . Strange, considering he hadn’t gotten to come. “I could take the edge off for you, too. If you want.”

  He shook his head and started rubbing her lower back. The soothing motion had Gracie cuddling closer. “Jonas wil be here any minute.

  Besides, when I get naked I’m going to want more than a few quick minutes in the kitchen.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t know what else to say, so she didn’t say anything.

  “Anyway, I want to read your blog.”

  Where had that come from? She could barely breathe, her body was stil vibrating, and he wanted to read her rambling posts? “How can you even think of that right now?”

  “I’m always thinking of your stalker, Gracie. I won’t stop until we catch the bastard.”

  His conviction made her feel protected. “You cursed.”

  “You can spank me later.”

  “I—” She didn’t get to finish what she was going to say because her cel phone started tinkling. She sat up and reached for her purse. She pul ed the phone out of a side pocket and checked cal er ID. “Crap.”

  Wade stiffened, his arm tightening around her middle. “Who is it?”

  “My father.” The satisfying aftereffects of her orgasm vanished.

  “What does he want?”

  “God only knows.”

  Gracie flipped her phone open. “Hi, Dad.” She tried to sound chipper, but the instant she heard the slurring words on the other end her heart sank. Her father was drunk. “Slow down; I can’t understand you.” His next words were crystal clear. Gracie froze.

  Wade’s arms tightened around her. “Baby, what is it?”

  Pul ing the phone away from her ear, Gracie looked at Wade. She blinked a couple of times, hoping it was just a bad dream and it would go away. “Dad’s at my apartment.”


  Gracie squeezed her eyes shut, praying she’d wake up and find herself in Wade’s cozy bed, his protective arms surrounding her. Of course, it wasn’t to be. In her experience prayers were rarely answered. She opened her eyes and said, “My home has been broken into.”

  Wade straightened in the chair, and if his arms hadn’t been around her she would’ve fal en. “What the hel ?”

  She threw her hands in the air. “Dad’s there now. H-He says the place is trashed.” Her voice quivered as she imagined her things ruined.

  Wade took the phone out of her hands and brought it to his ear. “Mr. Baron, I need you to hang up and cal the police.” She could hear her father cursing. “Just do it!” Wade shouted and slammed the phone onto the table. He cupped her cheek. “I should’ve insisted on that damn security system. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

  Gracie refused to al ow Wade to take responsibility for the actions of some psycho. She shook her head, denying his words. “No, Wade, this is not your fault.” Another thought occurred. “What if I’d been there?”

  Wade raked a hand through his hair. “My guess is he knew you weren’t and wanted to send you a message.”

  What had started as a mere nuisance was turning her life upside down. It was enough to make a perfectly rational person commit murder.

  “What kind of message is he trying to send? First, he runs me off the road; now this. God, Wade, this is insane!”

  “Shh, it’s going to be okay. We do need to get over there, though, and talk to the police. We’l need to make statements. And I want to cal Detective Henderson. He should be informed.”

  Gracie heard the door open. Jonas strode through, a smile on his handsome face. “You have no idea how hard it was not to dig into this pizza.” He looked at them, and the smile disappeared. “What happened?”

  Wade spoke first. “Gracie’s apartment’s been broken into. According to her father, the place is trashed. He’s cal ing the police now.”

  “Jesus, this guy isn’t working with a ful deck is he?”

  “No.” Wade lifted her off his lap and lightly tapped her cast. “Do you need help getting dressed?”

  She shook her head. “I think I’ve got it.”

  He nodded. “I’m going to cal the detective then. We’l eat on the way.”

  Bile rose at the thought of food. “I’m suddenly not hungry. Go figure.” She turned and went up the stairs, legs shaking with each step. When would it end? She was so tired of being at the mercy of some nameless, faceless asshole. He knew everything about her, apparently had no problem getting into her apartment, and yet she could walk up to him on the street and say hel o and not even know it. A ghost. He was a deranged ghost.


  Everything she owned was destroyed. Her furniture was shredded, the cheap, store-bought artwork she’d hung on her wal s ripped right out of their frames. They littered the floor as if they held no more importance than garbage. And her books, her precious paperbacks that had given her countless hours of enjoyment over the years, appeared to have been sliced into pieces. He’d cut up her books. My God, what sort of person did something like this? The rage he must have been in to do this much damage . . . She shivered at the thought. There didn’t appear to be a single thing left to salvage. Nothing had been left untouched. She stared from the front of the room, unable to move any farther. She couldn’t bring herself to see what he’d done to her bedroom. Her skin crawled as she imagined him riffling through her clothes, her private things.

  “Wade.” Her voice sounded far away, as if she were floating outside her own body.

  “Right here, sweetheart.”

  The calm tone quieted her fears as nothing else could. The arm he had wrapped around her shoulder kept her from sinking to the carpet. “I checked every room. He’s gone. Judging by the scratch marks on your doorknob, and the fact that none of your windows are broken, I think he picked your lock.” He paused, then asked, “Do you want to see the rest of it?”

  “I don’t think I can, Wade.”

  “I’l be right here, baby.”

  As they started toward the kitchen, her dad suddenly appeared at her front door. “Where the hel have you been?”

  Wade released her and stepped forward, his stance protective and ready for battle. “She’s been with me, Mr. Baron. And you should be damned grateful too. If she’d been home when this had taken place, she could’ve been hurt.”

  Her father sneered as he looked at Wade. “Who the hel are you?”

  His words weren’t slurred, but she could tel al the same that he’d been drinking. His clothes were wrinkled, and he looked as if it’d been a good week since he’d last showered. Had he left her wrecked apartment to go drink? God, probably. Humiliation suffused her. She should be used to her father embarrassing her. Hel , she’d definitely experienced it enough times. Just once she wished he could’ve been sober. That she was like any other daughter and could run into her dad’s loving arms and feel secure. That was the stuff of fairy tales, though, and her life had never been a fairy tale.

  Gracie placed her hand on Wade’s forearm, hoping to stop the train wreck of a conversation before it had a chance to gain momentum.

  “Dad, this is Wade Harrison. He’s a private investigator. He’s been helping me with a problem I’ve been ha

  Her father pointed a finger at Wade, his gaze narrowing. “What do you need a private investigator for? Are you in some sort of trouble, Gracie?”

  Wade snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. “What was your first clue? The car accident that landed her in the hospital or the fact that someone broke into her place and destroyed nearly everything?”

  Her dad stepped forward. His wobbling gait didn’t escape her notice. “I don’t think I care for your tone.”

  “I don’t much give a shit. Right now, al that matters is your daughter’s safety. Or are you too drunk to give a damn?”

  “You son of a bitch!” Before she could intervene again, her father launched himself at Wade, arms flailing. Of course, Wade was bigger, stronger, and sober. Her father didn’t stand a chance. Wade caught one flying fist in his hand, then slung her father around and pul ed both his arms behind his back. Her father cursed, spittle dribbling down his chin. Wade held firm. “Calm down, Mr. Baron. The police wil be here any minute. Do you real y want them to see you like this?”

  That seemed to do the trick. After her father stopped struggling, Wade released him. He stumbled but caught himself and turned around. His bloodshot eyes shot daggers at them both, but he stayed silent. Ah, self-preservation. It was the only thing that ever registered with Quinn Baron. Gracie knew she shouldn’t care one way or the other. Her father had always been a selfish man. Stil , her heart broke a little bit every time she had to witness him in such a state.

  As if sensing her inner turmoil, Wade reached down and took her uninjured hand in his and gave a gentle squeeze. “You did cal the police like I asked, right, Mr. Baron?”

  “I haven’t had the chance, damn it.” He waved a hand in the air. “I’ve been a little preoccupied trying to make sense of this mess.”

  Wade cursed under his breath as he pul ed out his cel phone. Gracie knew her father was lying. More likely he’d forgotten to place the cal entirely. After Wade reported the break-in and shoved his phone back onto his hip, Gracie spoke up. “Dad, do you real y want to be around to answer questions when the police get here?”

  Her father shot her a look of disapproval. “You’l mind your tongue with me, girl. I won’t be taking any of your sass.”


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