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The Gift of Empathy (The Gifts Book 3)

Page 4

by Jen Gentry

  “Jewel, you all right in there? I made us some coffee and I got some cheese crackers from the vending machine.” Jake called out and Jewel smiled. She wondered why she was still so reluctant to fully trust Jake. He really was a harmless puppy dog.

  “I’ll be right out. Pour me a cup of coffee would ya?”

  “Sure thing.”

  A few minutes later Jewel sat cross-legged on her bed across from Jake on his. This was cozy. She was warm and safe on a comfortable bed and freshly showered with a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter’s night. What more could a girl ask for.

  “So how are you feeling, Jewel. Are you comfy yet?”

  “Sure. I’mmmm all comfffyyy now, Jake?” Jewel felt very sleepy and her words were slurring. She looked over at Jake and he went all fuzzy looking.

  “Jake, what did you do to me ...” Jewel slumped over on the bed and passed out.

  Jake whipped a cell phone from his pocket and dialed a pre-programmed number. “She’s out. You can come for her. But do it quick before she wakes up. This one is flighty enough to try and get away.”

  A few moments later a knock sounded on the door. Jake opened it without looking to see who it was.

  “Well that was really fast...” His voice trailed off as Emily and Ethan entered the room.

  Emily took one look at Jake and knew he was up to no good. “Where is my sister? Where is Jewel?” Jake pointed to the bed.

  Emily ran to Jewel’s side. This was the girl who’d been haunting her dreams for the past several weeks since she’d returned from the Amazon. “Jewel, honey, wake up, I need to talk to you. I’ve been looking for you. Jewel, are you OK? Ethan, something is wrong she won’t wake up.”

  Ethan stepped up beside Emily and took Jewel’s pulse. Her heartbeat was faint but steady. He pulled up her eyelids and found her pupils to be fully dilated and fixated. “She’s either taken something or someone has drugged her. We better call an ambulance.” Both of them looked up to where Jake had been standing just moments before in front of the open door. The young man was gone leaving no trace of himself.

  It didn’t take long for the ambulance to arrive. The EMT’s began questioning Ethan and Emily. They had no answers had no idea what Jewel had taken, and had no knowledge of her past medical history. The ambulance left with Jewel leaving Emily and Ethan to follow. They were in for a long night, but the EMT’s assured Emily that Jewel’s vital signs were strong and it looked good for her at the moment.

  Emily was left with all the paperwork to fill out for Jewel. Luckily, she still had the manila folder with all the information the P.I. had gathered on Jewel and at least had a copy of her birth certificate. Emily filled out what information she could and then started to pray for her sister. This wasn’t the family reunion she’d hoped for, but at least it looked like Jewel was going to make it.

  Emily wondered what she was going to say to Jewel. How was Jewel going to take the news that she had a sister? Emily still had no way of knowing if Jewel had taken drugs herself or had been drugged. The Holy Spirit told her that Jewel was an innocent victim. Emily was banking on that. Still, what would happen to Jewel if she refused to come home with Emily? There were so many questions and very few answers. Dear Jesus, how will we get through this? Only you know. I trust your plan. That’s all I can do.

  Jewel’s doctor stepped out into the lobby where Emily sat waiting. Ethan had gone to get some coffee and hopefully a bite to eat.

  “Ms. Bell?” The doctor looked straight at her.

  “Yes, please call me Emily. How’s my sister?”

  “She’s coming around. We’ve given her a dose of narcan and that will lessen the drug’s effect. She ingested a large amount of Rohipnol, more commonly known as the date-rape drug. She’s going to have a headache for a few days but she should be fine.

  We’d like to keep her a couple of days just for observation and to get her a little more hydrated. She needs to eat and drink fluids a little better than she has been. Tell me, has your sister been to see a doctor recently. She does seem a little mal-nourished.”

  “Honestly, Doctor, I don’t know. I only just found out I had a sister a few weeks ago and I’ve been searching for her since then.”

  “Oh, I see. Well, I’m sure we’ll need proper identification before we can release a minor child to someone other than a parent or legal guardian.”

  “Yes, I understand.” Emily had already decided to put Robert to work on making her a legal guardian for Jewel right away. “Doctor, I need your help. Do you think we could get a DNA test done on Jewel and me as soon as possible?”

  “I don’t see how that would be a problem. I’ll write the order for it myself. Head down to the lab to get your part done.”

  The next morning Emily sat in her hotel room. She’d not gotten to meet Jewel yet as the doctor ordered her to rest and sleep off the after effects of the drugs. Emily wondered again about how the drugs got in Jewels system.

  She hoped she wasn’t dealing with a drug addiction problem in Jewel and yet at the same time she didn’t want to think of what the young man, who was with Jewel in the hotel room, may have actually done to Jewel. What would’ve happened to Jewel if she and Ethan hadn’t arrived when they did. The thought sent a shiver down Emily’s spine. Emily shook herself. She really didn’t want to think about that just now.

  Instead, Emily got dressed and left a note for Ethan, who was still sleeping. She needed to talk to Jewel and she just couldn’t wait any longer. When she reached the street she was glad she’d dressed warmly as it was starting to snow. The doorman hailed a cab for her and she jumped in the back.

  “I need to get to Memorial Hospital.” The cab driver nodded assent and took off. Emily sat in the backseat alone with her thoughts.

  Emily took the time to pray. Dear Heavenly Father, please go ahead of me and prepare my sister for what may be a real shock for her. Give me the right words to say to help her understand that I mean her no harm and give us both a chance to get to know each other. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  With a heavy sigh Emily entered the hospital. Come what may she was determined her sister would be leaving the hospital in her custody. She prayed again that it wouldn’t be a battle. She’d spoken to Robert on the phone earlier and the wheels were already turning to get Jewel off the streets and into her new home at Perry House. Of course, Emily told Robert to make it happen no matter what the cost.

  When Emily arrived at the nurse’s station where Jewel’s room was located she barely missed being hit by a tray of food that came flying out the door of the very same room that Jewel was in.

  “Let me outta here. You can’t keep me here against my will. I’m not eating a single bite until I’m outta this place.” Jewel’s assigned nurse came out of the room, clearly exasperated and started cleaning up the mess Jewel had made by throwing her food tray into the hallway.

  The nurse looked up and Emily and shook her head. “You must be the sister we’ve all been waiting for.”

  “Yes, I’m Emily Bell. I’m so sorry about this, but obviously Jewel has had a really rough time. I’m going to need some private time with Jewel for a while would it be OK if I go in and close the door for a bit?” Emily bent down and helped the nurse clean up the mess.

  “You can have all of that one you want, Miss. I’ll say a prayer for you.” The nurse stood and left with what was left of Jewel’s breakfast.

  Emily sent another silent prayer up to the Lord and went in to Jewel’s room.

  “Just who’re you? And what do you want? I’ll tell you right now I ain’t going into no foster home or any institution or whatever you have planned. Even if you do put me in one, I’ll just run away. So why don’t you just do us both a favor and get me outta here and just let me go.” With Jewel’s hate filled words Emily steeled herself for the worst. This wasn’t going to be easy like she’d hoped it would be.

  Jewel was restrained to her bed with a waist restraint and one arm in a wrist restraint. She was frantically wo
rking the wrist one with her free hand trying to get loose. Emily stepped up as close as she dare.

  “Jewel, I’m not a social worker and I’m not here to take you into foster care or anything like that.”

  Jewel sneered at Emily then went back to trying to free herself. “Seriously, just how dumb do you think I am, Lady?”

  “Jewel, please look at me. My name is Emily Bell. I’m your sister and I’ve been looking for you ever since I learned you existed.” Emily paused to let that sink in.

  Jewel looked straight at Emily and for a moment it seemed like a look of real hope flickered on Jewel’s gaunt face. But just as quickly the look of hope was replaced by the sneer again. “Really, huh, you’re my sister. Well, where’ve you been all my life, Sis?” When Emily remained silent, Jewel laughed sarcastically. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You ain’t no more my sister than Nurse Hag out there is.”

  Dear Lord, give me the right words. I need your guidance in this matter. Emily prayed in silence. Then the words just came out.

  “Jewel, I grew up without a mother. My mother left me and my father when I was a baby. I never knew her. I wonder if you did. I have so many questions about her and I think maybe you have some answers. I didn’t know you existed until a few weeks ago and I have been searching for you since that day. I promise you if I’d known about you before now, I would’ve moved heaven and earth to get to you.”

  There was no mistaking the honesty in Emily’s voice. Jewel stopped trying to get the restraint off and looked Emily in the eye.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “I am, and I want you to know that I only want to get to know you, as a sister. I’ve no intentions to harm you. I just want to get to know you.”

  “How is it you think I’m your sister? I never heard anything about you. What was your mother’s name?”

  “My mother’s name is Lydia Bell. Do you know where she is?”

  Jewel was taken aback. Dare she tell this complete stranger the truth about her mother? This was her deepest secret. If she told anyone that her mother was dead then surely the authorities would try to place her in one home or another.

  Samuel was unseen by Jewel at her side and he placed his hand on her shoulder to give her peace as he whispered in her ear. “It’s time Jewel. You can trust this woman she is who she says she is and she can help you.”

  Emily could see Samuel. She didn’t hear what he said but she knew surely Jewel would now understand. “Jewel, I’ve had both of us DNA tested. I hope that doesn’t upset you, but I figured we both may as well know for sure. But no matter what the DNA says, Jewel, I want you to know that you can trust me to help you in any way that I can.”

  Jewel wanted to be angry. She wanted to run, but there was something about this woman that made her want to trust that the woman spoke the truth. Then Jewel remembered how last night she’d gone against her better judgment with Jake and look where she was now.”

  The sneer was back on Jewel’s face. “Fine, do what you want. It makes no difference anyhow. As soon as I’m free I’m gone. You got that, Lady, gone and this time you’ll never find me. I know how to disappear.”

  “Jewel if you really want to leave no one will stop you, but I hope you’ll at least wait for the test results then listen to my story and let me get to know you a little.” Emily made her bid and could only hope that Jewel would at least consent to that.

  “Fine, I’ll wait. I give you my word. Now would you please get me outta these tie downs?”

  “Deal. Let me go talk to the nurses.” Emily left to go see what she could do about Jewel’s restraints.

  Five minutes later, Emily returned and Jewel’s nurse came and removed the restraints. When the nurse left, Jewel rubbed her sore wrist.

  “OK, how did you get Nurse Hag to let me go?”

  “I told her that as your sister I would take full responsibility for you, but she did call the doctor first and got an order to remove the restraints.”

  “Ha, that’s a laugh. I don’t need you or anyone else to take responsibility for me.” Jewel continued to be contrary but at least she didn’t try to run.

  “And don’t be worrying, I keep my word. I won’t leave until we get the test results back. So, Emily, that’s your name, right?”

  “Yes, my name is Emily.”

  “Emily, do you think I could get something to eat now. I really am hungry.”

  “Your wish is my command.” At that Jewel smiled and Emily knew she was on her way to earning her sister’s respect.

  Emily left the room to go in search of food. She hadn’t pressed Jewel for information about their mother. Something told her to leave that alone for now. However, she was relieved that Jewel was at least going to try and eat.

  That afternoon after Jewel had eaten two trays of food and still asked for more. Emily sat at her bedside. The nurse told Emily the DNA results should be available soon and the doctor would come tell both of them the results. Waiting around was difficult for both of them.

  Emily checked in with Ethan at the hotel. He was going out to run a few errands and check in on some old friends. Then she called Robert. He assured her that the papers for custody of Jewel were in the works, but a DNA test would surely help them move forward faster.

  Jewel was quiet for the most part and curled up on her side facing away from Emily while she read a book.

  “You like to read, Jewel?”

  “Yes, I like to read.”

  “So, what are you reading now?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m reading Wuthering Heights.”

  “Oh, that’s a good one. It’s one of my favorites.”

  At that Jewel turned and looked at Emily. “Really, it’s my very favorite. I’ve read it more times than I can count. I always feel so sorry for Heathcliff. I mean he’s so awful, but I kinda understand him. How he feels anyway.”

  “Yes, I always felt sorry for Heathcliff, too.” Emily felt some of the ice between the two of them begin to melt. “You know, I have a huge library at my home. I live on an estate called Perry House. I would love it if you would come to visit. Do you think you might like to do that?”

  Jewel shrugged. “I’m kinda tied up right now. I go to school and I have people, you know. People who look after me and all.”

  Emily wanted so badly to ask about Lydia, but the Holy Spirit held her back. Jewel was just not ready for that yet.

  At last Jewel’s doctor came in with the test results. “Well, ladies I can indeed confirm. You are sisters. You have at least one parent in common and that would be your mother.”

  Jewel gasped. “No way! That can’t be right.” She looked over at Emily who seemed to not be surprised at all.

  “Yes, Jewel. I told you. We are sisters. I hope you’ll let me take you home with me now. I have so much I want to share with you.”

  Jewel jumped off the bed. “That’s just it. I can’t go home with you. I have to find Sam. He must be worried sick about me.”

  The Gift of Empathy

  Chapter Five

  Psalm 34:17-20

  When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.

  Emily was not going to let Jewel go without doing her best to get her sister to see reason. While Jewel got dressed and started gathering her things Emily again asked the Lord for the right words to say.

  “Ok, is Sam a friend? I can help you find him. Then will you at least consider coming home with me for a while.”

  Jewel thought about that for a minute. “I can find Sam without your help and I really appreciate the offer, but I really can’t stay with you. I have a plan and getting involved with you right now… well, I just can’t.

  I’m sorry it couldn’t be different, Emily, but I have my life and you
have yours. Maybe we’ll meet again sometime…..” Jewel stopped talking abruptly. Samuel stood in the doorway.

  Emily turned around to see a fully lit warrior angel standing in the door. Jewel only saw Old Sam as she always did, a scruffy, bearded man from the streets.

  Jewel ran into Samuel’s waiting arms. Emily gasped. Then realization dawned on her. This was Jewel’s guardian angel. Oh, I see. Thank you, Father, for sending me this revelation and letting me know, as always, you are in control.

  Emily picked up her purse and headed for the door. “I’ll be right down the hall, Jewel. I think you two should talk.”


  “Oh, thank you, Sam. Thank you so much for coming for me.” Jewel pulled her pack onto her shoulder. “We have to hurry. I want to get out of here fast, before that lady comes back.” When Samuel only stood in her way, Jewel gave him a confused look.

  “What? Why aren’t you moving? I have to get out of here, Sam, right now. There’s no telling what these people are planning on doing to me.” Still Samuel didn’t move.

  Jewel set her pack on the bed and sat down beside it. “OK, what is it? Tell me now, quick.”

  “Kiddo, the streets aren’t safe for you anymore. You need to go with this woman. She’s your family, your only family. This is your chance to get off the streets and live a normal life.” Somehow Sam’s voice sounded less gravely and more smooth than Jewel had ever heard it.

  “So, she’s already spoke to you, huh? Told you she was my sister, did she? Well it’s no matter. I’m not leaving with her and that’s that. I’m not leaving you.”

  “Jewel, I am so sorry, but this is the last time you will see me. I’ve got another job to do and it’s going to take me away from New York. So you see I can’t stay with you. I have to move on. Emily will take care of you. This is what you need to do. God has given you a family. Don’t throw away this wonderful chance you’ve been given to get off the streets and live a good life.”


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