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Kendrick (Torey Hope: The Later Years #4)

Page 22

by A. D. Ellis

  To my editor, Stephanne, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sharp eyes and constant professionalism. You were a gift to me over 10 years ago, and you continue to be a blessing.

  To my friend, fellow author, and cover designer, Andrea Michelle at Artistry in Design. Thank you for taking my vision and bringing it to life through your design. I love you!

  To my dear beta readers. Your input, feedback, and encouragement has proven invaluable to me! I truly trust you all and value your opinions more than you’ll probably ever understand. Thank you to my newest betas as well. When I needed fresh new eyes who had never read any of these characters you were there for me and helped me so much!

  To my street team/pimpers. Those of you who list me in contests and comments and shout outs all the time, you’re amazing and I love you for always working to get my name out there! If I start naming people here, I’ll be sure to miss some; just know if you’ve ever shared my name or my books, it means the world to me and I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know!

  To my READERS!! Without you, there would have never been a third book, let alone an eighth book! Thank you for loving Torey Hope and the characters as much as I do. Knowing you are looking forward to another book is a lot of what keeps me writing some days. As long as these stories are in my head, I’ll keep sharing them with you.

  To the BLOGGERS who read and review and share my books!! You are beyond a shadow of a doubt some of the most dedicated and selfless people I’ve ever known! Thank you so much for being such a support to those of us who have stories to tell. I love BLOGGERS!

  To my girls at The Indie Erogenous Zone. You are beyond fellow authors, you’re my support, my heart, my friends. There have been days I wanted to give up, but I had you to turn to; days when a bad review breaks my heart, but I talk it out with you. I truly consider you all my close friends and I wouldn’t want to be facing this crazy journey without you! IEZ4Life! T&F girls!

  To my Juice Box ladies! Thank you so much for welcoming me into your crew and sharing your knowledge, experience, advice, and fun with me! Having some real-life authors/friends I can collaborate with is a great feeling. Dance parties, lunches, movies, videos, wine, painting, pizza…the list goes on and on! Thank you for letting me be a Juice Boxer!

  To my fellow authors. Those of you who read my work, share your work with me, cross-promote with me, and offer advice and support, THANK YOU! You make this a little easier and even more enjoyable.

  To my family and friends. I know most of you don’t understand my obsession with getting these stories out of my head and on paper, but you’re proud of me either way. Some of you get to read my books, some of you get to see cover ideas, some of you have to watch me lose myself in a story, some of you have to hear me vent about the hard parts of all of this; all of you love me and support me and for that, I am truly lucky and grateful.

  Connect with A.D. Ellis

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  You can also find me on Twitter

  Find me on Spotify if you’d like to listen to the playlist for this book (mainly just the songs I listened to while writing—THERE ARE SOME AMAZING SONGS ON KENDRICK’S PLAYLIST THAT GO ALONG WITH HIS STORY PERFECTLY!) or any of my other books. Just search for A.D. Ellis.

  Excerpts from other Torey Hope Novels

  (These books are the beginning of the Torey Hope books. The parents and grandparents in Decker, Sawyer, Zach, and Kendrick are the main characters in these earlier books.)

  A Torey Hope Novel Series starts with For Nicky. Meet and fall in love with Nate and Nicky Morgan, twin brothers. Find For Nicky here:

  “Hey, Audrey, what’s up? Come in.” Audrey smiles, which seems a little fake, and comes on in. She’s dressed to the nines as usual. Heels, tight skirt, tighter shirt, hair styled much bigger than you’d think is possible. I can smell her perfume and hairspray as she walks past me. Who dresses like this for a normal day? Audrey does, obviously. She looks me up and down. “Are you going somewhere, Beth?”

  I tell her I have a date. She looks pissed for a moment, then gives me a smile that doesn’t even begin to reach her eyes, and says, “Oh, that’s nice. Who’s the poor shmuck?”

  Obviously, she’s baiting me, but I don’t think quickly enough and I just reply, “Nathaniel Morgan.”

  Audrey rolls her eyes. “Beth, sweetie, I’m going to try to say this in the nicest/sisterly love type of way. But, Nathan Morgan is way out of your league. You are dressed in a flannel shirt, you might as well wear a sign that says ‘frumpy’ on the front and ‘won’t ever get laid’ on the back. Nate is an animal in bed, I should know. He needs sex. I doubt you’re giving it to him yet. If you ever decide to try sex again, it will probably be as bad as it was with Austin. Not because Nate isn’t good, because the good Lord knows that man is G.O.O.D in bed, but there’s no way your ‘basically a virgin’ body can live up to what he’s used to. Hell, the boy wore ME out and I have as much experience as he does, if not more. I’m not sure why he’s hung around this long. Maybe he sees you as a challenge. Yeah, maybe he’s decided to string you along long enough to get in your pants, but, Beth, he’s not going to stick around. Nate needs hot sex, a variety of girls, no strings. I don’t want you to get hurt when he fucks you and leaves you. Oh, God, Beth, seriously, stop with the teary puppy-dog eyes. I’m just telling you the truth.” ~Libby {Beth} Decker in For Nicky

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The sequel to For Nicky, Because of Beckett (this is Audrey’s story and as much as you hate her in For Nicky, you will find yourself liking her in Because of Beckett and you will fall in love with Jeremiah Jordan!) Find Because of Beckett here:

  The one girl he should stay as far away from as possible, the one girl who had made him feel more alive in one evening than he had in several years, the one girl who threatened his well-designed single-dad, good role model position in life was Audrey Decker. Instead of letting her off the hook and planning the party himself, he had practically begged her to stick with it and all but promised her there would be no problems. That was all well and good, he was truly glad she was going to take the party, except for one small problem, he hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind; he couldn’t stop thinking of those gorgeous blue eyes or her beautiful hair or luscious curves. His heart jumped into his throat when he saw her walking toward the shelter house; his breath hitched in his chest when her hand touched his knee; he wanted to hold her hand and start right back where they had left off the other night. But, they’d agreed that this was a business deal only, so he wouldn’t complicate it. They’d get through the party and move on. They were living in the same town; they’d surely see each other. Jeremiah was determined to keep things cool between them so the party would be a success and they could be friendly toward each other in social settings.

  And then, he watched her eyes light up as she knelt down and opened her arms to Beckett. He was gone; hook, line, sinker. Audrey didn’t strike him as the type to be particularly caring towards anyone, let alone a child with special needs. But, there she was, on her knees, hugging his son… How was it, the woman he had just promised he wouldn’t pursue, was on the ground hugging his child like his real mother never had? Jeremiah’s gut clenched at the thought. He wanted this woman in his life. But, she’d made it clear that she wasn’t interested and Jeremiah wondered if he had lost his chance to indicate any interest. So, he decided he’d have to settle for having her in his life as a friend. ~Jeremiah Jordan in Because of Beckett

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The families celebrate the holidays in Christmas in Torey Hope, A Novella. Love and family and friendship abounds and readers get to learn of the older couples’ lov
e stories. Find Christmas in Torey Hope here:

  “Libby-girl, you never cease to amaze me. That was amazing.” He kissed her and they proceeded to clean up and redress. “Now, we better get back to the house before everyone knows what I’ve been doing to you.” Nate winked.

  Libby’s cheeks blushed but she said, “Nate, I’m pretty sure this is exactly what your mom had in mind when she sent us away for a bit.”

  “Well then, I’ll have to sincerely thank my momma!” Nate kissed her lips as they headed back out the door, locking it soundly behind them.


  “Uh, Mom, I’m all for reminiscing and I know you and Dad love each other, but could we please keep it G-rated. For the love of all that is good, please don’t make me listen to sex stories involving you two.” Jeremiah shuddered but smiled good-naturedly at his mother.

  “What? We all had to see you and Audrey and Nate and Libby come in here glowing after your little 45 minute romp; I think a little steamy romance story about your dad and I would serve you right.” Judy laughed at her son’s expression. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep it clean.” The whole group laughed at Jeremiah’s visible relief.


  Before the story could get started, Nate cleared his throat and said, “Mom, Dad, let’s keep in mind that I’ve walked in on the two of you in some compromising positions that are now burned into my delicate mind; please don’t add anymore trauma to my already scarred psyche.” Everyone laughed at Nate’s statement. “You all think I’m joking but I’m really not. You don’t know the images that still float through my mind.” Nate teased his parents and pulled Libby against him as they settled onto one of the couches.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Loving Josie is a story of second chance love for two lost souls. This is a standalone novel in A Torey Hope Novel Series, so you can read it without reading the first books. Find Loving Josie here:

  “What the hell are you thinking, Josie Decker?” This from Audrey. She continued, “I just left my house after calling in my reinforcements here. Did you know Kyle’s over at my house talking to Jeremiah? He’s all dressed up, pierced up, tatted up, bleached up, and styled up. Do you know why? He’s got a date. Oh, but that’s right, you already knew he had a date, didn’t you?!”

  When I didn’t respond, because I wasn’t sure if this was a rhetorical question or not, she powered on. “It was bad enough when you bought a house with the man. But now you’re going to ‘pretend date’ him?! This isn’t a good thing, Josie. If he weren’t so fucked up, I would be cheering you on. And, honestly, I think dating you would be truly good for him. But, he’s so damn stubborn, I worry he’ll never let go of the notion that he can’t love you the way you deserve and, in the end, you’re going to end up being hurt.” ~Josie Decker in Loving Josie


  Turning me around he tipped my chin up, “We need to talk, Jo. Some things have changed. No more practice dating. No more stopping kisses and pretending they shouldn’t happen. I want to see more than my ink on you; I want to see me on you.” With that final comment he brought his mouth down on mine. This kiss was different than all of the others had been. This kiss was all Kyle, he was holding nothing back. ~Josie Decker in Loving Josie

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Decker, Torey Hope: The Later Years (this is the first book in the new series)

  “Hello, this is Decker Morgan at The Center+. I’m calling for Ms. Katherine Turner in regards to her recent resume and job application.” Decker held the phone away from his ear as he heard an earsplitting blare coming through the line.

  “Oh my God! I’m so sorry! Hold on please Mr. Morgan! This is Katherine Turner….hang on just a second! Where’s the damn broom?!” A cacophony came through the phone and Decker was tempted to hang up; if this was the way Ms. Turner conducted herself on the phone she was obviously not the one for the job.

  “Shut up, damn it! Just shut up!” Her words were barely distinguishable over the shrill alarm-like noise. “There! I’m so sorry, Mr. Morgan. Mr. Morgan? Sir? Are you there? Please accept my apologies. I was helping my grandma bake cookies. I didn’t realize that Grandma had accidentally turned the oven up to 500 and the timer to thirty-one minutes rather than thirteen minutes. Needless to say, our little cookies are now burnt offerings. On the bright side, we know her smoke detectors work.” Katherine Turner spoke in an airy, breathless way that had Decker picturing her in a smoky kitchen, hair askew, with a broomstick to turn off the offending smoke detector.

  “Well, Ms. Turner, you’re the first applicant I’ve called who has provided so much entertainment in such a short amount of time. I trust that there’s no danger to you or your grandmother?” Decker really couldn’t explain why he felt the need to continue with this phone interview; the girl obviously wasn’t management material, but he wanted to hear her answers to his questions because she had him feeling something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Intrigued.

  Forty-five minutes later, Decker hung up from the most enjoyable phone interview he’d ever conducted. Katherine Turner was not the typical uptight management applicant that he’d been speaking to; this woman was genuine, whip-smart, well-spoken, and on the same path as him. It amazed him just how much they had in common both personally and professionally. Before ending the call with her, Decker had done something he’d never planned on doing; he offered her the job over the phone, sight unseen, no further interview. She had accepted, and he was pumped to meet her in person the next day and get the paperwork filled out so she could get to work right away.

  Looking at the clock, he realized that it was late enough he could call it a day. There was really nothing else he needed to do right then. He texted his brother to see if Sawyer wanted to play some basketball before they headed home. As it turned out, Sawyer’s meeting with the potential martial arts instructor had run over so he wasn’t available; Zach, Kendrick, and Decker played a little game before their dads and uncle showed up. Nate Morgan, Jeremiah Jordan, and Kyle Martin had been playing ball together for years and gave the younger men a run for their money. In the end, all six men were sweaty but laughing. Decker paused as he left The Center+ on his way home. Yeah, it was good to be back.


  “Unknown caller” flashed on his phone screen as he worked on some paperwork for Katherine Turner. Absentmindedly he picked up the phone, “Decker Morgan.”

  “Hello, Mr. Morgan. I’m really sorry to call you at home in the evening, but you gave me your number and said I could call if I had any questions. I have to apologize, I think the whole cookie burning had me flustered today; I don’t normally accept a job sight-unseen and without meeting my boss in person. I still plan on coming in tomorrow, but I was hoping to discuss the position with you a little more now that the smoke has cleared from both my head and my grandma’s kitchen. That is, if you have a moment to speak to me.” He admired her straightforwardness and knew she was just as knocked off-kilter as he was after their whirlwind phone interview earlier that day.

  “I have time, Ms. Turner. Please, ask anything you’d like.” Decker waved to Sawyer as his brother popped his head in the office to say hello. Plopping down on the couch, Decker stretched his 6’2” frame out and got comfortable.

  “Well, I’ve been doing some research on The Center+, but I’d like to hear your description of it. Please.” Katherine had a smile in her voice as she added the please to her request.

  “The Center+ has been a part of my family’s life since long before I was born. My Uncle Nicky attended school there and my Grandma Cindy worked there as an administrative assistant for several years. Uncle Nicky had finished schooling, but he attended several recreational programs even after high school and he met the new librarian, Libby Decker who later married my dad. Not long after, my Uncle Nicky met my Aunt Carly while they were both working there. When my brother and cousins and I were younger, we spent almost every spare second at The Cent
er+, although it was just The Center in those days. We enjoyed all of the programs available and took full advantage of the recreational sports. We used to always talk about growing up, going to college, and coming back to Torey Hope to expand the programs; make The Center+ bigger and better than ever. That brings us to today; we are adding two new wings, several new programs, revamping and improving the sports program, and enlarging the arts program by leaps and bounds. My family owns The Center+ now, so we have the ability to grow the business as we’ve always dreamed.” Decker paused in his description; on the other end of the phone Katherine was touched at the sense of pride the man had in his family’s business.

  Several minutes later, Katherine had asked as many questions as she could come up with and their conversation turned to more personal information. Decker learned that she had also recently graduated and returned to Torey Hope, her childhood home. She and her mother lived across town and her elderly grandmother lived with them. She had always planned to leave Torey Hope for college and thought she would move to the big city, but when her mom divorced and her grandmother moved in she took inventory of her life and her plans for her future and realized that Torey Hope was her heart, and she didn’t want to leave.

  Decker found himself lulled by the melodic lilt of her voice and nodded in agreement with her that finding a business management job in a small town was a definite challenge. He smiled when she shared her excitement over the potentially perfect job opportunity he had presented her with.

  Through their conversation, Decker felt a definite connection to this girl; she shared his vision for success, she was a hard worker, she was self-motivated, she was a people person, she knew how to get a job done. She was perfect. Damn, the first girl he’d ever felt truly drawn to was going to be his assistant manager which meant that the connection he felt to her couldn’t go anywhere. One of his hard and fast rules was that business and pleasure never mixed. Never.


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