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Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults

Page 31

by Davis, Lia;

  But before she did that, she wanted to live a little. Her father grew impatient. She didn’t have much time left. Tomorrow, she’d seek out one of the two men she’d encountered recently, and after she’d spend some time with him and wouldn’t run.

  The next morning, a quickening of light dotted the farthest spot on the horizon. Daphne gazed out the turret window, wishing she’d find a mate she loved and would be suitable for the kingdom. The magic of the morning light shimmered along her body, and she pictured turning into a magnificent white pheasant, which always made her think of her mom. In the blink of an eye, her perspective of the world altered, and she dropped to the ground.

  The ledge of the window appeared so high, and yet she backed up a few feet, stretched her wings to gain a better feel and swooped, catching the old rock in her claws. Easily, she slipped between the bars. Father, really had thought that one through. Neck stretched out, she sampled the wind’s current, feeling its intent, and lifted off.

  Instinct took over and she pumped her wings, alternating between floating on the airstream, until she reached the forest proper. Gliding, she touched down on a grassy area, surveying the environment. The breaking dawn hours, when most creatures continued to sleep, was her favorite. It was as if the entire world lay before her, filled with possibilities. She wasn’t imprisoned by expectations for her future, but able to make her own choices for happiness.

  A rustling against branches alerted someone’s approach. No matter how stealthy they might think they are, she most often heard them first. Which hunter would she encounter this day? The shy man who discovered her as a fawn, or the more confident man from yesterday? Both times when she transformed into a woman, she didn’t take her regular form. She didn’t want either to know who she was, and if they did, they’d probably find her unattractive. At least comely and boring, more non-descript. Instead, they went home talking about the woman with the fiery red hair, or the woman whose blond hair could only be described as platinum snow.

  The sound of a man’s voice carried on the breeze, and she tucked behind a boulder. He whistled a tune – the same verse her mother used to sing before putting Daphne to sleep and the one she’d sung to him. She dashed out of cover right as he entered the glen.

  “Well, hello there,” the man said. It was the one she’d seen the first day. “Are you my mysterious woman, or a pheasant for the picking?”

  She tilted her head, and chirped at him.

  “Ah, so I thought. I hoped to see you again. I wanted to talk with you, and maybe more.”

  The weight of his words sent a shiver through her feathers. Maybe more? Hopefully, maybe more good. So distracted she was by his presence, that she failed to hear the crunch of a footstep behind her until it was too late.

  “Now,” the first man yelled.

  Some sort of netting covered her, and she sank to the grasses in a heap.

  “That’s it! We’ve got her,” another man chimed in.

  She craned her neck to see the other attacker. It was the man from the day before. The one who had touched her so intimately. How did these two know each other? Curiosity fled as panic flared. The more she struggled to escape, the tighter the netting around her pulled.

  “It’s all right. We’re not going to hurt you,” one man cooed. Both stood over her, and she gave up the fight to stay in her animal form. As she morphed back into human, she didn’t plan and appeared in her true form.

  “What say you brother, look what we have here?” The dark-haired man stooped to unravel the trap. “Is this the woman you met on your adventures?”

  “No, I don’t think so. Her hair was a different color – red. What about you?”

  “Me either. She was a sort of silvery-blonde. How many animal-shifting women can be in this forest?”

  As the web came over her head, she tossed the rest of it aside, and sat there nude. “Will both of you just stop it for now! It’s me. I’m whomever I want to be, and whomever you want me to be. They’re all me.”

  “Well that makes this entire situation a bit more interesting,” the blond man said. “Whomever you are, I am Cliff, and I am pleased to officially meet you?”

  The man took to one knee before her, and outstretched his hand. Her heart thumped. Neither of them had dashed out in disgust. Did they not truly see her? Were they only seeing or imaging what they wanted her to be?

  His hand was callused from hard work in the forest. A laborer. A hunter. Her father never would approve, which made him all the more enticing.

  “My name is Daphne,” she said.

  With a gentle lift, he helped her stand. “What a beautiful name for such a beautiful lady. And I know you’ve already met my twin, Jacob.”

  “Twin? You two look nothing alike.”

  “True,” Jacob laughed, “but the more you’re around us, they more you’ll see the similarities.”

  “And some of the differences,” Cliff added.

  “Do you always end each other’s sentences, and thoughts?” she asked, noticing a pattern.

  They turned to look at each other, and laughed.

  “Sometimes,” Jacob said. “But more importantly right now, is what are we going to do about you?”

  He gazed at her with full interest, from the tips of her bare toes, all the way up to her stomach, plentiful breasts, and back to her eyes.

  “What, fine sirs, do you want to do with me?”

  Here she thought it might be possible to find one temporary suitor for a fling. How could she choose between these two equally alluring men? Maybe they’d help her decide.

  Cliff ran his fingers through his intended’s silky brown hair. “So soft, and beautiful,” he whispered. Leaning in, he captured the scent of late summer, brilliant and fresh. The pale skin of her body contrasted greatly with their rich surroundings. “Is this you? Am I truly seeing you for the first time.”

  In response, her breathing hitched, and she raised her face to meet his gaze. The warm light hit her amber eyes, and they alternated between a molten yellow and deep brown. The depths of fear, of watching, drew him in.

  “Do you promise not to hurt me?” she asked.

  Fears spoken, she worried her bottom lip between her teeth, and he brushed his thumb over the plump surface.

  “I’ll do everything in my power to see that no harm comes to you,” Cliff replied. “All I want to do is cherish you.”

  Despite his outward calm, his body raged. It wanted this woman in his arms. He wanted to dominate her, tame her and allow her to take him. He did everything possible to keep the emotions in check. He didn’t want to frighten her off again.

  “And what about you?” she turned to address Jacob. “What are your intentions with me?”

  “Well, I think we kinda got started on that journey yesterday, wouldn’t you say?”

  At the mention of their interlude, her body flushed with heat, and her nipples puckered.

  “Well look at that,” Jacob crossed the distance to them. “Someone must like what I’m saying.”

  Ambient sounds in the forest increased, as the dawn bloomed. The sun’s rays cast streams of color that cut across the soft grasses. Cliff spent many a morn out on the hunt, but never had he ever seen such beauty as now.

  “You did not answer me,” Daphne said. “Does that mean your intentions are not fair, or gentlemanly?”

  Jacob placed his hands on his hips, and thrust his pelvis forward, no mistaking the prize he packed in his pants. “Honey, I have all the best intentions.” He rubbed his hand along his crotch, drawing her attention. “With you standing there naked in all of your glory, I’m not going to make promises that any gentleman would break being alone with you.”

  Her skin turned the most beautiful flush of light pink from the tips of her toes on up, and he drank in every last inch of it. Cliff ran his fingertips along the tops of her shoulders, watching the goose bumps spring to life on her body.

  “Oh, that feels nice.”

  “Much more where that came
from.” He stared at his brother, who gave him a barely there nod of approval, and Cliff claimed his kiss with the fair maiden. Passion overcame his insecurities, as his lips brushed against hers. The soft curves of her body pressed against his, and he trailed his hands down her back to cup her ass. His cock hardened in his trousers, and she rubbed her pelvis over him, side to side, in a slow sway.

  Although he wasn’t too experienced in matters between men and women, he knew enough, and he knew what he wanted to do—be inside her wet heat. What would it feel like to sheath himself within her walls?

  “Even watching you two is making me hot,” Jacob said, his voice hoarse.

  His words broke their connection, and both Daphne and he glanced at his brother. He’d freed his cock, and fisted it, stroking faster and faster, even as they watched.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Cliff asked. “You just take it out? You’re going to scare her.”

  But Daphne looked anything but scared. Mouth agape, she stared. “Is that what it looks like? I’ve never really seen …”

  “Really? Never a real wanker?” Jacob said.

  “Don’t be so crass!” Cliff gave up trying to control Jacob’s actions long ago. But something about being in front of this woman made him want to protect her.

  “Do you mind if I touch it?” She walked toward him, hand outstretched, as if she was going to pet a pony or something.

  “Oh, not at all. In fact, that’s exactly what I was hoping would happen,” Jacob said. With her encouragement, he stepped out of his pants completely, and stood naked from the waist down.

  Without any direction, she dropped to her knees, her face cock-level. She reached out with her petite hands and enclosed Jacob’s cock. He sucked in a breath and lifted onto his tiptoes.

  “Yes, that feels excellent,” he coaxed. “Now harder.”

  She closed her hands, fisting his flesh, and mimicked his pumping action. “How can you be so soft and so hard at the same time?” she asked. “And what’s this seeping out of that little slit?” She rubbed her thumb over the head, collecting some pre-cum.

  “That me showing you how good your touch feels,” he said.

  Ever since they were small, Jacob was the more outgoing of them, while Cliff tended to hang back, and take things at a slower pace. Sometimes the tactic worked well, especially when Jacob jumped into something headstrong. Pa tended to bust him more. But other times, when he succeeded, he reaped the reward.

  This moment felt like that. Despite Cliff having every best intention to find someone, to search for Daphne, it was Jacob who first reaped the reward. This time, he didn’t want to come in second, after Jacob had his fill. He wanted to know what it felt like to be loved by Daphne. He wanted her as his mate. His cock agreed with the decision.

  Seeking freedom, and release, of his own, Cliff stripped off his pants and undergarments, taking the task one step further with his shirt. The forest tended to be cool this time of year, and the sun still hadn’t fully risen. Still the sight of Daphne stroking off his brother was enticing.

  “If you like what you see, I’ve got more of that over here,” Cliff said.

  “Dude, and now you’re the wanker.”

  “I met her first. Brother’s honor, and all that,” Cliff said. “You need to get lost.”

  Frozen while listening to their banter, Daphne held onto the offending member, while Jacob grew flustered.

  “Why don’t you let her make that decision.”

  She held up her hands altogether. “Boys. Men. I’m not sure how all this will work, but there’s plenty of me to go around.”

  “What?” Jacob glanced at the woman before him.

  Cliff wasn’t sure what she was saying, or he was hearing. Maybe she didn’t mean what he thought she did. “You want both of us?”

  “Why not?” She smiled, and Cliff captured a sense of innocence and her kind heart. Did she not want to hurt one of them? Or did she really want them both?

  “You can’t mean that?” he said.

  “Not so fast,” Jacob interjected. “If that’s what the lady wants, I’m sure we’ll be able to accommodate her.” His “evil” brother raised his eyebrows, all the while checking out her goods.

  “Argh.” Cliff stepped close to Daphne, and grabbed her hands, helping her stand again. He gazed deep within her eyes, seeking out the truth. “Now, tell me. What do you truly want?”

  “Umm.” She bit her lower lip, and her eyes flicked downward, at the exact moment her hands clamped over his cock. “It’s distracting trying to talk serious with you while you’re all naked, and have this wonderful play-toy jutting against me.”

  Heat flushed his upper chest and face. In the moment, he hadn’t been thinking about his lack of clothing. Now that she was touching him, he couldn’t think of anything else. No wonder Jacob sounded so hot and heavy to get back to the physical aspect.

  “Listen.” He grit his teeth, collecting all the resolve possible. “I’m trying to do the right thing here. By you, and by us. “One of us will be a lot to handle. Both of us? You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  She planted a kiss on his lips, essentially shutting him up. “No you listen. I have a father at home. I don’t need another one. What I need is a man, who can please me, and I think you two will do just fine.”

  There was more she said, but he lost all concentration the moment she stroked him, soft, tender passes at first that quickly built. He refocused on her words.

  “Something brought me out into the forest to meet you and your brother, and something enabled me to find both of you today,” she said. “I believe in fate, and letting what’s supposed to happen, happen. Do you?”

  “Mmmhmmm,” he mumbled.

  “That means hell yes,” Jacob said. “I do think my baby brother has lost his ability to talk.”

  Or even see, evidentially, as it felt like his eyes were rolled back into his head. “Go fuck yourself,” he said, finding his voice.

  “Doesn’t look like I’ll have to do that today.”

  “Did anyone ever tell you that it’s possible to ruin a good mood by talking too much?” Daphne asked.

  “In other words, shut the fuck up,” Jacob said.

  He stepped behind her, bringing his hands around to caress her stomach. She moaned on contact, and arched her ass into him. “Yes, touch me,” she said.

  The added movement pushed her into Cliff and his cock sought the sweet spot between her legs. He reached between them, dipping two fingers into her honeypot, and stroking upward. By the sound of her breathing and moans, he increased the speed. The moment his fingers lit upon a hard button at the top of her sex, her cries sharpened. Ah, that was the spot.

  “Don’t stop. That feels so good there,” she said. “Oh, it’s never been this good when I touch myself.”

  “Hell yes,” Jacob exclaimed. “How do you like your titties to be touched?”

  “Pinch ’em,” she ordered. “Hard.”

  At her order of “hard,” Cliff was more than happy to follow along. He slid his thumb into her wet depths, stretching her out, then pumping in two fingers. The moment he forced three inside of her, she panted, gulping in each breath.

  “Oh, oh. Owww,” she said. “It hurts so good.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  “Don’t you dare.” She lifted one knee to press on the outside of his thigh, opening further to his touch.

  Inside her tight channel, he curled the tips of his fingers, creating more friction, enticing all sorts of cute grunts. She moved her hips, encouraging his attention. He rubbed his thumb over that special spot, until her entire body tensed and she held on the edge of some precipice.

  “Now,” Jacob urged. “If you’re going to have her, now will be the perfect time.”

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked, once again. “Do you want me? Want us?”

  “Stop. Asking,” she ordered, “and just do. I’m here for a reason.”

bsp; Cliff used some of her wetness to cover his cock. He stroked it a few times, building up the feeling. She angled her hips forward, and he positioned himself at the entrance. There would be no going back from here. Once he claimed her, he wouldn’t be able to let her go. She had to know that if she was offering her sex. She must have come there seeking him, or them, as a mate.

  “I want you,” she said.

  “And I want you, but before that I want to taste you.” Cliff knelt, parting the swollen lips of her sex, passion driving him on. He needed to know everything about her, and if touching the spot gave her so much pleasure, how would it feel to kiss her there?

  “What are you doing?” she asked, attempting to move away.

  “Exploring. Getting to know you.” He used one hand to hold her firmly in place. With the wall of his brother behind her, there wasn’t anywhere for her to escape.

  Using the tip of his tongue, he flipped upward, teasing the hard nub. He altered the pacing, sucking, rubbing with his fingers and listening to her increasing cries. She grew slicker, wetter, and the muscles in her thighs tightened.

  She reached, entwining her fingers through his hair. “Oh yes. Yes. That’s it. It feels so good.”

  Her nectar tasted salty-sweet, like nothing he’d ever encountered. One drop upon his tongue, and he was addicted.

  “Now,” his brother commanded. “Enter her now at her pinnacle.”

  With a last kiss below, he stood, coming between her legs. He placed one hand on her hip, and the other held his cock, positioned at her entrance. She was tight and wet, and so ready for him. One thrust. Cliff pushed all the way in, and swallowed her screams of release with his mouth. He pulled out, and thrust into her, again and again. From behind, Jacob wrapped his arms around her and she leaned against him, lifting up and wrapping her legs around Cliff’s waist. She met him, move for move, keeping up with his pumping. The position gave him ample room to pound into her sex. He forgot about it being his first time, or her first time, and the potential for being sore.


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