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Sasha's Demons

Page 5

by T. L Smith

  We jump into Brax’s car and drive to the house he’s using while he’s here. I notice another car in the driveway as we park. I glance over at him and he continues to smile. We walk inside and I instantly hear loud voices arguing over what seems to be a PlayStation. Brax announces we’re here. Once I see who his guests are I’m shocked and stunned by their utter beauty. They are panty dropping gorgeous and by the smiles on their faces, they obviously know it too. I look them both up and down, and they look so much alike except one has more tattoos than the other, but they look so much like Brax I instantly guess who they are. Unfortunately I must have said ‘wow’ out loud because the boys who are in front of me have shit eating grins plastered all over their faces and Brax is growling loudly behind me.

  “I didn’t bring you here to check out my brothers,” he whispers in my ear.

  “I know, but have you seen them? Holy shiz balls,” I turn around as I point up and down at his brothers' bodies.

  “Well, hello there gorgeous. I’m Knox and this here is my brother, Keith,” the one with tattoos introduces them. I can’t even form words. I look back at Brax and see him glaring at his brother and I crack up laughing.

  “What? You think it’s funny, ha?” he asks, looking down at me. I nod my head and try to cover my mouth to stop the giggling, but it doesn’t help and it bursts out anyway. Brax gets really pissed off and slaps my ass. I jump from the slap and his brother Knox catches me when I jump. His arms are wrapped around my waist and I stop giggling and smile up at him.

  “Have you been told how gorgeous you are? Because holy cow, you most certainly are.” Knox smiles down at me and I feel another set of arms wrap around me from behind and I know straight away that it’s Brax.

  He pulls me back and leans down in my ear. “Will you stop flirting with my brothers?” he growls in my ear and I can’t help but laugh at his caveman antics.

  “Why not? You come from some pretty good genes and that shit has to be recognized,” I tell him and I feel his arms tighten around me. I try to pull him off, but he won’t budge.

  “Let me go, now Braxton, especially if you want to keep your baby making puppies.” They all laugh at me, but he does slowly release me. I stand up tall and straighten out my skirt and when I do all the boys stop laughing. I see all the brothers eyes on me and Brax with a genuine wild look on his face. I glance down and see a lot of cleavage showing out of my top. I’m immediately embarrassed because my tits are almost out on show and it’s Brax’s fault for manhandling me. I quickly straighten my top so there is nothing on display anymore.

  We go outside a take a seat and the boys start filling me in on Brax. He is telling them to shut up, but they aren’t listening. They tell me about their families and how Brax is the last to settle down and that it has their mom in a panic, because she is worried about the baby of the family. He just shrugs it off like everything that’s being said is nothing new to him. Then they start another conversation after Brax goes inside to get more drinks, and when they say her name I’m really intrigued as to what they have to say about her.

  “She’s a bitch. No one in the family liked her, but Brax said he loved her so we gave her the benefit of the doubt. But, undoubtedly you could see she was just using him to further her career,” Knox tells me, regarding Brax’s ex Angela.

  “Oh yes, I actually met her last night. She seemed like such a lovely lady,” I say in my most sarcastic voice.

  “And I bet she warned you off him?” Keith questions. I nod my head and that’s when he opens up and tells me the story.

  “She had him fooled... so fooled. We all tried to warn him off that viper bitch, but he just ignored us and would change the subject. He was even considering asking her to marry him, which by the way, none of us approved of. But one day he got back early from tour and he was going to surprise her at her office where she was meant to be working, booking more gigs for the boys. When Brax got there he found her on her back on a desk with another man. And that man was the record producer, which I might add was Brax’s friend,” Knox tells me. I knew something went down, but didn’t know it was like that.

  “She tried to stick her evil claws back into him and he nearly fell for her shit again, but I guess you changed all that and she isn’t happy at all about you,” Keith says looking at me and smiling. I’m shocked because I don’t understand what I have to do with it at all.

  “Why me?” I ask

  “Well, you were the one that got away,” they tell me so simpley like I’m a prize that is to be won and I’m not happy about that at all. Just then Brax walks back out with our drinks.


  The boys turned out to be great fun and a joy to be around. I’ve continued to ignore Brax for most of the evening, but I’m also having fun. It’s getting late and I’m really starting to feel the alcohol. Brax asks me to stay the night as some of my stuff is already here. I shake my head and his brothers raise their eyebrows about my clothes being here. I turn around and laugh at them.

  “Your brother broke down my friggin door and gave me no other choice but to stay with him,” I tell them. They erupt with laughter and Brax shakes his head.

  “Oh bro, breaking a womans door is no way to her heart,” Keith tells Brax while he is still laughing.

  “Trust me, I’m trying to break that door down, though she makes it very difficult,” he says staring at me. My heart thumps hard at the comment and I have to take a slow breath to control my emotions, which are going overboard no thanks to the alcohol.

  I excuse myself and make my way to the bathroom, just as I’m about to go the boys tell me they’re heading to the hotel to stay there the night. I look at them with raised eyebrows as I thought they would be staying here.

  “Lovely to meet you, Sasha. Try to take it easy on our bro, ” Knox tells me. Keith shakes his head, walks over and gives me a cuddle.

  “Hell no, give him hell, Sis,” Keith informs me. I like that he called me Sis, it makes me smile. Brax hits his arm and he pretends to be wounded and they say their final goodbyes and head off. I make my way to the toilet and once I’m done I head back out to see where Brax is. He is standing at the kitchen bench holding roses, again.

  “What is it with you and roses?” I ask him.

  “I think they represent you.” I shake my head at him and walk past him to get a drink of water. He stops me by placing one hand on my hip.

  “May I kiss you?” he asks, his lips so close to mine. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol making me brave, but I nod my head, yes.

  He looks me in the eyes and holds me captive again. His eyes have changed and they are a light, clear grey and they’re stunning. I can’t seem to look away. He leans in and kisses me lightly on my lips while holding me still, with his eyes never leaving mine. He works his way to the corner of my mouth and then places soft slow kisses on each side. Then he continues down my neck and when he does I break out in goose bumps everywhere. He makes his way back up to my mouth and leans his forehead on mine and we’re both breathing heavily.

  “Do you trust me?” he asks with our mouths still so close.

  “Yes and no,” I answer honestly.

  “Okay, I can work with that,” he says, grabbing my arm and the roses as he walks me into his room. He places the roses on the bed and removes his shirt. I take a step back when my eyes graze over him because he is mighty fine. I feel bad now for teasing him about his brothers because he gives them a very good run for their money. The top part of his arm is completely covered in some tribal tattoo and his stomach is ripped, so ripped I’ve never seen anything like it before. He sees me eyeing him and gives me a sexy smile. I’m immediately drawn back to those eyes and my eyes don’t budge even when he walks over and removes my top. I stand there like a rag doll and let him undress me without even moving. I know... I just know if I have sex with him it will cause me nothing but pain and at that thought a single tear slides out of my eye and runs down my cheek. He doesn’t notice as he is currently taking off
my pants and the lighting is very low. He stands up and looks me over. He licks his lips in appreciation. He makes me feel beautiful the way he’s eyeing me; it’s like no one has seen me this way before, not even Josh. He removes my bra and my G-string and lays me down softly on the bed. He stands over me and I close my eyes, debating with myself whether or not I should let him go any further. I look back up at him and realize he is only in a pair of boxers now and they are hugging his manhood tightly, and oh, what a beautiful sight it is.

  “I’m not going to have sex with you, Sasha, I can see you’re not ready, but I would like to try something else,” he says standing above me.

  I close my eyes again and nod my head. I’m lying there not moving when I feel the bed dip next to me. Music starts to play in the background and I listen to the lyrics and they break my heart at what he has chosen to play, Stone Sour ‘Wicked Games’.

  I take a huge intake of breath trying to prepare myself for what is next because I have no idea. I open my eyes when something so soft and velvety touches my tummy and I notice he has a rose in his hand. He sings the lyrics while he slides it over my stomach. I hold the tears at bay, and just feel what he is doing to me. It’s trailing my stomach oh so slowly, and it feels wonderful. He leans down and starts kissing my stomach where the rose had just been. I close my eyes again and he drags the rose up my stomach and over my breast and circles it around my nipple. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before because it’s so sexual, but with no hands. He continues his torture and brings it to my other nipple. My nipples are screaming for attention, and then I feel him slide it back down onto my stomach. Then ever so slowly he starts sliding it up and down my folds. It’s not enough pressure to make me scream, but it’s so light I want to scream for more.

  He continues to slide the rose up and down, torturing me. Something is there but it’s just not enough. I start fidgeting because I’m feeling very horny and wet, and when I feel the rose leave me, I look up at him and one side of his lip quirks up. He bends down to kiss my clit, and as soon as I feel his warmth there I grab his head so he will apply more pressure. I want more and he’s just teasing me. I feel the vibration of him chuckling against me and I’m about to tell him to shut up when he licks me with his warm tongue and as soon as he does, I’m screaming, like screaming bloody murder. It’s like just one single lick is about to blow me over the edge. His tongue works its magic and just as I’m about to come I feel his tongue dip in where I want the pressure the most and as soon as I feel that I’m screaming.

  Brax stands up when he feels me shaking and grabs the blanket and puts it over me. He slides in next to me and wraps me into his arms like a cocoon and not long after I fall asleep wrapped in Brax.

  I wake up before Brax and his arms are still wrapped tightly around me. I slowly free myself and look down at him, he really is stunning. He could have anyone – he has the glamour, he has the popularity, and he definitely has the body. I honestly don’t know what he sees in me. I decide to leave while he’s still asleep. He is starting to make me have strong feelings for him and that scares the shit out of me. I’m not ready for that. I’m still not over Josh and I honestly don’t know if I ever will be. I know they are complete opposites, but I can’t help comparing them. I think I’m trying to work out how I feel about the whole situation, but I have to stop as it’s not doing me any good.

  * * *

  I’ve managed to stay clear of Brax all week, though it’s been extremely difficult. I’ve seen his car parked at the front of my apartment when I’ve come home from work. I chose to ignore him and go in the other direction. He has called and messaged me several times and I chose to ignore that as well.

  I don’t want to talk or see him because I’m afraid I’ll give into anything he wants. It’s like he has a magical hold over me. I’ve thought a lot this last week of Josh; he’s constantly been in my mind. I’m not sure if it’s from having strong feelings for someone else that’s making me think of Josh and feel guilty or because I would rather hide from it.

  I’ve spoken to Josh’s parents this week as they wanted to know how things went with the lawyer. I filled them in and they were so happy for me. That was something I didn’t understand until Josh’s dad got on the phone.

  “He loved you, he would have given you the world if he had half the chance. This is his way of looking after you, knowing he isn’t here to do it... Go Sasha, go and have fun. You need to live your life, my boy would have wanted that.” I cried all night that night. My head hurts, my body hurts, but most of all my heart hurts.

  I don’t know what to do about the situation with Brax. I can’t deny there are feelings there, I know there is, but I don’t know how to act on them or whether I want to.

  He has stirred something in me that I thought was dead. He’s made me feel things I’ve never felt before. It’s like a spark goes off when he lays a hand on me and I want to melt into that touch. His eyes hold me captive like no other. I know it’s wrong to have feelings like this for him, especially because of Josh, but I can’t help it. They are there and I’m going to try my best to push them away... far, far, away.


  It’s Thursday night and I’m waiting for Brandon to call so we can go over living arrangements. I’ve decided to give it a try in the old house and Brandon is going to move in with me. I’ve given notice on my apartment, so I can move out at anytime that I’m ready to. I’m so nervous about living there again; I know it’s going to be different,and I just hope my demons stay at bay. I hear a knock at the door, and I’m reluctant to answer it, as I’m afraid it will be Brax. He hasn’t called or texted me today. I am a little disappointed, but also relieved. I look through the peephole and I don’t believe my eyes. I swing the door wide open and run into his arms.

  “Hey Cuz, surprise!” He picks me up and hugs me back just as tight. After our hug, he follows me inside.

  “Why are you here? I thought we were still talking about when was going to be the best time for you to move in?” I ask.

  “Needed to get away early and who’s best to get away with than you.” I look into his eyes and I know straight away he’s not telling me something. I choose to let it slide for now as I’m happy he’s here with me.

  We order takeaway and chat over dinner and he tells me that the twins want to come and visit soon. I nod my head because I can’t say no to them and it’ll be good to have their company again. He tells me about the business and how he’s looking at the possibilities of starting it up here. I’m excited for him. Usually his dad has all the say in everything that happens, so it’s good to hear he’s branching out and they are supporting him.

  * * *

  I get up super early to start my shift and try hard not to wake Brandon up. He is on the couch sleeping. I woke a few times to him arguing on the phone, but decided not to get involved. He’ll tell me if he wants to and when he’s ready. I walk down to my car and just as I’m about to get in I observe a rose lying across my windscreen. I know who it’s from straight away and I internally debate whether to throw it or keep it. I decide to keep it and put it on the passenger seat as I get in. I don’t know how he does it, or why he does it, but I have to say that some part of me loves that he does, and even more so, that he knows roses are my favorite flower.

  Work has been so busy lately that I’m lucky to be finished on time. I head home and when I’m at my door, I hear voices coming from the inside. I open the door and my living room is filled with gorgeous men – Brax and his brothers have come to pay a visit. I’m angry that they would just show up uninvited though. I gaze at Brandon and he plasters on his best ‘don’t kill me smile’. I smile back at him and lock eyes with Brax. His eyes stayed glued to mine. He’s looks hurt, and I know it’s from me avoiding and running out on him. His brothers notice my awkwardness and both come over and give me a cuddle and then they apologize for just dropping in. I shrug it off as nothing and peek over their shoulder to Brax whose eyes still haven’t left me.

sp; I go to excuse myself when the boys announce we’re all going out. I look up at Brandon and give him another ‘I’m going to kill you smile’. He smiles back and announces that Lola, Blake and Adam are going to meet us. I feel slightly relieved. I excuse myself to take a shower and decide what I should wear.

  I pull on my gold glitter dress, which is very short, but not too short. My breasts are fabulous in this dress and it shows off a generous amount of cleavage, but not too much. I decide to wear shoes that strap around my ankles so I can dance tonight. I feel like I need to release some tension, and what better way to do it than to shake my ass all night. I tie my hair up and pin it all back in a tight bun and apply some very light make-up because I’m more than likely going to sweat it off. I walk out to the boys when I’m ready and all eyes shoot across to me.

  “Whoa, no wonder you were hiding her, brother, she’s smokin’ hot. Are you sure you’re going to be able to contain yourself tonight?” Knox turns around and says the last part directly to Brax. I glance up at him and observe him raking his eyes up and down my body and he has a look on his face that I don’t understand; his forehead is scrunched up and his eyes are wide open, almost protruding from their sockets. I’m not sure if he’s angry with me or something else. I choose to ignore it and head toward the door and they all follow me out to the car.

  The car ride is painful to say the least, I’m in the front with Brax and the boys are all chatting in the back. I sometimes forget they all grew up together, but I notice it when they’re together because they are like a bunch of brothers. I see Brax move his eyes across to me every now and then as he is driving. His eyes feel like they are burning holes straight into me.

  Once we arrive, Brandon comes around and we link arms and walk into the club. I spot my friends before they notice me and I make my way straight to them. I lean in and kiss Lola and Blake both on the cheek and close in on Adam. He snuggles me under his arm. It’s like he knows what I need right now and is offering me that support.


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