Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1)

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Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1) Page 7

by Jamie Salisbury


  "There's something going on Jack. I can't put my finger on it, but something's not right."

  The cat meowed his agreement, rubbing himself around Margaux's ankles as she prepared his dinner. Picking up the bowl, she stared at the bottles of Merlot she'd brought home. Mystery number two.

  "Here you go." She said absentmindedly as she placed the porcelain bowl on the floor, as Jack meowed his thank you.

  Margaux uncorked one of the bottles and poured a glass. Picking up her glass she moved to the living room. Setting her glass down she saw her phone light up. Hayden.

  "Hi stranger," she said.

  "Hey yourself. I was trying to let you have some time to settle in. I heard about your slip on the ice. I figured you have enough drama going on."

  "Depends on what you've heard, and from whom."

  "You know there's only one person who'd call me and try to convince me you're going to ruin the business."

  "Only two days in and she's already at it. I guess she told you about the spring blend fiasco?"

  "Yes, and she said you'd reprimanded Jean-Claude and put him on probation," he replied.

  "I had no other choice, Hayden."

  "You'll get no argument from me. I've never cared for the man. I've always thought he had his own agenda."

  "Care to share?"

  "He comes to the vineyards a couple of times a year. No big deal other than the fact he constantly puts down everything. The grapes aren't maturing properly, they aren't fit for wine production. No one but he knows anything about anything when it comes to producing wine."

  "He's done the same thing with me," Margaux replied.

  "You know as well as I do that I have a long list of wineries who want to purchase any excess we may have."


  "All I can tell you is be vigilant, Margaux. Do not back down. If it doesn't feel right, trust your instincts. Something is going on over there. I'm not there enough to know for sure."

  She took a swallow of the wine. This was odd tasting.

  "Like the less than stellar production of Merlot?"

  "You've heard the rumors?"

  "I'm drinking it right now. It's exactly as I'd been told. Off."

  "Great," he groaned.

  "Don't doubt your ability, Hayden. I think I may be on to something. What do you know about Jean-Claude?"

  "Only that he came highly recommended to Grandpapa. Came directly from France."

  "Who made the recommendation?"

  "His brother. Oh hell, Margaux I just thought of something. We hired him the year Simone was going through her divorce. Remember she begged to go to France, and Grandpapa gave in to her?"

  "Yeah she was over there for the better part of a year."

  "And she and Jean-Claude have been chummy the entire time."

  "I think I have something to go on now. Do me a favor. Don't mention our talk."

  "What talk? Just keep your eyes open Margaux."

  "I intend to. Look I won't keep you. Give my love to Izzie. Let's plan to touch base next week, sooner if you think of anything."

  "I will. You do the same. Better yet, I'm going to call a family meeting. Can you be there?"

  "Sure, just let me know when."

  "Excellent. I think it's time to discuss some ideas I want to implement, and let everyone get everything off their chests."

  "Best to do it now Margaux."

  "Okay, let me work out the logistics and I'll get back to you. Tell that beautiful wife hello and that I promise to come for dinner soon."

  "I will," he chuckled."

  Chapter Eleven

  The fall out, if any resulting from her decisions the day before were non-existent. When Margaux had gone to check, production was humming right along. She steered clear of Jean-Claude, wanting to give him some time. The strangest thing had been Simone. Rather than burst into her office, her sister had remained very quiet.

  Having spent her day among reports, and talking with various people, Margaux was grateful when her grandfather showed up at her office door. She also realized she'd gone all day without eating.

  "Have you forgotten our date?" Jacques asked, a smile on his face.

  "Of course not. I could never forget a date with you."

  She stood up, deciding she'd come back for her laptop and other things. Grabbing her coat she pulled the door shut. Jacques looked at her.

  "You need to lock your office, Margaux." He said sternly.

  She reopened the door and made sure the lock was in place, trying not to question him. "Come on, Grandpapa. I'm famished."

  They walked over to the restaurant arm-in-arm. A very icy Simone greeted them as they entered. Saying nothing she showed them to an out of the way table.

  "What can I get you to drink, Grandpapa?"

  Margaux wanted him to try the newly released Merlot if he hadn't already. She also wanted to see her sister's reaction to her request.

  "Bring us a bottle of the new Merlot, would you Simone? I've been anxious to taste it."

  "I haven't put it on the wine list yet."

  "You haven't put our latest Merlot on the wine list? What's wrong with you Simone?" Jacques asked.

  "I've been busy, Grandpapa."

  "With what? The chefs order what they need for the kitchen, wine cellar and dining room. I know chef has requested it. All I see you doing is coming and going at your leisure and seating guests. And let's not forget flirting with the male customers."

  "I'll go see if I can find a bottle." She replied, glaring at Margaux as she left.

  Margaux studied her menu, letting her grandfather regain his cool.

  "You know Margaux, I am glad I decided to have you come on board now."

  "How's that?"

  "I see where I've been neglectful with some things..."

  "Here we go, one bottle of Merlot." Simone said in a voice that would melt a fire. She passed the bottle to Jacques for his approval.

  He nodded his head and handed the bottle back. Simone began to uncork the bottle using the time to get a dig in at Margaux.

  "Looks as though you've run Nikalye off, Margaux. I haven't seen him since the weekend."

  Margaux decided to save her comment for later. She wasn't going to play into her hands. She was going to see enough once their grandfather tasted the wine. Bitchy? Yes, but something was up and she wanted her grandfather to confirm her suspicions.

  She waited as her sister handed him a glass to approve. From the face he made, they both knew something was off.

  "What's wrong, Grandpapa?" Margaux inquired, motioning to her sister to pour her a glass.

  "This wine. It's atrocious. I would never approve something like this. It tastes..."

  "The nose isn't there. No bouquet of the pepper and fruit like there should be," Margaux replied. "There is a musty smell to it as well."

  "Grandpapa this is the exact same wine you approved for bottling. It's been getting rave reviews from customers."

  "How can it? It's not on our wine list, Simone," he said. "Margaux?"

  Margaux took another sip. It was almost cheap tasting. "How this got past quality control is beyond me. I certainly haven't gotten any rave reviews from the people this was sent to ahead of release."

  "Oh?" Jacques asked, cocking an eyebrow.

  "All I've been told so far is it's not up to our usual high standards."

  She held back the rest of what she'd been told. Margaux needed to do more research. She needed some help.


  Margaux looked down at her phone. Nikalye. She smiled.

  "Is New York still standing since I moved away?" she teased.

  "Yes, in all her glory, though she says she misses you."

  "Well after the week I've been having I miss her. Terribly."

  "It's your first week, Margaux. You're coming out of a concussion. Don't be so hard on yourself."

  "You have no idea the mess I've stepped into, Nikalye."

  She opened her
email. There was one waiting from the lab she used. She'd put a rush on the order. Crap, just as she suspected. The wine had been tampered with.

  "It surely can't be all that bad. Jacques doesn't seem like the sort who'd let anything get by him."

  "Normally he doesn't, but I think there are a few who are trying to make it look as though he's too senile for the position."

  "He's not and that's why he brought you on board."

  "I know. I'm just finding some very interesting things. Oh you know the so-called corked wine? I just got the preliminary report back."

  "I bet it wasn't corked."

  "No, it wasn't."

  "Why do you think someone would deliberately do that?"

  "To run off customers."

  "It's common knowledge that Chateaux Ste. Margaux and the rest is privately held, am I correct?"

  "Yes. Grandpapa has the majority ownership. It was sixty percent. When he hired me he gave me an extra five percent. So instead of being equal with my siblings I'm a bigger owner. Right under Grandpapa."

  "Margaux, what else have you uncovered?"

  "Enough to raise a huge red flag, Nikalye. I'll explain when I see you. I need to check into a few other things."

  "Do you need me to come back?"

  Margaux cocked an eyebrow at her phone. She'd put him on speaker to enable her to do other things.

  "No. I'm fine."

  "Be careful, Margaux. Whatever you think this could be, watch yourself. Don't say anything to anyone. Not even your grandfather until you know for sure."


  Three days later Margaux had her staff meeting. Family only. She was determined to not only get to the bottom of Simone's attitude, she was going to share her outline and schedule for the next six months.

  Hayden and Pier were first to arrive. Margaux sat there with her grandfather discussing Captain Jack's latest antics.

  "I've got to meet this four legged dude," Hayden snickered. "He sounds like quite a character."

  "Oh, he is, and then some. Like most Siamese, he's quite vocal."

  They sat there, waiting on the missing Simone.

  "Anyone know where Simone is?" Jacques asked, tapping his fingers on the conference table top.

  "She's on site. Her car's here," Pier commented.

  "Why don't I go ahead and get started. We've waited fifteen minutes. I think that's plenty of time."

  Margaux eyed her grandfather, then brothers, before opening a folder and pulling out three papers. She passed them to each man.

  "This is an agenda of what I hope to cover today. It won't take long. I mainly wanted to go over some ideas and key points with everyone. You'll see the first is wine tastings. I would like to start expanding these to once a week. Until it can be set up to do them in the building where Jean-Claude is located, we'll continue to do them in the restaurant."

  "Then you want to go ahead with your original idea?" Jacques asked.

  "Yes. By spring I want to move the tastings out there. For now, they will be moved away from the kitchen to one of the small banquet rooms."

  "You can't just come into my restaurant and start changing things without asking me," Simone said coldly as she walked into the room.

  "Simone, you're late. Now if you'd please sit down and listen first, you'll understand what I'm trying to do."

  "Go ahead then."

  "I would like to try doing weekly tastings on say a Tuesday. The tastings would be a great way to draw people in on a slow night. The small banquet room will be smaller. People can listen better rather than have to hear all the clatter from the kitchen."

  "Who's going to do them?"

  "I thought we would rotate between Hayden, Pier, Jean-Claude and myself."

  "I'd be happy to do it," Hayden replied.

  "Me too. In fact there is something else I'm working on that would go along with this," Pier added.

  "Do tell," Simone drawled, folding the paper in half.

  He looked towards Margaux. She nodded. The timing was excellent to see how Simone would react.

  "I'm talking to the wine bar in town about trying a wine tasting."

  "They do them already, Pier," Simone chided.

  "I'm aware of that, but even the owner has indicated that they don't have the skill set or knowledge for pulling something like a proper tasting off. I suggested they let us come in and try it. Perhaps on a bi-monthly basis to start."

  "Hell, why not just open our own damn wine bar?" Simone said.

  "The town may have a lot of new rich that have moved here, but the town is not big enough for more than one," Pier replied.

  "We'd do our wines?" Jacques inquired.

  "Yes, to start. I even suggested trying some blind tastings."

  "Keep me apprised of how things progress. I'll move on a little. Over the winter the building that houses Jean-Claude will be transformed into a tasting room as well as a place customers can buy our wines and merchandise. It's not something that will happen overnight. I think spring is a good time. We'll also try tours and perhaps even add a patio off the restaurant for outside dining."

  Everyone nodded in agreement except Simone. To be expected. It was obvious she wasn't liking anything.

  "I think you're going to fall flat on your face, Margaux. This hick town will never support it. Wine is too snooty."

  "This hick town as you refer to it is where we grew up. Yes, it has changed a lot in the past few years. We may not like the expansion, but all of this is a great way for the winery to become more involved in the community. In the past we've catered to selling our product to larger, more metropolitan cities. In order to grow, Simone we must expand."

  "Simone," Jacques said sternly. "Your attitude. What is going on with you? Rather than embrace the family business, you now fight your sister and brothers at every turn."

  "It's her. You've always favored Margaux. She comes in here with all these new ideas and everyone jumps at her command. She hasn't been around here. She left, remember? She knows nothing."

  "Some of her ideas have been ones I've had, but haven't had a chance to implement because I've been overworked. Doing some of your job as well," Pier stated.

  "You've never had to do anything for me, Pier. Stop..."

  "No, you stop Simone," Jacques replied. "I observe. I know what goes on around here. This change of attitude started before Margaux arrived."

  "Grandpapa, no offense, but you really don't."

  Everyone sat there in stunned silence. It was one thing to silently not agree with Jacques, but entirely another to defy him openly.

  "Margaux, forgive me. I'm going to go over your head on this one matter." He turned to face his younger granddaughter, "I am relieving you of your duties for one week Simone. Take a trip, do whatever you like, but you will not step foot on the winery property during this time."

  "Grandpapa, I don't need a vacation. I just need for Margaux to stop acting like a dictator."

  "She is your boss, and you will treat her with respect, as you will your brothers. Take the week, Simone. Think about things long and hard. It's paid for, so it won't be like you're going to miss any money, but be prepared to come back as a team player."

  "Who will manage the restaurant?"

  "Don't worry about that. It will be handled. The staff is well trained," he replied.

  "When does this exile take place?"

  "Immediately," Jacques said without missing a beat. "Gather your things and go. We'll see you a week from this coming Monday."

  "Very well. I trust your judgment Grandpapa. If you think I need a break, then I must be more burnt out than even I thought."

  With that statement, Simone picked up her purse and walked out the door without a second glance. The four of them sat there looking among themselves.

  "That was unexpected, Grandpapa. Now what?"

  "It's only for a week. Once Simone has left, talk with Ellen. She covers for Simone anyway when she's not there. She'll be perfect."

  "She's been on th
e wait staff for three years, Margaux. Lost her husband in Afghanistan, has two kids. How she keeps it all together is beyond me. In the entire time she's been with us she's never called in sick. For herself or because of her kids," Pier added.

  "Impressive. How does she manage?"

  "She lives on her parents farm about ten miles from here. Has her own place on the property, but her parents have been monumental in helping her get back on her feet," Hayden said.

  "I can't wait to meet her."

  "You were talking about wanting to hire a receptionist. Ellen would be perfect. She's taking some business courses on line through a university. Business is her specialty," Pier replied.

  "Not getting off track," Jacques said, "I think someone should see if your sister leaves or if she makes a detour to Jean-Claude's office."

  "I'll take a walk in a minute Grandpapa. I need to speak with William. If Margaux's finished."

  "Yes, we can finish here. You two are on board with all this?"

  "Of course," Hayden replied.

  "If we don't start, we'll stagnate. We're better than that," Pier added.

  "The holiday's are fast approaching. We need to make use of this time," Jacques said, rising from his chair. He was slow to move which his three grandchildren noticed. "The cold weather. I think I'll go and walk back to the house. Good exercise."

  "I'll walk out with you Grandpapa. Good excuse for me to look around," Hayden said winking at Margaux and Pier.

  Margaux watched them leave before turning to her brother. "Thanks for backing me up."

  "No need. I happen to agree with you. Now's the time to expand and grow. The tastings, the winery tours, concerts. It's all going to work out. You'll see."

  "We need to go to lunch sometime. I'm interested in these concerts."

  "I'm still looking into what is needed in the way of permits and things. I know we'll have the support and backing of the chamber so I'm excited."

  "Keep me informed. I suppose I need to go to the restaurant and inform the staff of Simone's sudden vacation."

  "Trust me chef and the kitchen staff won't even know she's gone. If they do, they'll be grateful. I happen to know Ellen's working the lunch shift today."


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