A Brush of Violet
Page 3
He knew he was going to have to take a hard line with her on this one. If the board didn’t step in now, something far worse might happen to her in the future, not to mention the attention having miscreants here could cause Corbin’s bend. His protective instincts were on full alert.
Charles, normally a laid back individual, lived very much by the mantra live and let live. He liked to laugh and see the best in people. The one thing that could get him to draw a hard line was putting the community that meant so much to him in any kind of danger. It was well known that if you found yourself before the board of discipline on such grounds, that leniency was very unlikely to happen. More than that, though, his gut just clenched seeing this sweet young woman in front of him make such foolish decisions on whom to let into her life and home. She was so young. Her parents had passed away when she was fifteen. She had raised herself with the help of an older sister. He saw the little girl under the bravado of the young woman. He could see how unsure she was of herself. He had a feeling she was looking for an authority figure in her life, someone she could lean on, a daddy of sorts. Boy was she looking in the wrong places though. He knew that if he was going to keep her safe, and from making the same mistake again, he was going to have to make quite the impression. It was important to him to keep the community safe. It was even more important for him to look after the members that made up the community. This girl made a mistake. A huge one, but he knew that she could come out of this and be better for it.
“Melissa, can you please step outside for a moment so that the board can deliberate?” The young woman shuffled out of the room with a slight wild and nervous look in her eyes. She was just so young. Younger even inside than she was on the outside.
After a few minutes of conferring, they were decided and called Melissa back in. “Melissa, you understand the seriousness of this breach of contract, correct?”
The mousy girl answered with a meek, “Yes, sir.”
“While the board agrees that this infraction meets the criteria of a swift execution of discipline, we also agree that there are deeper issues to address. Each of us serves on the Discipline Board not only to enforce rules and execute discipline, but also to work with and meet the individual needs of the members of our community. We feel that we would be doing you an injustice to order a spanking for you and leave it at that. It is our concern that the behavior that led you here today will only fester under the surface until another infraction is upon you if the underlying issues that got you here are not addressed. Therefore, I hereby sentence you to a two-part corporal discipline session. The first will occur tomorrow morning at nine o’clock sharp in the discipline center. The second will commence in one week’s time, also at the discipline center. In the time between the two sessions, I would like you to contact a therapist that provides sessions to this community. His name is Wade Yu. He has a practice outside the community, but serves here on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You are to commit to two sessions a week for a period no less than 3-6 months and being contingent on Dr. Yu releasing you from his care. You may continue on after that period of time if you feel it would benefit you. We strongly feel that Dr. Yu will help you take a deep look within and to also learn healthy ways for you to explore in this lifestyle. Dr. Yu teaches an ongoing class here in the community center once a month on safety in this lifestyle which we will also require you to take. Please sign your agreement here,” he said, sliding the discipline contract across the table.
After Melissa signed her agreement, he dismissed her. Everyone shuffled out behind her. He sat and reflected for a moment as he liked to do after such meetings. Satisfied, he packed up his briefcase. A quick glance at the clock told him that he had just enough time to grab a quick breakfast before he needed to get to his home office for a conference call. He was a partner at an environmental law office and did a lot of consultation work for non-profit organizations. While his main office was in Denver he often worked out of his home office when his physical presence wasn’t needed. This enabled him to take care of his responsibilities at Corbin’s Bend as well. He peeked out the window before heading downstairs. It was a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. Maybe he would have time for a run later if everything panned out, he thought as he walked out into the hallway and right toward the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
* * * * *
“Charles,” Everleigh called out beside her. “You’re just the person I was hoping to see today. I wanted to introduce you to my friend Violet while we’re here.” Everleigh gave her hand a meaningful squeeze grinning at Charles. “Violet’s the friend I told you about. She came to help with the art fair.”
Charles chuckled and held out his hand. His eyes crinkled around the edges as he smiled. “It’s very nice to meet you, Violet. Ever has told me so much about you.”
Violet was breathless as she took in the tall, dark, and gorgeous man in front of her. At just over six foot tall, clad in a well-tailored suit, he had a commanding presence. Barely having the presence of mind to extend her hand, when she did, the electrical currents raced along her nerve endings.
“It’s nice to meet you, Charles,” she said in an effort to keep her composure. “We were just on our way to turn in forms for the fair, and then Everleigh is going to give me a tour of the place,” she said with a bright smile. Her words came out clear with no hint of the schoolgirl reaction happening inside her.
“I would be happy to take care of the forms for you,” he said, reaching out to take them from her, the warm brush of his hand causing her to shiver. “We’re all looking forward to this event. Everleigh has worked magic to make it happen, and we are so proud of her.”
Ever’s face flushed with pleasure. “Well, I didn’t do it alone,” she said waving off the compliment. I’ve had a lot of help.”
Charles turned his attention back to her. “I’m looking forward to see what you have brought with you to show. I’ve heard how talented you are.”
Her heart stopped at the compliment. Did Everleigh tell everyone how talented I am? She was suddenly sick to her stomach. She felt like such a fraud coming here to an art show, everyone thinking she was so great at it when she hadn’t been able to paint a single painting in years, and it wasn’t even for lack of trying. She had been completely blocked. Her creative energy was gone, dried up. He doesn’t have to know any of that. No one does. You’ll just show you’re old paintings and no one will be the wiser. She forced a polite smile. “Thanks, you’ll have to stop by my booth.”
“You can count on it,” he said, his warm deep baritone a match for the equally warm dark brown of his eyes drawing her in. “Will Everleigh be giving you the community tour after she gives you the clubhouse tour?”
“Oh, I don’t think we’ll have time.” She looked at Everleigh for confirmation. “We’re going to head out after this to take some flyers to some nearby businesses and then maybe head over to Boulder after that to do the same. Hopefully, we’ll draw some additional local interest. We’ve already put ads out on the internet, so hopefully between the two that will be enough,” she added.
“Vi’s here for a week, so plenty of time for that,” Ever interjected.
“Well, if Everleigh doesn’t mind, I would love to give you the full VIP tour around town. If you’re free and willing around lunch time tomorrow, Endelé’s would be the perfect first stop. They have the best Mexican food around.”
Her stomach fluttered at the thought of being taken around town by Charles with all of that authoritative presence focused on her. “That sounds great as long as I’m not needed elsewhere,” she agreed with the caveat. “I’m just not sure what Ever has planned for us tomorrow.”
“Oh no not at all,” Ever said conspiratorially. “I’ll be fine, you go ahead. The tour will be much better with this handsome man leading the way. I have some final touches to put on one last piece that I’m getting ready for the fair, so this actually works out perfectly.”
“In that case, I would love to,” she said wit
h genuine interest.
“Okay, great,” he said cheerfully. I promise you will have a great time. Will eleven a.m. be okay?”
“Yes, perfect.” She couldn’t believe the first day here and things were already taking an interesting turn. It was refreshing to be able to just say yes to a lunch date with no obligations breathing down her neck. It felt so freeing.
Just before he turned away, he said with a wink, “Be sure to have Everleigh show you the room on the main floor that says key code entry only.”
“That sounds mysterious. What is this special access room that I must see?” she asked, curiosity piqued.
“Ohh, I think I’m going to let him show you tomorrow. Trust me it will be much better that way,” Ever said cryptically, with a grin.
Chapter Three
The bell rang promptly at eleven. She jumped up from her place at the kitchen table, excited despite herself for this date. She had woken up early to help Everleigh add the final touches to the layout of the festival, planning carefully where to put each and every vendor. Even though it had been a busy morning, she had been ready for about an hour giving in to Ever’s plea’s to let her do her nails and help pick out her outfit. She had to admit it had been fun.
“I’m impressed, right on time,” she said as she opened the door revealing a much more casual Charles looking just as good as the day before. She had a feeling this man would look good wearing anything, even a paper bag.
“I wouldn’t keep the lady waiting,” he said, taking a mock bow. “I have a feeling you’re not the type to wait around for anyone.” Charles winked.
“Good instinct,” Violet teased good-humoredly. “Let me just grab my sweater. It feels a little chilly.”
As they walked out to the car, the air raised goose flesh on her yet to be sweater-clad arms. The nip was uncharacteristic for mid-summer. Other than that, the day was beautiful. The sky was a clear blue with only a few puffs of clouds scattered here and there. Charles made his way around to the passenger side door. “After you, my lady,” he said with a sweeping gesture as he opened the door.
“Why thank you. Quite the gentlemen aren’t you?” she said as she sat down and fastened her seat belt.
“My parents taught me well. They are pretty traditional. Knowing how to treat a lady is one of the better qualities they instilled in me,” he answered, before shutting the door.
As Charles opened his own door, she praised, “Well, your parents would be proud to know that they succeeded.”
“They would be very happy to hear that. Are you hungry?” he asked, glancing over at her briefly as he backed the car out of the driveway. “I was thinking that we could get lunch first, and I can show you around after. We’ll miss the lunch crowd if we go right now.”
Violet’s stomach rumbled at the mention of food. She noticed that since she wasn’t slammed with work that she was hungry all the time and her stomach was being very vocal about it. “That sounds perfect. I forgot to eat breakfast today, so I’m famished.”
Charles turned a stern look in her direction. “In this community, little girls who skip meals get their bare bottoms spanked,” he admonished.
Her stomach did a huge flip flop as she grappled over whether he was serious or not. Giggling nervously, she gave a cheeky response hoping she gauged him correctly. “So, I guess ten p.m. dinners wouldn’t go over that well either would they?”
He gave a quick shrug. “That would depend on if the young lady in question enjoyed not being able to sit down for a week.”
After that, the butterflies launched into full flight. He gave her a huge grin letting her off the hook, deep brown eyes sparkling mischievously. “I’m only partly kidding. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
A few seconds later, they pulled into the lot of a cute restaurant designed to look like a large hut. “This is Corbin Bend’s best kept secret. Endelé’s is the single best Mexican restaurant you will ever eat in your life. You are in for a treat,” he said, flashing that gorgeous smile at her again.
“Mexican is one of my favorite foods, so I will enjoy every minute of this.” She gave a little curtsey as he held the door to the restaurant open for her and walked through. Vibrant colors greeted her as she stepped inside. She gasped with delight as she took in the cobalt blue and warm earth tones of what looked to her discerning eye to be authentic Talavera pottery which was traditionally made in sixteenth century Mexico. The native floral motifs graced the walls of the restaurant.
A gray haired hostess, looking to be in her sixties, approached. “Good morning, Charles,” she greeted, “two today?” After he gave an affirmative nod she turned towards Violet with a warm smile. “Well hello there, dear, it’s always a treat to see a new face around here,” she said, hinting at Charles for an introduction.
“Bernie, this is Violet Walker, Everleigh Harris’ friend. Violet, this is Bernie, long time resident here and hostess extraordinaire.” The older woman scoffed waving him off, but beamed at the compliment all the same. “Violet’s visiting and will be helping with the art festival next weekend. I ran into them at the clubhouse yesterday and offered to give her the grand tour of the place and decided there was no better place to start off than at Endelé’s.”
“Well, It’s very nice to meet you, Violet,” she said with genuine affection as she showed them to a table for two. “I’ve heard that the art festival is coming right along. I, for one, think it will be nice to have such a cultural weekend. It’s an impressive thing that she’s pulled off. Your friend brings a nice touch to the community.”
“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you, too. I will pass that along to Everleigh. It will mean a lot. She’s putting in a lot of hard work, but it’s what she loves.”
Bernie laid their menus out in front of them. “Well you tell Miss Everleigh if she needs my help in any way, to just give me a call. I’m happy to help. Darla will be right with you,” she said, taking her leave as another couple walked in.
A friendly waitress approached. “Good morning,” she said as she placed two ice waters in front of them. “Take a minute to look over the menu, and I’ll be right back with some warm chips and salsa.”
“Something smells great,” Violet said as Darla walked away. “I’m not sure how I’m going to choose,” she mused as she studied the menu. Her eyes lit on the shrimp fajitas and she knew just what she craved. A few minutes later they had placed their orders, the fajitas for her and pork carnitas for him, and were munching away at the chips and delicious salsa.
“You mentioned your parents earlier, are you very close to them?” Violet asked, pausing to take a sip of her diet coke.
Charles nodded and finished the bite he was working on before answering. “I am pretty close to my family. They live in New York, so we don’t see each other as often as I would like, but we are a tight knit family.”
“It must be nice having a close family.” She sighed. “Mine are nearby but are more like ships passing in the night. My parents work all the time.”
“I do enjoy it.” He gestured to the hot sauce. “Do you mind?”
“Mmm.” She nodded. “I like spice.”
Charles continued, “They’ve always preached that family always comes first. I truly believe with a strong family foundation, you can face anything together. Something must be working, they’ve been happily married for thirty-four years. If I have a marriage half as great as theirs, I will be a lucky man.”
Violet nodded. “That is a rare thing in this day and age. Your parents sound like a well-suited match, they’re lucky that they found each other.”
“True, they’re lucky, but they work hard to keep things strong between them too. I think the key is that they never let anything build up between them,” he explained. “If something comes up, they work on it then and there until it’s no longer an issue. Their philosophy is based on love and respect. If it’s not loving and not respectful, then it has no place in their marriage. They’ve worked very hard on that an
d taught us to do the same.”
“If they passed on any of that grit to you, then you have a leg up on most relationships out there.”
“Thanks, how about you? Are you close to your family? Are your parents still married?”
“Hmm, well, my parents have been married for a long while too although that is probably where the similarities end.” She wrinkled her nose. “In my family, career comes first and everything else comes after that. My mother is a very strong woman. She tends to be very goal oriented, so there isn’t room for much else. My dad is just as career oriented. In fact, they are probably married to corporate America more than they are each other,” she admitted, “but that is probably why they have lasted so long. They raised me to be an independent woman.” She shrugged. “I will admit, I haven’t had much time for relationships myself over the last few years. Although I do see myself settling down someday.”
“I think while our families are different, we can learn a lot from them.” Charles leaned toward her. “I think the key is to find someone who is compatible and who has a shared vision and philosophy for what they want their marriage and family to look like and who are willing to go the mile to achieve and keep it.”
“I think you’re right,” she said, liking how passionate he was about this subject. This was a man who knew his mind. “I’m not planning to have the same type of marriage as my parents. I think people are more important than careers. Okay, enough about our parents,” Violet said emphatically with a chuckle.