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Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults

Page 7

by Davis, Lia;

  James chuckled at his first mate’s mutterings, “Maybe we should feed one of their hands to that damnable croc and see how they like growing a new one.”

  “How is it today by the way? You seem to be using it quite well.”

  “Aye, Smitty. It’s much improved. I have almost full function and movement finally. Damn hand took forever.”

  Chapter Three

  Peter paced the inside of the treehouse and tried to control his anger. Once upon a time he’d loved the little fairy bitch, now he wanted to pluck her wings off. How dare she try to send him back? The jealous fruit fly was going to pay for this.

  “Kids, let’s go, we have a lot of work to do and a short amount of time,” Peter called as the rag tag group of kids appeared from different sleeping spots in the hollowed out tree.

  “What’s the hurry, PJ?” Pick asked as he ran up stuffing his goodies in his pockets.

  “Just a minute, let everyone gather up.” Peter counted…five, six, seven. “Okay, somebody please go get Narco.”

  A couple minutes later, the sleeping child stumbled to a halt next to the rest and smiled as he scratched at his sleep-crusted eyes.

  “Okay, guys. It’s time we learn the island, meet your friends and learn about your enemies. We have one week before you begin your first adventure.”

  “But PJ, we all know about the mermaids, the Indians and the pirates already. You told us. We’ve been practicing our sword play, too,” Cryer called out.

  “Fine, then I’ll show you the island so you can become familiar with it.”

  “But PJ,” a soft voice piped in from the back of the motley crew of eight kids.

  “Can I please finish before you keep interrupting? And someone wake Narco up.” Peter sighed and rolled his eyes. What had he been thinking bringing these kids here? Sure, they had no life in London, no family and they lived on the streets, but this was really too much. “Okay, like I was saying, the hunt begins in one week, and I can’t help. You have to decide on a leader. Someone you can all answer to and who can make the decisions that will affect all of you. I have no intention of leaving this place completely, but I’m not a kid anymore and I don’t belong here with you.”

  Peter looked over the faces staring at him intently and had to hide his smile. These kids were going to make a family for themselves to replace the ones they had lost. A family of pickpockets, thieves and liars, but only because they did what they had to do to survive when they were tossed out of their homes for one reason or another.

  “I nominate Glib, she’s got the silver tongue that gets us out of the most trouble and she’s the oldest,” Wiz hollered out to be heard over the whispers and murmurings of the group.

  “Fine, but I think Scrapper should be co-leader. He’s the same age, and it’s only fair since he brought most of us to the group,” Narco piped in with a yawn.

  Peter smiled, “Sounds like logical suggestions to me. Anyone disagree? No? Then it’s settled. Now on to the fun part. I promised you more sword practice, right?”

  A chorus of agreements rang out along with hoots and cheers.

  “Good, ‘cause it’s time we paid the pirates a little visit. Who’s ready for our first raid?”

  Peter grinned wickedly, he was going to enjoy this way too much. Captain Hook and his crew knew he was back, of course, but he seriously doubted they were expecting to be attacked on his second day home.

  “Let’s go, lost kids. Glib, Scrapper, remember as we engage, you have to crow. It’s all part of the show we put on.”

  A few minutes later, Peter was sitting on the roof of Hook’s cabin as his lost kids began their first battle. The pirates, in their confusion, stumbled about and tripped over each other. It was comical to see them jump as the crow was sounded.

  “What in bloody hell is goin’ on out here?” Hook bellowed as he stormed out of his cabin. “You have got to be feckin’ kidding me. Peter, you yellow-bellied doxie, where you hiding at?”

  “Well now, found your pirate speech, did you? I’m up here, my darling captain. But don’t waste time talking to me now, you have some of my lost kids sneaking up on you from behind.” Peter winked as James cursed and turned to engage the sneaky bastards.

  “So, you think you are good enough to confront the great Captain James Hook, do you? We shall see about that, you cuckolds…wait, what am I saying? Are you even old enough for that word?”

  “James, I’ll show you a cuckold later, for now don’t tease my kids. Just give them a worthy battle opponent so they will be ready for the hunt.”

  “Stop interrupting my sport, boy. I ain’t got time for your blathering ons. Can’t you see I have some lessons to teach these whelps?”

  Peter lazed on his perch above the battle and scrutinized his young charges, occasionally calling out advice to them, but mostly taunting James. He missed being the one who sparred and traded barbs, but he had done what he needed to do and he didn’t regret a minute of it.

  “Get your lazy feckin’ arse off my roof and get down here! We bested your kids fair and square. Now the question is do we make them walk the plank to teach them a lesson or do we,” James used both hands to make the quotes gesture as he said, “allow them to escape?”

  Peter chuckled, then jumped to stand beside James. “You call and I will always come running,” he whispered before walking circles around the mast poll and the kids tied there.

  “Don’t play with us, PJ, let us go. We don’t wanna walk the plank,” Cryer pleaded as his lower lip gently shook.

  “Stop the whining, boy, or you’ll go down with the tide,” James said with a roll of his eyes.

  “What say you, gang? Should he let you go or make you walk the plank? Did you learn a lesson today about not underestimating the pirates, no matter how old and smelly they are?”

  “Upon my life, Peter. You’ve turned into a regular mother hen. Make up your feckin’ mind, my dinner’s growin’ cold and I got things to do, damn you,” James muttered as he paced back and forth waiting for a decision.

  “You got me to do, if you’d just stop your damn belly aching and admit it,” Peter mumbled just loud enough for Hook to hear. “I think we can go easy tonight since it’s their first attempt, but after this you get caught and it’s to the lagoon and the croc you go.”

  James grunted and stormed back into his cabin. Peter laughed and freed the kids. “Let’s go home, lost kids. Tomorrow is another battle, after all.”

  Chapter Four

  The audacity of that boy; no, not boy, not anymore. He was all man now and one spectacular piece of man at that. What he wouldn’t give to have him strapped to his bed and at his mercy. James groaned as his leather pants grew tighter with his erection.

  “I can help with that if you’d only let me,” Peter said as he stalked closer with lust shining bright in his eyes.

  James jumped at the sudden intrusion and glared at Peter. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have to put your babies to bed?”

  “The only thing I want to put to bed is you. Well, after we fuck ourselves into oblivion that is.” Peter stepped closer until he was only a few short steps away from James.

  “I’m not doing this with you. When you left, you were still a kid. I refused to think of you in a sexual light, but it didn’t stop my heart from loving you. Now I have to reconcile all these dirty thoughts about the sexy man you’ve become with the boy I had known.”

  “Does that mean I finally get to explain why I left? It was for us, you know.” Peter sighed and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “Do you know what it’s like to be trapped in the body of a child, but have the desires of a man? When I left I was older than you, so in love with you it hurt, but I knew we could never be together. At one time that was the life I had wanted, to be a kid and never grow up, then I met you and my heart said ‘oh, there you are, I’ve been looking for you’, but I couldn’t be yours. For the first time I wanted to grow up and be what you needed, so I left. Now I’m back as a man to claim the
other half of me. To be with the only person I would ever grow up for.”

  “Fine, but why couldn’t you have told me why you were leaving? You just disappeared. Nothing, not a word, letter or even a fuck off.”

  “I couldn’t. I knew I would have to be gone for quite a few years, and if I had waited I would have lost my nerve and stayed and made us both suffer. Those fifteen years I was gone was torture, but I got to come back as a man. I can be with you, that’s all I’ve wanted. It’s the only thing that kept me sane while I was in that hell.”

  “Congratulations, you almost drove me insane. Do you have any idea what it was like? There was nothing here. We were trapped in this forsaken place with nothing to do. You were gone, the lost boys disappeared, we had no one to fight with or anything. Everything was gone in a moment.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t think about that, how it would change the dynamics of everything that went on around here. But at the same time, I can’t be too upset. It was for us that I did it and look now. Here I stand, an equal to you. Ready to show you what you mean to me, if you’d forgive me or at least come over to that bed with me and let me show you just how much I have missed and wanted you.”

  Hook groaned at those last words, there wasn’t anything he wanted more than to unwrap the present he had been given after all these years. Peter would be lucky to walk for a week when he was done with him.

  “By the looks of that impressive erection, maybe we aren’t quite as equal as I’d thought. Care to find out?” Peter asked as he pulled his white tunic over his head and dropped it to the floor.

  “What are you doing to me?” James asked in a guttural tone of need. He was rock hard and throbbing painfully, the leather pants which were once so fashionable, now nothing more than a torture device.

  “Don’t fight it, James,” Peter said as he stood and stalked closer to James, who quickly stepped back farther away.

  “Stay over there, don’t come any closer,” James pleaded in a whisper.

  Peter chuckled, “Oh, where is that fun in that? I have plans, but they involve me being much, much closer to you than this.”

  James took another step backward and his knees hit the back of the chair that sat by his table. Peter took advantage and pressed closer. James sat down with a hard thump.

  “While I must confess you look hot as fuck in those pants, I know you will look even better with them off. Shall I prove it to you?”

  James groaned as his cock jumped in excitement at his words. He had to close his eyes, at this distance all he could focus on was how beautiful Peter’s mouth was and how amazing it would look wrapped around his cock.

  “Do you have the same idea I have running through my head?” Peter said quietly as he ran his hand down the straining fabric over Hook’s cock. “My mouth waters for a taste of what I’ve been denied.”

  James let out a strangled cry of need and involuntarily spread his legs a little farther apart for Peter to step closer.

  “Oh yeah, that’s it. Let Peter have a taste of you, and then I’ll straddle those muscular thighs and ride you until the morning light heralds the new day.”

  James’s willpower shattered at those words. He grabbed Peter and pulled him in for a deep, soul searing kiss. Long seconds passed as they fought for possession of each other’s mouths. “You taste as sweet as I always imagined,” James said between pants of breath.

  “No more talking, just feeling,” Peter said as he opened James’s pants and pulled so they would slide down his hips. “Lift up, I can’t do this alone,” Peter begged as he pulled a bit harder.

  James smiled and did as ordered. His erection was more than ready to be free of the leather constraining it.

  “Looks like I didn’t miss dinner after all,” Peter said as he dropped to his knees and took James into his mouth without another second being wasted.

  “Holy fuck,” James squeaked as liquid heat engulfed him. Within seconds, all reasonable thought left his brain. All that was left was feeling, and the knowledge that finally, he had his man.

  Chapter Five

  Peter was afraid he would wake up and this would be another dream. He had spent too many nights imagining something similar to this. To finally have Captain James Hook where he wanted him, okay, well, close to where he wanted him.

  “Fuck, Peter, where did you learn to do that?” James rasped out in between whimpers and moans.

  Peter chuckled which caused James to shiver, the vibration sending James into another dimension if the grip he had on Peter’s hand was any indication. Not that he was complaining, he wanted James to fuck his mouth, to use him and make him his plaything, to mark him so the world would know he belonged to this man and only this man.

  On the next thrust, Peter hollowed his cheeks and hummed as he opened his throat to take James to the root. He could feel the springy hair as he took all of him in. He needed more. Peter pulled one hand from its place wrapped around James’s thigh and gripped his balls lightly, before he increased the pressure slightly and rolled them in his hand. Peter’s other hand moved to undo his own pants. Now that James was taking what he wanted, Peter didn’t have to do anything but enjoy. He worked his pants down as far as he could and pulled his straining cock out of his pants.

  “Stop,” James commanded in a rough, hard voice. “I don’t want to come in your mouth the first time we are together. I want what you said, ride me, fuck me, love me.”

  Peter had never heard sweeter words. He quickly stood and pulled his pants all the way off and smiled as James stood to do the same.

  “I think you were wrong earlier, we are definitely equal,” James said as he licked his lips and took in Peter’s substantial girth and size.

  Peter chuckled and pushed Hook back into the chair. “Baby, I’ve been waiting for you to say those words it seems my whole life.”

  “Wait, I have some lotion by my bed, I can ease the way,” Hook said as he pointed in that direction.

  “Lotion? Hell no, that shit could burn,” Peter said with a hell no look on his face. “And what self-respecting pirate doesn’t have lube?”

  “I have lotion, that’s all you need when Mary Palm and her five sisters come to visit. It’s not like I’ve had a harem of men since you left.” James looked around desperately for a solution, “How about the butter? It would work and it’s natural.”

  “But butter? Don’t you have oil or something?”

  James rolled his eyes, “What do you think butter is made partially of? Not to mention, haven’t you heard the term greased shit? Where did you think that came from?”

  Peter rolled his eyes and laughed, “I’ve never thought about it to be honest.”

  James waggled his eyebrows, “So now we can continue, because I really need to be inside you soon.”

  Peter leaned forward, grabbed the butter and handed it to James. “Would you like to do the honors or should I stretch myself?”

  “Be my guest. I want to watch, but I need some of that butter, too,” James said with a wink.

  Within minutes, Peter was riding his own fingers while James stroked his cock in time with the movements.

  “That’s enough, I can’t wait anymore. I need inside you too much,” James growled as he gestured for Peter to lift up. “Ready or not, Peter Pan will be crowing tonight.”

  Peter bit his lip as he felt James’s cock press at him. “Don’t tease me, you arsehole.”

  James pushed in slightly before pulling back out, repeating the movement until Peter growled and impaled himself on James’s cock.

  “Fuck me,” James cried out as he was engulfed in liquid heat. “Please…don’t move yet. I need a second to get my control back.”

  “No, baby, no control. Fuck me into oblivion. Make me remember whose ass this is. I want to feel you tomorrow when I move.”

  “This is all you, ride me then. Later I will bend you over this table and give you what you ask for. But now, the show is yours.”

  Peter didn’t have to be told twi
ce, he’d had too many fantasies of being in this type of situation to not take advantage.

  “You asked for it,” Peter said with a wicked glint in his eyes. On his next downward thrust, Peter squeezed his ass muscles as tight as he could around James’s massive cock.

  James cried out as his eyes rolled back in his head. Peter smiled at the gibberish as he continued to pleasure himself on James.

  “I’ve dreamed of this, of riding you, of watching you as we come apart in each other’s arms. But you know my number one fantasy, James?”

  James opened his half-slitted eyes, “What’s that?”

  “I want to be your cabin boy. I want you to use me, throw me down and fuck me. Take my mouth and use it for your own pleasure. Spread my ass cheeks, and push in ball’s deep and ride me until I scream in pleasure. Grab my hair and pull me back for a kiss as you come inside of me, and then when I’m about to explode with need, you flip me over and tie me down. My legs are hitched up and my ass is wide open again, as your cum slowly drips out. You smile at me and say ‘No coming yet, I’m not done with you’ and you fuck me face to face and as we come this time together. You tell me you love me and won’t ever let me go again.”

  James cried out as his body tensed in sweet torture as he came harder than he ever had before.

  “That’s it, I love feeling your cum inside me, knowing it’s there,” Peter said as James picked him up and laid him on the table.

  “Your turn to come, and by then I’ll be ready to flip you over and take what’s mine again.”

  Peter gazed up at James from his place on his back in puzzlement. Words weren’t needed as James pulled his chair closer and licked Peter’s cock from tip to root. “You aren’t the only one who has been dying for a taste, boy.”

  James wasn’t lying. Since Peter had come home, his thoughts had gone between extremes, pain and lust. With a growl, he swallowed Peter’s cock as deep as he could. He slowly bobbed his head, licking the tip as he got to it before plunging down again. Peter was wide open and James couldn’t resist taking advantage. He moved his hand down peter’s thigh with a feather soft touch and traced his finger back and forth over Peter’s begging hole. With each tap of his finger, Peter jerked and whimpered.


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