Book Read Free

The Wronged

Page 30

by Kimberley Chambers

  Carl Tanner read the letter out loud, then shoved it inside the envelope.

  It was truly a shit or bust moment in his life. Vinny Butler had two choices: believe him, or kill him.


  Bella held Michael in her arms. She could feel his pain and it had upset her greatly to hear him crying in the early hours of this morning. He’d arrived at hers late last night to deliver the devastating news in person. ‘Shall I make you some breakfast, Michael? You need to eat, even if it’s just a piece of toast.’

  ‘I’m too fucking angry to eat. If that silly little bastard expects sympathy off me when I pick him up, he’s got another think coming,’ Michael raged. He’d found out the truth of the circumstances surrounding Adam’s death yesterday evening. The ticket inspector and his colleague who’d witnessed the whole sorry scene had given the police a statement. Daniel had been the instigator of his brother’s death, nobody else.

  ‘Daniel’s only a boy, Michael, and he must be feeling terrible. Don’t be too hard on him.’

  ‘A boy! He won’t live to be a fucking teenager when I get my hands on him, that’s for sure. What I can’t understand is why they didn’t just pay the fare. They get more pocket money than any other kids I know. Thirty quid I left ’em on Saturday before I came to yours. You think that inspector would’ve had more sense than to chase ’em, but apparently Daniel had taunted him two weeks on the spin, the little shit. And now I’m supposed to go easy on him because he’s traumatized after seeing poor Adam—’ Michael broke down in great heaving sobs at the thought of his son’s final moments as the train bore down on him. ‘I can’t believe he’s gone. How can it be possible I’m never gonna see him again?’

  ‘I will help you get through this, Michael. It’s going to be tough, but together we are strong.’

  His face deathly white, Michael pushed Bella away. ‘That Madam Lydia – she was right, weren’t she? She said she could only see two sons of mine in that poxy ball of hers. That woman’s not only a jinx, she’s a fucking witch!’

  Bella’s complexion paled too. That wasn’t the only worrying thing Madam Lydia had said.

  Lee Butler sat on the edge of Daniel’s bed. ‘Did you sleep, Dan? I kept having nightmares.’

  ‘I tried not to shut my eyes because every time I did, all I could see was Adam’s leg lying next to that doll. The doll was still in one piece. Why couldn’t that have been chopped up instead of our brother?’

  ‘I kept dreaming about all the blood and gore. It made me feel sick.’

  ‘Don’t tell Dad it was my idea to run across the tracks, will you, Lee? Let’s say we all came up with the idea because we panicked.’

  ‘OK. I wish Adam was here with us now. It’s not the same without his constant chit-chat, is it? I really miss him already.’

  Tears streaming down his cheeks, Daniel fiercely wiped them away. ‘Let’s talk about something else. Adam wouldn’t want us to be sad.’

  ‘Calm down, Nancy, for goodness’ sake. Smashing my house up isn’t going to change anything,’ Mary pleaded, as her vase shattered into pieces.

  With a glazed expression in her eyes, Nancy picked her mother’s china fruit bowl up. ‘I knew it would be Daniel’s fault. He’s evil, just like the rest of the males in that family. I wish he was dead. I hate him,’ she screamed, as the fruit bowl suffered the same fate as the vase.

  Grabbing his daughter in his arms to restrain her, Donald apologized to the policemen. ‘I’m so sorry, officers.’

  ‘It’s understandable after the terrible shock your daughter’s had. We’ll leave you alone now. Anything you need, contact me directly,’ DC James Maynard said.

  Having broken the news of Adam’s death, Christopher had left it to the officers dealing with the investigation to inform Nancy how it had come about. He had formally identified his nephew’s body though. What was left of it anyway. The train had severed both of Adam’s legs and one of his arms.

  When Donald saw the officers out, Nancy sank to her knees and sobbed uncontrollably. Her beautiful Adam was gone and she was never going to see his handsome, cheeky face ever again.

  Vinny Butler was at his mother’s house trying to comfort her when Ahmed knocked at the door. ‘I am so sorry, my friend. I rang the club and Jay told me the news. What a tragic accident. Adam was a good kid. It’s so very sad.’

  ‘I don’t want no visitors, Vinny. Only family. Viv’s here with me, so go down the pub with your friend,’ Queenie shouted out. She’d heard Ahmed’s voice and he was the last person she wanted in her house. She had never liked or trusted that Turk.

  The moment he swaggered inside the Blind Beggar, Vinny was swamped with locals offering condolences and drinks. He waved them all away. ‘Thanks, but I just want a quiet drink and chat with my pal today.’

  The regulars immediately backed off. If Vinny Butler said he wanted to be left alone, you didn’t argue.

  Vinny studied Ahmed as he got the drinks. Years ago they’d been inseparable, had even shagged prostitutes together in the same room. But since he got out of prison Vinny hadn’t felt the same bond with Ahmed and he didn’t really know why. They’d managed to build bridges after the car crash, and he owed the guy big time for tipping him off about Ava’s existence, but the old trust wasn’t there and he couldn’t put his finger on why that should be. Maybe it was because while he was locked up Ahmed had stolen his idea about opening a wine bar, hadn’t even offered him a chance to come in on the venture.

  Returning from the bar, Ahmed put on his false sympathetic voice. ‘How’s Michael? He must be in bits. Adam was a lovely kid.’

  ‘To be honest, I don’t want to think or talk about Adam while we’re in ’ere. It’s depressing and sod-all’s gonna change what happened,’ Vinny said. Molly’s death had toughened him up so much that he’d not even shed a tear over Adam’s. ‘Do you remember the laughs we used to have in those whorehouses? The good old days, they were.’

  ‘They sure were, but you did get us barred from quite a few for being too violent towards the brasses. Do you remember that old madam at reception who chased us down the road with a meat cleaver?’

  Vinny laughed. ‘That was in Manor Park. If I remember rightly, I broke the prozzie’s nose after she refused to let me do her up the arse. That old bird who chased us must have been about seventy, but she couldn’t arf run.’

  ‘Hey, why don’t we go visit one tonight? It’ll be like old times,’ Ahmed suggested.

  ‘Nah. Not tonight. Perhaps some other time.’

  ‘Come on, it’ll be fun,’ Ahmed urged. Since Vinny’d took up with Eddie bloody Mitchell, he never seemed to want to spend time in his company, always coming up with some excuse. ‘How many birds you shagged since you came out of nick?’

  ‘About twenty-odd. Remember, I do run a lap-dancing club full of ultra-fit chicks,’ Vinny lied. In truth he’d only slept with two birds since being released from prison. Both up-market West End brasses. He ran a classy establishment and would never fuck the staff. He’d made that mistake years ago with Little Vinny’s mum, and it hadn’t turned out too well. Not for Karen anyway.

  Deciding to strike while Vinny seemed to be in a good mood, Ahmed mentioned the champagne that was up for grabs.

  ‘Dom Perignon! You sure it’s the real thing? Sounds too good to be true at that price.’

  ‘The guy who has offered it to me is a friend of a trusted friend. Fell off the back of a ship, apparently. I think it’s being stored by the docks somewhere, and they need it shifted as soon as. There’s five-hundred-odd crates in total. I can only take half. Not got the room in my cellar to take any more. Do you want the other half? I have some bottles in the boot of my car. It’s definitely the real deal.’

  Vinny’s eyes lit up. He could make a fortune at his gaff with such a profit margin. ‘Go and grab a bottle. If it’s kosher, I’m definitely interested.’

  Ahmed smirked as he strolled out of the Blind Beggar. Vinny’s greediness had always be
en destined to end his sorry life.

  After leaving Bella’s place, Michael Butler popped home to change into a black suit. It was a tradition in his family to dress in black until the funeral of a loved one was done and dusted. A mark of respect.

  Walking into the house was horrendous. Adam’s Nike trainers were by the door, his puffa jacket on the coat stand and his dirty clothes on top of the linen basket.

  Dreading the phone call he had to make, Michael took a deep breath as he dialled the number. He should have rung Nancy yesterday, but she’d been the least of his priorities at the time. He’d been in too much shock to call anybody.

  Praying that Mary or Nancy would answer, Michael cursed his luck when Donald picked up the phone. In all the years he’d been married to Nancy, he’d never properly met her father. He remembered him from the café in Whitechapel, but Donald had been against their relationship from day one, just because he was a Butler. ‘Donald, it’s Michael. Can I speak to Nancy, please?’

  ‘No, you can’t. You’re the last person Nancy wants to speak to right now. And seeing as you’ve managed to turn Daniel into a monster, I’m sure you’ll be quite capable of managing Adam’s funeral arrangements alone. Just let us know where and when.’

  ‘Who d’ya think you’re talking to? You pretentious old cunt.’

  ‘Nothing but a common spiv. What my daughter ever saw in you I will never know.’

  Seeing red, Michael slammed the phone down. He’d rather talk to Donald Walker face to face. See how brave the cocky old fucktard was then.

  Vinny Butler grinned as he tasted the champagne. He’d already studied the label and gone over it with a fine-tooth comb to check it was kosher. ‘You’re right, Ahmed. It is the real deal. I can’t believe the geezer only wants two grand for five hundred cases. Does he not realize how expensive this stuff is to buy?’

  ‘I think he just wants a quick sale, Vinny. Not being funny, we own bars that sell this stuff. Not many people are in the market for the quantity he needs to shift. Your average man who runs a local pub isn’t going to want to buy it, is he? Neither is your man on the street.’

  ‘I suppose not. Call on the deal then.’

  Annoyingly, Burak had gone back to Turkey to attend his grandmother’s funeral and wouldn’t be returning until Friday. ‘I’ll call it on for Saturday or Sunday. Which day suits you best?’

  ‘Why wait that long? Someone else might pip us to the post,’ Vinny warned.

  ‘They won’t. My pal is going to be out of town for the next few days. He gave me his word that as long as we can collect by Sunday, it’s ours. I will call him and tell him we definitely want it.’

  ‘OK. Make it Saturday then.’

  Ahmed wanted to laugh as he clocked Vinny’s glee at the bargain. He could not wait to play him the tape of his son admitting to killing Molly. Neither could he wait to blast his brains out. Ahmed had waited a long time for his revenge. Now that time had finally come.

  As soon as Michael led his two sons outside the hospital, he gave Daniel the biggest clout around the head he’d ever given him in his life.

  When Daniel fell to the floor, Lee screamed. ‘Why did you do that, Dad? Please don’t hurt Dan. I’ve already lost one brother.’

  Daniel lay on the floor with his head in his hands until his father dragged him up by the neck of his tracksuit top and marched him towards the car park. ‘Crocodile tears don’t wash with me, boy. Adam’s dead because of your foolish actions. Now get in that fucking car, and I don’t wanna hear another word outta ya. Comprende?’

  Desperately needing to take his mind off things, Donald decided to tidy up the front garden. He wasn’t one to show his feelings like Mary and Nancy, but as he pulled up the weeds he allowed a tear or two to fall. Adam had been his favourite grandson. As awful as it sounded to favour one child over another, he’d always had a much nicer nature than Daniel.

  The sound of brakes screeching to a halt made Donald drop his spade, and he was horrified to see Michael Butler leap out of a black BMW. ‘I’ll call my son. Christopher will have you arrested,’ Donald threatened as Michael stormed towards him.

  Picking the spade up, Michael slammed it into the ground and had great joy watching Donald cower against the fence. ‘Call your tosser of a son. He’s a weasel, just like you, so what’s he gonna do? Go and get Nancy, now! She has a son in my car who needs his fucking mother.’

  Mary flung open the front door. ‘Don’t you dare threaten my husband, you bastard. I rue the day my Nancy met you. To think I used to stick up for you.’

  ‘Whatever you think of me, Mary, Nancy has a son in that car who needs his fucking mother. He has just watched his brother get mutilated by a bastard train. What type of mother is your daughter, eh? A shit one, that’s what. Every time the going’s got tough, all she’s ever done is run back to Mummy and Daddy. I’m the one who has always been there for our kids. I never dumped them and pissed off, did I?’ Michael yelled.

  ‘Oh, don’t be giving me your Saint Michael act. Piss off round your old tart’s house and take Daniel with you. You all deserve one another.’

  Listening from the bedroom window, Nancy gasped and put her hand over her mouth. ‘Old tart’? When she’d tried to tell her mother that Michael was having an affair, Mary wasn’t having any of it. She’d accused Nancy of letting her imagination run away with her. Not once had she let on that she knew he had another woman.

  Absolutely seething, Nancy put a few belongings into a bag. She couldn’t take any more. She’d had enough.


  Jamie Preston acted as lookout as Glen Harper followed Bermondsey Bob into the showers. Glen and Bob had had a massive argument last week, and Glen wasn’t a man to forget an insult being aimed his way. Hearing Bermondsey Bob’s piercing scream as the razor was slashed across his eyes, Jamie grinned. The geezer was a waste of space anyway.

  Glen washed the blood off his hands, put an arm around Jamie’s shoulders and strolled down the corridor. Glen virtually ran their wing. Even the screws were petrified of him, which was why they’d allowed the pair of them to share a cell at Glen’s request.

  Glen sat on his bunk and explained how the blood had squirted upwards out of Bob’s eyes. ‘Won’t be insulting me any more, the cunt. He won’t even know if I’m in the room.’

  Jamie laughed. Glen had not just become a best pal to him, but also the father figure he’d never had. Glen had no sons, only daughters, and many times he’d told Jamie he was the son he’d never had. ‘Shall we celebrate with a spliff, Glen?’

  ‘Sounds good to me, boy. See one day when me and you get out this shithole, we’re gonna rule the manor with an iron fist. As a team, we’ll be unstoppable. As for all them cunts who have wronged you, watch this space.’

  Vinny Butler studied his new gadget. He’d seen a few of the customers in his club using mobile phones, so had invested in one himself. They were new to the UK, had only arrived on the scene earlier this year, but they were very handy. You could talk for a whole thirty minutes before the battery died.

  ‘What time you meeting Gnasher?’ Jay Boy asked. He was relieved that, having introduced Vinny to his friend, his involvement in the sordid business of Jo’s imminent death was at an end.

  ‘One. Then I’m gonna pop in and see the family. Michael’s shut the club until after the funeral as a mark of respect, and I’ve not really caught up with him since we were at the hospital. Get the door for me, Jay. It’s probably Eddie Mitchell. He wanted to talk to me privately about something, so make yourself scarce.’

  ‘Vinny, how you doing? So sorry to hear about Adam. How’s Michael bearing up? Life can be so bloody cruel at times,’ Eddie said warmly.

  ‘Tell me about it. It’s one fucking tragedy after another in my family. Michael ain’t doing too bad, but my mum’s still in bits. Nothing you can do though, Ed, is there? Just got to pull yourself together and get on with life. How’s things your end? Jessica and the kids OK?’

��They’re all fine, thanks. Listen, this is a bit of an awkward visit for me. I need a favour from you, Vinny.’

  ‘Name it, pal.’

  ‘I’ve had a visit from an old family friend. His nephew knew you in the past and reckons he has some important information for you. This is none of my business, so I didn’t want to know the ins and outs. But, from what I can gather, it’s in your best interests to meet up with this geezer. The only favour I’m asking is you meet and don’t harm him. My dad is very fond of his uncle, and he wouldn’t be happy if something bad happened to the nephew.’

  Vinny immediately felt uneasy. Was Eddie threatening him, in a nice kind of way? ‘I’ve no idea who or what you’re referring to, mate. Who is this geezer?’

  Eddie handed Vinny the letter. ‘See for yourself.’

  Michael Butler put all items of Adam’s he found lying around downstairs into a bin bag. His eyes welled up with tears as he held his son’s discarded T-shirt to his nose, drawing in Adam’s scent.

  Taking the bag upstairs, Michael plonked it on Adam’s bed. He was in no fit state of mind to get rid of his son’s stuff yet. Didn’t know if he could ever part with his belongings, but the one thing he did know was that he wanted to sell this house as quickly as possible. Everything about it reminded him of Adam.

  ‘Dad, Dan’s in a real bad way. He can’t eat and keeps being sick. Please talk to him. He didn’t know that Adam was gonna get his trainer caught under the track. I’m as much to blame as him,’ Lee said.

  Michael sighed. Even though he currently hated the sight of Daniel, he had to talk to him at some point and if the boy was ill he needed caring for. ‘Dan, get your arse downstairs with Lee. I’m gonna make us all some breakfast.’

  ‘Shall I get it?’ Lee asked, referring to the doorbell.

  ‘Nah. I will,’ Michael responded, running down the stairs. ‘Whatever’s the matter?’ he said. His brother’s expression was one of pure fury.

  ‘I’m fucking livid, bruv. Eddie Mitchell turns up at mine earlier with a letter from this geezer me and Ahmed once did business with. The letter can only mean one thing. That Turkish cunt was trying to set me up.’


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