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The Nerd Conquest Part TWo

Page 10

by C. W. Niess

  Emily wanted to break the silence and ask him exactly what he expected of her now that her clothes had been removed, but somehow she knew he was waiting for her to speak. Even if it took all night, she was not going to be the one to utter the next words.

  Without saying anything, and perhaps to coax Emily from her silence, Mark started rummaging through her desk.

  “He’ll have to do more than that to rattle me,” Emily thought to herself. She wasn’t naïve enough to believe she had the upper hand; even so, she was going to cling to whatever free will she had left.

  After digging through Emily’s drawers, Mark opened her laptop. He positioned the cursor on the login password and turned the device to Emily. Still without a saying a word, she stepped up to the desk and quickly typed in her password. He turned the computer screen back toward himself and started typing while she took two steps back to the middle of the room and stood quietly with her arms at her sides.

  Emily watched Mark as he pecked around on her computer for a few minutes. She was worried about what he might be doing.

  Finally, Mark turned the computer back toward Emily and motioned at the screen. She stepped forward enough to realize he was pointing out her law school test score. She could hardly believe her eyes. Just like that, her failing grade had improved dramatically. She was now in the nation’s top tenth percentile.

  “How’d you do that,” Emily said breaking her silence. She leaned into the desk and pulled the computer forward as though she didn’t trust her own eyesight. “This is incredible.”

  “I’m glad you’re pleased,” Mark responded. “Now take a seat.”

  Still giddy about her improved score, Emily sat down on the bed. She crossed her hands over her lap more out of habit than modesty; distracted by her new test score, she almost forgot about being naked. “Mark, thank you so much,” Emily exclaimed. “I can’t even tell you how much this means to me.”

  Mark shuffled in the chair resting his elbows on Emily’s desk. “I’m glad you’re happy. That test will stay there as long as you go along with my plan.”

  Emily leaned in on her body leaving one arm on her lap and wrapping the other around her naked tits. Her sense of vulnerability rushed back over her as she realized he was going to make her pay for the improved test score. “Your plan?” she queried nervously. “What plan are you talking about?”

  “Come on, Emily,” Mark stated. “You can’t think I would change your score for this. I want to be fair and all, but think about everything you put me through.”

  “But that was different,” Emily insisted. “You agreed to our arrangement. You had a choice.”

  “And you have a choice too,” Mark added. “Honestly, I’m not willing to argue about this anymore. At any point, you can kick me out of here. You’ll never hear from me again, but you’ll also have to retake the L-SAT.”

  “But what about…”

  “That’s all there is to it,” Mark insisted. “Assuming you don’t want me to leave, I’ll walk you through the next steps in our plan.”

  “But what about…”

  “Nope,” Mark interrupted. “No more questions. Okay?”

  “Sure,” Emily relented. She hung her head in defeat. “Whatever.”

  “Good,” Mark responded as he walked over to his backpack. “That’s better.”

  Mark reached into his bag and retrieved a couple of padlocks. He opened the locks and removed the keys from their keyholes. He then set the locks on Emily’s desk and slipped the keys into his pockets.

  “I’m going to head back to my room,” Mark said. “While I’m gone, I need you to move all of your clothes into your closet and your top drawer. Make sure to include all your underwear and even your towels, anything you would possibly wear out of your dorm room.” Mark pointed out the hasps on Emily’s closet and top drawer. “Once all your clothes are moved, secure them with these padlocks.”

  “You want me to lock up all my clothes?” Emily asked anxiously. “I never made you do that.”

  “Once everything is locked up tight,” Mark continued without responding to Emily’s complaint. “Come up to my room and see me.”

  “Go to your room?” Emily asked in a panic. “Like this?”

  “Yes,” Mark insisted. “Exactly like that.”

  “But…But I’m naked,” Emily begged. “Mark, please don’t do this to me. It’s different for girls.”

  “It is different,” Mark said. “But we’re not arguing about that anymore. If you make it to my room in thirty minutes, I won’t make you run around campus that way.”

  Emily had never seen someone change so much in such a short period of time. Just a few weeks earlier, she had stripped Mark naked in a movie theater and tied him to his chair before teasing and taunting him for several hours. Now he was not only standing up for himself, but he was also making demands of her. She was simultaneously furious and horny as hell.

  “Good luck,” Mark said with a smile as he grabbed Emily’s door and pulled it open. He took a final look at Emily, who was cowering on the edge of her bed, then stepped out of her room leaving the door wide open.

  As soon as he stepped out of view, Emily rushed to her door and slammed it closed. A couple of her neighbors caught a glimpse of her streaking across the room, but she didn’t give them enough time to offer comment.

  She leaned her back against the closed door and slid down to the floor. She wrapped her arms around her knees and dropped her head. Even though Emily was thinking about whether to follow through with Mark’s demands, she knew very well there wasn’t much of a choice to be made. She had a chance to get into law school, and she had to take it.

  After gathering her thoughts, Emily realized she needed to keep moving. Mark, after all, suggested that if she didn’t make it to his room in thirty minutes, he would have her streak across campus. Since she made him do exactly that a few weeks earlier, she had to believe he would make good on his threat.

  With the clock ticking, Emily had to move all of her clothes into her main closet and her top dresser drawer, both of which would be locked with a padlock. Unfortunately for her, she would be locking the entirety of her wardrobe away without access to the keys. Once the task was complete, she would need Mark’s permission to access her clothing.

  Thirty minutes was plenty of time to move her belongings around but not enough to do so in an organized fashion. Emily had to stuff all of her dresses, jeans, blouses, shirts, and accessories into the closet. She then placed her underwear and smaller items in the drawer. It hardly a neat fit, but everything crammed in there.

  After jamming the closet shut, Emily stepped over to her desk and carefully lifted the heavy metal locks. This was her point of no return. Emily knew that once the locks were in place, she would have to make her way up to the seventh floor for whatever else Mark had in mind.

  Emily took a second to convince herself that this was the right thing to do, that getting into law school was worth whatever humiliation Mark would put her through. She thought about what her father might say if he found out that she had failed the law school admissions test twice and then proceeded to lie to him about her score. Having to run up the dorm stairs naked had to be better than facing her family and owning up to her lie.

  Emily hooked the locks into the hasp loops, took a deep breath, and then locked her clothes away from herself. In effect, she just committed to following through with Mark’s plan whatever it may be. The tables had officially turned. Her subject had become her master.

  Emily looked at the clock on her phone; she had twenty minutes to get to Mark’s room. Since he was almost directly above her room on the seventh floor, she didn’t have a long way to go. Emily wasn’t sure how to make the trek without any clothes. She would certainly pass several guys along the way. How would she explain her lack of wardrobe, and how would they react to seeing her roaming the halls naked?

  Emily cracked open her door just enough to look down the sixth-floor hallway. There were a couple of
girls hanging near the shower, and they didn’t look like they might be moving along anytime soon. She thought about going to the back hallway but worried that it might not be a safe place for a naked woman.

  Emily decided to give the loitering girls a minute to clear out even though there wasn’t a tremendous amount of time to waste. Thankfully, the group moved along in relatively short order. The sixth-floor hallway was clear, and she knew it wouldn’t remain that way for long.

  Emily tiptoed out of her room and quietly shut the door. As the latch clicked shut, a chill shot up her spine. The reality of her situation flooded her consciousness.

  Emily ran as fast as she could down the hallway into the foyer where a couple of students were exiting the elevator. She immediately jumped into the seventh-floor stairway and ran around the corner. Thankfully, the students from the elevator moved past the stairwell and down the sixth-floor hallway. Emily was halfway to Mark’s room, but the toughest leg of her journey was yet to come.

  Emily pressed her body to the stairway wall as she peeked into the seventh-floor. Since only boys occupied this level, she was about to take a tremendous risk. Fortunately, the hallway was completely vacant.

  Not wanting to wait for company, Emily darted down the row of rooms toward Mark’s abode. Just as she passed the guys’ shower, a younger boy stepped into the hallway.

  “Oh,” the boy said in reference to Emily as she stood with her back to the wall and her arms draped over her tits and pussy. “You’re…you’re naked.” The boy appeared only slightly less nervous than she.

  “Sorry,” Emily said. “I’m here for a friend of mine. He dared me to come out like this.”

  “Oh,” the boy returned moving past Emily. “Okay.”

  Emily was glad the boy didn’t decide to hang out with or follow her. Even so, there was no time to waste. As soon as the boy passed by, she turned away from him and continued down the hall toward Mark’s room. She could sense the boy checking out her naked ass, but she figured that was the least of her concerns.

  Just as Emily made it to Mark’s room, she heard a couple other guys stepping into the hallway. Thankfully, Mark’s door was slightly ajar. Rather than knocking, she burst into his room unannounced and slammed the door shut.

  To Emily’s surprise, Mark wasn’t in his room. She figured he had run to the bathroom or to the snack machine. He couldn’t have gone far since the door had been left open. She would just have to wait for him to come back.

  Emily thought about wrapping herself in Mark’s blanket but opted instead to simply sit on his bed with one hand on her lap and the other over her breasts.

  As she sat waiting for Mark, Emily listened to guys passing up and down the hallway. Even though she was safely inside his room, she worried that she could be exposed to those boys at any time. How severe her humiliation ended up being was in Mark’s hands. Unfortunately, she had been nothing short of cruel when their roles were reversed. She had no reason to believe he would extend her the same mercy she denied him.

  After an excruciating hour of waiting, Emily heard Mark walking down the hall toward his dorm room. Even though he didn’t speak to anyone along the way, she was certain who the approaching individual was. She was thankful that she would finally get a better feel for what he would expect of her; at the same time, the idea of hearing his plan scared the shit out of her.

  Emily stood to her feet by Mark’s bed as she heard the door handle turning.

  “Mark,” Emily said as her host entered the room. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “Really?” Mark retorted. “Why are you happy to see me?”

  “Because,” Emily sputtered nervously. “Because I…I just wanted to apologize to you.”

  “Apologize?” Mark said. He sat on the bed next to Emily and patted the mattress. “Have a seat. Why are you apologizing?”

  “Because,” Emily responded. She sat on the bed next to Mark resting her hand on his thigh. “I wasn’t exactly kind to you when…Well, you know.”

  Mark looked down at Emily’s hand suspiciously. He didn’t say a word.

  “I know this isn’t the best time to do this,” Emily inserted after a long pause. “But I really am sorry for everything. You have no reason to believe me, but it’s true. I am sorry.”

  “I don’t mean to be an ass,” Mark responded. “It’s just that it doesn’t really matter whether you’re sorry or not.”

  “It doesn’t matter?” Emily asked. She pulled her hand from Mark’s lap and slid back on his bed. “Why doesn’t it matter?”

  Mark turned on the mattress toward Emily; he grabbed her hand and gently placed it back on his lap. “Anyone can be sorry,” he said coldly. “What I want to know is how you’re going to make things right.”

  “Make things right?” Emily asked. “Of course, I’ll make things right. What do you want me to do? Just tell me how I can make it right.”

  “Tell you?” Mark scoffed coldly. “Why don’t you tell me? What are you going to do for me?”

  Emily slid farther back on the mattress away from him. She really wanted him to just come out with it and tell her exactly what his demands were. Why was he playing this fucking game?

  Mark smiled back at Emily without a word; he apparently enjoyed watching her squirm.

  “Tell you what,” Emily said. “Lay back for me a second.” Emily crawled toward him pressing his body onto the bed. “I don’t expect this to make us even,” Emily added. “But it’ll be a start.”

  Emily unbuckled Mark’s belt and unzipped his pants. She then grabbed his waistband and pulled the khakis down his legs; she threw the trousers to the floor beside the bed.

  Emily slid her fingernails gently up Mark’s legs all the way to the bottom of his black briefs. She then gently rubbed a finger over his growing penis as his erection filled out his underwear.

  Mark lifted his head and opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but Emily gently pushed his head back to the pillow. “I’m taking care of everything tonight,” Emily said as she dropped her face to his center.

  Emily brushed her cheek against the mound in Mark’s underwear as she scraped her nails gingerly around his stomach. Using her teeth, Emily gently gripped the sides of his rod through the covering. She then licked the bottom of his belly along the elastic waistband.

  Mark reached down and hooked his thumbs into the sides of his underwear; Emily grabbed his hands from the underwear and gently moved them up to the bed posts. “I told you,” she said. “I’m taking care of you tonight.”

  Emily immediately grabbed the sides of his underwear and pulled them down his thighs. Mark’s dick sprung upward already pulsating with excitement. Emily rubbed his rod gently with the back of her hand then paused to pull his underwear down his legs.

  Emily stepped off the mattress; she grabbed Mark’s legs and pulled his feet to the bottom of the bed. She then crawled back on top of him and straddled his torso with her ass to his face.

  With one hand, Emily cupped Mark’s ball sack while she gently ran her other hand up and down his rod. Emily leaned forward and blew gently on the tip of his penis. She could tell that he was about to blow his load at any time, and she wanted to make his experience last as long as it possibly could.

  Emily ran her hands down Mark’s legs as she lifted her ass in the air over his head. She slowly dropped her snatch into his face. She could feel his warm breath against her pussy lips and the tip of his nose barely penetrating her ass crack.

  Emily cupped Mark’s balls with her left hand and pulled them toward her. She reached between his legs with her right hand and gently slid her middle finger up and down his crack then slowly working it into his anus. As Emily’s finger inserted into his asshole, she felt his tongue plunging indiscriminately into her pussy lips.

  As Emily continued to caress the pucker of Mark’s asshole, she leaned forward wrapping her lips around the tip of his cock. Emily circled his tip with her tongue momentarily before plunging her mouth down his
shaft. Emily took Mark’s entire cock into her mouth and sucked as hard as she could. Emily could feel him squirming beneath her as he jammed his groin into her face. Emily could taste his pre-cum in her mouth, and she knew there was much more to follow.

  Emily turned around across Mark’s torso and leaned into his neck. She let her pussy bob over the top of his cock as she licked up the side of his cheek and nibbled on his ear. Emily wrapped her hands around his wrists extended over his head and jammed her tongue into his mouth and down his throat. She could taste her own cum in his mouth as she slid her dripping pussy down his cock. Her pussy contracted immediately squeezing hard against his dick pulling it deeper into her body.

  Emily sat up on top of Mark and started bobbing her body up and down. Blood jetted down her spine to her pussy and adrenaline filled her body. “Ahhhh,” she screamed as he thrust his hips in opposition to her movements. Just as she started to come herself, she felt Mark’s semen filling her pussy. She had the best orgasm of her life, and there wasn’t a close second.


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