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Sasha's Demons

Page 11

by T. L Smith

  We sit there without talking, but I know he hasn’t moved. He isn’t a man that would move, he isn’t a man who gives up easily. He has proven that to me already. He’s determined and I guess that’s why he’s so good at what he does. He sets his eyes on something and goes after it.

  “Are you ready to come out?” His voice startles me, shocking me from my thoughts.

  “No,” I say in barley a whisper, but hoping he can hear me. I know he does when he answers.

  “I’ll just wait until your ready, baby.” He is so calm and collected. He amazes me. He doesn’t know what’s wrong, but he does know something is. I have no idea how he even knew that to begin with. He hasn’t moved and I still haven’t moved. I think I’ve been sitting here for about an hour, on the bathroom floor, not moving, just listening to his steady breaths on the other side of the door.

  I am not fair to him, I know this. I love him. I can honestly say that I do, but I feel guilty that I also love someone else. Maybe not in the same way, but they have both hold a part of me. I manage to stand and I let my hand sit on the door knob for a short while before I get up the courage to open it. I take a deep breath to try and control myself. I can do this. I turn it and pull the handle and Brax comes with the door and falls flat on his ass in front of me. This earns a laugh from me, as I look down seeing this large man on the floor. He smiles up at me and then pulls me down to him. I look into those eyes, those bloody hypnotising eyes that hold me and pull me in.

  “Thorn,” he says, looking at me and still not moving. I’m straddling him now. He has positioned me so he can see me better. He always holds me in the most precious way to make sure I feel protected in every way.

  “Brax,” I say through a smile. He pulls me to him and cuddles me and breathes in my hair. We sit on the bathroom floor for a good five minutes before he starts speaking.

  “As much as I would love to hold you all day on the bathroom floor, I can’t because my ass is seriously cramping,” he says moving from side to side. I throw my head back and laugh at his words and the look of pain on his face. He makes my sadness disappear, even though I don’t want it to. I need the world to know that I love and am loved by a beautiful man with big beautiful blue eyes.

  Brax stands up with my legs still wrapped around his and carries me to the kitchen counter. He turns and hands me a cup of coffee and his forehead scrunches.

  “I have to leave tonight for a concert in LA,” he tells me. I didn’t think he’d have to go somewhere so soon. I thought we would have more time. “And I want you to come with me,” he says, lifting my chin with his hands. I’m not sure if I should go or not, so I don’t answer him. I can easily take time off work as I have holidays due, but I’m still not sure though.

  “Don’t think, Thorn, just do,” he exclaims as he drops his mouth to mine. His lips are ones that women crave, the beautiful fullness that when they kiss you, all you can do is melt into the softness of them. And that’s what I do, melt. He pulls away from me and then lifts me from the counter.

  “Pack now,” he orders and slaps my ass as I begin walking to the room like a good little obedient woman. As soon as I get to my room, I search around for my phone. I vaguely remember it ringing last night and as soon as I find it, I see I have five missed calls all from Lola. I press redial wondering why the hell she has tried to ring me so many times.

  “Sasha, don’t hate me,” she says in barely a whisper.

  “What,” I say looking across the room, confused.

  “I’m sorry. She wanted to see you,” is all she says and hangs up on my ear. I’m a bit shocked by her words. I don’t understand them. I make a quick phone call to the hospital to let them know and Dylan answers. He’s lovely as always and tells me to take as much time as I need. I start to pack my bag when it clicks.

  No, she wouldn’t have? Would she? I put the thought aside and try to think of other things when I hear a knock at the door. I hear Brax yell out that he’s got it and that’s when I hear her voice.

  “Where’s my Angel,” she sings through the house. I shake all over, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Just as I am contemplating hiding in the closet, my door swings open and she rushes to my side and encases me in a hug. I don’t say anything or hug her back as that is not our relationship.

  “Why are you here, Mother?” I ask in a voice that is rougher than I intended it to be. I see Brax flinch.

  “Can’t a mother come and see her child? I know you’re grieving and I just wanted to be here for you,” she says, reaching up and stroking my hair like she cares. Except I know it’s utter shit. I push her hand away and take a step back from the evil that surrounds her.

  “Tell me what you want?” I ask and see Brax take a step further into the room to come closer to me. I notice my mother’s gaze linger on him a second too long and she smiles. She isn’t bad looking at all, she has hardly any lines on her face apart from the crows feet that adorn the corners of her eyes, and her hair is as black as Lola’s, but it’s tied up to nice bun on the top of her head.

  “Don’t talk to me like that, Sasha,” she says in her motherly voice, which makes me cringe.

  “You’re in my house, that I own. So unless you want to tell me why you are here, then please leave.” I turn my back to her and continue my packing. I hear her take a sharp intake of breath and I can tell she’s about to show her true colors.

  “Yes, that you own. I heard. How did you get so much money, Sasha?” she asks, walking around while eyeing things.

  “That, my dear mother, is none of your concern,” I tell her straight. I can see the evil leaching from her pores.

  “You are just like me, sweetheart. One man leaves you and you go straight to the next,” she says smiling up at Brax. I lose it. I can’t handle her anymore. My fists are clenched to my side, wanting to punch her and that’s what I plan on doing until two strong arms wrap around me and keep me grounded.


  I can’t believe this woman’s audacity and the words that are coming from her mouth. She’s meant to be her mother and she’s upsetting her daughter purposely. I can tell by the look of satisfaction she has on her face that this was her plan. If she keeps on hurting her I may be inclined to throw her out on her ass myself. I hold Sasha until I feel her body relaxing into me. I’ve never seen Sasha so angry with anyone before, apart from me, of course. But that was her way of protecting herself; she didn’t want to be hurt. She was afraid I’d hurt her. Little did she know that was the last thing I wanted to do.

  “Get out of this house,” I tell Sasha’s mother. She glares at me viciously and then smiles. Fuck, she’s one fucked up woman.

  “Were you with the boy for his money, till he kicked it? So you could support yourself and this black fella here? Doesn’t he make enough money? You have to support him to? I thought I taught you better than that, Sasha. It’s the man that supports the woman. Now you have to leave this boy and go and find yourself a nice successful white man,” she hisses the words out at me.

  I want to laugh at her, for the simple fact that I have more money in my bank account than Sasha’s house is worth, or even what she inherited from Josh, but I won’t. I won’t fill her in on that information. I think she came here for money, and is afraid that I’m taking it from Sasha. She won’t be able to scrounge any from her, as I am more than willing to pay her to leave. Especially if that means she leaves Sasha alone. The fact that she has a problem with the color of my skin doesn’t even bother me. It’s her daughter’s thoughts and only her thoughts that will ever bother me, and I’ve never even heard Sasha mention my skin color.

  “You know what, fuck you,” Sasha says, walking closer to her mother till she’s in her face. “Fuck you, you money hungry bitch. Who gives a fuck how much money Brax makes or the color of his skin? You don’t come into my house and insult the two men that have shown me more love than you’ve ever shown me my whole life. I’m not giving you a dime, so get that out of your fucking head. Now walk your mon
ey making body to the door and don’t come back till you can apologize to Brax,” Sasha doesn’t even look at her after she speaks, she just walks over to her bags and continues packing.

  I watch as shock registers on her mother’s face regarding what her daughter has just said to her. She’s one strange woman and hopefully I won’t have to deal with her again. She looks me up and down and raises her nose high, turns and walks out the door. I walk over to Sasha and wrap my arms around her waist and bury my face in her neck. I can hear her breathing heavily, trying to calm herself down, but it doesn’t work and I feel a single tear land on my hand.

  I turn her around so she’s facing me. I look into her eyes and see the strong woman, who has been through so much, but yet, is still so strong. Not many people can survive, let alone live, with the loss and shit she’s gone through. I take out my phone and send a text to my driver to come and pick us up in an hour. We were meant to leave in ten minutes, but first I need to make her feel better. I have to take away her pain.

  I kiss her on her closed eyes. She is silently crying and has tears leaking from them. I kiss each one so softly that I’m afraid if I do it too hard I might just break her. I make my way to her cheeks and her nose and do the same. I watch as her eyes flutter open. She opens those big blue eyes and I see the pain in them. She tries to hide it, but I know she’s a warrior and love isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, sometimes its heartache and torture. I think she’s had both, but I think she has had more of the latter than the rainbows and sunshine. So my plan is to give her so much fucking sunshine and rainbows, that her heart will explode with happiness and hopefully the heartache and torture can take a back seat for a while.

  “I fucking hate her,” she whispers into my mouth. I nod and pull her closer. “All she ever wants is someone with a deep pocket and for them to love her, but they all use her for one thing – sex.” She lets go of me and turns her back and starts to pack again.

  “You don’t have to do that now,” I tell her and pull her hands away from her clothes and pull her down with me so she’s on my lap.

  “Wait till I see Lola, I will strangle that bitch. I can’t believe she actually told her where I live.” She ponders over that last sentence to herself.

  “I’m sure she didn’t know she was coming here to be so mean, Sash.” She looks at me and laughs. It’s not a happy laugh, it’s a more of an ‘are you fucking stupid’ laugh.

  “Oh, she knew all right. Lola knows more than I do what our mother is like. Hell, she protected me from her most of our lives.” She lays her head on my shoulder and sits there without saying another word.

  I don’t know how any mother could be that mean. My mother, if anything, is so over involved in my life that I sometimes want to stop taking her calls. I know she would have a melt down though, so I don’t.

  “I wonder which husband or boyfriend dumped her ass this time. She must be pretty desperate to come to her daughters for money. She definitely would’ve been to Lola first, as she knows I don’t talk to her.” She goes to stand and I pull her back to me. She smiles and it’s the first time she has smiled since her mother walked through that door. I plan to never let her lose that smile again.

  “We have an hour now you know,” I whisper into her ear sending shivers over body. I stroke my fingers up her back and I watch as goose bumps form on her skin.

  “Oh, do we, now? I thought you were in a rush?” she says, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

  “I knew I couldn’t leave without putting that smile back on your face and I thought the best way to do that was for my tongue to do some exploring. Oh, well, I guess I was wrong,” I say and go to move, but she doesn’t let go of me so when I stand I take her with me. She’s laughing now and it makes me so deliriously happy.

  “I don’t think so. I’m the money maker, so I say make my smile even bigger and I’ll scream for God.” I know she just took a jab at what her mother had said, so I choose to laugh and slap her on the ass instead.

  “The only name you’ll be screaming, Thorn, is mine. Especially while you ride my face,” I whisper the last part in her ear, and her face blushes because she knows it’s true. And that’s what we do for the next hour. I make her scream my name for the entire hour. That smile never left her face, not once.


  She tried to ruin my day. Hell, she probably would have won if I didn’t have Brax. He makes me smile, he makes me happy just by the little things he does. I’m both nervous and excited about our trip. The guys weren’t overly friendly towards me and I don’t know how I’ll cope being with them for longer than a few hours. As we pull up at the airport in the limo that Brax had organized, I see hordes of people surrounding us while we stay seated in the car. I start to freak out. I didn’t sign up for this. I don’t want my face plastered on magazines. Just as I go to tell Brax I can’t come, his hand reaches out and grabs mine, he gives it a tight squeeze and leans in and kisses me on the mouth. He brainwashes me with those lips and those hands, and all I can think about is him and not what is waiting outside of those doors. Just as there’s a knock on the door, he takes my bottom lip between his and sucks on it before pulling away.

  “Come on, Thorn, I want to become a member of the mile high club,” he says into my ear, which instantly makes me clench my thighs together in anticipation.

  As soon as the doors are open and Brax steps out, the cheering and calling of his name begins to gain his attention. It is deafening and I’m almost too afraid to move. Brax waves and turns around and reaches his hand out for me to hold. I look at it like it’s the last thing I want to do, but take it anyway. As soon as I step out people are screaming to know who I am?

  Am I his girlfriend?

  Am I a one nightstand?

  Am I his new manager?

  It doesn’t stop. Some ladies are even screaming saying he can do better than me and offering up themselves. I want to shake my head at them and tell them they’re all fucking crazy, but I don’t and keep on walking. Brax tucks me under his arm and keeps me secured away from the photographers and the screaming women who are trying to throw bras and panties at him. All I can think is how the hell does he deal, let alone cope with this every day. When I first met him, I knew he had talent and would make it, but this is beyond crazy.

  Brax’s security guard, who I didn’t even see until we were at the check in counter, hasn’t left our side, and is constantly redirecting anyone that comes our way as we walk to the aircraft. There is a private jet waiting, which has me completely blown away.

  Once we’ve taken off, the attendant tells us that we can remove our belts now if we want to. I don’t move. I realize I’m leaving the country for the first time with Brax and have no idea where exactly we are going in LA or where we’ll be staying.

  “Stop thinking and come and join the mile high club,” Brax says, leaning down to undo my belt and pulling me up to stand. I look back to make sure no one is watching and notice that the very attractive flight attendant is staring holes into the back of Brax’s head. I don’t know how I didn’t notice her before. I think I may have been stuck too far into my own thoughts to even notice her. Brax doesn’t let me think about it too long as he pulls me into the bathroom. I notice it’s unlike most planes I’ve been on. It has much more room than a normal plane, which of course, has more advantages.

  Brax doesn’t even turn his back to me once he pulls me in. He uses one hand to lock the door and the other to hold me. As soon as I hear that familiar lock, he is on me, straight to my jugular on my neck and creeping his way up to my ear where he teases it before making his way to my lips where he bites then forcefully opens my lips to accommodate him. I push myself against him, as I need that body heat. I need the feel of him smothering me. As soon as I do, I feel his arousal clear as day poking through his jeans, waiting to be set free.

  My pussy is on fire, and his hands haven’t left my body at all, from squeezing my ass to fondling my breasts. I need more so I stand higher as he
is so much taller than me and bring my leg up to wrap around his waist which he gladly helps and then he holds onto my thigh so I’m secured. I bring myself closer. I feel like we are two teenagers trying to get friction in all the right places and so I start rubbing myself up and down him where I need him to be. I hear his breathing as his mouth leaves mine. He’s breathing heavy on my neck and then one hand scoots around and starts to undo the top of my jeans, which are probably soaked through with my arousal. His hand doesn’t waste any time as it finds where I want him, and as soon as the first button is undone his hand is straight to my clit, rubbing and teasing.

  “Stop teasing,” I whisper into his neck, biting and kissing at the same time. He chuckles and removes both hands from my body and drops down in front of me pulling my jeans off. I want his shirt off, so as soon as he has my jeans off, I reach down and pull on his shirt. He complies and pulls it over his head in one swift movement, then the next his mouth is on me, so fast that the heat from his mouth makes me scream out in pure bliss.

  I am so close, his mouth making its way to my clit. I don’t think I can hold on anymore, except when he dips his tongue lower and straight inside me. As soon as he does I come apart screaming his name like it’s the air that I breathe.

  He doesn’t even give me a chance to come down from my high because the next thing I know he’s inside of me. Tearing into me with his length. It’s a mixture of pain and pleasure as we continue. He thrusts hard until it all becomes pleasure. He lifts me higher so my ass is in the air and my body is practically wrapped around him as I claw his back and dig my nails in so hard as he continue his thrusting. I feel it’s the only way to stop me from coming apart, right here in the bathroom of an airplane as I experience first hand what being a member of the mile high club involves.

  “Fucking come, Sasha,” he growls in my ear, losing himself and biting my neck. I’ve read in books that guys can make you come when they say so. Experiencing it, however, is a totally different thing. I come and I come hard milking him with such pleasure, I forget where I am and again I start screaming.


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