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Page 11


  He nodded. "Indeed. Intelligent and completely amoral. Hard to find a worse combo. The planet is infamous in this galaxy. Nicknamed 'Farewell', because so many have arrived… but never left."

  Mia wrapped her arms about her middle. "And we're supposed to land there?"

  To her astonishment, Arek dropped on eye in a slow wink. "Oh, we'll be all right, kitten. Now, Deuce, what about animal life? There may be no humanoids left, but are there predators we need to be wary of?"

  "No large animal life," Deuce said. "There are a few colonies of rockrats."

  "Rockrats are no trouble," Arek said, correctly interpreting Mia's wide eyes. "Peaceful little creatures. Only danger from them is that they'll chew a hole in your pac to get at food and drink."

  Mia wrinkled her nose. "After our last 'rodent' encounter, I'm less than excited to meet more."

  Arek chuckled. "Then we'll stay busy searching for the traps, so you don't have time to worry about rodents."

  She rolled her eyes and went back to studying the holomap. "Yes, captain, I'll definitely be looking for those traps." Every moment of every hour on planet, in fact.

  "Mia," he said, looming at her side. "I'll keep you safe. I swear it."

  "Depending on what challenge they toss at us down there," she said. She did not raise her head, but every molecule in her body was attuned to him, so large and warm and strong at her side. So... mate-able.

  What? With an inward gasp of horror, Mia sidestepped away from Arek. "I have to... use the lav," she mumbled. No, she just needed some alone time, that was all. And if that involved touching herself while imagining it was he instead, that was her secret.

  When she came out long moments later, she cast one hunted look his way, and ducked into the galley. A cold ale was just what she needed.

  But as she twisted the top off and took her first drink, he sauntered past the galley, gave her a hooded look, and disappeared into the lav himself.

  Mia choked on her ale, and spent the next few moments coughing, bubbles from the fermentation up her nose, and ale sprayed on her flight suit jacket. She held the open bottle in her hand, her desire for it gone. Why had Arek looked at her that way? Did he suspect what she'd been doing—no, of course not. How could he know, and why should he suspect?

  She set the ale down and hurried to her sleep cubby, stripping her jacket off on the way. She wore a plain, lii silk tee underneath, just fine for the temperate cabin. And the pale apricot hue was much more flattering than the black jacket. The jacket shoved into the cryo-cleanse unit, she finger-combed her hair, perused her reflection in a holo-mirror. Her face was a bit flushed, but other than that, she assured herself, she looked fine. Normal. Nothing to see here, move along.

  And she was certainly more relaxed. She smiled to herself as she sauntered back to the galley to reclaim her drink.

  Her smile lasted until he emerged from the lav, a certain look in his eyes and a curve to his chiseled lips that looked very familiar... like looking into a holomirror. Mia choked on her ale again.

  Arek brushed past her on his way to the frig unit. His scent was stronger than usual, musky, male and utterly delicious. She wanted to knock him onto the floor and lick him all over.

  She frowned at him over the top of her ale bottle as he tipped back his own ale and took a long drink, the strong column of his throat working as he swallowed. He tipped the bottle back down and looked at her. Mia put out the tip of her tongue and licked a stray drop of ale from her lip, then drew her lower lip under her teeth and released it, her gaze locked with his.

  His jaw flexed. The air between them thickened, a rope of tension twisting tighter with each breath.

  She shifted her weight onto the balls of her feet, ready to spring at him and do something—anything—to slake the hunger building low in her middle. Not for any food or drink, but for him. She might not like his arrogant, bossy ass, but she wanted him more than she could recall ever wanting another male.

  "Te-eeeammmm Starry Night!" boomed an obnoxious voice. Holovid Suede Harrington flashed into view in the middle of the cabin, giving them a toothy smile.

  Mia jumped, a startled squeak erupting from her throat. Across from her, Arek didn't move, only his gaze turning toward their unexpected guest. Then, over the emcee's shoulder, one of his satellite blondes dipped her head and gave Arek a special smile, and Mia's arousal fled, leaving behind an icy ball of what felt uncomfortably like hurt.

  No, it was disgust, that was all. Arek A'Renoq was a typical male, moving from female to female with as little personal regard for them as a rutting catamount.

  Straightening her spine, she turned to the emcee and gave Arek her shoulder. "Hello, Suede," she said sweetly. "Great to see you. Are you here to tell us about our next challenge?"

  "I certainly am!" the man crowed. Behind him, the blondes jiggled with excitement. Mia's smile had become little more than bared teeth, but she held it, somehow.

  "Team Starry Night, here is your next challenge! Your first, as we all know, was 'mouse'. The second challenge is.... 'Cat'" The man chuckled happily, staring at Mia as if he expected her to swoon with delight. Seriously, again with the cat and mouse jokes?

  "Sounds like another winner for us, Suede," Arek said over her shoulder. "Tell us more."

  When Mia snarled under her breath, his warm hand settled on the small of her back, out of sight of the holocams. A warm weight, reminding her to remain calm. Strangely, it worked. She managed to listen in silence as the emcee recited another short rhyme.

  'The kittens are denned, somewhere on Altaria.

  Call them out, but don't let them scare ya.

  Small and swift, like snowflakes from the sky,

  Scatter them quickly, you'll soon know why.'

  "Ha, ha!" Suede Harrington lifted one soft, manicured hand in a little wave to them. "Good luck with this challenge, Team Starry Night! See you on Altaria."


  Mia and Arek waited in silence until Suede Harrington and his acolytes were gone.

  Then Mia sighed. "Is he talking about mawwrs, or what?"

  "Sounds like it," Arek answered. "But on Altaria, could be anything. Holovision, psi-trap, or some creature Octiron has imported."

  This was true. And knowing Octiron, it would be the worst holovid/psi-trap/creature they could conjure up.

  "I may need something stronger than an ale," she muttered.

  "Nah," he said. "You've got me. I can handle felines... of any kind. The feistier, the better."

  Mia gave him a look from under her lashes. "Better stick to something you've already handled, Commander—like the blonde." She gave him a sugar-sweet smile and batted her lashes. "Oh, Prince Arek, you're so-ooo wonderful!" she cooed in a high voice.

  She turned away, her smile gone. Until a strong hand on her arm swung her around and up against his hard, muscled body. He dipped his head and gave her a glittering look. "Wasn't the blonde who had me handling myself in the lav," he told her. "And anytime you want to find out for yourself how wondrous I am, just say the word."

  "What word would that be?" she shot back, her cheeks flaming.

  He grinned, and she realized too late she'd walked right into his trap of words. "Please."

  Then he ran a finger gently down her hot cheek, and walked away.

  * * *

  By the time they landed on Altaria, Arek's partner still wasn't speaking to him.

  At first, he'd found this amusing, but it was beginning to wear on him. She was like a rebellious recruit, only... not. Because he couldn't toss her in the brig or ship her back home, and he certainly couldn't set her to work picking rocks in the hot Hamor sun.

  What he wanted to do was fuck her until all she could do was hold onto him and scream her pleasure. Hells, she could even claw his back if she wanted, as long as she let him inside her where she was soft, hot and wet. He'd bet she was a wild one, using that lithe body and that sweet mouth to take a male straight to paradise.

  But that seemed
as unlikely as her suddenly sprouting wings, so their recon would be done in silence, for now.

  He looked around at the lovely, wide beach on which they'd landed. It was rimmed on one side by the pale green sea, and on the other by low trees and shrubs, some flowering. The sky was pale, the sun burning white in the southern sky. A slight breeze blew in from the sea, carrying with it the scent of salt water and the faint scent of flowers.

  Arek scanned the area for Octiron spybots, and found only the two he'd expected, one hovering near himself, the other near the Tygress. He pulled open his pac and took out a bot of his own. Setting it free with a flick of his finger, he sent it flying above the cruiser, where it hovered, emitting a quiet hum.

  The spybots flashed and whirred, vibrating as they attempted to deal with the sudden interruption in their feeds.

  Quickly, keeping an eye on them, Arek pulled out the com his father had given him. "Eagle has landed. Repeat, eagle has landed. Location beach, ten cliqs from tallest peak in sight line from sun."

  He heard nothing... then his heart leapt as he heard a series of beeps in a swift, but definite pattern.

  Arek looked to Mia to share his elation, but when they made eye contact, she immediately looked away, tossing that beautiful mass of hair. Still angry with him. Too bad, but he had more important matters to attend to. Time to smoke this Race challenge. Kittens? Hells, yeah. He was ready.

  Whistling softly to himself, he deactivated the scrambler bot and brought it back, catching it in one hand as if swatting an insect from the air.

  "Captain, captain?" Deuce called. "Do you read me? We seem to have lost com."

  Arek managed to look puzzled for the holocam. "I read you just fine, Deuce."

  Followed by one of the Octiron bots, he sauntered out of the shadow of the cruiser and stretched mightily. "Nice weather here," he said, to no one in particular. "Temperate. Not too bright. Bit of humidity in the air. Even smells nice. I like it."

  A huff of disdain sounded nearby. He turned to Mia. "Sorry? Did you speak, Tygress?"

  She was already stalking toward the water's edge. Her small boots sank into the sand, and the breeze lifted her hair, furling it to one side like a banner. Arek admired the motion of her slim, curving legs and the sway of her pretty ass. Worth waiting for, definitely.

  Then the water a few meters out from shore rose up in a shimmering, translucent column, twice her height. Seemingly animated, the column moved toward her.

  "Mia! To me," Arek shouted, already racing toward her.

  She whirled, darting back toward him, eyes wide in her pale face. The water-spout shot toward shore, coming after her. Arek caught her just before it reached her. He swept her up in his arm and raced back up the beach with her, her feet not even touching the sand.

  Water splashed at his back so hard it stung, but they reached the shelter of the cruiser, and turned to see the water subsiding, lapping gently at the shore. The only sign anything untoward had happened were their footprints dug into the sand, and the dampness where the wave—or whatever the hells that had been—had flung itself at the beach.

  Mia was shaking in his arms, her hands digging into his jacket like claws. "Wh—what happened?" she managed, her voice quavering. "I—the water..."

  Relief flooding him, Arek pulled her closer, his arm around her slim waist, his other hand in her hair, stroking the silky waves. "That wasn't natural, for quarking sure," he said. "One of the traps left by the skrog-shit-for-brains who turned this place into their rezzed hunting ground."

  "It would have caught me, if you hadn't grabbed me."

  "You're fast, but my legs are longer. Also, if I let that wave take you, who am I going to argue with?"

  She tipped back her head and looked up at him, her golden eyes stormy. "You saved me again," she whispered.

  This close, her forehead was level with his mouth, and when she spoke, her warm breath puffed against his throat. But when he cocked his head to one side and bent, their mouths were close... close enough to taste.

  "Anytime," he murmured back. And gave into temptation, and kissed her.

  Her lips were softer than anything he could recall. Soft and damp and full. And when he pressed his lips closer, hers parted and clung to his. Then her soft little tongue met his... and his control snapped. Before he quite knew what had happened, she was up in his arms, her legs around his hips, arms around his neck, their mouths fused as they kissed, long and deep and wet.

  He needed the kiss more than he needed air or water. Turning blindly, he carried her toward the cruiser, stopping only when they reached its shade. He broke the kiss just enough to speak, his gaze locked with hers. "I want to fuck you. Yes, or no?"

  Her lovely eyes were dazed in a way he really liked, her mouth wet and swollen from his. Her breath was uneven, her soft breasts pressed into his chest, her sex notched over his, hot even through their flight suits. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, her gaze dropped to his mouth, and she nodded. "Yes."

  Two things happened then—he took one step up the ramp to the open hatch of the cruiser, and a voice rang out in the quiet air.

  "Team Starry Night," Deuce called. "Your challenge awaits. It's time!"

  Arek gritted his teeth, fury racing through his chest like fire. Aarggh! His cock was so hard, his balls drawn up tight, ready to explode into bliss, and his mouth was watering for another taste of her mouth, his hands ready to explore each and every one of her silky, fragrant curves and hollows.

  Mia let out a mewl of protest, her legs tightening on his hips as her forehead thumped against his collarbone. "No-ooo."

  "I know," he muttered, giving her a last squeeze before he let her go. "Let's get this done, kitten. And then no man or tech will come between us—trust me on that."

  She donned her helmet, and gave him a hot look from under her lashes. "They'll have to get past me too, Earknocky." She looked so lovely and fierce, her eyes gleaming from the shadow of the helmet.

  As he strapped on his own helmet, he was chuckling. "Good. Let's go get suited up, and we'll quiz Deuce for any intel they care to give us."

  General A'Renoq was on the training field on Hamor Base, watching his troops run through maneuvers, when he received a surprising link. He studied the name and face with narrowed eyes, and then accepted the link.

  "Mr Jag," he said, standing at ease—which meant his soldier's bearing was perfectly erect, his hands clasped behind his back, gaze keen.

  "General," said Jostyn Jag from the hololinks. The man stood in an office, his clothing fine business-wear, well-groomed, but his face was pale under his golden tan, and his eyes were red. The man looked as if he had not been sleeping. "You know who I am."

  "Yes. Our offspring are partnered in the GSR. And if I am not mistaken, you are concerned about your daughter."

  Jag's face hardened, and the General was reminded that the Tygeans were a ferocious race in their own right. "To say the least. Our offspring, General, are in the clutches of a ruthless, amoral media conglomerate who will stop at nothing to gain more audience share. And I realize that your son is a seasoned soldier, but my daughter is a civilian, and gently raised. She is not equipped nor trained for what is essentially a campaign of terror. I will not stand for this."

  "I see. May I ask if you have a plan in place to voice your concerns?"

  "Oh, I'm going to do a great deal more than that. Now, I've heard certain rumors that your people are exploring the possibility of opening diplomatic talks with mine. Don't worry—I don't expect you to confirm or deny. But if I am correct, let's you and I be the first to work together."

  "You're suggesting we effect the management of a media spectacle large enough to bring in universal audiences. I hope I don't offend when I say I looked into the background of my son's Race partner. I am impressed with your house's lineage and integrity, but am not aware that you have the… influence necessary."

  Jostyn Jag smiled, looking more like a large predator sighting his next meal. "I would not presume to s
ay we do. But I know someone who does."


  "Yes. I presume you've heard of Logan Stark, of LodeStar Corp? He's a friend of my son's, and of our family."

  The General was not often surprised, but he was now. "I have indeed. Tell me more."

  * * *

  Deuce was not programmed to give them more intel on their Altarian challenge. "Just follow the rhyme."

  Arek's jaw tightened. "What. The. Hells?" he demanded. "That is what Octiron considers adequate intel for us, on a planet that is full of deadly traps?"

  "Well..." Deuce said, "You were successful in your first challenge, Prince—"

  "Stop calling me that," Arek snarled. "You may address me as Captain, or Commander A'Renoq."

  "Yes, sir, ah, Captain. As I was saying, you were successful in your first challenge, so your handlers assume you don't need extra intelligence."

  "Extra?" Mia snapped. "You've given us exactly none! And no, I'm not counting that stupid rhyme. So we're supposed to find some felines—where do we even begin to look? Over the entire planet? I think we might be here a while, in that case—say, a year or more!"

  Arek gave her a nod of approval. "And, if you're giving the other teams intel, then you'll give us intel. Now."

  "Very well," Deuce agreed slowly. "I've been authorized to tell you to look in the back of your ship's armor bay. You'll find a small box."

  "I'll get it," Mia said. She ran up the ramp and into the cruiser, while Arek waited, scanning the horizon and fingering the com in his pocket. The one he daren't bring out in front of Octiron's spybots. He must save it until the right moment.

  Mia came back with a strange look on her face, the box open in her hands.

  Arek went to meet her, a hand on her shoulder, taking the box. "What is it?" The box appeared to be full of a kind of green plant or herb. It gave off a pleasant odor, reminiscent of the hydroponic garden on the patio of a fine restaurant he'd been to several times on Aurellon.

  "It's catnip," Mia said. "An ancient herb believed to attract felines."


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