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A Little Harmless Military Romance Bundle (A Little Harmless Military Bundle)

Page 12

by Melissa Schroeder

  Fiona glanced at Sam, and she could tell her friend was making sure she was okay. Fiona smiled and took Mal’s free arm, and he escorted her two friends off. The traitors.

  “I’m not sure your friend knows what he’s getting into,” she said.

  He didn’t say anything for a moment, and she had a flashback to the first night she met Deke. He’d had the attention of every woman in the room, but when he’d walked up to her, he’d seemed to lose the ability to talk. It was a stunning thing to make a prime hunk of man tongue-tied. She would have been more impressed with it if she hadn’t had the same exact problem.


  He shook himself and seemed to gain his wits again.

  “Mal’s a Seal. He can handle two women.”

  She let one eyebrow rise. “Is that from experience?”

  He chuckled. “Despite Mal’s efforts to boast about his escapades, I try my best to ignore them.”

  "Let me guess, the man talks a little too much?"

  He nodded. "Ready for some Scooby Snacks and cake?"

  She tried not to be charmed that he remembered their code name for the horrible hors d’oeuvres they’d been forced to eat at official functions. It was hard, but she resisted. She knew there was no way out of it. Tearing her friends away from food and beverages—not to mention men in uniform—was going to be hard. And a glance over Deke’s shoulder told her there were plenty of both of those things here.

  She brought her attention back to Deke. God, he was smiling at her, waiting. It was that smile that always made her heart do that little dance. Right before she threw all her good intentions out the window and gave in to the temptation of Deacon Berg.

  But Zoe was her ride, and it was Hawaii. He was probably not going to be there very long, knowing him. She would just be good and she would resist him. It could be done.


  She blinked and looked at him. "Sure," she said.

  His smile widened, causing his dimples to appear and her blood temperature to rise. He was attractive, that’s it. This time would be different. She glanced over at him and saw the way the setting sun danced over his skin. Need swelled in her. Her blood heated to dangerous levels, and she felt her head start to spin.

  Shit, she was in trouble.

  Chapter Two

  Deke took a sip of beer as he watched Cynthia Dupree talk to his ex-wife. There was a gaggle of women gathered around Cynthia as she had the newest Dupree to show off at the wedding. No one could resist a baby, especially one dolled up in pink bows for a wedding.

  “Looks like your woman has a lot to say to my sister-in-law,” Mal remarked. Deke didn’t miss the humor in his voice.

  “Well, seeing how she left me, there is always a chance Chris could lose his wife.”

  “Did she tell you what she’s doing here now?” Mal asked.

  “She’s teaching. She wanted a change, and her friends were moving over. She decided to follow them,” Deke said.

  “She’s a teacher?” Mal asked.

  He nodded, watching her laugh at something Cynthia said. Something tugged at his heart—not to mention other parts of his body. He couldn’t hear her laugh, but he could still hear it from earlier. It never failed to make him feel whole. He wanted to lie in bed and listen to her laugh, feel her body heat next to him. His fingers itched to slip his hands through her silky, blonde hair.

  “She teaches middle school math.”

  “Oh, man, you have got to be kidding me,” Mal said. “I don’t think I could have concentrated on anything with her teaching me math.”

  He glanced at the younger man. “Just don’t even think about it.”

  Mal flashed him a smile. “I know better. Besides, I don’t think she’s interested in me. She’s been watching you the whole time.”

  “Jesus, you sound like a bunch of women over here,” Jocelyn, Mal and Shannon’s sister, said from behind them.

  “Bite me, Joce. Why don’t you go bug our brother?”

  “You mean Chris? No thanks. He hasn’t had sleep in a month, and he’s getting mean. And he said he heard me sniffle, so he won’t let me hold Jessica. Butthead.”

  “I don’t blame him. Remember how many times you ripped a leg off one of your baby dolls when you were a kid? If I had a kid, I wouldn’t let you near him,” Mal said.

  “So, Seal, what’s your plan while on the islands?” Jocelyn asked Deke.

  “Why are you questioning my friends like they’re criminals?” Mal asked.

  Jocelyn sighed. “I’m just asking them questions. The way the women are all making goo-goo eyes at Deke, I have a feeling he won’t be around that long.”

  He laughed, enjoying her. He liked the way the Duprees interacted. They reminded him of his own family. “I’m just here for one more night. I have to get back.”

  She glanced at her brother, and Deke saw the worry in her eyes.

  “No, nothing like that. I have an assignment to decide on. It can’t wait. Either way, I am gone from the group within a month, so I have to get back and get that ready.”

  “But, you’re on vacation,” she said.

  The men shared a smile. Civilians always acted like they had so many choices. “I was asked to teach in California.”

  “Holy crap, like for Seal training?” she asked. “Like they show in the movies?”

  “Yeah, but he might be changing his mind now,” Mal said as he nodded in the direction of Samantha.

  Jocelyn glanced over at Samantha. Deke followed her gaze just in time to see Nathaniel Dupree, firefighter and a man without morals, slip up to Cynthia and ask to be introduced to Samantha.

  Deke frowned.

  “I would suggest if you want her, you better go get her, Deke. You know Nat,” Jocelyn said.

  He took a swig of his beer, shoved it at Mal, and started off in her direction.

  * * * *

  Sam felt her whole body flush with excitement as Deke crossed the floor to her again. Nathaniel kept talking, as did Cynthia, but their words seemed to dissolve into the background. It was an instant reaction she had almost every time. Even when she was so mad at him that she wanted to do him bodily damage, she couldn’t stop the overwhelming need he brought out in her. By now, she should know better. She should have some plan for when she ran into him this way. But she never did. He was the one thing she could always count on in her life. They might be divorced but they knew they would have someone to call on in a time of need. He had been the bane of her existence and the salvation she loved.

  He stopped within a few inches of her.

  “Wanna dance?” he asked.

  She laughed. “Way to romance me, Seal.”

  His face grew ruddy and she couldn’t help allowing her heart to soften just a little more. He was dangerous when he went alpha, but lord, he was irresistible when he was embarrassed.

  He cleared his throat, and she was sure that he was as aware of the attention from people surrounding them as she was. “Would you like to dance?”

  “Not really.”

  She knew what was going to happen if he touched her. Heck, she knew what was going to happen even if they didn’t dance, but she had some pride. She didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of his friends and hers.

  He looked surprised.

  “Why don’t we go for a walk?” she asked.

  He nodded in agreement and offered his arm. She could feel the stares as they walked out of the area. Once they were free of the attention, she relaxed.

  “So, you’re teaching here?”

  She nodded. “I needed a change. They were cutting our benefits left and right. Pay isn’t great here, but there were still as many benefits as in California. And, seriously, how can you not be happy living with this kind of scenery?”

  He shook his head. “You make it sound like it’s paradise every day.”

  She chuckled. “No. Just like everywhere else, we have the same issues. But I do like the slower pace here. And you know how I react t
o long winters.”

  He nodded, and she knew he remembered her problem with long winters. “Your friends, do they teach, too?”

  “No. Fiona is a message therapist and Zoe is a nurse.”

  “Hmm, does Fiona do house calls?”

  She laughed. “She does, but I don’t think she would be comfortable with you as a client.”

  He frowned. “Why is that?”

  “She knows a little bit too much about you.”

  He made a face. “Women.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, feeling more comfortable now. The vibrations between them were still there, but it was easier to concentrate on catching up.

  “You tell each other way too much about your sex life.”

  She stopped and pulled her arm out of his. “Like you don’t brag about your conquests to the boys? You just said Mal talked about his women.”

  “First of all, my friends aren’t boys. Mal doesn’t count. And second of all, I never brag. Especially when comparing any woman to you is useless.”

  She sighed and started walking again, trying to keep some distance between them. He didn’t say things like that to seduce her. For Deke, it was the truth, and he didn’t hold it back. He never did with her. If he did, he might be easier to resist.

  “My brother is also stationed here.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Should have known. So, did he complain until you moved here?”

  She smiled. Deke and her brother had a love/hate kind of relationship. “No, actually he’s gone a lot because he’s on the IG inspecting bases. So, for the Pacific, that means he has to go to Asia a lot.”

  “Still unmarried?” he asked.

  “Of course. You know he never wanted to settle down.”

  They both knew the state of her parents’ marriage. Her father had never been able to adjust to being a civilian, and it had ruined the happiness that usually comes from retirement—not to mention her father had never really taken his marriage vows seriously. Considering how short and turbulent her own marriage to Deke had been, she often wondered if her family wasn’t cursed when it came to relationships.

  “So, you moved over here with your friends. You didn’t tell me.”

  “I called you to give you my new address. You never responded.”

  She knew with his job, he was gone a lot. It was something she had never gotten used to. Never would.

  “Oh. Yeah, we had a bad mission. Kade was fucked-up pretty bad.”

  She nodded. “Looks like he recovered.”

  “Thanks to Shannon.”

  They walked side by side for a while. It was nice

  “I can’t believe you moved over here.”

  “And, I can’t believe you seem so interested.”

  He stopped again and stared at her. “I’m always interested in you, Samantha. You know that.”

  Seeing him there, with the sun setting behind him and the waves crashing against the rocks, she couldn’t fight it, didn’t want to. They were wrong for each other. They had bad tempers, they fought too much, and neither of them was ready to negotiate. Compromise wasn’t in their vocabulary. But the need that always seemed to ignite when he was near was too strong. She stepped closer and rose to her tiptoes. Slowly, without closing her eyes, she brushed her mouth against his.

  “It’s the same for me.”

  He skimmed his fingers up her arms. “We said we wouldn’t do this again.”

  She drew in a deep breath then released it with a sigh of pleasure as he slid his fingers over her pulse. “We always say we won’t do it again.”

  He looked up at her, those gray eyes dark with need. His lips curved slowly. The breath she had been taking tangled in her throat. Her heart did the slow roll it did right before it fell at his feet.

  “I have a really nice room with a great view.”

  She laughed. “Really?”

  “Yeah, why don’t I show you?” He stepped back and held out his hand. She looked down at it, knew that this was her decision. This time it was all up to her.

  She looked at him and smiled. It was insane and it was really stupid, but just like always, she couldn’t resist him. All of the barriers she had built crumbled when she saw the curve of his lips. There was something wrong with her—with both of them—but she didn’t care.

  Without a word, she threw away all her worries and took his hand. He raised it to his mouth. Keeping his gaze on hers, he touched his lips to her fingers.

  “Come with me.”

  Chapter Three

  Pleasure crawled through Samantha’s body as she felt Deke's fingers dance over her flesh. He knew just where to touch her, how to make her feel the greatest pleasure. He had known from their first night together. No man before or since could tap into what made her tick. And the only thing he was doing was trailing his fingers down her arm.

  It wasn’t like they could do anything. They were riding the elevator up to his room with five other people, and while they always played games, they did not go for that. Not since they got caught in that hotel in San Diego.

  “I want to thank you for your service,” an older woman said to Deke.

  Sam shifted her feet, but he pulled her closer. She had always felt odd when people thanked Deke or her brother. Both men always seemed to be unfazed by it and, as usual, Deke handled it.

  He nodded. “You’re welcome, ma’am.”

  The doors opened on the twelfth floor, and he led her out. He hadn’t let go of her hand since she had given it to him. She followed him willingly. By the time they got inside his room, her body was humming. He shut the door and crowded her back up against it.

  Without waiting, he slammed his mouth down on hers. The rush of heat that always simmered between them exploded. It was never different, never easy. His tongue plunged between her lips, and she reveled in it. She loved this, loved the way he made her feel when they ignored the world. When it was only the two of them, it worked so well.

  He tore his mouth away from hers and pressed up against her. He settled his hands on the door behind her. As he nuzzled her neck, she took in the scent of him.

  “Have you been playing with anyone?”

  He always asked. It was always the same answer.

  “No. You?” she asked. Why did her heart clutch at the idea? Because she loved him, would always love him. And for her, she didn’t know if she would ever find another Dom. She never seemed to want to even think about it.

  He shook his head. She should have known. They might drive each other crazy, but they had the one thing between them that was essential for a Dom/sub relationship: trust.

  “Are you up for play, babe?”

  God, she loved that. His voice dipped as he said babe, elongating the vowel. She loved when his dominant streak was allowed to run wild. She was always the beneficiary and happy for it.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He shuddered. Her heart did a little dance. There was something so delicious about affecting him this way. He stepped back from her.

  “Then I expect you to strip out of that dress. Now.”

  His voice never rose. It stayed steady as he gave the order, as it always did. He took off his jacket and slipped it over the back of a chair. He tugged another chair out and sat down to watch. She hesitated. It had been a year since they’d seen each other, and the move had been stressful. She’d added another ten pounds, and to a woman of her small stature, it definitely showed.

  “I’m waiting, Samantha. Unless you’d rather we stop.”

  She didn’t want that. Not in a million years. She pulled the dress over her head then dropped it on the floor beside her.

  He glanced down at her feet. “I like those shoes.”

  Oh, God, he was too sexy. The way those eyes watched her feet. Deke had a thing for feet. Not a freaky thing, but he loved when she wore high heels and had her nails painted.

  “Hmm, I really like those pink toes.”

  His gaze traveled up her body, slowing down at the belly r
ing she had. “When did you get that?”

  She couldn’t tell from his voice if he liked it or not.

  “I-I got it after I moved here.”

  His mouth kicked up on one side. “I like it.” Then he finally made eye contact. “I like it a lot. But, I think you left a few things on.”

  She had forgotten her panties and bra. She hadn’t done it on purpose, but her brain was kind of frozen. Or melting. Melting was a better description of what her brain was doing right now. He always did this to her when he started giving her orders.

  “The bra, Samantha.”

  She always hated her full name—except when Deke said it in that voice. He rolled his voice over the syllables in a way that made her want to get naked. It didn’t matter where they were. And she knew most of the time he didn’t do it on purpose.

  She slipped her hands up her back and undid her bra. She let it slip down her arms, and with a toss, she added it to her dress on the floor beside her. He rose then. It wasn't common for him. He usually took his time, but there was an energy around him that told her that there was something really new about him tonight.

  He stepped up close to her. Again, the musky scent of his aftershave hit her, but there was that hint of him. Deke. She could be blind and know his scent anywhere. It haunted her dreams.

  He skimmed his fingers over her breasts and her nipples tightened further.

  "Ah, still so responsive. So needy for my mouth."

  Gawd, how could a woman resist a man who could talk like that? The one who could had to be a lesbian or dead. And she wasn't so sure in that quarter. He leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth as he teased the other with his fingers. He moved his other hand down her back, slipping it into her panties and pulling her against him. His erection was easy for her to feel. She shuddered.

  When he pulled back, he was breathing a little more heavily. He took one step back, then another. "The panties."

  She bent down, but he stopped her. "Turn around so I can see your ass."

  She did as he ordered, but he said nothing as she stepped out of them.


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