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Candy's Daddy

Page 6

by Cherry Lee

  “Yours, please. I want to sleep in your arms.”

  Once more he picked her up and carried her with her arms wrapped around his neck. He pulled back the covers on his big bed and placed her inside.

  “I can’t stay with you right now, sweetheart. My friends are waiting for me downstairs. But I’ll be back, and I’ll be here when you wake up in the morning.”

  “All right, Daddy. I love you.”

  “I love you too, my sweet little girl.”

  The last thing she remembered was the sound of her Daddy’s heavy footsteps walking across the floor.

  Chapter Six

  It didn’t take Bob long to adjust to his new lifestyle. After all, he’d been waiting for years to find this situation with just the right girl. He was mentally prepared. But he knew it was harder for Candy. She’d flirted with BDSM role playing before, but nothing this drastic. She was a modern woman, used to working, paying bills and controlling all aspects of her life. Now she had nothing to do except be his little girl. Such subjugation of her will to his was bound to be confusing and sometimes tedious.

  He told her that just because she’d quit her job it didn’t mean she must literally stay home all the time. While he was gone during the day she could shop, go to the library or bookstore, on a nature hike, or to the gym. She could do volunteer work for charity organizations or take college courses if she wanted to. His only stipulation was that she must plan her day with him before she started running errands or making decisions.

  Part of their agreement when she moved in was that he was in charge of her life now, as a father would be for his child. He set guidelines about the movies, books and music she was allowed to watch, read and listen to. No drinking and swearing were terms Candy seemed to find difficult to get used to, and quitting smoking was even harder.

  Sometimes she acted out on purpose, swearing a blue streak or reeking of cigarette smoke. Bob expressed his disappointment in her and gave her the spankings she’d earned—until he decided she liked them too much and he must find a better way to get through to her.

  The next time she cursed, he put a ball gag in her mouth and made her wear it for hours. He knew it was uncomfortable, stretching her jaw and making her throat ache. It was a lesson she wouldn’t forget.

  He’d destroyed all her cigarettes, and when he found a hidden pack in her bedroom under the mattress, he thought long and hard about the best way to deal with the transgression. He found her reading in the living room and sat in the chair across from her.

  “Hey, Daddy, what’s up?” Her bright smile dimmed as she noted his serious expression. She closed the book.

  “No ‘Daddy’ right now, Candy. We need to talk. I found your cigarettes.”


  “I thought we both agreed you would quit—not because I’m forcing you to but because smoking is bad for you.”

  “I know. I have. But once in a while I still need one.”

  “I wish you’d talked to me about this. It’s the sneakiness I can’t put up with. How can I trust you now?”

  She gave a scoffing laugh. “Come on. It’s such a minor thing. You’re making it a bigger deal than it is.”

  “I don’t think so. It reflects your mind set. You’re disobeying and keeping secrets. I can’t have that in my house.”

  She sat very still. “Are you kicking me out?”

  “Is that what you want?” he countered. “Do you want to go back to your old lifestyle?”

  “No. I told you I’m happy here. Why are you blowing this so out of proportion?” Her voice rose. “Just spank me and be done with it. I promise I won’t buy any more.”

  “How can I believe you? You’ve broken my trust and that is not a minor thing.”

  She sat forward, leaning toward him. “What do you want me to do? How are you going to punish me?”

  Bob shook his head. “I really don’t know what would be appropriate. Any punishment with whips, chains or binding would just be a turn on for you. Taking your car keys away or solitary confinement in your room would only make you resentful. This shouldn’t be about me punishing you, but you correcting yourself. What do you think is the appropriate way to teach this lesson—if you even realize what you’ve done wrong?”

  “I do understand,” she said, dropping the attitude. “You asked me to give myself to you with no reservations, but I admit I still have some. This is a strange journey for me.”

  Bob resisted the urge to go to her and hold her hands. “I know that. It’s a natural step for me to become your Daddy, much more difficult for you to give up what you believe to be your rights and become a child again.” He knew from talking to others that acting out was very much a part of that acclimating process.

  “If you’re asking what would hurt me the most, the answer is being separated from you. Don’t send me away, please. I promise to do better.”

  Bob rose from his seat. “I think you’ve just made your own decision. I’m afraid that’s exactly what has to happen. Not forever, not even for long, but for a while at least you must leave here. Think about what you want and who you want to be, then maybe you can come back to me.”

  It broke his heart to say it. What if she didn’t return? But he knew it was in both their best interests to take a little break. They’d catapulted from one night together into an intense, full-fledged relationship with scarcely any time for reflection.

  “I suggest you take the opportunity to visit your family,” he added, “although you can do whatever you like. This is your time out.”

  * * * *

  I don’t want a time out, she wanted to scream. But when Daddy made up his mind there was nothing she could do but obey. Candy called her parents that afternoon to say she was coming for a surprise visit. She packed a bag and Daddy bought her a plane ticket to Arizona.

  It would be nice to see her parents, she tried to convince herself as she took a taxi to the airport and waited in line to board. And she needed time alone, away from Bob—not Daddy, Bob—to sort herself out.

  She no longer knew exactly who she was. She spent so much of her time as Little Girl Candy and occasionally Teenage Candy that she no longer remembered quite who Grown Up Candy was. Maybe she’d never known. It felt like her entire life had been a pose.

  Her parents were there to greet her at the airport. Mom and Dad—her “real” Dad. How she’d missed them both. Dad looked older, his hair whiter. Mom looked exactly the same, her salt and pepper hair brushed severely back from her forehead and her eyes bright and seeing everything.

  “Darling, you look so good,” her mother declared, holding her at arm’s length. “So healthy and almost glowing. You’re not pregnant are you?”

  “No, Mom.” She snorted. “Not a chance of that.”

  “Aren’t you seeing someone? You said you were living with some man.”

  “I am, but we take every precaution. Trust me I am not pregnant nor do I plan to be.” Ever. How could I be the little girl if I had a baby?

  “Oh.” Her mother’s face fell. She had grandbabies dancing in her mind’s eye.

  “How are you guys?” Candy wrapped an arm around each of their waists and looked from one to the other. “How’s the golf, Dad?”

  “It sucks. Don’t ask. I’ve been playing for twenty-five years and I never get any better. Why do I do this to myself? I don’t know.”

  She laughed. He was such a doll, her real Dad. It made her wonder why she felt such a strong need for a substitute one, for such unusual age play. It wasn’t as if she was the daughter of a single mom, desperately seeking after the father she’d never met. She came from the most normal, well-adjusted family possible. Yet she was an anomaly. What would her parents think if they knew about her crazy living arrangement? Could she ever share the details of her life?

  As much as they loved her, she didn’t think so. This wasn’t like coming out of the closet as a homosexual, which wouldn’t bother her liberal parents at all. Her odd lifestyle choice would seem dark, dan
gerous and demeaning to them. Her feminist mother would quite simply have a cow. No. She would have to keep the exact nature of her relationship with Bob a secret. If she ever brought him home to visit, it would be as a very vanilla boyfriend.

  Candy entered her parents’ house, not the house she’d grown up in but the house of their sunset years. It didn’t smell or feel like her home. It was just a lovely place full of her mother’s things. But they seemed happy here in their quiet life with just the two of them, no kids and their friends filling the place with mess and noise.

  Candy exclaimed over her mother’s dinner, praising each delicious course.

  “Well, I have a lot of time on my hands now,” her mom explained. “It’s not just lasagna and casseroles anymore. I spend a lot of time watching the cooking channel and I must admit I’m addicted to buying new gadgets for the kitchen.”

  “You and Bob would get along great. He’s a fantastic cook and he’s a big fan of the Food Channel, too.”

  “Why didn’t you bring your new friend home with you?”

  “This was spur of the moment. He’s busy. But you’ll meet him soon, I promise.” Her mom studied her, searching for subtext. She never took Candy’s words at face value. She was too shrewd by far.

  “Is something the matter between you two?” She lowered her voice though she needn’t have bothered. Although Dad was in the same room, his attention was wandering and the women might have been talking Chinese for all the attention he paid them.

  “No. Not really,” Candy said. “We’re just taking…a breather. We got into this relationship very quickly and very deeply. Bob and I thought it was time for some reflection.”

  “Hm.” Her mother’s eyes narrowed. “A spat. I knew it. Is he giving you trouble? Don’t put up with anything. Let him know right now who you are and what you demand from the relationship.”

  “Yes, Mom. But it’s not really like that. If anything I’m the one at fault. He wanted me to give up smoking because he cares about me. I promised I would then I snuck cigarettes. Bob can’t stand lying.”

  “He sounds a bit controlling, but I can’t fault him for wanting you to quit. Nasty habit.”

  “Mother! You used to smoke.”

  “I did and it was a nasty habit.”

  Candy sighed. “The point is we need to decide what we want from this relationship before it goes any deeper.” She paused, poking at her salmon filet with her fork. “Mom, how did you know Dad was the right man for you? How did you two make it all these years? These days it’s pretty amazing to be married as long as you have.”

  Her mother smiled. “Oh, honey, if you think you can figure out what makes a relationship work by examining someone else’s, you’ll never get anywhere. You have to hammer out your own. People are all so very different. But I guess if I had to give you one word of advice it would be ‘perseverance’. Commit to the relationship fully and then never give up.”

  Candy nodded, thinking about the reservations that still sometimes held her apart from Bob. “I get that.”

  Candy’s father looked up from his dinner plate. “Carol, did you make an appointment to take your car in? Don’t put it off or you’re going to break down on the highway one of these days.”

  Mother and daughter exchanged a look and laughed. His ability to utterly tune out female chatter was phenomenal.

  He smiled. “What’s funny? Did I miss something?”

  “Nothing at all, dear, and yes, I made the appointment.” Mom winked at Candy. “Perseverance,” she repeated.

  * * * *

  Almost two weeks apart and dozens of phone calls, emails and text messages later, Candy arrived back at her Daddy’s house. He picked her up at the airport—literally, scooping her into his arms and swinging her around. He kissed her so deeply that an irate mother told them to stop the PDA in front of innocent children.

  “I missed you so much, baby,” Bob declared, leaning in to nuzzle the side of her neck. “The house is empty without you.”

  “I missed you even more, Daddy,” she whispered back. “The world outside our house is even emptier. I don’t want to live in it. I want to be with you.”

  She gave him the lowdown on what her parents were doing with their retirement and how it had felt being around them again—a little nostalgic, a little annoying. “I’m glad to be back to my own life.”

  She started to get her bag from the carousel but Daddy intercepted and lifted the heavy bag for her. “I’ve thought a lot about what it means to be in the kind of relationship we’re in,” he said. “All the changes can’t be yours. I have to let you have some grown-up time as well as daughter time. It’s a delicate balance.”

  Her nipples hardened when he called her ‘daughter’. There was absolutely nothing sexual about her feelings for her real father, but her Daddy Bob was another matter entirely. She wanted his care and affection and sometimes harsh discipline. She wanted his hands touching her in all sorts of naughty ways, too, stroking her girl parts until she writhed.

  “Can’t wait to get someplace private,” she murmured. “I need you to spank me and kiss me after.”

  He growled deep in his throat, his eyes burning into her as he stowed the bags in the trunk of the car. “I’m never letting you go so far away without me again.”

  They got into the car, and almost before the door shut behind her, Candy turned toward her Daddy to smother him with kisses. She slid her hand down his belly, reaching for his fly. “Can I just look at it and touch it on the way home?”

  He took her hand away. “Sometimes little girls have to wait for their treats and that makes them all the sweeter. I promise you something to suck on later.”

  Candy subsided back into her own side of the car and put on her seatbelt. “I want to apologize to you for lying about the smoking. More than that, I was keeping secrets, maybe even from myself, about some of my doubts and fears. I know now that I have to confess everything to you. I have to learn to trust my Daddy completely.”

  He smiled as he turned the car onto the highway. “That’s what I want.”

  “With that said…” she drew a deep breath “there are some things that concern me if we have a long term relationship. I’m not saying I want children, I’m not a big fan of them, but if someday we should choose to do that, how would it fit into our lifestyle?”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Wow, straight to the hard questions. Things would change. There’s no doubt. We’d have to keep our role playing strictly in the bedroom. But I have to say I’m not excited about the idea of having kids myself. Not everyone has to do it. It’s not a prerequisite for living.”

  Candy nodded, content with his answer. Motherhood didn’t appeal to her, although it might some day. “Good. The other thing is…harder to say. I’m ready now to commit to a long term relationship as your full time sub, or little girl, whatever we want to call it. But it puts me in a vulnerable position. You could get tired of me at any time, send me away, leave me with no Daddy. I realize people break up all the time and deal with it, but as your girl, I’m dependent on you in every way and I want…I need to know that you’re committed to me, too.”

  Bob stared at her for so long she was afraid he’d rear-end the car in front of them. “Do you even have to ask that? I’m one hundred percent committed to you. Sex and role playing aside, you’re the woman I want in my life forever. If a legal contract will make you feel more secure, let’s do it the old fashioned way. Will you marry me?”

  Joy bubbled through her like water welling up in a fountain and overflowing. “Yes, Bob. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “Great. Because I happen to have this in my pocket.” He drew a square box from his jacket. “I told myself it’s too early, the relationship has been too rushed, but then I thought Fuck it, life’s too short.”

  Tears welled in her eyes, blurring the diamond inside the box. She blinked them away as she took it out of the velvet and put it on her finger. “I’ll be your girl in every way,” she promised. “Grown up
or little, slutty or virginal, all the aspects that are in me belong to you.”

  He reached out and cupped her cheek, stroking her skin with his thumb. She turned and caught his thumb between her lips, sucking it inside and swirling her tongue around it—a promise of what she planned to do to his cock later.

  “An innocent yet sexy little girl sounds perfect right about now.” He grinned.

  “Then that’s what I’ll be for you, Daddy,” she said in a breathy whisper.

  * * * *

  And that evening, Candy discovered her Daddy’s cock all over again. She played with it and sucked on it until he shot cream onto her tongue. It made her clap her hands and giggle. She liked to please him.

  Daddy played with her little tits. He pretended to be the Big Bad Wolf and he bit them until he brought tears to Candy’s eyes. Then he licked them sweetly until she felt better.

  He told her he had learned a new game while she was gone. He called it the Bear and the Honeypot game. Daddy drizzled warm honey all over her bare pussy. It felt good, sticky and sensuous, and it made her wiggle. Daddy was a bear instead of a wolf now and he burrowed between her legs, snuffling up her inner thighs until he found her honeypot. He licked and licked all over her pussy until sparkles of light shot through Candy’s vision and she jerked up from the bed.

  “Oh, Daddy, what is it? I’ve never felt anything like this before,” she murmured after she came back down into her body. “I like the Bear and the Honeypot game very much.”

  “I’m glad. But I have one last game I want to play with you before I put you to bed for the night. This one might hurt a little bit, all right?”

  “I guess so.” Candy was a little afraid. Daddy had that Big, Bad Wolf look in his eyes again.

  “We’re going to pretend you’ve been a very naughty girl and must be punished.”

  “But I haven’t been. I haven’t done anything wrong!”

  “No. Pretend, darling.” He soothed her with a kiss. “Sometimes I enjoy hurting you just a little bit. And I think you’ll like it, too.”


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