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Top Bottom Switch (The Club)

Page 6

by Chelle Bliss

  By the time the weekend rolls around, I am hornier than I think I’ve ever been. I don’t remember walking around, even as a teenager, with a hard-on as much as I do when talking to her.

  “Are you ready for tonight?” I ask her when I call about an hour before we are supposed to meet.

  “Yes.” Her voice is strong and sure.

  “Meet me in the same room at seven. When you enter, remove your clothes and kneel in the middle of the floor with your head down. Leave the bullet and the plug in and fold your hands in your lap. I expect full cooperation, Alese.”

  “Yes,” she replies, her voice wavering this time.

  “Again, I won’t touch you until you give me permission, but once you open that door, there’s no turning back unless you say red or yellow. Understood?”

  I can hear her swallow on the other end of the phone. “I do.”

  “I won’t go beyond your limits, but I will test your boundaries.”

  “I expect nothing less, Master.”

  It’s the first time she’s called me Master, and my heart leaps in my chest. I smile, thankful I’m alone, and the heaviness in my balls grows. Fuck. I’m a perpetual hard-on with this woman.

  “I’ll see you in an hour, piccola. Be ready for the night of your life. I’m going to show you what it really means to be mine.”

  I surprise myself with the statement. It’s been forever since I’ve used the word mine. No one has been worthy of the title. Alese did that. She made me want things, bigger than just a play partner. I want what Misha and Stella have, and for the first time, I believe it to be possible.

  I walk into The Club just a few minutes after seven, not wanting to arrive before Alese. Mak catches me before I head upstairs.

  “I saw Alese,” he says with the biggest grin.

  “And?” I ask, glancing toward the stairwell.

  He raises his eyebrows and smirks. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her happier. I don’t know what you did to that girl, but she almost floated through here.”

  I laugh. “Orgasm denial.”

  He nods and slaps my arm. “Works like a charm. Dare I say that you actually look…” He rubs his chin and studies me for a moment. “Happy?” It sounds more like a question than a statement.

  “Unfuckingbelievable, but I am,” I admit and rub my hands together. “I’ve been looking forward to this all week.”

  “I knew you two would hit it off.” I tilt my head and purse my lips with the word bullshit hanging on the tip of my tongue, when he speaks again, “She just needed a real Dom to show her what she truly is.”

  “You shouldn’t have let her struggle,” I tell him and cross my arms in front of me.

  “Sometimes you can’t tell a person something. They need to find out the truth on their own.”

  “Uh-huh. Bullshit,” I cough into my shoulder. “I better go. She’s probably waiting for me.”

  “No doubt. Have fun,” he tells me as I start to walk away.

  I wave to him over my shoulder and don’t bother to look back. I can feel his smile, and I heard it in his last statement. I climb the stairs, taking them two at a time out of excitement.

  When I reach the door to Private Room Two, I stand there and take a few deep breaths, fisting my hands at my sides. I roll my neck to relax, but even though I jacked off earlier, I’m just as hard as I was the moment my eyes opened this morning.

  I turn the handle and see Alese, kneeling on the floor in a flawless position. Without being told, she faces the opposite direction with her legs spread, giving me the ideal view of her ass and the plug still nestled inside.

  I groan softly and step inside, pushing the door closed with my ass and dropping my bag to the floor. I stare at her for a moment and don’t move, hearing nothing but the sound of my heart hammering in my chest. I wipe my hands against my jeans and take a step forward.

  “Perfect position, piccola,” I tell her, starting off with praise as I walk behind her. Her blond hair is cascading down her back, and it’s the only thing visible on her body besides the plug.

  She doesn’t move and keeps her face cast downward. I kneel in front of her and see that her nipples are already hard, and her skin is pebbled with goose bumps. “Spread your legs wider,” I say, but I keep my hands to myself.

  She complies, spreading her legs wider, giving me a breathtaking view of her needy, wet pussy. Even with her face down, I can see the smile on her lips.

  “Are you ready for tonight?” I already know the answer. We discussed it every night this week. She promised to give herself to me, to let me do what I felt was necessary, and if all works out, maybe I’d make her mine.

  “I am,” she whispers.

  Her knees are red as they rest against the cold, cement floor, and she moves a bit, trying to stay in the position and relieve some of the pressure on her joints. I pop up and grab a crop from the wall.

  Standing in front of her, I place my feet shoulder width apart and stare down at her, waiting for her to fidget again.

  “Did you come today?” I ask, even though I know the answer. I just want to see if she’ll squirm again knowing I have the crop in my hand.

  “No,” she answers quickly and doesn’t move.

  I tap the crop against my leg in plain sight for her to see. “Do you want to come?”

  She grimaces and I know she’s uncomfortable. No one has probably made her sit in this position, at least, not for very long. “I do,” she says.

  I slap the inside of her thigh, causing her to jump. “What did you say?”

  “I do, sir,” she says quickly, sucking in a breath right after.

  “Stand.” I tap the crop against my leg a little harder, enough to make a noise as the leather makes contact. She stands without grace and keeps her eyes downcast as I watch. “Bend over and touch your toes.”

  For some women, this could be humiliating, but for Alese, it’s exhilarating. I’ve watched her enough to be aware that it turns her on, knowing I’m looking at her. “Move your legs wider.”

  She moves them two feet apart then bends at the waist to grip her ankles. Her ass rises in the air, the plug moving with her and the bullet cord lying against her pussy, sparkling from her need in the overhead light.

  She is teetering, trying to stay in position when I decide she could use a tiny obstacle. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my phone and start the bullet.

  Her body rocks forward, but surprisingly, she doesn’t let go or fall over. A small part of me is sad, wanting to see her skin reddened by the crop. I run the leather across her bottom, following the curve of her ass.

  She watches me from between her legs, and I tilt my head, letting her know I’ve caught her before cracking her across the ass. “Eyes down,” I tell her as she grits her teeth not to cry out.

  Moving the crop to the top center of her back, I trail it down her spine to her ass. “Get up on the table and position yourself on all fours.”

  I can tell she’s relieved not to be in that position any longer because I know it’s hell on the back. I’ve tried it myself and am not a fan. The women who can hold it for long periods deserve serious credit.

  She raises her head, moving her knees and palms against the padded table until she finds a comfortable position. Placing the crop at the top of her ass crack, I slowly slide it down until I reach the plug. Moving quickly, I give the plug a few quick strikes and watch her body tense at the contact. “I think you need a bigger plug,” I say, bending over to get a better look, and I feel my moderately hard cock turn into something harder than granite. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her head dips forward, and I know she’s both excited and dreading the insertion of something bigger. Her ass is probably perfectly happy with the small plug pushing on just the right spots.

  “Do you want to insert it or shall I?” I know this is the only decision I’ll allow her to make tonight.

  “You, please, Sir.” Her voice is airy.

  I drag my bag c
loser to the table and pull out a butt plug. I kneel, keeping my back straight so I’m eye level with her bottom, and slowly work the plug out. She moans softly, trying to hide the pleasure, but I can hear it loud and clear.

  Alese is an ass girl. Based on what I saw in the first text photo she sent me, she loved playing with it herself.

  When it pops free, I drop it to the floor and grab the lube to cover the new plug. Her ass is constricting at the loss. Before I begin to work the new plug in, I pull out my phone and start the bullet to make the transition more pleasurable for her.

  Her ass rises and her stomach dips toward the table like she’s trying to get more sensation. When the plug is covered, I touch it against her ass and she tenses. “Relax. It’s not much bigger than the one you had in,” I lie as I slowly push the tip inside her hole.

  She groans and grips the sides of the table tightly. I pull back, giving her ass a chance to relax before pushing it in a little farther. Her groan turns into a moan the more I push it in and pull it out. Moments later, it’s fully seated inside of her. I still haven’t touched her with my hands and I’m dying to, probably more so than she is for me to touch her.

  “Good girl,” I say, giving her praise as the plug wiggles as she constricts around it. “Reach between your legs and remove the bullet.” Doing it myself may risk skin-on-skin contact, and I won’t do that until I know she’s completely on board.

  She reaches between her legs and pulls on the cord until the bullet slides out and dangles from her fingertips. I grab it quickly and set it on the floor next to the plug.

  “Lie on your back.” I grab a few more items from my bag and smile at what is about to happen next.

  She watches me as I open my hand, showing her two nipple sucks. She bites her lip and blinks but doesn’t protest. “I’m going to attach these,” I tell her.

  She nods, licking her lips as she stares at me. I lick the rim and move my hand above her breast, hovering over her already hardened nipples. “These shouldn’t pinch.” I place them against her skin.

  When I release my fingers and the suction begins, she pulls in a sharp breath and her body twitches. She doesn’t grimace or wince as I move to attach the second. Her eyes close and her mouth falls open as the second one takes hold. I flick it with my finger and her body jolts, her eyes flying open.

  “Eyes on me, piccola.” I bend over and grab a Hitachi wand and an extra-long, thick dildo and wonder how long it’ll be before she’s begging me to touch her. I’m about to find out how long she can go without coming before being driven mad with lust.

  “I won’t tie you up because you’re not comfortable with it and we aren’t going to test your boundaries in that way yet, but you need to grip the sides of the table and scoot down, taking the same position as last time you were up there.”

  She nods slowly and moves her bottom down to the edge.

  “Feet too,” I tell her and tap the end of the table with the large dildo. Her eyes widen as she sees it before she puts the back of her head against the table and wiggles her fingers, gripping the table harder.

  I touch her knees with the wand, pushing them farther apart. She squeezes her eyes shut, and I lean forward and flick the suction cup attached to her right nipple. Her body jerks and her eyes fly open, meeting mine. “No closing your eyes and absolutely no coming.”

  Without using my hands, it’s pretty hard to discipline her. I wish I had three hands at this moment. It would make my life so much easier.

  She nods and I rest the dildo on the table, reaching in my bag for something else. I can’t gag her, but I want to cut down on the amount of noise I know she’s about to make.

  “Open,” I tell her, holding a piece of leather in front of her mouth. “I won’t gag you, but I need you not to be as loud as I know you will be.”

  She opens her mouth, her eyes growing wider before she clamps down around the leather I’d set on her lips.

  Before I pick up the rubbery dildo, I press a button on the plug, one I hadn’t shared with her. It comes to life, sending powerful vibrations through her. She moans, her teeth bearing down against the leather strap.

  Gripping the dildo in one hand, I rub it against her wetness. I love that about her. She always seems ready and willing for me. I don’t know if she’s like this all the time, but the thought that it is only for me gives me a secret thrill.

  I work it inside her slowly—an inch at a time—and let her greedy pussy adjust to the fullness of the new plug. She groans, lifting her bottom from the table, and I pull the dildo all the way out.

  “Do you want to come?” I ask, peering down at her body. She nods and mumbles against the leather strap. “Do not move, or you’ll go home unsatisfied.”

  I fucking hope she can follow this order because if she goes home needy, I sure as fuck do too.

  I push against her opening, sliding the first three inches in slowly and past the biggest part of the plug. I flick on the wand with my thumb and use my other hand to rest it against her already enlarged clit.

  Her toes move, curling around the table, but the rest of her stays still. Poor thing. I’m not letting her come until I can fuck her, but she doesn’t know that.

  I can feel her pussy clamping down against the dildo, making my progress a little harder but not impossible.

  Lifting the wand off her, I refuse her the orgasm that’s no doubt already building inside of her. The wand is the most powerful vibrator on the market. No one could stop the orgasm from coming using it, and it is my favorite weapon when forcing a woman to orgasm multiple times.

  When her muscles relax and I can push the dildo deeper inside her, I restart the wand and her muscles tense again immediately. I work the dildo in and out of her, moving faster and then slowing my pace. Every thirty seconds or so, I lift the wand long enough so her nearing climax will slip away. I repeat this over and over again until her chest’s heaving and her body’s covered in sweat.

  I turn the wand up, making the vibrations more powerful and making the orgasm come quicker. But again, I deny it as soon as her body starts to shake. She’s moaning and groaning around the strap, tiny dribbles of spit sliding down the sides of her face.

  My cock is in a bad way. Hard as stone and straining to break free, but I concentrate on her and don’t pay any attention to my needs.

  Her bottom starts to move off the table, chasing the wand as I remove it from her clit. In response, I pull the dildo out quickly, leaving her with nothing but a full ass.

  “Please,” she groans, biting down on the strap with teary eyes. “Please, I need to come.”

  “You want to come, but you don’t need to,” I tell her, and I don’t feel an ounce of guilt.

  “Touch me,” she begs.

  “Not yet,” I tell her and press the dildo against her opening, pushing it inside slowly.

  Once it’s fully seated, I hold the wand against her clit, and her knees start to shake. Working the dildo in and out, I watch her body as it reacts, craving the stimulation. Again, when I see her breathing start to falter, I move the wand away and deny her again.

  “Fuck,” she screams. “Please, Sir. Touch me. I need you.”

  “I’ll give you a choice.” I hold up the wand and show it to her. “You can have the wand and no dildo, or you can have my cock. Which one do you want?”

  She lifts her head and catches a glimpse of my bulge straining to break free. She’s wonderfully sexy, spread-eagled with a strap in her mouth, completely mindless with lust. “Your cock, please, Sir.”

  “Are you offering yourself to me?”

  “I need you inside me,” she says as more saliva dribbles down her chin.

  I smile, pleased with her willingness to accept my cock over the wand—not all women would make the same choice. I reach under the table and pull out the stirrups, wanting to get better access to her tight, warm pussy. “Spit out the strap.” I want to hear her moan as I thrust my length inside of her.

  Her eyes draw together, and I
can see she’s piecing together that I could’ve given her the stirrups to use earlier, which would’ve made it easier on her, but that wasn’t the point to this evening.

  I unzip my pants, pushing them down before kicking them to the side. Digging around in my bag, I grab a condom from the box and tear it open with my teeth. My need is so strong, my hands are almost shaking. I can feel it, but it’s not visible—at least, I hope it’s not. Rolling the condom down my shaft becomes a chore; the damn thing barely fits. After a moment of struggle with her eyes watching my every movement, it’s finally in place.

  I step forward, standing between her legs, and I touch her knees with my bare hand. It’s the first flesh-on-flesh contact I’ve had with her in a sexual way. “Are you sure?” I ask because… I don’t know. I’ve never asked someone more than once, but I’m having way too much fun with Alese to do anything to fuck it up.

  “Please fuck me,” she begs, and her eyes plead with me to hurry it the fuck up.

  I fist my cock, stroking it as I take a step closer. “I want you to be mine, Alese. Can you do that? Can you leave your switch behind?” I poke her opening with the tip of my dick and she gasps. “Do you want to become my submissive, my partner?”

  Her eyes widen, and her mouth falls open. I can see her throat bob as she swallows. “Yes. I want to be yours,” she replies with so much conviction that I believe every word.

  “Brace yourself,” I tell her. “You’re in for one hell of a ride.”

  Mine. I push inside of her in one quick, unforgiving thrust.

  Mine. I pull back and spread her knees wider before gripping the tops of her hips in my hands, holding her body so it can’t escape the impact.

  “Are you mine?” I ask her, slamming into her again.

  Her pussy clenches around my cock, sucking me deeper. “Yes, Master,” she moans as tears start to stream down her face.


  A week ago, I never would’ve thought I’d be here right now, claiming someone as my own. If anyone would’ve said it would be Alese that I’d choose as my partner, I would’ve told them they were fucking mad.

  Somehow, it happened, though. I am buried balls deep inside her sweet, warm cunt, and I know I am home.


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