Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1)

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Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1) Page 9

by Jamie Salisbury

  "Grandpapa has the majority holding. I am second. Did they think they could convince him to sell? Surely Simone isn't that stupid."

  "No, but if they could prove your grandfather unfit, they could take over."

  "You talk as though Jean-Claude has some stake in this."

  "He does. He and your sister are married. As far as I know they married in France before her return."

  "Great, this just keeps getting better. Please don't tell me my uncle is in on this?"

  He sighed. "Yes, I'm afraid so."

  "Without my shares or Grandpapa’s there's not really any easy way of gaining control. Not without declaring Grandpapa unfit. Or running me off, forcing me to sell."

  "Even if she had your brother's on board, she wouldn't have enough."

  "No, she wouldn't. Nikalye, they know how close we are. Perhaps not completely, but don't you think they'd be afraid you might mention it to me?"

  "All they did was propose doing business together. Financial backing. I figured the rest out for myself after the tasting."

  "Trying to run me off theory."

  "I'm afraid so."

  "We can't mention any of this to either of my brothers. Not yet."

  "But you can't wait too long Margaux."

  "What method do you think they're going to pursue?"

  "I fully believe they're going to try and run you off."

  "I'm going to enjoy seeing them try."

  "If that doesn't work then they'll resort to attempting to unseat your grandfather."

  "That won't be an easy feat. Grandpapa has many friends in the community."

  "I agree. He is a well respected member of the community."

  Margaux shut the laptop lid, unable to look at anything more. Though it wasn't a total surprise, she knew it was going to be a nightmare.

  "They've been at it already, you're right. The wine tasting that could have gone south, the spring blend, the merlot that is less than stellar. It's going to be extremely hard to stay on top of Jean-Claude. He has the upper hand being isolated in that building."

  "Is there any reason why he has to be there? Why not move him to the main office. From what I've seen there is plenty of room."

  "The only real reason is that's where Grandpapa used to work. Before he hired Jean-Claude. It does have its advantages to being able to pull together blends. I suppose he could still do that there. Just make his move as a part of having him readily available."

  "Hmmmm, it might anger him, Margaux."

  "As it should. What the man actually does is a mystery to me. He should be consulting with Hayden more over at the vineyards. Hayden told me he rarely sets foot over there. I find that quite odd."

  "That is, given his position."

  "Has anyone found out or heard who bought that land Hayden and Pier thought would be a good match for the expansion of the vineyards?"

  "I can make some inquiries. The agent is the same one I used. He took me to look at some land where horse farms had once sat. I had considered building a house, but realized I'm not ready."

  "He probably won't tell you anything. Legalities and such. Though once it's been filed in the courthouse it becomes public record."


  "What do you mean you quit?" Margaux asked.

  "Jean-Claude and I have discussed it. We decided we can't work for you Margaux. You came in like a whirlwind and immediately began acting like a dictator. Though most are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, employees are skeptical of your business abilities. If you can indeed run this winery. Jean-Claude and I saw right through your tactics and we're not going to watch you drive what Grandpapa has worked so hard for into the ground."

  "So what are you going to do? There can't be too many jobs in this part of the country for a winemaker."

  "Oh, don't worry about us. We'll manage. The question is, will you? How are you going to manage your namesake if you don't have a winemaker?"

  Margaux sat back in her chair, swiveling back and forth as she eyed her sibling carefully.

  "I suppose I'm going to have to use that useless degree in oenology. You know what that is, don't you Simone? It means I'm an oenologist, a winemaker to you. Something Jean-Claude doesn't even have."

  "He doesn't need some crappy piece of paper," she spat. "Jean-Claude has hands on training which makes him far superior to your college-degreed ass."

  "Do tell. Then he won't be needing references when he begins to apply for a new job."

  "He doesn't need a damn reference from you."

  "That's good to know because I wasn't going to give him one. Not a good one."

  "Like I said he doesn't need one from you, and neither do I."

  "Your choice. I am going to need your keys, Amex card and phone, Simone. Jean-Claude's too."

  "Screw you. When Grandpapa asks for them, then he'll get them. Until then? They stay with me."


  She wasn't giving in to Simone, just letting her think she had the upper hand. She'd have the phones turned off and the Amex cards cancelled as soon as her sister walked out the door. She glanced at her sister, who was standing there glaring at her.

  "Is there something else, Simone?" She asked as she pretended to be busy with a stack of papers on her desk.

  "I'm going to love to watch you fall."

  "So you've said. If you'll excuse me I have a winery to run."

  "Not for long."

  "Is that some sort of threat, Simone?"

  "Take it however you like, she replied before storming out of the room.

  Margaux watched until her sister's figure disappeared from her line of sight. It wasn't as though it weren't unexpected. She just had hoped it would have come at another time. This was going to change things around the winery.

  First she texted Nikalye.

  Simone came in & quit for both herself and J-C! U R the 1st 2 know.

  While she was waiting to see if he responded she called Helen into her office. If Simone thought she was going to get to spend lavishly on the company's behalf she had another thing coming.

  "What can I do for you Margaux?"

  "Simone and Jean-Claude have both quit. I need for you to get together whatever paperwork is needed. I also need the credit cards and phones cancelled immediately."

  The woman's eyebrows arched, but she never missed a beat, never let on she might be surprised.

  "I'll get right on it. Anything else?"

  "Yes. Call a locksmith. I'm afraid we're going to have to re-key everything."

  "She didn't leave anything with you?"


  "Consider it done."

  "Do you know if Pier's here?"

  "He said something about meeting with the owner of the wine bar, but he'd be back in a couple of hours."

  Margaux rose from her chair. She needed to check Jean-Claude's office immediately.

  Grabbing her jacket she was met head on at the door. Ellen. It was her first day as receptionist. She needed to be hospitable and show the young woman around.

  "Ellen, come in. Are you ready?"

  "Yes, ma'am. I could hardly sleep last night."

  "Sounds like you need coffee. Why don't I show you where we keep the coffee maker?"

  "Ms. Simeon?" Helen asked approaching them, her iPad in her hand. "I'll be happy to show Ellen around while you tend to that matter."

  "You don't mind with all I just handed you to do?"

  "Not at all. I'm perfectly able to multi-task," she replied raising her tablet.

  "Very well. Ellen, you know Helen. She'll show you around and get you settled in. I've got an unexpected matter I need to see to. I'll leave you in her capable hands."

  "That's fine. I know you're busy."

  "When I get back we'll sit down and discuss some things I'd like your help with."

  Margaux nodded her head and hurried out the door. As she approached the door to the building where Jean-Claude had his office she noted her sister's car was nowhere to be seen. She
dug her keys out of her pocket, at which time her phone pinged.

  Pulling it out she noted Nikalye's name. She smiled.

  How can I assist?

  She thought for a moment before typing.

  I'll let you know. Going to check Jean-Claude's office and computer.

  He immediately texted back.

  Sorry u have 2 deal with this. I'm here for you.

  She smiled at the thought of him, his...she shook her head. No time for such foolishness. Right now there was a major crisis going on.


  Turning on the lights, she walked back to Jean-Claude’s office area and found the light switch. She noticed nothing out of the ordinary. Everything just as Jean-Claude would have left it. In a frenzied mess. Disheveled stacks of papers. Wine bottles sat on his desk. Some opened, some not. The desk was locked which made her wonder if he'd even been back since Friday evening.

  She'd go through everything in here after the locks had been changed. Telling Hayden, Pier and her grandfather were next. She did wonder though if her grandfather had already been informed by Simone.

  It didn't take her long to find out. As she neared the business office she saw Pier coming out the door.

  He knows.

  "I guess you've heard the news."

  "Yeah, Helen told me. What can I do to help?"

  "Just go about your day as planned. I want everything to appear as normal as possible to the staff. We've got a locksmith coming, and once Hayden and Grandpapa have been informed, I intend to go through Jean-Claude's office. See if I can make heads or tails out of anything."

  "Thank god the restaurant is closed today."

  "Yes. I suppose I should tell Grandpapa first and then go out and visit Hayden. I don't think this news needs to be shared in a text."

  "You're right, and speaking of Grandpapa, here he comes."

  They stood in the cool air and watched Jacques Simeon pull his Mercedes SUV into a space in front of the business center.

  "Care to wager whether Simone told him or not?"

  "You really want to waste your hard earned money? Because judging by the look on his face, he knows."

  "You're right. He's furious. I wonder if he knows about Jean-Claude?"

  "We're about to find out."

  They stood and waited for Jacques to join them.

  "Shall we go inside? It's far too cool to be standing out here. Your sister just informed me we have a problem."

  "I was just going to town to talk with the chamber. They are interested in sponsorship for the concert series next year."

  "Very well. It wouldn't look good for you to cancel. Does Hayden know?"

  "No, Pier and I were just discussing that. I thought I'd go pay him a visit. I didn't think a phone call would suffice."

  "I think you would be better served here, Margaux. We can do one of those Skype calls with Hayden."

  "Well, if you two will excuse me, I'm going to head to town."

  "Remember not a word about any of this," Margaux said.

  "We'll write up a press release tonight," Pier replied before heading to his car.

  "Come Grandpapa. Let's go in my office and talk. Helen's seeing to a locksmith and a few other things, so she may be in and out."

  He nodded his head, looking ten years older all of a sudden. His face did light up upon seeing Ellen seated at the reception desk. He greeted her, congratulating her on her new position.

  "Would you like a cup of coffee, Grandpapa?"

  "Yes, I would love one since it's too early for anything else."

  Helen approached. "You two go on. I'll bring you coffee. Everything is under control."

  "Thank you Helen," Jacques replied.

  Margaux sat down at a small table near the window. The seasons certainly were changing, bringing with it mood changes. She wasn't particularly fond of cold weather, but tolerated it. At least in this area it wasn't as severe as Manhattan could be, being close to the ocean.

  Her grandfather followed her to the table and sat down.

  "We seem to have a huge problem, Margaux."

  "That's putting it mildly. Now we have no winemaker."

  "That's not true, Margaux. We have you. You can handle both. At least for now until things are sorted out."

  "I suppose I could. My first priority is to tell Hayden. After which I'm putting a call in to our attorneys. I want all our bases covered on this."

  "They need to be apprised of what has happened."

  "And what they may be trying to attempt."

  "Yes, of course. Though I don't see how, I suppose there is always a way," Jacques replied.

  Trying to not dwell on scenarios, Margaux kept the conversation going. Keeping the winery up and running as normal was her biggest priority. That would help calm any fears from the staff or the public as she was sure Simone and Jean-Claude would be quite busy spreading rumors.

  "This afternoon I intend to spend going through Jean-Claude's office. I wouldn't normally want a press release done, but under the circumstances I'm afraid that man is going to say some nasty things."

  "Of course, he's his father's son. I cannot believe I didn't see it before. He's been here right in front of me."

  "Pier and I think this goes back to when Simone went to France that year."

  Her grandfather uttered something unintelligible in French. "It's part of an elaborate scheme to take all this over."

  "They're not going to get a chance, Grandpapa."

  "If Henri is involved, don't count on it. He's slippery as an eel."

  It was the first time Margaux had ever heard the older man even hint at the possibility of defeat. He worked hard to make this the winery it was today. Some of the wines were award winning. It tugged at her heart to listen to him.

  "But you're clever as a fox, Grandpapa. All we did is lose Jean-Claude as winemaker. Simone's position is expendable. So I guess it's time to put that fancy education I have to work. We'll be fine, you'll see."

  "It means putting more work on you. I suppose I could come back and help more."

  "No, you'll continue as you have been. The less it looks as though we're making big changes the better."

  "You're right. Simone and Jean-Claude will make their agenda known soon."

  "Yes, now why don't we call Hayden and let him know. Then I want you to continue your day as planned."

  Margaux placed a call to Hayden. He didn't seem surprised at all, stating that Jean-Claude's disinterest in the very grapes that made some of the best wine in the region made him suspect. Hayden was meticulous in overseeing grape production and cultivation and the fact that he was suspicious of a winemaker who wasn't said a lot.

  After she finally convinced Jacques that everything was under control she made her way back out to the office Jean-Claude had occupied. She sat down at the desk wondering where to begin. Looking at the disarray of papers on top made her decision easy.

  One by one she picked up each paper, skimming over the contents. She had made two piles on the floor next to the desk. A stack to be read soon, another of seemingly unimportant papers she'd glance at again.

  Immersed in the sea of papers, Margaux didn't even hear the door open. She was too busy trying to learn exactly what, or rather what Jean-Claude didn't do. Why had he been purchasing supplies that production should normally purchase? It was true, he worked quite closely with them. A winemaker always did. This, this was highly unusual, a red flag.

  The papers went into their own pile, along with other similar ones. As she did, she noticed Pier standing in the doorway, file folder in one hand, a pizza in the other.

  "Helen said I'd find you out here. Said you hadn't come up for air all afternoon."

  "Thanks," she replied. "Why don't we go over to the table with that? This, this is almost like a crime scene."

  "That bad?" He set the pizza in the center of the table, waiting for her.

  "Yes, but nothing that isn't fixable now," she said as she rose from her chair and stretched. It
had been several hours longer than she’d meant to stay. She'd come back and work on it later.

  "That's good to know."

  "I'm waiting for the attorneys to get back to me. I want them to be ready for any scenario. Even if nothing ever comes of it."

  "Smart," he replied passing her the folder. "Why don't I find us some plates and napkins while you read this?"

  "Something to drink would be nice too," she called after him as she stared down at the press release Pier had written. Trying to turn a potential crisis into a positive. Pier always had a way with words, and now that talent was being put to the test. She smiled. He still had it.

  Margaux spent what remained of the day on the phone with lawyers, her grandfather and brothers and finally William in production.

  She apologized profusely for not having met with him. William, aware of what was going on was most sympathetic. His advice to her at the end of their conversation was that nothing was that important that it couldn't wait.

  As she had been talking with him, Margaux was pouring over the upcoming new releases for the coming year. What was to go into production was lacking, making her wonder even further.

  Hanging up the phone with William she felt somewhat better. They'd agreed to meet the following day. Something to look forward to on this otherwise grey day.

  She looked at the clock on her computer. Six in the evening. That couldn't be right. There was still much to do, but she simply didn't have the brain cells tonight to keep going.

  Jacques hadn't been around all afternoon. She hoped that meant he wasn't fretting about this mess. She knew better though. Whatever bad blood flowed between the two brothers, it was as real today as it was all those years ago.

  She picked up the phone on her desk and called the house on the hill.

  "Do not tell me you are still working, Margaux."

  "I didn't realize how late it was. I'm on my way out now."

  "Have you got time for your old grandfather?"


  "Come up for a drink? You don't have to stay long. I have a bottle of Grey Goose."

  "Give me a few minutes to gather my things and lock up."

  "I'll leave a light on."

  She snorted at her grandfather's use of an old commercials tag line. It was one he used when they were mere teenagers and stayed out late.


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