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Hanging With A Time Surfer

Page 11

by Celine Chatillon

  Quentin shielded his eyes with a hand and proceeded slowly forward. “This isn't his home. It's his party ship. You'd love the interior of his homes. They're beyond description. Rich, ornate, luxurious palaces beyond imagination."

  "Palaces? If this Barris dude is so filthy rich then why is he still being hunted? He could pay off the Time Cops and stop worrying."

  "Time Cops aren't so easily bribed."

  There went that premonition again. Something didn't quite add up. Shelby bit her lip and took another deep breath. “So where did he get the money?"

  "Barris prefers to be paid for his services in real estate and art work. You never know when the next galactic stock market crash will occur. Barris is a tough-minded businessman."

  "Services?” Shelby frowned. “What kind of services does..."

  "Quentin Takahashi? Is that you, you sly time dog?"

  The deep voice reverberated off the dense walls of the spaceship. Shelby shivered and clutched her lover's hand tighter. Dealing with an unseen host who possessed a voice strong enough to knock over his guests was a bit disconcerting.

  "Barris Falst, great to hear you again. Can you turn down the spotlights, buddy? I'm not wearing my shades."

  The light slowly faded to a more comfortable level. They crossed over a hatch threshold and away from the sharp lighting. Shelby blinked and then did a double take. They weren't standing inside a huge metal flying saucer as she had assumed.

  They were standing in the middle of an orgy pit!

  The walls of the oval-shaped room were covered with a soft quilted material in pastel hues. A wide variety of individuals occupied large satin pillows and low couches, engaging in all manners of sexual activity. Some appeared human, but others were ... Well, she'd hold off her judgment if some of Barris’ guests were into bestiality or not until she knew them better.

  "Sorry about the bright floodlights. It keeps the indigenous species of this planet away from our ... proceedings.” The lights dimmed and a large fleshy hand jutted out to shake Quentin's furiously. “And who might this lovely morsel at your side be?"

  Shelby clung to Quentin's other arm tighter. The booming voice emanated from a giant human male wearing nothing but a black leather harness about his powerful chest. At least she assumed he was human since he appeared to have two arms, two legs, a head, neck, torso and ... genitalia.

  Her throat suddenly went dry. Their host possessed a cock large enough for ten men! Desperately she tried to pry her eyes from his lower extremities, but it was almost impossible. His cock appeared nearly as thick as a baseball bat.

  "Barris, I'd like you to meet Shelby Schwartz,” Quentin was saying as she slowly licked her lips. “I met Shelby in the twenty-first century. You know, people weren't as uptight then as we've been led to believe."

  Barris smiled. His white teeth contrasted nicely with his cinnamon-brown skin and fleshy lips. “Really? Our ancestors knew how to have a good time? That's more than our history texts taught us, isn't it?” He slapped his bare leg and laughed, his polished, bald head glistening in the golden glow emanating from recessed lighting about the perimeter of the chamber. “Any ‘activities’ we should check out together sometime, Quent?"

  "Possibly, if Shelby's cousin is willing."

  "Stop it!” she cried, stepping away from Quentin's side. The ominous feeling continued to grow in the pit of her stomach in spite of the titillation. Something was wrong here, but how could she convince her lover otherwise? “Just leave my cousin out of this."

  Barris threw back his head and laughed again. “Pardon my inconsiderateness. You two make yourself at home. Hang your clothes in the cloak roam to the right of the bar.” He took a step toward Shelby and caressed her cheek. “I can tell you're a favorite among the Kindred already."

  "I'm what?” Her hand flew to her neck and the small bandage that covered the interesting hickey Val had bestowed upon her at their departure dinner party. “Oh, not really."

  "Once bitten, twice horny they tell me. I do believe Lars is part of the Kindred. He'd be more than happy to personally introduce you to the gang."

  Barris turned and shouted toward a group of arms and legs piled on several dozen pillows. “Hey, Lars! Got room for one more?"

  A head raised itself from the flesh pit, flashing a glimpse of fangs. “Always."

  "There you go. You two will fit in nicely here.” Barris scanned their appearance, frowning. “I'm surprised to see you still dressed, Quent. You normally jump into the fray without a moment's hesitation."

  Quentin cleared his throat. “Ahem, Shelby's been taking care of me so well lately that I'm not quite as ... anxious ... as usual."

  The giant raised an eyebrow and chortled. “She must be quite a lover to keep a randy little devil like you satisfied. Hmm..."

  Shelby gasped. Their host's cock rose, swelling from baseball bat to bazooka size in length and thickness. Whoa! She felt faint and dizzy from the shock of being in the presence of perhaps the most well-endowed man in the universe. No wonder he ran an orgy ship.

  Barris look directly into her eyes, searching their gray-blue depths for a hint of her quickly disguised lust. “I bet your Shelby could take care of me single handedly."

  "No doubt she could."

  "Quentin!” She spun around to slap him but thought better of it. She frowned instead and lowered her voice. “Don't say such things. You're giving our host the wrong impression."

  Barris crossed his arms and thrust his pelvis forward. Shelby gulped again, willing her eyes to look away—only to find her gaze falling onto a particularly handsome humanoid couple getting it on across a large mushroom shaped stool.

  "I thought you said twenty-first century humans weren't a bunch of prudes?"

  Quentin shrugged and smiled. “They aren't as a rule, but time traveling and meeting other species is all rather new to Shelby. We can't expect her to immediately ‘jump into the fray'. She needs a little time to get accustomed to our ... culture."

  "Ah, I see.” Barris nodded—or rather he pointed—toward the bar with his enormous dick. “How about a drink or twelve to get loosened up?"

  "Sounds good.” Quentin took her by the arm. “We'll talk to you later after we've had some refreshment."

  Shelby felt her heart race as they made their way through groups of naked, writhing bodies. It was all a bit much for her at this point. After all, deep down she was boring Shelby Schwartz, businesswoman and respected member of the community. She didn't participate in public orgies, no matter how far away from Earth they were located. She didn't have sex in strange, unusual places where others could watch...

  Oh, right. I've done those things already.

  Quentin Takahashi had introduced a whole brave new world to her. Perhaps the worrying premonitions she felt earlier had only been her “old self” trying to reassert itself thus preventing her from having a good time?

  "What'll it be? A plum martini?” A green-scaled reptilian barkeeper asked as they approached and sat at the bars. Quentin nodded and the lizard man placed two rather large, long stemmed glasses of blue-purple liquid in front of them.

  "Plum?” Shelby wrinkled up her nose. The sweet, fruity smell possessed an intoxicating quality. She couldn't resist a sample. “Yum. Not bad, not bad at all.” She took another sip and drained the entire contents of the glass before she realized it. “This is a new drink for me."

  "Aren't plums an aphrodisiac for your species?” the barkeeper asked. He planted what she assumed were his elbows on the bar top and flicked out a long, bright pink, forked tongue at her. “You're not the kind who eats raw shellfish to get turned on, are you?"

  "Oysters? No, they don't do much for me personally. Hey! Wait a minute. How do you know anything about plums and oysters?” She turned to Quentin who was sipping his drink and smiling and waving as he scanned the crowd. “How does this guy know about Earth foods? In fact, how can I understand any of these aliens speaking to me at all?"

  "You're a Chosen One, Shelb
y. You are in tune with the universe. Plus you can receive input from the psychic translator located on the ceiling.” He pointed to a lantern-shaped device hanging like a disco glitter ball above the active orgy-goers. “Ain't technology great? That thing can translate a million and one languages and transmit the words practically instantly to your cerebral cortex."

  "Wow, and I don't feel a thing either!” She laughed and gulped more of her drink.

  "I have a similar device on my key chain, but you have to be standing right next to me in order for it to work well. Unfortunately, it got some sand in it along with my chronometer. I really should get a technician to look them over for me."

  "We can fix it on board, you know,” the barkeep said matter-of-factly. “Just leave it with me."

  "Possibly.” Quentin didn't act too interested in handing over his time travel device Shelby noted.

  "Fascinating,” she said, trying to direct the conversation back to happier topics. She took another long sip of the martini and smacked her lips. “So, I'm able to communicate with everybody I meet in the universe as long as your keychain is nearby?"

  "Yeah, that's it. That's why I need to take better care not to lose this thing. It's got some other rather expensive gadgets that many a pickpocket would love to get their hands on.” He casually tossed the key chain up in the air and caught it. “But as my mother always says, ‘Quentin, if you didn't have your head stapled onto your shoulders, you'd lose it."

  "You lost your head when you were a kid, too?” The reptilian laughed, a raucous, animal sound somewhere between a snake's hiss and an elephant's roar. He flicked his forked tongue suggestively at Shelby. “So did I. Did they staple it back on with those dissolving staples or the old-fashioned kind you had to take out with a butter knife after the flesh cement hardened?"

  "The old fashioned kind. Here, you can see a few of the scars left from where I attempted to take them out early with my trusty Galactic Scout pocketknife. Mom was pissed like you wouldn't believe."

  Shelby took another long sip of her drink. Whatever they were chatting about she didn't have the foggiest notion about nor did she particularly care. The warmth of the concoction combined with the warmth of the room made her feel like ripping off her clothes. She felt relaxed and sexy but not sleepy like she normally did while imbibing. She turned and brushed the side of her nipple on the counter. Woo! Stars and tingles of pleasure raced from the spot and spread about her body. What was in this plum stuff? She shook her head and tried hard to focus on the conversation at hand.

  "Ugh. Staples and flesh cement and heads falling off. Whatever you guys are talking about, it sure sounds gross."

  Quentin shrugged. “Just a common childhood surgery in our time period. Didn't they re-attach heads to bodies back in the twenty-first century?"

  "No, they didn't. Occasionally they'd re-attach some dude's pecker after his girlfriend got tired of his screwing around on her, and she took a meat cleaver to it. Whack!” She made a chopping motion with her hand against the counter. Both males cringed. “What? Don't they re-attach dicks in this century?"

  "Not as often as heads and arms and legs.” Quentin nodded soberly. “Remind me to keep you away from kitchen utensils."

  Shelby laughed then downed the rest of her drink. “What do you call this music playing?"

  "Arcturan Hip-Hop,” the barkeeper replied with a flick of his tongue and his bar towel. “It's a bit dated for my tastes. I'm into Rigellian Reggae myself.” He leaned across the counter and wiggled his tongue suggestively again at her. “What's your name, attractive human female?"

  "Shelby.” She grinned at the compliment and leaned toward him. “What's yours attractive green person?"

  "My name is Reks. Wanna dance?"

  "Hmm, maybe. It's got a good beat even if I don't understand what the heck they're rapping about."

  Reks hopped over the counter and landed on two clawed feet. Shelby stood up, ready to take the reptilian humanoid by the arm when Quentin stepped between them.

  "You realize there's no dance floor, don't you?"

  She furrowed her brow. Her brain had turned into a giant cotton ball, her thinking fuzzy and her logic soft. “Now that you mention it ... You're right. There's no dance floor. There's just lots of pillows—and bodies rolling about on the floor on top of other bodies. Is that what they consider ‘dancing’ in these parts?"

  Quentin nodded and smiled. “Smart girl. Are you sure you're ready for a sexual encounter with a Saurian? They've been known to be quite rough on their sexual partners."

  Reks flung a scaly arm about her shoulders and pulled her close. “Hey, buddy, she's an adult of her species, right? She can make up her own mind about inter-species sex. She seems very open-minded and not the least bit prejudiced against green people."

  "I have nothing against green people,” Shelby began slowly, “but I'm a bit new to this alien sex thing, Reks. Perhaps Quentin should accompany us."

  Both male human and male Saurian eyes widened with surprise. “You don't say?” Reks scratched what she'd loosely term his “chin” with a long nail and flicked his tongue at her. “I've heard about Terran threesomes. I must say I'm flattered. As long as your friend is okay with it, I'm game."

  "I'm okay with it,” Quentin said after a long pause. He whispered in her ear, “You sure you don't want to experience your first threesome with another human?"

  "Who says it's my first?” She stood taller and lifted her chin in the air. “I'm not a total bumpkin. I attended a large state university, you know."

  Taking Reks by a claw and Quentin by the hand, Shelby led her slack-jawed partners toward an unoccupied corner of the party pit. Her bravado started to fade as she watched Reks remove his bartending apron exposing what she only could assume was his fully erect male reproductive organ. Here she had thought Barris was well endowed!

  "Don't worry, Shelby. I won't use this on you until you're more than ready.” He flicked his long tongue, lowering his gaze toward her crotch. “I can pleasure you quite sufficiently with other parts of my anatomy."

  "Go for it,” Quentin whispered from behind her. “Saurians have exquisite tongue control."

  She gulped but stood still, frozen. “All right then."

  "That's an affirmative response?” Reks asked Quentin. Quentin nodded and reached around to unzip her jeans and pull them down. It was as if she was watching herself before a mirror as her lover silently and swiftly undressed her in front of the alien bartender.

  Reks’ tongue flickering increased. With each piece of clothing removed his tongue darted faster and faster from between his scaly lips. It seemed his species appreciated the nude female body every bit as much as humans did. She stood naked before his yellow reptilian eyes, her juices flowing, scared to think of what it must feel like to have a Saurian cock rammed into her cunt but dying to know all the same.

  Quentin, sensing her apprehension, gave her shoulders a squeeze. “Don't worry. I'll have your back."

  The double entendre made her laugh. “I bet you will."

  Already she could feel Quentin's hard on rubbing against her butt cheeks as he easily slid out of his shorts. He sat down in a large bed of pillows and pulled her down with him. She sat on his lap, facing the third member of their group, her legs spread wide. Quentin tilted her head to the side and caught her lips in his own, kissing her deeply, plundering her mouth fearlessly with his tongue as Shelby felt the first tentative probing of Reks’ reptilian tongue on her clit.

  She sighed, closed her eyes and relaxed. Held safe in Quentin's arms, she freely gave herself over to the Saurian's able technique. Oh! The drink had somehow made her even more sensitive to touch. She rocked her pelvis forward to present her responsive nub to the wonderful sensations his soft, leather-like tongue afforded.

  "Hmm ... Keep doing what you're doing, Reks. You're the answer to every human girl's prayer, a man who knows what his tongue is for."

  He replied by wrapping his long, forked appendage about her cli
t like a hand. She dare not open her eyes to see exactly what the Saurian was doing. Some things in life were better felt, not seen.

  She sighed and pressed her butt cheeks firmly against her lover. Quentin's hands roved about her breasts, tweaking her nipples between his thumb and forefinger until they stood tall and aching from his touch. She moaned. He rubbed his sticky cock against her crevice and moaned right along with her.

  "Okay, if I fuck her first?” he asked. “It'll help her loosen up a bit so she'll be able to take you on later."

  The exquisite tongue dance ceased for a moment. Shelby thought she'd die from the loss of sensation. “Sure, go ahead.” Reks laughed. “But I doubt a little pecker like yours can compare with the likes of mine."

  Shelby opened her legs wider as Quentin repositioned himself. With one swift stroke he plunged his member into her from behind, striking a solid rhythm as Reks applied his talented tongue once again to her throbbing clit. Before she realized what was happening she felt her mind soaring, her body shuddering as repeated waves of ecstasy washed over her, leaving her utterly limp and panting heavily, cradled in her lover's arms.

  "Was that a human female orgasm?” Reks asked. “Amazing—and quite stimulating."

  Quentin chuckled. “Yes, isn't it?"

  Shelby popped open one eye. The Saurian knelt before her, holding his dark green serpentine cock in one claw-like hand, stroking it to an even harder thickness. A shiver of apprehension tingled up her spine, but she felt like a rag doll, too relaxed to get away even if she tried.

  "Can I fuck her now?” The barkeep's reptilian voice held a needy tone. She shook her head and eased further back into Quentin's embrace. He'd plead her case.

  "Give her a few moments to cool down. In the meantime, I bet she'd love to show you her own oral technique."

  "I'd what? Ooo!"

  Before she could react Shelby felt herself being lifted off Quentin's erection and placed on the cushioned floor on her hands and knees, directly in front of Reks’ massive hard on. Her lover re-inserted himself and rocked her forward, nudging her closer to their waiting partner.


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