Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults

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Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults Page 9

by Davis, Lia;

  The company I keep likes to roam,

  We dabble afoot near green orchards to gaze or dream amongst the stars,

  Forbidden are my dreams,

  Deadly are my movements,

  With my flood of tears a bringer of death I will be.

  Mischief may bring my tears but dancing to another tune is what brings the worst fates,

  A melody to glide to,

  A touch to belie to,

  A moment of spying,

  The magic brings my death or yours.


  Silence was the only reply as James finished the riddle. Peter was livid, what fuckery was the little gnat pulling now?

  “That’s the clue we got?” Peter asked angrily. “She’s playing us for fools. I was their when the kids got their first one and it was beyond easy. It practically spelled the answer out to them.”

  “What’s the answer then?” James asked, perplexed and frustrated at the turn of events.

  The pirates in their quest to be helpful and solve the puzzle tossed their guesses out, “Dragon, phoenix, siren and vampire.”

  “Hold yer tongues, before I cut ‘em out,” James growled as he turned to Peter. “You know the answer?”

  Peter nodded, “Based on their clue, I’d say we are to head to the Mermaid’s Lagoon. Not that I would have easily figured that one out based on our clue. The bitch is playing unfair. I should have expected as much.”

  “Smitty, set sail. We have to get their before those damnable kids do.”

  “Aye, aye,” Smitty called out as he started bellowing orders to the pirates. Within moments they were off, setting sail toward their second clue and with luck, the end to the lying little bat’s games.

  “Peter, you should handle this, those mermaid’s have only ever tolerated you. They won’t be kind to us. Only good thing is they hate the fairies as much as they do us.”

  Peter flew to shore and quickly found the note that had been left, there was no sign of the kids or their note though.

  “Hey, Peter, we heard you were back. We missed you. Please tell us it’s lies, that you won’t be going back?” One of the mermaids called out as she sat on her rock brushing her hair.

  “Not if I can help it, I won’t be. I’m afraid it might be out of my hands, though, if that evil flying rat has her way,” Peter replied.

  “We were hoping that was a joke. She wouldn’t really send you away, would she? Who cares if you love Hook? I mean it’s weird cause he’s a pirate but we all knew you’d never be with her.”

  “Thank you, that means a lot to hear you say that. If we don’t get to the finish line first, though, I don’t know that it will matter.”

  “Can we help, please? We like it better when you are here. The games and adventures keep us entertained. When you left, so did all our fun.”

  Peter thought about it a minute before shrugging, “Sure, I don’t see why not. There was nothing in the rules that said you couldn’t. Come over to this ship and we’ll read the clue out and see what we can figure out.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Capt’n, Peter’s on his way back and it would seem we have company,” Smitty called out from his perch above the deck.

  James grunted. “Leave it to Peter,” he mumbled as he watched his lover fly back to the ship. “So what news have you?”

  Peter smiled, “We’re in luck, the mermaids want to help us. They have no love of fairies and they don’t want me to leave Neverland again.”

  “Well then read the next puzzle piece and let’s get a move on. We don’t have time to waste. I have plans for you later.”

  “Do they involve me being on my knees while you are steering this mighty fine vessel?” Peter asked with a leer.

  “You are one twisted man, Peter Pan. Should I ask the crew if they want to see you pleasure me then? Would that make your day?”

  Peter licked his lips and scanned James’s body. If he had his way he’d be doing just that right now. There was nothing more he wanted in this world than to spend his life providing pleasure and receiving it from his captain.

  “Read the damn clue, boy,” James growled as he discreetly adjusted his too tight pants.

  Peter winked, cleared his throat and began to call out in a ringing voice that carried to all the pirates on deck and the mermaids in the sea below them.

  I do not have eyes but I once could see.

  I used to have thoughts but now I’m empty.

  What am I?

  “A needle?” a pirate called out.

  “They don’ have thoughts, you dolt,” another shot back.

  “A dead Wiseman?” a different pirate hesitantly offered.

  “That’s not a bad suggestion, but remember, you scurvy dogs, the clue sends us to a location here in Neverland,” Smitty admonished the crew with a roll of his eyes.

  “It could be hangman’s tree. They could have hung the Wiseman there and that’s how he’s dead,” the same pirate responded dejectedly.

  The crew chuckled at his response. He had a point at that, Peter thought, but to his knowledge there had never been a Wiseman in Neverland.

  “Peter, we have an idea. Peter,” the mermaids shouted to be heard over the antics of the pirates.

  “What’s your suggestion, ladies?” Peter asked with hope evident in his voice. He knew the mermaids knew just about everything on this island almost as well as he did. But he’d been gone a long time and he didn’t know what, if anything, had changed in that time.

  “It’s a skull. Skull Rock is the next destination.”

  “Skull Rock,” Peter repeated quietly as he thought over the clue. It did make sense and it was an easy place to find, so the kids being new wouldn’t have to search too hard. “Guys, I think we’re overthinking this thing. We’ve to keep in mind the kids haven’t been here but a week. Every place has to be easy for them to find. The mermaids suggested Skull Rock. It fits the riddle and is easily visible for them to find.”

  Peter watched as James ran to the wheel and barked commands to pull the anchor. His blood boiled in lust for the commanding man; his heart burst with pride and love for the softer side only he got to see.

  “Peter, stop lollygagging and get your pretty arse up here, boy,” James hollered down to him. Peter saluted and raced to do as he was told.

  “Aye, Capt’n. What’s your pleasure?”

  “For you to stop giving me that look. There’s nothing I can do about it right now and it’s damned hard to concentrate while you do that,” James growled as excitement lit his eyes.

  Peter stepped closer so he was plastered to his side, “Your growly side does this to me. Feel that erection. It’s all for you. When you stand up here barking commands in your leather pants, with your shirt billowing out, tall, dark and fuckable. What can I say, my fantasies roar to life. Your crew is busy, they wouldn’t even notice if I were to,” Peter stroked his hand down James’s hardening cock and with a slight squeeze, he murmured, “drop and take this into my mouth. Do you think you could keep the boat on course as I did my best to make you lose your focus and scream for the entire island to hear?”

  “I swear, boy, I’m going to make you pay for this…later in our cabin. You play with fire and you will get your ass burned.” James growled in a mix of lust, frustration and anticipation.

  “Peter, give them man a break,” Louka called out from behind them with laughter tinging each word. “He’s trying to save you and all you can do is think of making him squirm. Not that I’m denying it’s not fun for us to watch. Can’t tell you how often we’ve seen the formidable Captain James Hook flustered, but I’ve become rather fond of you and wish you to stay here with us. Now do me a favor and come along, before my Smitty refuses me access to our bed for not following his orders.”

  Peter grinned and stepped away, but not before giving one last full body squirm against James. “Fine, if you insist. Why don’t we be constructive and list places we can think of that that little winged whore might send us?
It could help us narrow the field for the next few clues.”

  Louka laughed, clapped Peter on the back and led him to the cabin below. “I think you are finally using your big head for once today. It’s good to give the little one a break every once in a while.

  “Ain’t nothing little about it.” Peter waggled his eyebrows before they both burst into laughter.

  The list didn’t take long and by the time they landed at Skull Rock, they were excited to face their next obstacle and get this farce of a game over with.

  “You two done fooling around in my cabin yet? I sent a couple men to grab the clue and they are boarding with it now,” James called from his place in the doorway.

  “Hey, sexy, were your ears burning?” Peter winked at James as Louka blushed and averted his eyes.

  “Just get out here, you two, before I tell Smitty on you, Louka. No need for both of you to get…punished tonight.” James smirked as he turned and left the two men scrambling to join them on deck.

  Chapter Nine

  He wasn’t sure if they were going to win this one, and that scared the ever-loving shit out of him. The kids could fly, they had easy clues and that jealous little gnat was doing her best to make sure they won. James knew one thing, he wasn’t going to lose without a fight. If Peter were sent away, he would find a way to go with him or bring him back. There was no other option, not this time.

  “Capt’n, the kids were there, they took off quickly. I think they know their answer,” the pirate said as he handed the riddle off to James.

  “Then we don’t have any time to waste. They are ahead of us, but at least we know we are close.”

  All things GREAT and insignificant,

  Of BIG and LITTLE importance,

  Be it mighty like the Panther, or mighty like the kitten,

  This battle you will not win,

  What was mine, you stole,

  Now you must lose what you hold dear.

  Give up and say goodbye, while you still have the chance.

  “What bullshit is that?” Peter exclaimed as he paced back and forth with hard, angry steps. The pirates scurried out of his way as James watched and felt his heart break.

  “James, can she do that?” Smitty asked quietly, despair and pain lacing his words. “That’s not a clue, that’s just…I don’t know, but it’s wrong.”

  For once James didn’t say a thing about Smitty’s use of his first name in front of the crew, it didn’t matter anymore. The game was over and they were fucked royally.

  “No, I won’t accept this,” Louka cried out as tears ran down his cheeks. “You two belong together and I won’t let that spiteful hag take that away from either of you.” He snatched the clue away and reread it.

  “Smitty, look at this, do you see it?” Louka called out with excitement in his voice. “Look, some of the words are emphasized. I think she is taunting us. She gave us a clue while hoping to make us mad enough not to see the clue within.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Look, ‘Great Big Little Panther’ is darker than the rest of the words,” Smitty said with a smile as he hugged Louka. “Babe, you are brilliant. Just in case I haven’t told you lately.”

  “The Piccaninny Tribe Chief?” Peter asked incredulously. “She’d really send them a clue, knowing how Tiger Lily feels about me? That little bitch deserves to roast in hell for this. She’s purposefully hurting too many people with this.”

  “Calm down, love. Let’s go see them and go from there. When we win, we can make her pay, but there is no time to waste. We have to get to the end before those kids do.”

  “Let me captain the ship, you just keep watch and hold on to him. He’s looking pretty murderous right now,” Smitty whispered to James as he took over the controls of the ship.

  James nodded and moved to wrap his arms around Peter. At this point he didn’t care about his position on the ship or what his crew thought of the open display of affection. They were too close to losing each other and that’s all that mattered.

  “Aye, Capt’n, hold him tight,” one pirate whispered as he smiled and nodded to him in approval. James couldn’t believe it but as he looked around, he saw all of his men nodding in the same way. Tears sprang to his eyes and he nodded back with a watery smile. Maybe he wasn’t being fair to his men after all. They supported Smitty and Louka. Hell, they even took him under their wing and showed him the ropes so he could come aboard on their trips. He’d never considered that until now, he’d been unfair to his men. When this was over, he’d see about bringing their families aboard for a celebration, he should know whom his men loved. They were family after all.

  “Calm down, babe,” James said as he pulled Peter into his arms. “Getting mad won’t help anything, we need clear heads to solve this. What did you tell me last night, do you remember?”

  “That the crew, Smitty and Louka are here to help,” Peter replied softly.

  “Exactly, look around you. They are doing everything they can to make sure we win this. Don’t give up on us. Don’t give up on them.”

  “I know, I’m just so scared of losing you. It took too long to get to this point and she is threatening to take away our happiness, and their happiness. Have you seen the difference in this island? Look at the mermaids helping us, the pirates are happy and the adventures have begun again. This place needs us to keep going, I’ve heard enough stories over the last week to know how bad things got. People stopped caring, stopped playing and some even disappeared.”

  “Don’t blame yourself, how were you to know that would happen? We’re adults, we should’ve been able to function without one slip of a boy. Yes, you’re a vital element to Neverland, the heartbeat I’d dare even say, but we could still have kept going. It’s on us, not you. Now that you’re back, guess what? We’re living again and this time they won’t ever have to worry about you leaving. One way or another, we will make sure you get to stay.”

  The rest of the journey to the Indian camp was made in silence as the two men stayed locked in their embrace and wishing upon the stars hidden from their view.

  “Guys, you ready? We have the boats loaded to take us to shore,” Louka said gently as he tapped James on the shoulder.

  “Yeah, let’s go. Peter, ride with us, please. I don’t want to let go just yet,” James said as he gripped tightly to Peter’s hand and pulled him to the nearest boat.

  When they got ashore, the Chief and his tribe were waiting for them. “Word has spread. We help. Next clue, go to Hangman’s Tree. Followed bad pixie spirit to see,” Chief Great Big Little Panther said.

  “Peter, I wanted to let you know I don’t begrudge you the happiness you found with him. I wish you nothing but long lasting love and life.” Tiger Lily smiled as she walked out to stand next to a young Indian boy who smiled and put his arm around her.

  “What say you, Captain Hook? We have room aboard, it would seem our party is growing,” Peter smiled and winked.

  James laughed, “The more, the merrier. Pirates, mermaids and Indians. The only thing left is that damned croc. Who has been remarkably silent the last few days now that I think about it.”

  It took twice as long to get everyone aboard, but it was worth it. The tribe had saved them the time of deciphering the riddle that according to Tiger Lily wouldn’t have been of much help.

  “She’s making it impossible, I’m afraid. There was nothing to indicate where to go, but vague references that only made sense by a giant stretch of the imagination and the knowledge of the next stop.”

  The ship was getting a bit tight, but it was worth it to know the island inhabitants were fighting alongside them in support. Maybe, just maybe with a bit of luck, they could win this thing after all.

  “The only places left that are easy to find for the kids are their hideout, Smuggler’s Cove and Crocodile Creek. Right?” James asked the assorted people clustered around the ship.

  Everyone agreed, but James couldn’t hide the feeling he was missing something.
That there was some place he was forgetting that would be an important place for them. It just seemed too easy, but then again this was the little bitch that did nothing if it didn’t fit her needs or purposes.

  They arrived at the only place they could safely anchor the boat and went ashore. The path was overgrown and the men were hot, sweaty and irritable by the time they made it to the tree. The noose that for so long had hung there as a deterrent was in tattered shreds. The tree itself had seen better days.

  “Are you sure this is where the fairy went?” James asked in bewilderment.

  “Yes, Captain Hook. This is where I personally followed her. She was putting the clues up there.” The Indian pointed to a spot on the tree just above eye level.

  Chapter Ten

  Peter flew up to get a better look so he didn’t have to crane his neck. “I can see where there were two nails placed holding notes, but that’s it.”

  Just then a clatter of feet stomping through the woods caught their attention. Everyone turned to see the lost kids coming through the weeds a few feet away.

  “Woah, there’s a lot of you. What are you all doing together?” Glib asked with a cautious glance around at the Indians and pirates.

  “The mermaids are at the ship waiting on us,” one of the pirates volunteered happily.

  “Are you guys just getting here? Did you already get your clue?” Peter asked with a frown.

  “We got lost on our way…wait, where’s the clue?” Cryer called out in alarm.

  “That’s what we were wondering. There are no clues here at all. But that’s not right. The last riddle even had a picture of this tree on it for us to find,” Narco complained.

  “What game is she playing now? And if she wants us to lose so bad, why did she take the kids’ clue, too?” Peter asked with anger evident in his voice.

  “Calm down, love. There has to be an explanation. They can’t win if they don’t know where to go. We still have a chance.” James soothed Peter as best he could when his own anger was rising.


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