Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1)

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Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1) Page 8

by Jamie Salisbury

"Good. It'll make my job a little easier. I'll just go have lunch. Care to join me?"

  "Sorry can't. Hayden and I are going to ride over and look at that property adjacent to the vineyards. It's come up for sale. After which I think we'll run into town and get something."

  "Okay. Enjoy yourselves."

  She watched her brother walk out of the room, leaving her alone. Gathering her things she started to head to her office when her phone pinged.

  It was a text from Hayden.

  She's left the property. Isn't that some sort of a famous saying?

  Probably texting or calling Jean-Claude. And yes if you're Elvis. Elvis has left the building.

  Locking her office she walked over to the restaurant. There were a good number of cars parked in front, which meant Pier's recent campaign to entice the business community out here was working.

  Noting a tall redheaded young woman at the hostess station she smiled. She'd seen her the night she’d arrived, impressed by her professionalism and warm smile.

  "Ms. Simeon, welcome."

  "Thank you. You must be Ellen. Therefore you know about Simone's sudden vacation."

  "Yes ma'am."

  "Thank you for stepping up to the plate and taking over as hostess."

  "It's never a problem. Are you dining with us this afternoon?"

  "Yes. Just me. My brothers, I think, wanted something more male than to have lunch with me."

  "If you'll follow me, I have a table open overlooking the lawn."

  She followed Ellen into the dining room to a table at the windows. The view was one she never tired of.

  "Can I get you something to drink, Ms. Simeon?"

  "Yes, I think I'll have a glass of whatever you're serving as the house wine this month. The red, please."

  "I'll be right back." She turned and walked out of the room. Margaux followed her with her eyes as she walked.

  Slowly she looked around the room. Businessmen indeed, along with some of the newly moved to the area ladies. Her grandfather was right. She needed to go with him to a chamber meeting. She realized she had no idea who these people were. Better yet, she needed to hit some of the local establishments like the wine bar Pier was talking with.

  She glanced down at her menu, trying to decide what she wanted.

  "Here you go, Ms. Simeon."

  A glass was placed in front of her. "Thanks. What do you suggest?"

  "The grilled chicken salad is always popular, as is the monte cristo sandwich."

  "What about the she-crab bisque? I know it's on the dinner menu."

  "It's the most popular of our soups. If I may suggest the she-crab soup and perhaps a half chicken salad sandwich?"

  "The chicken salad with walnuts and grapes?"

  "Yes ma'am."

  "Please, call me Margaux. That's what I'll have."

  "Anything else?"

  "I think that should be plenty," she replied. "Oh, wait. What time are you finished with your shift today?"

  "Since I've been asked to fill in for Ms. Simeon, I'll be here for dinner shift as well."

  "Is that going to be a problem, filling in?"

  "Oh no."

  "Why don't you come over to the business office when you can break free? We'll go over the schedule together. Chef won't care. All he's concerned about is that the customers are happy."

  "Okay, I can do that."

  "There are a couple other things I'd like to discuss with you then as well. Good things." She smiled at the young woman as she turned around to leave.

  An hour later Margaux was back in her office hard at work. She knew once she got the staff situation under control, the entire winery would run smoother. Even though her grandfather had been in charge, it was quite obvious some had taken advantage of the situation.

  There was so much to be done. The immediate changes she wanted to implement, which mirrored Pier's, new wines slated for production next year, expanding the vineyards. The list was long, but manageable.

  Her phone vibrated on the desk top. Picking it up she saw Nikalye’s number. She smiled at how not so subtly he kept an eye on her.

  "Good afternoon, Mr. Fox. What can I do for you?"

  "I thought I'd check and see how your day was progressing so far." She heard him chuckle on the other end.

  "Very interesting and quite productive I might add."

  "I can't wait to hear."

  "Why don't you call me this evening and we can commiserate on our days. It'll take far too long to begin now."

  "I can do you one better. Let me take you to dinner."

  "You're here?"

  "Yes. Just got in. Things went better than I thought."

  An idea popped into Margaux's head. It would give her a second opinion to Pier's idea.

  "Are you familiar with that wine bar in town?"

  "Vaguely. I paid a visit once. Why?"

  "I'll tell you when I see you, but how about we start at the wine bar and move on to dinner afterwards."

  "Sounds mysterious. You're on," he replied. "Seven?"

  "That'll work. I need to let you go. I have a restaurant schedule that needs tweaking."

  He chuckled again. It was deep, throaty, and Margaux realized she’d missed hearing the sound of his voice...along with the rest of his obviously well-muscled body. "It sounds like you have had an interesting day. I'll see you at seven."

  "See you then."

  Placing her phone back down on her desk, she looked up to see Ellen approaching her office. She beckoned the young woman inside.

  "Come on in and sit down. I'm sure your feet will thank you for it." She said lightheartedly, trying to put her at ease.

  "Here is the schedule for the next week. I've already gone over it and with Jake's help, I think we should be okay."

  "Who is Jake?"

  "He alternates as host when Ms. Simeon isn't there. He's going to cover the evenings, letting me cover lunch and the business end. Since he is also wait staff, it'll stretch them a little, especially over the weekend."

  "Is there no one you can pull? Get them to come in if it's their day off?"

  "Yes, we're covered. I had to promise a weekend off to one of them, but that's a small price. I only hope Ms. Simeon won't be too upset with our changes."

  "Let me worry about her. You've taken the initiative and covered all your bases. I'm impressed," she replied, sitting back in her chair. "I understand from my brother Pier that you are taking business classes online."

  "Yes ma'am. I would like to get my degree one day."

  "You will. You have the drive to go after whatever you want and get it," she said. "I want to offer you another position. Think about it, as it won't start until after my sister returns."

  "What's that?"

  "We are in dire need of a receptionist. If you're interested in the job, it's yours. Days and no weekends. I can see potential for growth. Here's what your salary would be, not including benefits after a probationary period." She passed a paper across the table. "Think about it. Let me know by Friday if possible. I'd like to have everything in place by the time my sister returns."

  Margaux saw tears in the young woman's eyes.

  "Thank you. This is more than generous. I'll let you know. I guess I better get back to the restaurant."

  "Thanks Ellen. I won't forget this. You pulling everything together. Jake too."

  She watched as the young woman left her office and smiled. It was nice to know there were people who still actually appreciated small gestures like she was doing for Ellen. She couldn't imagine where she'd be if she didn't have her parents. Unlike her sister, Margaux recognized not everyone had the good fortune of an easy upbringing. She saw something special in Ellen and with nurturing and training, there was no reason she couldn't meet her dreams.

  Margaux spent the next hour immersed in bookwork. She still had much to learn. Her saving grace was the simple fact she always kept herself apprised of what was going on at Chateaux Ste. Margaux. It was her legacy and she was especially
grateful she had, given certain circumstances.

  "Well that was a bust." Pier's voice loomed at the edge of her office.

  She looked up from her computer to see him standing against the door jam.


  "That land Hayden was wanting to expand? Sold."

  "Sold? Had it ever had a sign posted stating it was for sale?"

  "Oh yes, and now there's been a sold sign plastered across it."

  "I know how badly he wanted that parcel. It would have made expanding easy. We do have that piece next door here."

  "He knows, and I guess we'll be looking at it closer."

  "I'd be happy to do that, Pier."

  "I know you would, but I figure it wouldn't hurt for me to learn about what he does."

  "It'll take several years before grapes are ready for harvesting. Spring would be a good time to start."

  "That's what Hayden said."

  "I'd love to know who bought that property. It's been sitting there for as long as I can remember."

  "Doesn't matter."

  "You sound down. Anything else bothering you?"

  "Not really."


  "I saw Simone and Jean-Claude together at the wine bar last evening. They were talking with one of the owners and were quite chummy."

  "Interesting," she replied. "Nikalye is back. We're going to stop at that wine bar this evening. Check it out before we go to dinner. Join us if you want. Say seven-thirty?"

  "You and Nikalye?"

  "Don't go reading anything into it, Pier."

  "I wouldn't dream of it," he chuckled.

  "He's turned into a good friend. Even though he's out of my league."

  "Yes, he has. What I want to know is why our sister and winemaker are going out together after hours."

  "As do I, Pier. As do I."

  "I'll see you at the wine bar then."

  "Look forward to it."

  Chapter Twelve

  The wine bar’s crowd pressed in on her as she felt Nikalye's warm hand on the small of her back guiding her across the packed room towards the bar. Finding two empty stools, he helped her onto one.

  She'd worn a black slinky dress and red Jimmy Choo shoes. The back of the dress was open to the small of her back. A little more tasteful than some of what she saw.

  "At least from here we can get an idea of what sort of crowd they attract," Nikalye murmured in her ear.

  "Yes," she replied, glancing at the wine menu the bartender had placed in front of her.

  "Why don't we just try the house red? It doesn't state what it is, but it might give us an idea how sophisticated the Lucasville palates are," he stated.

  "Judging by this selection, I would garner to say that it's not nearly as sophisticated as Pier would like to believe."

  "And that's where the wine tastings come in. They have to start somewhere. Starting here in a wine bar will lead to people signing up for your tastings."

  "You'll get no argument from me."

  He ordered two glasses of the house wine. Margaux subtly observed him. He was a strikingly handsome man. His dark hair was neatly styled, except for one stray lock which wanted to hang down in his face. His goatee sported a day's worth of growth. What was there not to like about him? He wore an expensive sports coat and slacks, ditching the tie. He wasn't afraid of color. Even pale pink. Must have come from all his years modeling.

  Just sitting next to him in this crowded wine bar, she realized no other man could compare to him. Not even Louis. She wanted him. Bad.

  The bartender placed two glasses of red wine in front of them. She took a sip before grinning at Nikalye before turning her stool so she could take in the Lucasville crowd who'd gathered here this evening. Holiday decorations had been put up making the place festive, even though it was a tad early.

  "You are such a snob, Margaux," he chuckled.

  "I can't help it if my grandfather comes from one of the finest winemaking families in all of France."

  "Yes, it's in your blood," he replied, setting his glass back down on the bar. "Speaking of winemaking, look who just walked in the door."

  Sitting down at a table with a group of people Margaux did not know was her sister, Simone and Jean-Claude, whom she hung onto.

  "Isn't that interesting? I wonder what's going on with them. They appear thick as thieves."

  "Don't they?" He replied. "Unless you want her to see you I'd suggest turning back around and enjoying your wine."

  "I don't give a rip if she sees me or not, Nikalye. She knows Pier is trying to get wine tastings established here."

  "Do you think it'll work? Wine tastings?"

  "Oh yes. Like I said earlier. He's got to start somewhere. Come spring it'll be a whole new game."

  They sat at the bar and the next round Nikalye ordered a bottle of Syrah. An odd selection for this wine bar. Perhaps Pier would be able to assist with guiding them. Obviously a sales rep from a distributor had recommended this choice.

  Stop it! Stop thinking about business for one hour. Enjoy this man's company.

  Margaux rarely shut her mind off from business. Especially now. There was so much expected of her. It was time to go. It wouldn't be long before her sister noticed her sitting here, if she hadn't already. Knowing Simone that meant a catty confrontation, especially with Jean-Claude next to her.

  "Are you ready to go?" She whispered.

  "So soon? I thought we were waiting on your brother."

  "Something's obviously kept him. Besides it was just a suggestion for him to meet us."

  "Have you decided what you're hungry for?"

  "Yes. You," she replied.

  All the way back to her condo Margaux felt her mouth go dry and her heart pound. She never wanted a man the way she wanted Nikalye.

  He took her hand to help her out of the Range Rover.

  Margaux let him lead her through the lobby and into the elevator to the fourth floor where both their condos were.

  The condo was dark, except for the warm, faint light of the moon. They stood, facing each other. He took his hands, framing her face with them, his thumbs stroking her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around his neck as her mouth opened to his.

  Not saying a word his hands fell from Margaux's face as he gripped her ass and lifted her without breaking the kiss. He moved through the darkened condo, ignoring Jack's pleas for attention. Still kissing her deeply, he laid her down on the bed.

  He undressed her as he continued to kiss her. His tongue moved in deep thrusts as he freed her breasts and covered them with his hand. His touch was like fire.

  His hands were everywhere. He moved down, focusing on her breasts. He drew a nipple into his mouth, tugging and sucking. The most sensual thing she’d ever felt.

  That is until he kissed a path to her sweet spot, lifting her legs up and onto his shoulders. His fingers were inside her, his tongue sucking her clit, making her come hard.

  Before she could process a thing he was over her, pushing into her until he was fully seated. She squirmed under him, unable to lay still.

  Margaux grabbed his ass as he pounded into her. His pace was relentless as he stared down at her. Whatever is happening between them is more than sex. Margaux held onto him as he continued.

  Then slowing the pace, he pulled himself up on his elbows.

  "Margaux," he growled. "You are amazing."

  "Don't stop Nikalye," she panted.

  "Never." He began to move faster, slamming into her, deeper, triggering an orgasm. As she came down from wherever he’d just taken her, she realized he hadn’t come.

  He withdrew and turned her over entering her from behind before she realized what was going on. He thrust deep, his fingers were everywhere. He didn’t let up as one orgasm led to the next.

  Finally he came hard, pushing his cock into her as far as he could. His lips were on her shoulder. "That was incredible," he murmured as he kissed his way down her back before withdrawing his cock.

  Gathering her in
his arms, Margaux noticed in the moonlight that his eyes were as hungry for her as they had been before they’d engaged in the hottest sex she'd ever had.

  They lay that way, saying nothing. Margaux knew that the connection they’d found was just the beginning of something extraordinary.

  She awakened sometime later. The bed was void of her lover, as well as Jack. Seeing a light on she got up, grabbed her robe off the foot of the bed, and walked into the kitchen finding Nikalye there preparing a tray of food.

  "I was about to wake you. I knew you'd be starving come morning, so I thought I'd make us something."

  "That is so sweet, Nikalye." She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

  "To be perfectly honest, I am starving as well," he replied, grinning at her. "Why don't you grab us something to drink?"

  "Beer okay? I picked up some locally brewed Love Brothers Brewing Co. IPA. It's not half bad for beer. Actually nicely balanced." She paused for a moment, remembering another time. "I went to school with those Love boys. Ran around in the same crowd as Dom, who's turned into quite the brewer."

  "Really? Sounds like an ideal childhood. And yes, that sounds fine." He chuckled.


  "You never fail to amaze me, Margaux."

  "How's that? Because I drink something other than wine?"

  "Among other things." Again that chuckle.

  "So what else do you find amazing about me, Brit boy? Hmmmm?"

  "That you're fucking fantastic in bed. That I want to bury my cock deep inside you and never leave. Is that what you were wanting to hear, Yank?"

  "I love it when you talk filthy, Nikalye."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Margaux stared at the computer screen, not believing what she was reading. How had she not seen it? The resemblance was uncanny. Worse yet, how did this slip past her grandfather?

  She gazed across the room at Nikalye, who was watching her.

  "How did you happen to come by this?"

  "I was approached by your sister and Jean-Claude when you first arrived. They came to me with a story of wanting to start their own winery."

  "They needed investors."

  "Yes. I told them I was flattered, but at the moment I wasn't in a position to make such an investment. I left it open and on good terms. I was curious because neither are very good when it comes to business."


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