Love Struck
Page 7
“You're much more than a sexual fantasy to me. You amaze me like a mortal man admiring and idolizing a true goddess of pure beauty on this earth, you are truly Aphrodite.”
Sara giggled shyly. She had been called many beautiful things and compared to many beautiful people, but to be considered the great goddess of love and beauty herself, that one took the first place in sweet talking. “You're just saying that.”
“No, I'm serious, you're a living work of art.”
She could feel a compliment overload from Paulo. No other fan had showered her with sweet words as him. “Stop, stop, you're going to make me go bright red.” Sara blushed, her face was redder than the brightest of roses. “Too late.”
Paulo smiled sweetly at her. He was no longer star struck by her, it wasn't felt, all he could feel was the apparentness he was love struck by Sara.
Gloria watched her boyfriend talking to Sara. Her expression, full of envy. Her stance, full of agitation. She was finding it increasingly difficult to stand back and let him get his diva off his chest and out his mind. She didn't mind him being happy speaking to her, she could not deny him that, what bothered her was how more confident, more at ease he was talking to the starlet.
It was driving her crazy, and not in the good, exhilarating kind of way she adored in the bedroom. She was biting her bottom lip, tapping her hand off her hip repeatedly in a distraught rhythm. It was shaping up to be the longest and hardest hour of her entire life.
Gloria could not hear what either were saying to each other, that was what worked her up the most. What were they discussing, was he coming on to her, was she flirting with him, was her insecure fears becoming a reality. If Gloria's anxiety did come true, it would be war.
Only one fact was for sure at the moment, Paulo and Sara were having a great time, enjoying every minute in each other's company.
It was more than what she could say about the whole nerve-racking
“Is this your first time or have you been here before?” Paulo asked, keeping their conversation going strong. It wasn't showing any signs of stopping.
“This is my first time.”
“Do you have a map? There's so many places to see, you don't want to miss a single one.”
Sara had a more fun alternative instead of a map brewing in her head, “How well do you know the place?”
“Really well, I know this island like the back of my hand.” Paulo proclaimed.
Sara's eyes sparkled in delight. “Oh, really?”
“Yep, I've been here many times. I love the place, it's a great retreat.”
That was all she had to hear. A thought came to her, she acted on impulse, spoke her mind. “Paulo, I want to ask you something. I know this might sound a little odd, I will completely understand if you say 'no'.”
“I could never say 'no' to you.”
Sara smiled at her handsome prince, she was finding herself getting more charmed by him by the second. Paulo smiled back at his beautiful princess, he was finding himself getting more enchanted by her by the second.
Paulo just stared at her silently, he was speechless, never in a million years did he expect this. It was staggering, he had to step back, out of himself and see if it was real or a dream. He couldn't tell which, both were too good to be true, in either medium.
“If you want, I could pay you for showing me around.” Sara suggested to the silent young man.
Paulo stirred from his state of silence, he stepped back inside himself. Dream or not, he had to reply with the deepest objection to her shocking proposal. “Don't be ridiculous, you don't have to pay me. I'd be more than happy to be your tour guide for free.”
“You are?” Sara's face was overflowed with her great, radiant bloom.
Paulo smiled with his chivalrous valour “Sara, it would be my honour.”
Sara grinned twice as radiantly than shown in any film or television program she appeared in, the real deal was a thousand times more spectacular “That's great.”
“When shall we start? I'm ready whenever you are.”
“How about three o'clock today? I need to get checked in and ready.”
Paulo was fine with that, he needed to get himself freshened up and suited out for the grand tour of a resort more deserving to be called a paradise with her there to make it a haven of blissfulness “Sounds like a plan.”
“I won't be interrupting any of your plans will I?” Sara enquired considerately.
“No, not at all, I had nothing planned today.”
“Ok then, three o'clock it is.”
“Oh.” a certain important detail hit Paulo, one he neglected to bring up to her. “Where shall we meet?”
Sara whipped out her reliable pen and pad. “I know just the spot to hook up.”
“Great.” that was a load off his mind.
Sara jotted something quickly down then handed the torn out paper to him. “It's the name of the hotel I'm staying at. You can meet me there.”
He took a hold of the imperative piece of paper, checked it, looked back to her. Everything was all set in stone, there was no way of erasing it, not that either wanted to. “I'll be there with bells on my toes.” he cheerfully told her as he placed the paper in his trouser pocket, safe and sound where he would remember its whereabouts. “It's a date.”
Sara played with her silky, stream of golden hair, she was increasingly attracted to him and his high powered magnetism drawing her in. “It sure is.”
Paulo could have fainted had he not been composed of sturdier stuff, he was astounded never the less that was indeed in reality happening to him, he could hear it, feel it and see it, that's what counted as real to his ears, nerves and eyes. “I best get myself ready.”
“Me too.”
Paulo headed off, he could barely contain his overflowing excitement. “Yes. Yes. Yes.” he muttered to himself in a rush of rapture. There was nothing that could have stood in his way to prevent him from the most important and joyous day in his life. He wouldn't have the same assertive conviction for long. The mother of all reality checks was in order for him and she was waiting across the road, on the side-walk, overlooking the beach behind her where he left her.
Tommaso returned to his lovely angel's side with the strawberry ice cream she desired so much safely held in his firm grip, there would be no accidents like with the iced tea, not this time, he was taking extra precautions to not let her down. “I got your ice cream. I apologize for the delay, the line was astronomical. Everyone had the same idea in this heat.”
“That's ok.” Sara's voice was distant, her interest in the ice cream was trivial compared to her interest in something a million times more appealing to her.
Tommaso was not blind or indifferent, he could see the infatuated gaze in her eyes and it was not directed at him or the treat he had purchased just for her. Whatever, or more appropriately, whoever it was, they were holding her undivided attention, in a way he had never seen from her when looking at him or anybody else. A terrible feeling crept over him, one that clutched at his throat and made the air grow thinner, his heart was caught in turmoil, beating so fast he thought it would burst from the rushing overload.
He looked in her direction to see the object of her fascination walking away in the distance. A young, handsome and attractive stud, he fitted in the hot, continental environment perfectly like one of the locals, even if he had 'tourist' written all over him. He was the type of heated charmer that any woman could easily fall for and never get back up. He had no hope of overshadowing or rivalling against someone of that calibre. Maybe he was jumping off the boat before it had docked, it might have been nothing and she was simply eyeing up some passer-by, there may have been no need to fret, his worst fear may not have become a torturous truth.
“Who's that?” Tommaso asked calmly, acting as if he thought nothing of the youthful stallion in comparison to the tired old steed.
“An acquai
ntance.” his worries were set to ease, it was a warning he would take notice of, he was so close to losing her, he was running low on time, he would have to make a move unless he wanted to face someone else doing the same. However, she wasn't finished, she added a rather suggestive “For now.”
Her implicative words with a revealing tone were like a dagger being thrust into his heart. His suspicions were not mistaken, they were true.
“For now?” his composure was faltering, his heartache was seeping through his breaking voice.
Sara softly took the ice cream from him, all the while focused on the charming and compelling young man, she was finding it hard to take her eyes off Paulo. “We've arranged to meet later.” she said joyfully.
Tommaso swallowed his jealousy and pain. It was going from bad to worse in one fell swoop. “Meet?”
“He's going to be my tour guide.” she boasted with cheer “My biggest and possibly youngest fan, I never would have guessed I'd reach the new generation.”
“I see.” he said, trying to hide his disappointment. “You know, I thought that we could have toured the resort together. I've studied the map extensively.” Tommaso was hinting at their relationship, he had thought the inseparable twosome would spend their time together on the island as such, keeping their closeness going.
Sara pulled herself away from Paulo, she looked at Tommaso with great sweetness. “Oh, you're such a sweetie but you don't want to be tied down with little old me. It's your vacation too, you're free to enjoy yourself, see the sights at your own leisure. Who knows, you may even find a nice local woman.”
He wasn't interested at all in spending the vacation by himself or finding someone else, he never told her so, he thought more about her than himself during the vacation “What about you?”
“Don't you worry about me, I'll be fine. I'm a big girl, I can look after myself. You just think about yourself for once, have fun, you deserve it.”
“You're...” Tommaso put on a false smile to make her believe everything was fine “too kind.”
Tommaso did not press on any further from that, he did not have the edge, he submitted to her whim, fulfilling his loyal his duty to his beautiful maiden.
He should have spoke out, expressed his displeasure, rivalled against his younger adversary, fought for her affection and won her over, there would be no wrong if he challenged his rival and showed his own devoted admiration for the woman he adored for so long he did not know how to adore another. All was fair in love and war, after all.
The time called for Tommaso to stand up and think of himself, his own happiness, and what he merited for a change. To put him in front of someone else, to let Sara see he was a confident and self-asserting man who had the passion to strive for what he sought the most, her love.
Instead, Tommaso held on to his conviction of putting others before himself, selfless as ever, the only fighting he did was to hold his emotions back and stay professional to make her happy, at the cost of his own. He was afraid of causing an argument with her, upsetting her and losing her for his own superficial aspirations. What did it matter about his thoughts, opinions and feelings, as long as she was pleased and enjoying herself, it was all that mattered to him, that was how it had been for thirty years and counting.
Sara gave him a cute wink, walked off equally as merrily as Paulo did, she had much to do and little time to get started, it was going to be a big day.
Tommaso's false smile quickly dropped, replaced with his true feelings, he was entirely devastated. “If only you knew you're the only one for me.”
He let out a long, distressed sigh, he pushed away his personal emotions. Tommaso gathered his professional composure and caught up to Sara.
Paulo and Gloria walked along the side-walk, resuming their trek back to the grand hotel, he was back to carrying the bags with extreme zest, a beaming smile shining on his face that would not fade. He was having the greatest day in his life, he could not be brought down. Ignorance was bliss when one was shielded by the glaring actuality right beside them.
Gloria was less enraptured by the whole thing, she bit at her lip, overwhelmed by envy. “You took your time, what was you doing, asking for her life story?”
Paulo was detecting her jealous nature directed at him, he was so busy indulging in his own passionate precedence, disregarding his own responsibility to his girlfriend and neglected his role as her boyfriend, he had nearly forgot about Gloria and their relationship together, it was pushed into the shadows of obscurity by Sara.
He could not help it, no flame burning at its highest maximum intensity could overshadow the intensely beautiful and intensely hypnotic flame of Sara Sarracini, blazing so huge and so bright over all, swaying to absolutely mesmerise, shining to absolutely captivate and dancing to absolutely enchant all with her heated, warm sensuous glow.
That was about to change drastically, things would be set back to the way it was before the starlet showed up. Gloria had leapt out the shadows, she was giving him a bitter reminder he was with her for the remainder of their time on the island, not his idolized diva.
“Baby, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.” Paulo said softly, obliged to make it up to her.
“You should be.” she scolded her lousy boyfriend sharply to leave a permanent burned scar “I thought you were going to get her autograph?”
“I did, I just didn't want her to think I was talking to her only to get an autograph from her, I thought I'd be polite and engage in some small talk.”
“As long as it was only small.” warned Gloria, she was putting him in his place, he had to remember where he belonged and who he belonged with.
Paulo did not catch on to her warning, his mind was distracted, he could not stop thinking about Sara, the mere thought of her in her hat and dress, speaking directly at him sent him to dazzling heights. “She's just as great as I imagined.”, he stated, changing a topic he did not know was taking place.
Gloria was not at all impressed, he was pushing his luck with her, but he could only push her so far and she would push back at him twice as hard, that he wouldn't even know what hit him. “How nice.” she sarcastically retorted, increasingly envious. His obsession was not subsiding as quickly as she hoped, it would stop soon enough, she would see to it. He would have wished he had never brought Sara Sarracini up to her in the first place and kept her to himself like the dirty little secret she was.
Paulo detected the hint of bitterness in her voice, he could taste it. He looked to her, only now grasping that he was upsetting his girlfriend with his constant esteem towards another member of her same sex. “Hey, you're not jealous are you?”
Gloria glared at the narrow minded, thick headed bastard she called her boyfriend. “What do you think?”
Paulo couldn't help finding her petty jealousy funny. “Oh, come on. I told you, you're the only one for me. I'm just a fan of Sara Sarracini, that's all. Besides, don't you think I'm a little young for her?”
Gloria's jealousy subsided, his assuring words rested her over defensive anxiety, rationality returned. He had a knack for soothing her, it was the only way either could get any peace. “I guess you're right. I'm just being silly.” she placed her arm affectionately around him. There may have been no necessity to give him a hot tongue-lashing and cold shoulder followed afterwards. “I know you wouldn't leave me.”
“That's right.”
“I shouldn't be jealous of your crush on a celebrity. Especially
one who's old enough to be your mother.”
Gloria closed her eyes to savour holding her boyfriend close to her. She was glad everything related to Sara Sarracini was done and dusted, she was gone and never to return throughout the rest of their summer holiday and back home, the star would not come between the two loving youngsters. She looked at it in that light, her boyfriend did not.
“I'm relieved you understand how it is with Sara and me, because I'm seeing her again later and I
didn't want to think there would be any tension between us.”
As fast as she closed her eyes, she reopened them, with a sharp and condensed “What?”
She pivoted up at him to eye-level. If looked could have killed, he would have been dead in a second.
Even he was not so dense to spot her penetrative, glacial glower, piercing into him like cold knives chilling his blood to ice. He would be facing the wrath of his scorned girlfriend, he had to explain and fast if he wanted to see the light of another day, let alone his diva. He wasn't finding her jealousy so funny and innocent this time. It was no laughing matter, it was dead serious. The hot weather was unfelt around her icy shower raining over him.
“Well, one thing led to another and I kind of promised to be her tour guide.” he told her, cautiously, Paulo wasn't sure what to expect.
Gloria let go of him, moved herself as far from the two-timing jerk. What she was hearing was insane, this was all unreal. “You can't be serious?”
He further strived to explain himself and the justification of his impulsive decision, one he could not control, it was beyond his willpower. He could not go against himself and disappoint Sara Sarracini “It's her first time over here and she asked so nicely. What was I supposed to do?”
“You could have told her to get a map.” Gloria argued, her defences were back up at full power. His sweet words would not lower them so easily.
Paulo countered that argument, “That wouldn’t have been very hospitable.”
“Hospitable? You're a fan, not a friend.”
“A fan could be a friend.” Paulo persisted in arguing against his girlfriend in favour of his diva.