Love Struck
Page 2
Paulo took a moment to catch his breath, the motor had ran out of steam. He could see Gloria was shooting him a look, she was amazed he was finally finished, now she could speak.
“Wow, you really are a fan.” she remarked dryly, her thoughts had at last been thrown on the table.
“Once I start talking about Sara Sarracini I can't stop.” Paulo stated shyly.
It was the understatement of the century, that was for sure, thought Gloria, he couldn't stop for a split second. Even if a typhoon had shook the resort and flooded the island, he still would have been talking about her, either unaware of the commotion or disinterested, Sara Sarracini took the highest priority over anything else, she figured even herself.
If it wasn't for the glaring fact he had no chance of ever seeing his superstar and having to fight for her boyfriend's affections, her jealously would have sky-rocketed.
Had it not been for that comforting thought in the back of her head reminding her, quelling her envy, she would have caused a massive scene in the restaurant, one that demanded for her boyfriend to grovel with his tail between his legs and apologize, then feel obligated to make it up to her by spoiling her rotten and doing anything she asked for.
On a second thought, she wondered if maybe she should have caused the scene regardless and get pampered by him. If she had the energy to create a commotion, she would have done so on the spot. Lucky for him, she was exhausted from their physical activity upstairs and didn't have it in her. Paulo dodged the bullet, that time.
The Waitress returned with their breakfast in her finely manicured hands. Paulo analysed her thoroughly with a close probing eye, he was not imagining things, there was no doubt in his mind, she definitely looked like Sara Sarracini.
Her appearance was uncanny, like gazing at her exact double. There was always a doppelgänger of someone, somewhere in the world, and this was Sara's.
“Buon Appetito.” she said, placing their orders down on the table, her cheeriness was at its peak, the meal would be tasting that extra sweeter with her sugar coating.
“Thanks.” gleaned Paulo, he was smitten by her and who she resembled to him.
“Thank you.” Gloria put on a smile, she could see her boyfriend idolizing the bleach blonde waitress, her intuition told her he was picturing his superstar. She would be putting on a show soon enough, she could feel it.
The Waitress was about to leave them to their breakfast in peace, she had other famished guests to work up their ravenous appetites a great notch. She would be leaving him, he was running out of time, Paulo built up the courage to tell her what was stuck in his mind since first laying eyes on her, he wouldn't find any peace during the rest of the vacation unless he told her who she resembled.
“Excuse me.” he heard the words coming out quickly, he thought it was in his head, that was until he noticed her react, he had actually said it.
She stopped, looked back to Paulo, “Yes?” questioned the Waitress, wondering how else she could be of a service to him and make his breakfast as pleasurable as ever.
He made it to this point, the hardest part was over, he explained with added confidence, “I'm sure you get this all the time but you remind me of a certain famous actress.”
“Really?” the Waitress beamed, her fluffy head was even more fluffier.
“Your similarity is phenomenal.”
Only one star sprang to her mind, she was on the right wave length as her handsome guest “Could it be Sara Sarracini?”
Paulo grinned, “The one and only.”
The Waitress smiled merrily, she was being sent to the clouds above, that had made her day. “I get compared to Sara Sarracini all the time. It's a true honour.”
“You're a fan too?” Paulo was astonished, it was too good to be true.
He could have jumped for joy off the table and cheered at the top of his voice, finally he found someone of his own generation who was well accustomed to the unbridled talent of the national treasure, Sara Sarracini. He had a soul mate to talk about his beloved star.
“Absolutely, from way back in the seventies when I saw her first ever movie 'The Widow of Bolzano', she was a true diva, like Marilyn Monroe herself. The sign of a true natural talent.” The Waitress spoke fondly about her idol, the woman who aspired her to dye her raven hair a golden blonde, it worked wonders in attracting all sorts of attention, precisely the desired result and craved demographic she was hoping for.
“Here, here.” cheered Paulo with infinite exuberance. This was as lively as Gloria had seen him. He was like a different person from the guy she thought she knew.
“I was an instant fan.” she declared with much humility.
“I bet you can't wait for her new movie.” he was positive she would be anticipating their favourite star's glorious return with much eagerness as himself.
“I'm ecstatic. Finally she's came back and about time too.” her anticipation was on par with his own.
The Waitress could have stayed at the table and talked about Sara Sarracini until her shift ended then resumed the conversation during her free time but duty called, she could see a family enter the restaurant. “I've got to run. It's been a pleasure meeting another fan of Sara Sarracini.”
She hurried to her post and greeted the family at their table. The teenage son and the father were more than pleased to be served by such a beguiling woman of her radiance and stature, it was turning out to be an even more pleasant stay than it already was. The mother and eighteen year old daughter did not look at the Waitress in the same awestruck light.
“What a nice woman.” Paulo remarked, his eyes were glued on her as he took a bite out of his anise ring.
“Just remember who your girlfriend is.” came a subtle warning masquerading as a friendly reminder from Gloria to her distracted boyfriend.
His preoccupied attention on the Waitress was brought to a sudden end, he was thrust back into the real world and the girlfriend he had been neglecting. Paulo could detect the livid jealousy on her face, she was giving him one extreme stern glare. He chuckled, she was too adorable when she was envious, “You're not jealous are you?”
Gloria attempted to hide her blatant jealously to no avail, she didn't want him to think of it as something amusing. “No, of course not.”
Paulo would put her silly envy to a rest, he took her hand, filled her with assurance with his charming gaze “Gloria, you're the only one for me. Honest.”
There was no possible way she could have stayed mad at him, his warm secure words melted her jealously into a dissolving pool. It was already distant from Gloria's mind. “I know. I just can't help getting jealous sometimes. I can't bear the thought of you falling in love with someone else.”
He put his hand on her cheek, gently stroked her soft, silky face, his touch eased her gargantuan qualms into the insignificant speck it really was. “I will never leave you for anyone.”
“What if she's a fan of Sara Sarracini?” Gloria had to ask, she wouldn't find her peace during the rest of the vacation until she knew and could put it behind her for the rest of her life.
“Don't be silly.” he answered quickly and directly, she had nothing to worry about.
“What if she looks like Sara Sarracini?” came the next scrutinizing question of insecurity.
“No way.” as before, he replied back with the same quickness and directness, her worries were dropping fast.
“What if she is Sara Sarracini?” Gloria presented the ultimate question, one that would prove if his loyalty was reserved solely to her.
“Of course not. I only have eyes for you.” he proved her right, he once again answered quick and direct, showing he may have admired his starlet but Gloria was the only girlfriend for him.
Gloria's insecurity faded into obscurity, he had made her overwhelmingly pleased, she could hardly retain her tiding emotions for him, “Oh, I love you.”
“I love you too.” he said warmly, his deep fondness for her was felt when sayi
ng the grandest words ever formed to create an incomparable sentence with such monumental beauty.
She embraced him, spilling her cappuccino in the process. She didn't care, her boyfriend was more important.
Paulo looked up in deep thought, lost in a fantasy projected in his staring gaze. He was imagining what it would have been like if Sara Sarracini had come to this little big tropical slice of heaven and more importantly, during her stay in paradise, ran into her biggest, devoted fan and struck up a beautiful and passionate romance the likes of which no one had ever seen. He longed for it to come true, to show the star he admired her, the most, proving just how unconditional his devotion for her was. Being with the woman of his secret, private dreams, it would have been out of this world, he wouldn't have known how to react, it would have been like winning the lottery, so unbelievable and hard to imagine actually happening, but the fact it did made it the greatest fortune to bestow on one's life.
He would have been the most happiest and most fortunate young man to be put on this earth to be able to have the most magnificent and most dear woman of all existence in his life, one he would always treasure in his rapidly beating heart, always and forever. Sara Sarracini, his lily of all the lilies. She would be a lucky woman with a great fortune if she had Paulo, he could absolutely guarantee it.
The likelihood of it coming true was slim, his rational side reminded him of that, but he was aware himself, hence why it was called a fantasy. The chances of Sara Sarracini coming to this island among all the other resorts to spend her vacation was highly unlikely. Paulo could dream though, there was no law of nature that could prevent him from dreaming about the vacation and the romance of a lifetime.
That said, he did secretly yearn for his deepest wish to come true every time he thought of her and himself together as one great item. He would have been in for a big surprise if it did. So would Gloria.
A luxury cruise ship, the top of the line in its stately design and grand baronial scale, housing only the most very important of people on the face of the earth, sailed majestically along the deep blue sea, it dazzled equally to the bright hot sun gleaming over its gold, black and white surface.
Patrons of all ages bathed beside the immense pool filled with crystalline sky blue cool water reflected off the heat of the sun, granting those who dived in some shelter from the baking hotness. For others, the heat of the bearing sun was ideal for a tan. The pool was alive with high societal guests playing, swimming and socializing in and around the pool.
Of all the VIP passengers, only one stood above the rest and was deserving of the title. She was the most very important person on the entire cruiser, a real mega sized star that was prized among the ship, she was all anyone talked about, they were all humbled from the lowly crew to the high paying passengers, they were all obscured by her great shadow cast from her dazzling, one of a kind splendour.
Tommaso, a kind hearted man, a close friend, and a dedicated personal assistant to his illustrious diva was at the bar, standing under the shack decorated in colourful plants, and even more colourful cocktails. The tanned, skinny bartender, Luigi, handed him a long island iced tea for their lovely stellar passenger.
“Compliments of the cruise.” the Bartender stated graciously. The personal assistant was indeed complimented by the ship's generosity towards his superstar, and so was she.
“Thank you so much.” Tommaso smiled, kindly taking the long, slender glass from the Bartender's glossy, tanned hand.
“It's our way of saying that we're all honoured to have Ms. Sarracini on board. We're all pleased to see her return to cinema and we're all looking forward to seeing her new film.” The Bartender said, speaking on behalf of the entire ship and not just his own mutual feelings towards her.
Tommaso was pleased to hear that. “She'll be very touched to hear that.”
Tommaso got ready to walk off and deliver another free token of the vessel's courtesy to the honourable Sara Sarracini. His forward motion was stopped by the Bartender calling out to him. “One last thing.” he added spontaneously, they weren't through talking just yet.
Tommaso pulled himself back to the wooden counter, almost spilling the iced tea with his sudden stop and turn. He carefully placed the glass on the bar, “Go on.”
The Bartender didn't want to be a bother but he couldn't let an opportunity like this slip past him, he might never have got another chance. “You and Ms. Sarracini have been getting these requests all the time, I don't want to be a bother but could Ms. Sarracini sign an autograph for me? My friends would all go crazy.”
Every time he received a request for an autograph, the happier he was for his beloved Sara Sarracini, it was a joy to see her fans were as loyal and strong as they were back in the glory days of their careers “Sure. It won't be a bother. Just write your name and she'll write one for you. She'll be more than happy and please, call her Sara.”
The Bartender was lost for words, it was like his dream had come true, he avidly wrote down his name and handed the paper to him. Tommaso tried hard not to spill the drink as he leaned over and took the scribbled napkin off the Bartender.
“You have no idea how much this means to me.” the Bartender said ecstatically, he hadn't been this excited since he was a boy on the eve of his birthday.
Tommaso picked up the long glass and got ready to walk off, he was suddenly stopped by the Bartender again.
“Wait.” he added spontaneously again, they still weren't through talking just yet.
Tommaso jumped at the sudden outburst, the glass slipped out his hand, not able to react in time, he saw it fall from his grasp and smash off the floor.
“Sorry, I'll make you another one.” said the Bartender gingerly, he really needed to say it calmer and not give people a shock with his unprompted blow-ups. A man of his word, he prepared another iced tea.
“What did you forget?” Tommaso inquired, calming his jolted nerves.
The Bartender finished the drink, placed the fresh new glass on the counter.
“Oh, it was a little request.” The Bartender stalled, he was too nervous to tell him.
“Don't be shy, what is it?” he had heard many varied requests from various fans, there was nothing he could say that would be too much for him or Sara to handle.
The Bartender let it out, “If it's possible, could Sara sign a photo of herself?”
“Sara has some photos for signing, it won't be a problem.”
Tommaso got himself ready to take the drink, he noticed the look on the Bartender's face and stopped himself from taking a hold of it, his anxious tanned features were a sign he had something else he wanted from her. To save himself another startling accident, he waited for him to spit it out.”
“Oh.” added the Bartender. The personal assistant's suspicion was right.
“Yes?” Tommaso was used to this, fans too nervous to ask for their full requests. It demanded much patience to chisel away to reach the proper request.
The tanned face turned a shade of red when he got straight to it, “Could it be a sexy photo? Like I said I want to drive my friends so crazy when they see it.”
“I'm sure Sara has a sexy photo. I guarantee your friends will be bright green with envy.” smiled Tommaso, that wasn't so hard. So many hot blooded males desired a sensual photograph of their darling starlet to get their blood even hotter, they were only human and it would be hard for any man to resist Sara Sarracini's sensual prowess. Even he himself could not fight against her powerful sensuality.
Tommaso walked past the spirited, bouncing pool caught up in high festivity. Two attractive pool babes in their late teens sprang out, wearing nothing but the tightest and expensive designer bikinis that left little to the imagination and could only fit a sleek build with a small figure, they wiped the water from their glistening eyes and spotted the tantalizing older man clad in a presentable suit heading off.
“Hey handsome, jump in.” beckoned the vi
vacious golden haired pool babe with the scant crimson bikini.
“We won't bite... yet.” called out the rowdy raven haired pool babe with the scant sapphire bikini.
Tommaso played along, not wanting to offend them with his lack of interest in their raunchy plans, they would have to find another guy, he was positive it wouldn't be difficult for the pair of them “Maybe later.”
The feisty blonde pool babe giggled, she couldn't wait to have him in her cabin, nor could her equally raucous close friend, “Don't take too long.”
If they couldn't have him, they'd set their lustful sights on another.
Tommaso knew what he was missing and unlike so many others in his position, he was perfectly ok with that. His priorities were with his beautiful starlet.
Tommaso continued going on his way, he was almost knocked down by a middle aged couple heading out their cabin door. Luckily he held onto the top of the glass' rim, narrowly avoiding spilling the drink, otherwise he would have been back to square one.
“I never knew bringing a drink would have so many hazards.” he gasped to himself.
Tommaso managed to step into the splendorous, vibrant, elegant first class cabin without any accidents to the glass.
He glanced around the neat and fabulous cabin, the room was missing its true splendour.
“Sara?” he called out.
“I'm in the bathroom.” her angelic voice billowed graciously out to him, smoothly caressing his ears. Whatever she said was beautiful to him, he could have listened to her speak for hours, taking in anything she said, no matter what it was.
He followed the soothing sound of her voice, directing him to the bathroom door. “I've brought your iced tea.”