Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults

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Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults Page 8

by Davis, Lia;

  He wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait to be inside him again, but he was determined to make his man squirm until then. He pushed his finger in, aided by his cum from their previous encounter and slowly plunged in time with his bobbing head. Soon one finger wasn’t enough and he inserted a second, Peter’s body let him in easily and greedily sucked at this fingers. James couldn’t wait anymore.

  “Flip over, your wish is my command. I’m taking what is mine. By the time I’m done with you, everyone aboard this ship will know it, too.”

  Without warning, James plunged balls deep and stilled, waiting for Peter to adjust to the intrusion.

  “Fuck yes. Don’t stop,” Peter begged in a ragged throaty whisper. “Make me feel it, please.”

  James chuckled softly and did as asked. He pulled out and plunged in over and over, varying his thrusts in depth and rhythm, constantly keeping Peter off set. He angled to the side a tad bit and Peter screamed in pleasure.

  “Found it. Now whose name you gonna be calling?” James demanded as his thrusts became harder and more rapid, nailing the gland with each stroke.

  “James. Always and only James,” he gasped out as he strained for something that was just out of reach.

  “That’s right. Mine,” James growled as he continued thrusting. He reached down and pulled James up by the hair. “Never letting you go again,” he said as he kissed him as best as he could from that angle.

  “I see that hand, don’t you dare touch yourself,” James said as he reached around and stroked Peter’s cock himself. “How long have you dreamed of this? Me taking your ass, jerking you off as you lay here helpless and loving every moment of it.”

  “Too long, way too long,” Peter cried out as his whole body stiffened, shuddered and he collapsed onto the tabletop, exhausted.

  “That’s it, my boy. I missed you so much,” Hook whispered as he found his release. He called out Peter’s name before he fell on top of him and lay there, too tired to move.

  Chapter Six

  A knock at the door roused James from the first peaceful sleep he’d had in as long as he could remember. He rolled over to wrap his arms around Peter only to find the bed empty. James sat up abruptly and looked around in fear. It couldn’t have been a dream, it had to be real.

  “Morning, Capt’n,” Smitty said as he entered the cabin with a tray of food.

  James didn’t respond, just looked wildly around the small space for any sign that he hadn’t indeed gone mad as he feared.

  “I brought you extra. I wasn’t sure if you’d be alone or not and since you missed dinner and worked up an appetite and all.”

  “So it wasn’t a dream? He was really here?”

  Smitty laughed, “I sure hope so. The amount of noise we heard from here last night makes me a bit nervous if he wasn’t.” He turned and winked at James, “Not to mention when I came to deliver your dinner tray, I distinctly heard Peter’s voice calling out for you to fuck him and mark him as your boy.”

  James blushed, “We might have gotten a bit carried away. By the way, I wouldn’t use that butter for anything.”

  Now it was Smitty’s turn to blush. “Can we head back to town today and stock up on supplies then?” Smitty shook his head in amusement before he gasped and stared wide-eyed at James.

  “What? You look like a guppy fish with your mother open like that. What in the seven seas is the matter with you?” James asked in puzzlement.

  “I just realized that since Peter is an adult now, he can’t lead the lost bo…kids now. What’s he going to do?”

  “He can be a pirate or even better, my cabin boy,” James said with a waggle of his eyebrows that had his best friend rolling his eyes.

  “Are you going to get out of that bed and come eat? Your plaything is gone and I’m sure that means an attack will be underway soon.”

  “Good, the men need the practice, too. We have to be on top of our game if we are to win this challenge. We have three days to sharpen our wits and our swords. Let’s head in and pick up supplies. Your mate want to go out with us when we start the journey?”

  “I’ll ask him, I’m sure he’d love to. Especially since he can finally see you happy for once.”

  James scoffed, “Go away, you pain in my arse. Let me eat and get dressed, then I’ll address the men.”

  Smitty agreed and left James to prepare for his day. Part of him was upset Peter left before he woke, but he understood at the same time. Those kids weren’t ready to be left alone full-time quite yet. James climbed out of bed and stretched his sore muscles. Last night had been a workout he wasn’t used to, but damn if it didn’t feel wonderful.

  He quickly dressed and ate his breakfast and found himself whistling as he approached the men to give his briefing. The horrified looks on the faces before him stopped him dead in his tracks.

  “What ya staring at, you bunch of lazy dogs? The devil take y’all? Ain’t ya e’er seen a happy man?”

  James scowled, turned around and slammed back into his cabin. The codsuckers weren’t ruining his good mood.

  “Capt’n?” Smitty called out as he entered the cabin behind James. “What happened?”

  “Those half-wits were gaping at me. Bloody hell, I think one or two of them pissed their pants.”

  “They haven’t ever seen you smiling and whistling. It’s a bit of a change, give them some time to adjust. Want me to just head in and see how far we get before the attack?”

  James grunted and moved to stare out his porthole. He’d wait until the men were occupied and he would venture out and feel the wind on his face. He loved the sea and feeling the salty spray of the water. He wasn’t going to let anyone take that away from him either, even if the men were scared of his new disposition.

  James had just taken his position at the wheel when he heard the crow and saw the kids diving at them from above.

  “All hands, battle’s ‘ere. Fight or you’ll go down with the tide,” James hollered to his men as they scrambled to engage the incoming swords.

  Peter landed beside him and gave him a wink. “Morning, Sorry I had to run out. I came back as quick as I could.”

  James perked up at his voice. “I wanted to wake up to you in my arms, my bed felt so lonely and empty without you next to me.”

  Peter jumped back, “Head’s up, you have incoming.”

  “You ready to face your new enemy?” a soft, melodic tone called out full of anticipation and excitement.

  James turned and found one of the leaders of the misfit bunch of kids holding a sword pointed at him.

  “You think you’re ready to take me on, then?” James winked at Peter and pulled his sword. “Let’s begin then. May the best sword skill win the day.”

  The kid had spunk, James would give the kid that, but he wasn’t on the same skill level as Peter had been at that age. He sparred, advanced, retreated and toyed with the boy and watched as his anger slowly built until he lost control and James easily swiped his sword away.

  “You’ve got potential, but you let your anger rule you. Be careful, it takes a long time to regrow things that get chopped off around here,” James said as he wagged his hook at the boy.

  “Smitty,” James called down to his first mate. “Got another one for ya.”

  “They did better this time, the battle lasted longer at least,” Peter replied as he moved to stand behind James.

  James reveled in the feel of his body heat pressed to his back. “Aye that they did. Soon they will actually give us sport and the fun will begin.” James turned and gazed into Peter’s eyes. “And what of you? Will you join me here, the great Peter Pan, a pirate fighting the lost kids beside me?”

  “Guess that will depend on if we can win that fruit fly’s challenge. You know she won’t play fair. I can’t help the kids, but she didn’t say I couldn’t help you. We will win and yes, I want to be here by your side in all things.”

  “Capt’n, they be walkin’ the plank or no?” Smitty called out from his place in
front of the tied up kids.

  “What do you think?” James whispered to Peter as they headed down to confront the angry faces staring up at them.

  “I think they will try harder to win next time if you make ‘em walk it. We did warn them this was the consequence if they lost again.”

  “You lost. Two choices, join me crew or walk the plank,” James said as he stared at each small glaring face tied up before him.

  The soft gasps and mumbled curses almost made James laugh, but Peter was right. They had to do this right or the kids would never get better and the game would soon become boring.

  One by one the kids were brought to the edge of the plank and asked the question, “Join or jump?”

  The crew all chanted, “Jump, jump, jump,” after each time he offered the choice. One by one the kids all jumped into the water. A loud cheer would go up and the pirates called out for rum to celebrate.

  Within a few minutes they were on their way again, the mermaids were going to the kids’ rescue and untying them so they could fly up and lick their wounds until they were ready to attack again. Peter stayed by his side for the next couple hours; they talked, laughed and James was even convinced to let Peter try his hand at steering the big boat. Within minutes, he was relieved of duty when the crew started losing their lunch all over the freshly swabbed deck due to his rough handling.

  “Babe, you can be as rough with me as you want, but my ship, she’s delicate and needs a soft touch.”

  “Listening to you talk like that gets me hot as hell. Is the deck ever empty? I can think of a few things I’d like to do to you and it would be so hot to be out in the open like this.”

  James growled and glared at Peter. “Boy, control yourself. I don’t need to be pitching a tent in front of my crew. Be careful I don’t make you get on your knees and give them a show.”

  A whimper filled the air as Peter shivered at the thought. James had to fight to control himself. Never had he expected his man to be into exhibition. Peter pressed himself tight to James’s back and whispered in his ear. “Can’t you just imagine me kneeling in front of you with you at the wheel? I slowly undo your pants and look up at you and lick my lips in anticipation. The crew hasn’t caught on yet, but it won’t take long once I pull your cock out. I’ll ask if I’ve been good and deserve a treat, you will pretend to think about it before granting me permission. I’ll nuzzle my nose against you, taking a deep breath of your scent. I pull back, placing small nips, kisses and licks along your length.”

  “You’re playing a dangerous game here,” James growled as he tightened his grip on the wheel.

  “So I shouldn’t tell you how I’ll swallow you until you hit the back of my throat, how I’ll suck until you think you can’t take the pressure. Your balls will be curled up tight, beggin’ for some attention and I’ll give it to them. Your whimpers will have alerted the crew and they will be standing below watching, jealous and horny as hell.”

  “Capt’n,” Smitty called out as he approached the two men. “What in the bloody hell is going on up here? The ship is everywhere. The men are getting as sick as when Peter steered.”

  James cleared his throat and glared at Peter over his shoulder.

  “Never mind, it’s kind of obvious now.” Smitty bit his lip to contain his laughter. “Peter, it’s nice to have you back, but you mind not teasing him when he’s steering?”

  “I’ll do my best, but the tale I was telling him involved the wheel…”

  “No, hell no. Just stop there. He’s my best friend. That doesn’t mean I need to know what kinky shit you two do. It’s bad enough I have to replace the butter.”

  The two men shared a laugh at Smitty’s disgruntled look. “Sorry about that. It was kind of spur of the moment. Who knew my captain here wouldn’t be stocked?”

  James groaned, “Really, you two. I’m going to have to keep you separated, aren’t I?”

  “Just wait, you already gave permission for Louka to come sail with us.” Smitty smiled evilly as James paled at the thought.

  “Fuck me, I did, didn’t I? This is going to be a nightmare. It’s going to be a TMI party, isn’t it? No secrets, and the things I can see y’all sharing scares me.”

  “Who’s Louka?” Peter asked in confusion.

  “Oh, I forget you were gone when I met him. He’s my husband, you will love him. He lives to tease James, hence his whining a moment ago.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him, but for now I’m afraid I have to go check in on the kids and help make sure they are adjusting and all that rot. I’ll be back tonight, if you don’t mind.”

  James sighed and pulled Peter close. “I’ll mind if you don’t. You’re mine, remember?” He gave him a quick, hard kiss and watched as he flew off.

  “You love him,” Smitty whispered.

  “Always have,” James whispered back without meeting his eyes. “Always will.”

  Chapter Seven

  The next few days flew by in the same way as the first two. During the day, Peter trained the kids and helped them plan raids on the pirates. They were still losing, but the battles were lasting longer and it was getting closer. Today they had almost won, they had managed to disarm quite a few of the pirates before they were captured.

  The nights were spent in James’s bed as they learned each other’s bodies and what turned them into quivering blobs of jelly. The crew was getting used to James laughing, joking and teasing them. Louka was fast becoming one of Peter’s closest friend. Hook had been right, the two of them got along way too well. They shared secrets of pleasuring their men and gave each other ideas of new things to try.

  The closer it came to Friday, the more moments of melancholy filled the air. Word had leaked about what the challenge meant for Peter and James. No one wanted Hook to go back to the captain he had been before Peter came back.

  “Come here, babe,” Peter called out as he watched James pace the cabin as he tried to guess and devise a plan of action for the next day.

  “I can’t lose this, I have to be ready,” James absently responded as he continued pacing.

  “I know, but we don’t even know what the clue is yet. How can you prepare for the unknown?” Peter sighed and patted the bed beside him. “Let’s talk about this rationally.”

  James rolled his eyes but did as he Peter requested. “I can’t lose you.”

  “I know, but worrying isn’t going to help. You need a good night’s sleep so you will be sharp and ready to face the challenges. The crew, Smitty, Louka and I are here to help. We will win this, and we will make that sand flea sorry she pulled this shit with us.”

  Sleep didn’t come quickly for either of them, instead they spent the time wrapped in each other’s arms taking comfort.

  The morning sun dawned on the two men who still lay snuggled together, almost as if they were afraid to loosen their hold even in slumber.

  “I’ve gotta go check on the kids, they are almost done with needing me but I want to make sure they are set. After this, I am yours forever. I swear it.”

  James nodded his head in understanding but didn’t release Peter so he could leave. “Just hurry back, I don’t want to be apart from you. I don’t trust that little mosquito not to pull tricks.”

  Peter agreed and flew off to see the kids. He didn’t want to go, but he had promised the kids he’d be there this morning. They were just as nervous about the game to begin. He was just glad they didn’t know what was at stake. He didn’t want them to know his fate was in their hands. They had too much tragedy in their young lives, and it wasn’t fair to add this.

  A chorus of mornings greeted Peter as he flew into the lost kids’ tree hideout. He greeted them as cheerily as he could, but his thoughts and his heart were miles away on that ship and he wanted to be there, too.

  “We’re ready as we are ever gonna be,” Narco called out with a giant yawn. “Do we know when the first clue is going to come in?”

  Peter shook his head and surveyed his surroundings.
This had been his home for as long as he could remember, part of him would miss the adventures he’d had here. The rest was excited to begin his new life with James and his friends aboard the ship.

  “Hey guys, the first clue is here. It was dropped in,” Klepto called out.

  The kids gathered around as Glib grabbed the missive and begin reading their clue aloud.

  Sometimes I have two other times none,

  My hair is my pride, don’t stare to long, it can be a death toll,

  Don’t mind my scales, as beautiful as they are,

  The water is my home, the land a place I can only visit.

  My voice can lure you in,

  But leave you won’t,

  A place with the fishes will be your end,

  There are tales of our kind in your world,

  But beware, I’m not as nice as Ariel.

  Who am I?

  “That’s easy,” Cryer called out from his place in the back of the group. “It’s Flounder the fish.”

  “That’s my cue, gang, I can’t help you with this. If you need me, you know where to find me. I think you guys are ready though. Good luck and have fun,” Peter called out as he flew away. All he could think about was getting back to James and finishing this so they could live and love in peace.

  “Perfect timing, we just got our first puzzle piece,” Smitty called out as Peter landed on the deck of the ship. “Gather around, crew, Capt’n’s gonna read it to us.”

  Legendary are my movements,

  Smooth as silk they are,

  With subterfuge, I allay strangers,

  Bold strength and speed make me hard to catch.


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