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Hanging With A Time Surfer

Page 19

by Celine Chatillon

  He playfully stuck out his tongue. “Hey, it got us where we needed to be. In a few more hours we'll be through the time gate. Barris and his baddies will literally be history."

  Shelby smiled dreamily. “And they'll make you a hero."

  "Say what?"

  She sat up. “They'll make us all heroes. The Time Regulators will."

  "How do you know?” Catriona asked.

  Shelby scratched her head and thought a moment. “I just do know. Call it a hunch."

  "She's a Chosen One all right!” Ivak's deep chuckle held a sexy, throaty quality to it. “You know, I can't wait to see the look on the chief regulator Chryton's face when he meets you in person, Shelby. You've got to be the sexiest Chosen One to pass through Time Point Central in eons."

  "You mean the robe?” She looked down. Her sash had come undone and her wrap had fallen open. The cool air blowing across the ship's engines had caused her nipples to peak in rosy points and sent a chill across her damp, exposed pussy. “Oops! Sorry guys. I don't mean to flash you all."

  "Don't cover up on our account.” Quentin pulled her into his embrace and planted a deep kiss on her lips. He slowly trailed his hands down and around her curves. Shelby sighed and arched her back as shivers of anticipation tingled along her spine. “We've got a few hours to kill before this junker crosses the time gate.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Why not celebrate by throwing our own mini-orgy?"

  Chapter Sixteen

  "Agent Manstun, stellar work on bringing Barris Falst to justice. Congratulations."

  Chryton, second-in-command and the current Chief Time Regulator for Near Ancient History from the Enlightenment up to Man's Landing on Mars, bowed politely to the gold hexagonal medal hanging from a wide, navy blue, grossgrain ribbon suspended in mid-air. The medal dipped as if to bow reverently in return.

  Shelby bit the inside of her cheek to prevent from breaking out into a fit of giggles. It was hard to keep a solemn face when she realized that the invisible alien stood slightly taller on the platform than the Time Regulator estimated. Ivak's award hung from his proudly erect cock and not about his neck as Chryton supposed.

  The solemn, dignified atmosphere in the crowded grand conference hall of Time Point Central indicated to Shelby that theirs had been no mean feat. Dressed in a stunning off the shoulder, turquoise silk evening gown, she felt like she was standing on the red carpet at the Academy Awards with her dashing leading man in black tux and tie beside her.

  Too bad Quentin had chosen to wear his dress board shorts and a clean white T-shirt instead.

  "Former Agent Takahashi...” The Time Regulator's somber expression lifted briefly as he bowed toward Quentin and presented him with a medal. “As reward for your assistance in tracking and apprehending a known felon, your own sentence has been commuted. You can have your old parking space back at Time Point Central."

  Quentin smirked, nibbling on the edge of the medallion to test its composition. “Hmm, real twenty-four karat gold. And thanks for the thought, Chryton old buddy, but since I don't have a working time board to stash anymore it's not like I'll be needing a parking space."

  "Your time board—a type forty-one I presume?” Chryton asked. Quentin nodded. “It will be restored and presented to you later."

  "Yes!” He winked at Shelby and pumped a fist in celebration. “Now, that's what I call a good reward."

  Chryton turned to Catriona and carefully slid the ribbon about her freshly fluffed furry neck. “Catriona Feliki, for your able assistance and moral support, all charges of dealing in time-pirated antiquities have been dropped against you, provided you refrain from further criminal time infractions."

  "Oh, I will. I promise to be a good kitty from now on.” She purred, her broad smile dazzling in its intensity. “I've completely given up trading in stolen antiquities."

  "That's good to know, Ms. Feli..."

  "I'm going to open a sex toy shop on Earth.” She flickered her tongue at the stunned older man. “Humans are so tasty!"

  "Ahem, yes.” Chryton swallowed hard and plastered a serious expression across his gray face before he bowed to Shelby and presented her medal. “Shelby Schwartz, in honor of your brilliant and daring, single-handed endeavor in delaying and apprehending Barris Falst, the Time Regulation Agency awards you with your very own time device and board. You have carte blanche to surf the time waves without hindrance from other Chosen Ones as long as you pay heed to the rules and regulation of proper time travel."

  "No problem. Quentin said he'd teach me everything I needed to know.” She smiled and accepted her medal, bowing in return. Then it hit her. That odd dream she had last night after they landed ... the dream about her and Barris getting it on in his cabin. Had that really happened?

  "Excuse me, but what did you just say about me single-handedly delaying Barris?"

  "Protocol Twenty-four. It was nothing.” Shelby could have sworn she spied an impish gleam twinkling in the Time Regulator's gray-blue eyes as he turned away. “Congratulations, Ms. Schwartz. I know you'll make an excellent time surfer. Time will tell—time will tell."

  * * * *

  "Now this beach is definitely worth unraveling the entire bolt of the fabric of time itself."

  Shelby sighed dreamily and smiled. She snuggled her toes deeper into the warm, purple-blue sands of Exilla, Ivak's home world. A pleasant breeze wafting off the pinkish-green ocean kept the heat of the distant twin suns from baking them to a crisp. The sweet scent of brightly colored tropical flowers tickled her nostrils. There wasn't a better choice for a vacation spot in the entire known universe according to their invisible comrade. She couldn't help but agree.

  Quentin leaned back on his elbows against their beach blanket, frowning. “Yes, it's damn near perfect. There's no dinosaurs or sea monsters. No angry natives wanting to sacrifice you on their altar. No paranoid soldiers wanting to execute you for spying.” He sat up and shook his head. “I don't know, Shelby Schwartz. You could do much better with Ivak as your time mentor than you could with me."

  "Stop downing yourself. I think you're absolutely fantastic.” She wrapped her arms around her lover and held him tightly. “I love you the way you are. I want you to teach me all about time travel like you've taught me about a few other things. Man oh man, have you ever taught me some new tricks!"

  "It's been my pleasure.” He chuckled. “All my pleasure."

  She kissed him playfully on the nose. “Yeah, I know."

  Suddenly his usual smirk turned serious. He looked deep into her eyes as if searching for an answer. “Do you love me, Shelby?” he said at last. “I know I can't get enough of you. I need you like I need air to breath and time waves to surf. I want to be with you throughout all eternity. Is that love?"

  Tears welled in the corner of her eyes. Graham had casually said “I love you” on occasion when she pressed him, but he'd never declared his emotions so honestly.

  "If that's not love, Quentin, then it should be."

  "I love you.” He caressed her cheek and brought her lips to his in a tender kiss. “So ... you want me to promise to have and to hold only you from this day forward forever and ever, right? I don't know if I can quite do it."

  Shelby sighed. If they did make that sort of promise to each other, it would cut in on their orgy attendance, wouldn't it? She wasn't too sure she wanted to give up something she had just become acquainted with—and enjoyed.

  "I mean I promised you a vacation,” Quentin said, cutting into her thoughts, “and look what happened to us? How can you trust a screw up like me?"

  "I can and I do. You promised me a very different sort of vacation, and you certainly delivered on that promise!"

  Laughing, he pulled her into his embrace and pinned her to the blanket with his body. He slowly rubbed his growing erection against her belly. “Yeah, we did have some jolly good fun in spots."

  "We did. Remember the first beach we visited? I was a very naughty girl and you had to spank me."

  He rained
kisses across her cheeks and neck, lightly nibbling her shoulders. “Hmm ... how can I forget? And what about that out-of-this-world blow job you gave me in the jail?"

  "Yummy.” She giggled, arching her back, pressing her curves against his strong, taut muscles. “Don't forget my virtuoso performances at the orgy on the party ship. Not bad, huh?"

  His fingers waltzed their way southward where they began to dance across her sensitive nub, plunging inside her pussy eager for his touch. “You've certainly gained a lot of valuable ‘experiences’ along the way in our travels, haven't you?"

  "I have. Allow me to demonstrate..."

  Shelby licked her lips and slid her legs apart, welcoming his cock deep within her. One thing she had discovered about Exilla in their first five minutes after landing was that everyone sunbathed in the nude, and no one batted an eyelash at couples making love on a public beach in the purple-blue sands beneath the twin suns. In fact, such behavior was expected and encouraged. Ivak and Catriona frolicked nearby on their beach blanket, and, if Shelby was any judge of Felinian meows and invisible men's grunts, her dear friends sounded like they were enjoying themselves immensely.

  Quentin began making love to her slowly, building the intensity and pacing with each thrust until she whimpered with delight, begging him to finish her off.

  "Ooo, you're so tight, Shelby.” His labored breathing indicated he was fighting off his orgasm until the last possible second. “You're dying to squeeze every last drop of cum out of me. I never want to stop loving you. You make it hard for me not to ... so very hard..."

  "Yeah, that's it. Fuck me harder, Time Surfer. Fuck me so hard I scream your name loud enough that everyone on the planet and across time will hear it."

  He moaned. “Hmm ... You got some stiff competition from Catriona. Those cat cries of hers are quite deafening."

  "Stiff competition?” She raised an eyebrow. “I've got the best stiff cock in the known universe screwing my brains out. Let's show them how it's done."

  Quentin pulled out momentarily to raise her legs above his shoulders, burying his knees deeper into the fine sand. With one swift lunge he drilled into her then slowly rotated his cock, spiraling it deeper than Shelby thought possible. She rocked her hips forward and gasped at the fullness of penetration.

  "Oh ... my ... stars ... Quentin!"

  The smack of his balls against her moist flesh pounded a primitive rhythm of both lust and need. The familiar trembling began low in her belly and torpedoed along every nerve fiber of her body. Orgasms struck like lightning, over and over again. Her cunt involuntarily clenched, milking her lover's cock for all it was worth. Her arms thrashed wildly above her head and her toes curled under in a permanent state of bliss. Sensual explosions blinded her with brilliant crimsons; lights swirled madly about in her over-stimulated brain.

  "I love you, Shelby,” he whispered. “Yes! Yes!"

  Just when she thought she'd grown permanently hoarse and deaf from her shouting, she felt the hot pulse of Quentin's seed exploding inside her. The intense vibrations and his ardent cries toppled her over the ecstasy's edge once more. Sighs erupted from her love-bruised lips. Sated and spent, Quentin collapsed to the blanket and cradled her head on his chest, tenderly kissing and stroking her as they drifted off into contented dreams.

  * * * *

  "Some show you two put on there an hour ago.” Ivak's tone had a teasing quality to it. “I thought Catriona's screams could carry long distances. You ever study opera?"

  Shelby slowly sat up and winked at the direction of his voice. “Sounds like you were plenty entertained from where we were sitting."

  He laughed. “Definitely!"

  "Thanks for telling us about this beach, Ivak.” Quentin yawned and stretched. “It's quite relaxing."

  "Yes, it is, and you're welcome. The suns are beginning to set now, so we'd better go inside. The temperature will plummet to well below freezing in a matter of minutes and even the oceans will become slush. I wouldn't want anything important to drop off, Quentin."

  Quentin grinned. “Me neither. If it did, I wouldn't have any place to hang my medals from!"

  They all laughed. As tiny droplets of cold, pink sleet began to fall they picked up their picnic items and rushed up the beach to their vacation cabin.

  "Do you mind giving Catriona a lift back to the thirtieth century, Shelby?” Ivak asked several minutes later as he laid another log on the fire in the greenstone brick fireplace

  Shelby cuddled closer to Quentin on the violet-red animal fur rug, stroking the top of Cat's sleepy head resting in her lap. The Felinian purred contentedly. “No, I don't mind at all. I don't think her sex shop on Earth would do very well in my own century, but Quentin assures me it'll do great in that time period."

  "It'll do phenomenal in that era,” he agreed. “No doubt about it. Catriona will become one very rich and very successful businesswoman."

  "Good. Where are you two planning to go next?"

  Shelby bit her lip and turned to gaze at her lover. “I'd like to go home and tell my cousin Melynda all about my fantastic vacation ... within reason, of course. She'll never believe me really."

  Ivak poked at the embers with a long metal tool. He sat down on the hearth as evidenced by his butt prints on the ash dusting the stone surface. “You're right. Your cousin will never believe you. Linear thinkers seldom do."

  "True, but it's the thought that counts. I want her to know I'm okay and then I'll check up on my house and my business interests. I'm really curious to see how Sara is handling the company, that sort of thing. Then Quentin and I plan to go on an entirely relaxing vacation this next time out, right?"

  "Sure thing.” He winked. “We'll skip the prehistoric eras."

  "Could I hitch a ride with you guys?” Ivak asked. “I've always wanted to visit twenty-first century Earth. I have quite a bit of vacation time accrued with the Agency. If I don't take my personal hours now, I'll lose them in the next calendar year."

  Shelby scrunched up her nose in thought. An Invisible Man in the twenty-first century? What could it hurt? No one would see him. No one would ever need know he was there if he kept quiet in public and didn't disturb anyone. If he accidentally knocked over something while a stranger was in the room, she could claim he was a ghost. St. Louis was filled with ghosts. His activity would be considered just another haunting.

  "Yeah, why not? I don't see any harm in Ivak visiting St. Louis with us. Do you, Quentin?"

  "Harm?” He thoughtfully stroked his chin.

  Somehow Shelby felt that her lover wasn't entirely convinced. “It really wouldn't be any trouble. He can stay in my guest room."

  "Hmm, an invisible Time Agent in the twenty-first century,” Quentin said carefully. Then he grinned. “Sounds like a safe bet to me."

  The End

  About the Author:

  Celine Chatillon is the alter ego of multi-published contemporary romance novelist, Cynthianna Appel ( Celine finds writing erotica a very pleasant departure from her day job as a small press manuscript reader.

  Celine has released contemporary, paranormal, futuristic and sf/comedy erotic romance tales. Her first LSB title is Help I'm Falling for the Vampire Next Door. Many more stories of erotic fun and wonder are in the works or under contract at this time. Be patient, please.

  Celine has a yahoogroup announcement newsletter (, a site ( and a blog “Celine's Dreams” ( She may have other blogs elsewhere online, but she's mislaid them along with the batteries for her vibrator.

  * * *

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