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Sasha's Demons

Page 13

by T. L Smith

  He straightens up and stands in front of me and leers at me up and down before he speaks, “You aren’t one of his groupies are you?” Is the first thing he says to me, which I am shocked. He obviously sees my reaction and starts laughing out loud. “I’m joking sweetheart, I know who you are. Brax here hasn’t shut up about you for years,” he says, patting Brax on his shoulder.

  “This here is Susan, Chelsea and my gorgeous nieces and nephews,” Brax says, pointing to the three children sitting on the floor and the two women gazing up at me with smiles on their faces. I give them a small smile and wave at the children.

  We all take a seat around the table as his mother prepares lunch and I sit and watch the family interact. It makes me happy as well as sad. I’ve never had this when I was growing up. It was just me and my sister and sometimes our mother, if she had a man paying her attention.

  Brax’s mother is African American and their father is Australian. Their great genes have obviously gone straight to their sons and grandchildren. As I sit here looking around and feeling like I don’t fit in, like I am sitting at a table full of supermodels.

  Just as we are finishing up our meal, Brax’s mother starts on Brax about marriage and grandchildren. I sit there holding my breath not saying a word. I don’t think I even know if I want to hear his answers to the questions.

  “Mom, ease up, let us be,” Brax says, but the woman is resilient.

  “Brax, you have to start planning these things. You won't be young for long and I need more babies to spoil,” she says smiling sweetly at me.

  I’m ready to push up from this table and run. I excuse myself as I can’t hear anymore. Brax has tried to avoid the questions, but she’s good and doesn’t stop. She gives it to him right back expecting an answer, and his last answer has me running.

  “We will, just not right now. I just got her back! Kids can come later on.”

  The door is my escape. I don’t want kids, and as much as I love him, if that’s something he wants I won’t hold him back.


  I go straight after her as soon as she leaves. I think I know why she did, but I need to hear it. I reach her before she reaches the road and pull her to me.

  “Don’t run,” I plead with her.

  “If it’s something you want, you will have to let me go. I have been through this before. I don’t want children. I won’t hold you back from having children,” she says, not looking at me.

  God, this woman drives me crazy!

  “I don’t want children, Sasha,” I say it to shut her up. “If you haven’t noticed she’s resilient in her quest. All I need and want is you. If you still want me?” I ask, pulling her chin up so she has to look me in the eyes.

  “Of course, I want you, but are you sure? Don’t say you are just to appease me. You’ll end up hating me for it.” Her blue eyes are pleading with me.

  “I don’t, Sasha. I thought I did, but with my career and what I want out of life, I’ve realized it’s not something for me. Plus, I have nieces and nephews to spoil. And, well, Mom will get over it.” She nods her head and leans down and places her head against my heart.

  I wasn’t lying to her. I honestly am happy with how my life is and who I have in it. The one thing I do want though, is to make her my wife. It’s too soon, but it will happen.

  We finish up dinner with my parents and my brothers and their families have left for the night. We are getting up and ready to leave for my house that I have here in Sydney, but before we head out my mother stops us at the door. Sasha continues walking to the car.

  “I am not blind, my boy. I see the love in your eyes when you look at her. All I ask is that you consider all your options. I’m not saying she isn’t the right girl for you, she is lovely. I just want you to have everything,” she says, reaching out to touch to my hand.

  “I have it all, Mom, that’s obviously something you missed. I don’t need anything more as long as I have her. She’s all that I need. All that I want. She completes me.”

  “That’s all I want to hear, I won’t say anything more.”

  “I love you, Mom,” I say, then I lean down to kiss her on her cheek. She wraps her arms around me like I’m her small child again.

  “And I love you, my boy, now go and keep that girl happy,” she says, swatting me away.

  “I plan to, for the rest of my life,” I say and wink at her as I walk out the door and into the car where Sasha is patiently waiting.

  We arrive at my house which I haven’t been at for nearly one year. My mother usually comes over and starts my car and cleans occasionally. I watch as Sasha steps in and takes it all in. My home is small, as I only purchased it for me. It has three bedrooms and has a kid’s room for my nieces and nephews. My house is full of family photos stretching along the hall entry to the living room with an open dining room. The walls are all white, but the living room has a red feature wall with mirrors in the middle. The kitchen is an open plan and leads out to the back balcony where a six-seater spa is located. I usually don’t have many people here because it’s my space for me to think and write my music. I have my guitars still sitting on the sofa from which I haven’t moved them from the last time I was here.

  “It's beautiful, but what I’m really interested in is to see the bedroom,” she says, dropping her bag to the floor, then slowly removing her clothes and dropping them as she opens the doors looking for the right one. Her shirt is gone as she opens the kid’s room. She closes it, then removes her jeans as she opens the bathroom. She shakes her head and removes her bra next as she gets to my bedroom. My eyes are trained on her as her hips sway while she walks into my room. She stops when she enters and looks around at my solid oak king size bed. She turns to me with a smile on her face and walks to the end of the bed, picking up one of my ties, she dangles it in her hand and walks over to me.

  “Tie me up, sugar,” she whispers and drops the tie to the floor and climbs on the bed lying on her back. She doesn’t have to ask me twice. I strip down to nothing and cat crawl up her body, leaving goose bumps all over her and tie her hands above her head.

  “You ready to play,” I whisper down in her ear, grinding myself on her like a horny teenager.

  She nods her head and lifts herself up to reach me. She still has her panties on and I crawl backwards down her body while she watches me with lustful eyes. I kiss my way down over her breasts and going down to her stomach. I reach her G-string and break it with one pull.

  “You will be replacing those,” she says. I shake my head at her and continue my way down her body, pulling her thighs apart and spreading them wide with my hands.

  “You ready to scream?” I ask.

  “Make me,” she dares me.

  “I plan to,” I smirk, then lap my tongue up from the back of her folds to her clit, she screams when I flick my tongue over her bud and I continue. My tongue goes in circles around her clit and then works its way down to where her juices are flowing heavily. I insert a finger in her and flick it up to reach her g-spot, while my tongue greedily enjoys her taste. The second I insert my second finger and curl them up, she comes hard, screaming my name like I’m her world.

  I don’t let her come down from her high as I pull her legs up over my shoulders and bury myself into her warmth soaking myself in her juices. One hand grabs hold of her hip and with the other I slap her ass before I bring it around and touch her sensitive bud.

  “Fuck,” she screams. She finally opens her eyes after her waves of ecstasy finish rolling over her. She looks at me with so much love in her eyes. I intend to show her, forever how much she means to me, starting with not letting her out of this bed for the next twenty-four hours.

  “Who do you love, Thorn?” I ask, with my dick buried inside her, not moving.

  “You! Now start fucking moving and shut up and fuck me,” she half pants, half screams at me.

  And that’s exactly what I do for the rest of the night, I make her mine, in every way possible.

’s no escaping us now, she couldn’t if she tried.


  We’ve been back home now for two days, we haven’t left our bubble since we’ve been back. Except today we have a barbeque at Adam’s house. I’m happy to see everyone and am excited to see Lola. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve actually seen her as I have been in my own little world with Brax. As we pull up I recognize all the cars that are here. Lola is there, as well as Brandon and Blake. I don’t know what has been going on in their lives and I feel guilty that I haven’t asked.

  Once we reach the door Adam is there holding Kasey in his arms who is reaching out for me. It’s scary how much she looks like Brit now the bigger she is getting. I take her willingly and cuddle her close to my chest when Lola walks out. If Kasey hadn’t been hugging me for life I swear I would’ve dropped her. Lola looks different, but the same. She looks at me as I take her in. One of her arms is covered in ink, like her whole sleeve is covered. Her hair is tied back, which normally is down. She looks so different and I wonder what has persuaded her to make such a big change.

  “Don’t just stare, come out back and say hi,” she says strutting away in a mini skirt and a tiny top that’s just covering her breasts. I look to Adam for help and he raises his hands in a ‘don’t ask me’ motion.

  I walk out the back and see Blake sitting there with the same girl he had at the club last time I was there. Lola is actually talking to her nicely and Blake’s eyes are on Lola’s, his girlfriend doesn’t notice and neither does Lola. It’s the first thing I see when I step out, mainly trained to her face slowly sweeping over her body. Brandon walks over and hugs me and tells me how much he misses me and I kiss him back. He still seems down, but I don’t want to open that can of worms tonight.

  Half way through the night Brax ask for everyone’s attention. I look to him wondering what he’s doing, when he stands and grabs a guitar that Brandon has just walked out with.

  Brax places the guitar across his chest and seeks me out with his eyes and winks before he starts playing. The next words out of his mouth stun me into silence, when I realize what he’s doing. He sings to me Bruno Mars, ‘I Think I Want To Marry You’.

  Everyone is quiet when the song stops and he drops to both knees right in front of me.

  “Sasha Adams, what a whirlwind ride it's been. It took us a long time to get us here,” he says, looking up at me with his grey eyes. “ I believe I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you. I believe that I want and will need you until the end of time. I believe you are the only woman for me, but most of all I believe that I want to make you my wife,” he says, then opens up a ring box in front of me which contains a princess cut diamond, it’s beautiful and massive. I don’t know much about jewelry, but I know by looking at it that it’s huge and expensive. Brax’s eyes are still on me and I jump into his arms, kissing his face and telling him, “Yes”.

  It may be soon, but it feels right. He feels right and I for one know that life is too short, so you need to grab hold of it while you can and let it take you for that crazy ride it wants to take you on. Because you never know when that ride will end.

  But hopefully, this time, it will last a lifetime.

  Some people believe that you can only have one love in your life. I had that same thought once, until he proved me wrong. I believe we love differently, each bringing our own passion and love into a relationship. Some bring kindness, some bring pain. But if you happen to have two loves in your life you are truly lucky.

  Not to have just one terrific man love you, but two, you are truly blessed.

  People can be selfish though. There are pure hearted people in this world and if you happen to find that person hold on... hold on tight, like the freight train is going to leave without you. I almost lost my freight train. Though, luckily for me he was persistent and held onto me.

  I can say I have loved two equally beautifully men in this life and for that I am truly grateful. Josh never once leaves my thoughts and I don’t think he ever will. He’s stuck to a piece of my soul that won’t burn away. I don’t want it to either. He showed me what it’s like to love and be loved, so he will always be a part of me. Brax knows that, and has never tried to compete or complain about that fact. Brax is a truly remarkable man. Without him I may still be stuck in my black hole and never had left, but he showed me the light.

  I still think to this day that I loved Josh like I hadn’t loved any man before. Josh had my heart, but Brax has stolen my soul. I know now that there’s a difference. I fought Brax for so long that when he left me for weeks on end, but then I realized that I needed him. It was torture without him near me. There is that part of me that craves him, something deep inside that just calls out for him. I think I knew it from the first time I saw him. I just didn’t want to acknowledge it.

  I may not know what the future holds for us, but I do know I’ll be happy as long as I am with him. No matter what curve balls are thrown my way.

  I have loved two men, two incredible men. They both have left an imprint on my heart that will never escape.

  Brax keeps my nightmares at bay and gives me the space I need when it’s time to visit Josh. I still can’t take him with me, to sit there and listen to me tell Josh my stories. It’s just something that I can’t share just yet. That part is mine and Josh’s and I don’t think it will ever change.

  The way Brax looks at me every day still makes my heart skip a beat. I find myself staring at him in concerts and when he’s home and wondering why he chose me, while he sings these songs of love and stares right at me with such love in his eyes.

  Our story isn’t over. I don’t think it will ever be over. But for now, I am happy to ride the freight train that this gorgeous, dark skinned, tatted up man, takes me on.

  Because, fuck it’s so worth it.

  *** THE END ***

  Book 3

  Lola’s Dilemma

  Coming Soon.

  Connect with Me Online


  Twitter: @LsmithT




  Other Books by T.L. Smith

  Sasha's Dilemma (Delimma #1) released March 2014.

  Adam’s Heaven (Delimma #2) released April 2014.

  Krinos (Take Over #1) released in May 2014. (Free)

  Kalon (Take Over #2) released in July 2014.

  Kratos (Take Over #3) released in August 2014




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