Page 20
Phoenix got to work and put the issue from his mind after deciding he’d just have to keep giving Gina firm no’s and the issue would probably take care of itself. But then something disturbing occurred to him. He needed Gina Lafitte. She had to get in contact with Five Parker about that interview for Q-G TV. Sighing he picked up the phone again and squeezed the receiver in hand before forcing himself to dial up the PR agent who had been giving him hell. He needed to speak with her personally.
But about the price tag? Could he pay the cost without hurting Cee-Cee in the process?
Chapter 25
Phoenix had thrown himself into his campaign with Cee-Cee at his side as the shining beacon of hope for the next election. Ashley glanced at the newspaper on the escritoire by his bed and frowned. On the front page was another charity ball, and there was Cee-Cee smiling back at him from Phoenix’s arm. They seemed to be at a different function every week, but Ashley was never invited. Phoenix’s social stratosphere was far too public and important for a lowly rock star to be on the guest list.
Ashley toyed with his phone and updated his statuses, checked his messages, waiting for Cee-Cee to give him a call. As he stared at the picture in the newspaper, he grew moodier until Roger, one of his crewmates, knocked at the door to tell him they’d be pulling out soon. “You okay, bruv?” Roger asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be ready in a bit, mate. If I have to take the rental, I will. Tell Tegan don’t wait up for me.” Ashley tried to get his head in line so he could be ready to perform. Roger ducked out and left him to his fantasies. Humming the melody to his song, “Falling in Bliss,” he envisioned a life in which his time was his own.
They would buy a house together. They would live blissfully entangled in bed sheets and silken kisses. Phoenix could be mayor, but he wouldn’t have to worry about anyone finding out what they did behind closed doors. Cee-Cee would get her dream of being a program developer. He could keep singing, but he wouldn’t be on the road so much.
He grabbed his notebook and started penning lyrics to a new song. At the top of the page, he scribbled, “Reality.” Reality was, maybe Cee-Cee and Phoenix could make things official, but Phoenix would never have room for him in his life. He was the secret he never wanted to be, and what was most galling was that he was submitting to it. If it were the only way he could have them—that sexy, gorgeous pair—he’d take it. The situation wasn’t doing much for his self-respect.
“You’re torturing yourself. Just stop. Things are good enough as they are,” he muttered, tossing the newspaper in the trash. Cee-Cee’s image peeped over the brim of the wastebasket, looking dazzling. A shimmery pale silver dress outlined her dainty figure. Her black hair fell across her face in a fresh cut, and soft pink lipstick illuminated her radiant smile. He felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of her. He missed them, but all three of them were so busy lately.
He had made the time to go meet Hailey and play with Baby Joe, whom the family had taken to calling just Joe now. Josey’s fiancé was friendly and accepted Ashley without question, same as everyone else in Cee-Cee’s loving brood. Winny looked at him like a son, but he suspected she had no idea how serious he and Cee-Cee were. Phoenix predominated.
To make matters worse, Tegan had somehow bungled the scheduling and moved up some dates, which would force him to leave sooner than expected. He couldn’t be certain, but he thought it was intentional. Tegan was motivated to sell him to the American public, and that was what Ashley wanted. It was a matter of how she went about doing it.
The days of hanging out online with Cee-Cee and Phoenix were fewer and further between, and he rarely saw Phoenix at all. He should have been relieved that he could focus on his tour, but as he geared up to leave for his show that evening, Ashley felt drained. He needed a recharge. He needed to spend some time with them.
Ashley dropped his notebook in his satchel and moseyed to the bathroom to shower. The showerhead sprayed steamy water as he peeled off his clothes. Then, his cellphone rang, and he grabbed it off the ide table. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he stared at the unfamiliar international number. Ashley contemplated not answering. He really needed to get on the road.
“Asher!” came a gravely male voice.
Ashley laughed in amazement. “Tam! I’ve been trying to get in touch with you! Where the hell have you been? Mum said you stopped by. I tried calling the number I had for you, but I couldn’t get through. She told me you got married. What the hell?” Tam and Ash had been high school chums but while Ashley had gone on to produce music, Tam had taken a seedier path and become something of a criminal mastermind.
“Yep. I am that.”
“She said you looked happy.” He smiled to himself as he lay back on the bed to have a chat with his best friend. Tegan could wait or leave. He didn’t care. He’d make it to the show when he made it there.
“I am that,” Tam repeated, chuckling. “She told me you’re out traveling the world, sowing your wild oats. How have you been?”
“Hah, up and down. This music thing is taking off for me. I’ve been busting my arse, but I met a girl…and a guy.”
“Sounds like you. Which of them has you penning songs?” Tam teased.
Ashley giggled. “They both do, mate. You know me. I have the hardest time choosing, but I don’t have to this time. We’re trying out polyamory.”
“Sounds like a pox. Holy shite, I haven’t talked to you in ages! So much to catch up on. Let’s see—”
“Actually, I’ve gotta head to a show in a bit,” Ashley replied regretfully.
“I’ll give you the abridged version, then. I gave up the life. Once I met my girl, being a sneak thief just didn’t hold the same appeal. She aims to keep me out of prison, and I aim to keep her happy. So, you no longer have to give me those speeches about how I need to straighten up and fly right.”
“You have no idea how happy that makes me. I was worried about you. I hear from you once in a blue moon and have to wonder what you’ve gotten into the rest of the year. I’m glad you found someone who completes you. Me, I’m kind of tied up in a situation with an American politician who doesn’t want people to know about us.”
“Ouch,” Tam muttered. “How’s that working out for you?”
“I’m making the best of it.”
“You must really like him.”
Ashley sighed wistfully. “I think I love him…But I don’t want to get into that right now. There’s one other thing I need to tell you about before I let you go. Picture Mum dropping a huge confession on me before I left for tour.”
“Oh, yeah? What about?”
“William Terrence isn’t my real father.”
“Kidding me!”
“I wish I was. Mum apparently has a colorful history she’s been keeping under wraps for all these years. She springs it on me out of the blue. She used to be an escort! Christ, I’m still in shock about half of what she told me. My real dad is an American businessman, Reginald Harold. And she wants me to meet him.”
“Why not?” Tam said without hesitation.
Ashley’s eyebrows hooked together as he shook his head. “No way. The bugger jilted my mum. He promised he’d come back and marry her and never did. Left her with a baby and didn’t try once to get in contact with me. Now, he’s sick or something and wants to get his affairs in order. In my mind, if he hasn’t been concerned with me in twenty-five years, then I’m none of his concern.”
Tam grumbled, “You and your stubbornness. Ashley, do you remember why I used to come over to your house so much when we were kids? It was because my father was a mean drunk who made my life hell sometimes. Fact is, I still loved him. We don’t pick our parents. They’re gifted to us. Go meet your father.”
“I don’t owe him anything.”
“Life isn’t always about what you owe or how much you’re due, mate. Trust me on this. I caught a lucky break when I met Ginger, and I certainly didn’t deserve it. I owe her more than my life, and I’l
l never be able to repay it. She loves me anyway, and I love her.”
“Different situation.”
“Maybe so, but it might help you understand yourself better to know where you come from. See, until I recognized my dad’s flaws, I kept repeating his failures. I don’t know how that works. Something about life, you know? But one thing I do know is you can’t move forward until you reconcile with the past.” At his friend’s words about having a future, Ashley’s thoughts turned to Cee-Cee and Phoenix. Tam sighed gustily and chuckled. “But I know you and your stubbornness, so tell you what. Do me a solid?”
“What’s that?”
“Go see your dad and tell him hello. Do it for me. I’ll owe you one.”
Ashley belly-laughed. “As I recall, all the times I got you out of trouble growing up, you owe me quite a few! And by the way…if you could handle one more not-quite-legitimate job…”
“What’s wrong, Ashley?”
“I have a problem that I really need you to have go away. I hate to ask when you’re trying to change—.”
“Ash, what’s the job?”
He told him about Wallace Briton and the photos.
“What a fuckwit. His own dad? And you think you have dad problems…”
“Sure, no worries, mate. Sounds like an easy in-and-out. Not a big threat and not here, which is even better. I’ll do it and we’ll be even.”
“You sure? It can’t be linked to you or me, and you have to promise me there will be no violence involved.”
“I’m as gentle as a lamb, I am. I won’t lay a finger on the bugger. He’ll never know I was there.”
“I really appreciate this, Tam. Phoenix and Cee-Cee…well, I hope you meet them someday.”
“Always wanted to be the best man at a three-way wedding. When are you coming home?”
“Ugh! Few more months and I’m off tour. I can get back in the studio and do some recording. Maybe you can lay some tracks with me. You still play guitar like you used to?”
“Like an angel from hell, mate. Fuck harps.”
Ashley laughed. “I’ll call you when I have the address for the fuckwit dad.”
“You do that. And go see your own father like I said.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure. I’ll go see him. I’ll do it tomorrow so I can get it over with.”
“That’s the spirit. Pinch your nose and swallow it down. Get on with you. Sounds like the wife is calling me. Do well at your show tonight.”
“I will.”
Ashley ended the call and stared at the phone, distantly hearing the spray of the showerhead and coming back to reality. It felt good to hear from his old friend, but Tam’s demeanor was altogether different than the wild Aussie had been in the past. If Tam could forgive his drunkard of a father and advise Ashely to do the same, then his mate had grown up quite a bit in the past year while they were out of touch.
Resolving to do Tam the favor he had requested, Ashley pushed up from the bed and got ready for his performance. He’d call Cee-Cee tomorrow while he was off and see if she was free. He’d need assistance with this visit. He wasn’t sure he could get through it alone.
Chapter 26
Cee-Cee climbed into the bed next to her sister, lay her head next to Josey’s, and peered down at Hailey asleep in Josey’s arms. The open bedroom window let in the familiar, soothing sound of the sewing machine whirring, and somewhere downstairs Marty was reading the paper, as was his habit on Saturday mornings. To give Josey a break, Brett had taken Joe out to the park, and with Hailey sleeping the two women had some much-needed quiet time.
“Have you been getting enough rest? You look beat.” Cee-Cee smiled tenderly and brushed the hair out of Josey’s face. She hadn’t been home much. Between going to social functions with Phoenix and continuing to work at PR-ISM, she felt like she had too many irons in the fire.
Josey stared at her with a soft smile. “Ugh! I’m exhausted. She only sleeps during the day, and I’m already preparing myself to not get much sleep for another few weeks. You, on the other hand, look beat as well, and I know there’s no baby keeping you up at night. So, what have you been up to? You’ve been spending nights away from home.”
Cee-Cee busied her hands finger-combing Hailey’s curls. “Oh, that…Being the mayor’s official significant other keeps me pretty busy. Thank god he’s talking about taking a vacation soon.”
“Now that things are official between you and Phoenix, have you broken it off with Ashley?”
“No,” she whispered. “More like made it more official with him, too…Gosh, how do I say this? Josey, I’m in a relationship with both of them. We’re all dating. Each other.”
“Both of them?” Josey’s eyes widened and her mischievous smile spread across her face. She stared at Cee-Cee, waiting for an explanation.
“Ever heard of polyamory? Ashley was the first to mention a multi-partner relationship, but I didn’t think something like that stood a chance. Then, Phoenix needed me to play the girlfriend role, and naturally Ashley is in on this. The three of us just click. Only, Phoenix and me don’t have the same kind of easygoing time I have with Ashley when I finally get to be with him. We’re always in the spotlight.”
“Honey, you’re in the spotlight with both of them, whether you realize it or not! I’ve seen all the posts the rock star makes about you. Ashley’s smitten. Are you happy with them both? Are you sure there’s no jealousy?”
Cee-Cee flopped back on the pillows with a groan. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve been trying to talk to you about this for weeks to see what you think, but I can never get you alone now that Brett is home,” she teased. “Wedding plans official yet?”
“We decided to just go to the justice of peace and do everything low key. He’s trying to save money for this surprise he promised me.”
“Ooh! I bet it’s a lavish honeymoon,” Cee-Cee guessed.
Josey shook her head uncertainly. “I think he’s been working on getting us a house.”
“Josey, that’s wonderful news! I’d be happy to help you two house hunt. I think I’ve downloaded every real estate app out there. Not to mention I’ve got a ton of circulars.”
Cee-Cee playfully tugged at her hair and sighed, daydreaming about what it would be like to be Josey’s situation—in love, about to be married, buying a home together. Cee-Cee might be able to confidently pull of being a fake girlfriend, but that was as far as her future went with Phoenix, and Ashley would soon leave. She had to move on with NowIn, her career and the rest of her plans for her life. The two men she cared about didn’t fit into the equation.
With another dejected sigh, she murmured, “I’m glad I can talk to you about these things, but I just wish the world was different. The typical heterosexual relationship is accepted in a way that this whatever-you-want-to-call-it just isn’t. I wish Phoenix didn’t have to worry about people knowing his secrets.”
“Cee-Cee, no offense, but Phoenix’s secret isn’t any of my business. It’s nobody’s business. I don’t care if he was the president, he’d have a right to be happy in whatever kind of relationship works for him.”
Cee-Cee half-heard her, but she was on a different tangent, too worried her sister had preconceived notions about her unorthodox threesome to pay attention to Josey’s completely non-judgmental support. “You have to understand,” said Cee-Cee. “It’s not that we’re greedy. I mean, I know what people think about bisexuals, but it isn’t like that. All of us have feelings involved. It’s not just about the sex.”
She clamped her lips shut, thinking about what she was confessing. No, it wasn’t just about the sex. It was about the way Phoenix lit up whenever he saw Ashley. It was about the way Ashley doted on her and always knew how to cheer her up. It was about how she glowed at the very thought of either of them. Hell, I think I’m in love, she inwardly griped. How was she supposed to deal with that?
Josey snapped her fingers in front of Cee-Cee’s face to get her attention. When Cee-Cee f
lashed her a startled, sheepish grin, she laughed. “Wow, you’ve really got it bad! I think it’s adorable! Now, I don’t know how you’re going to take what I have to say, but hear me out, okay? Remember when me and Brett first started dating?”
“What about it?” Josey tucked Hailey’s squirming little body closer to her chest and leveraged her post-partum body up out of the bed. “Be careful, Josey,” Cee-Cee warned, but her sister had everything under control. Bouncing Hailey and making shushing sounds near the baby’s ear, Josey carried the infant to the bassinet by the window and laid her down where the sunlight made her rosy cheeks glow. Once she was settled, Josey turned to Cee-Cee with what she had to say.
“Mom and Dad weren’t always on board with the idea. They were so leery after what Josh did to me, and they thought I was too young for another serious relationship, until I explained to them that my age didn’t make me incapable of loving.”
“Right. And if I remember correctly, I also gave you a long drawn out speech about how you were trekking down the same path to heartache as the one that had led to Josh. Gah! I was so insensitive. I don’t know how you put up with me.”
Josey giggled. “Well, I’m glad you were wrong, but to be honest, Brett had some the exact same concerns as you guys. He didn’t want me to make the mistake of not living. That’s why he encouraged me to enroll in online classes and get a job so I wouldn’t have to feel dependent on him. He wanted me to have a life outside of our relationship in case things didn’t work out.”