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White Christmas - A 6 Book BWWM & BBW Holiday Romance Collection Of Billionaires, Alpha Males, SEALs, Tycoons & More!

Page 31

by Cherry Kay

  They pulled away and smiled at each other, both glad they were on the same page for their relationship.

  The waitress eventually came over and they ordered food. The date progressed in a nice manner. They were flirty with each other and couldn’t stop touching each other as they ate and talked. Eventually they left and he took her back to her house. He walked her up to the apartment building much like he had done before and then he leaned forward to kiss her goodnight.

  The kiss was unlike the other ones they had been sharing. This one was filled with passion and their tongues battled for dominance. Finally they broke the kiss and both looked breathlessly at each other.

  “Would you like to come in?” she asked hopefully.

  He hesitated for a brief moment and then nodded his consent. “Yes, all right.” He watched as she opened the door to reveal her apartment. She was glad she had the foresight to clean, she thought before turning back to him and placing another kiss on his lips. He closed the door hurriedly and then they latched back onto each other. They stumbled their way through the rooms, knocking into various pieces of furniture and artwork she had hung up. Finally they landed in her bedroom and fell onto the bed in a tangle of limbs.

  He took a minute to look down at her underneath him and he lightly traced her features in the dark.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked quietly.

  She nodded once and then reached up to kiss him again hard on the lips.

  “I’m very sure.” She whispered before kissing him again.

  He nodded and their lips became entangled again, their movements slow and not as rushed as they had been previously.

  She responded instantly, not one thought of stopping crossed her mind. Instead all she could think of was getting closer. She needed him closer. She got onto her knees and moved into him. He pulled her body on top of him and let his hands wander down the length of her body. When his hands crawled up her bare back she shivered in delight and prodded the seam of his lips for entrance. He allowed her invitation and her tongue began to explore the cavern of his mouth. She heard the distant sound of moaning, but instead of wanting to stop she wanted to go forward.

  Douglass pulled her dress over her head and then reattached himself to her lips. Bianca pulled his own clothes off as quickly as she could so she could feel his body against hers.

  Their minds were on autopilot as their hands touched each other’s bodies. All either of them could think of was more, more, more. They needed more of each other.

  Bianca’s shaking hands caressed all of the skin she could reach of Douglass’s. Douglass watched her with hungry eyes and leaned down to press a kiss to her lips and then he began to make his way down her body. The kisses he left in his wake were hot and wet and left Bianca shivering in need.

  Their eyes met, both mirroring the lust and desire for the other. Douglass stopped for a moment as his eyes raked her form and he memorized the tousled hair and the desire pouring from Bianca’s svelte body. His eyes finally landed on hers again and he moved forward. He moved down her body until he was positioned right between her thighs. She felt her breathing become labored as she prepared herself for what was to come. Instead of protesting she let out a loud moan that turned louder as Douglass’s tongue began swirl on her clit.

  Her thighs shook around his head as he inserted one finger and curled it slightly as he continued to suck and nip on her clit. She felt the beginnings of the now familiar pressure begin to form and without realizing what she was doing she brought a hand to the top of his head keeping him exactly where he was, licking and biting and changing the pressure to make her scream.

  His hand tightened on her hips to keep her on the mattress and get her to stop moving. Her breathing became erratic as the tightening in her lower half began and the drop off the cliff started as Douglass finally sent her over the edge. Her muscles clenched around his fingers and he felt her quiver beneath him. He let her ride out the remains of her orgasm before pulling away and licking his fingers before giving her a smoldering kiss on the mouth. He moved back up her body and looked into her eyes to make sure she was ok with everything.

  “Are you really sure about this?” he asked again. She nodded, “Completely sure.” She whispered again before reaching up and bringing his head down to hers. As their lips worked in unison, Douglass moved his hand to the apex of her thighs. One digit gently circled the entrance of her heat and then ever so slowly pushed into her.

  Bianca’s back arched at the new sensation and she pulled Douglass almost on top of her. His finger began to move in and out of her making her wetter than she’d ever been in her life. When he felt she was ready he added a second finger and continued his ministrations. He pressed his thumb down on her sensitive button and almost immediately he felt the tell-tale signs of her orgasm coming on. She let out a low groan into his mouth and Douglass knew she was ready for another mind blowing orgasm.

  He positioned himself at her entrance and began to push himself inside of her. He watched her waiting to see her reaction. At one pointed he had to pull out from the pain on her face. He pushed himself into her inch by inch waiting to see the pain again, but either it wasn’t there or she hid it well because she didn’t flinch again, instead keeping her eyes focused solely on Douglass.

  Once he was all the way in he began to move slowly at first and then he sped up. His head dropped to the crook of her neck and he sucked gently at the skin there. He heard her murmur and moan in his ear, but all he could concentrate on was Bianca and her warmth. All he knew was Bianca. All he wanted for the rest of his existence was Bianca. He had never felt like this before, but now with Bianca it was like he was losing his virginity all over again.

  He continued his pace until he reached down and began to massage her clit. She arched her back and brought his head down so she could kiss him. He felt her inner muscles begin to contort around his length and he sped up seeking his own release. He let out a low noise as she pulled him closer. He felt the pleasurable feeling overcome him and then he was flying high with her. His seed shot into her and she leaned up to kiss him before he rolled off her and they fell asleep curled around each other.

  Chapter 4

  Bianca awoke alone, but wasn’t surprised since she figured Douglass probably had to go home and get ready for work that day. She went around and did her usual schedule before walking to work. When she came in her eyes widened when she saw all of the flowers decorating the entire place. She went over to the counter where Missy was helping a customer and looked at her friend with surprise.

  “Where did all of these flowers come from?” Bianca asked, confused by the large amount of flowers everywhere.

  “They’re for you.” Missy said giving her a look as she handed the coffee to the customer.

  “For me?” Bianca asked astounded and confused.

  Missy nodded and when the customer was gone she turned to Bianca with excited eyes.

  “For me?” Bianca asked again when Missy only stared at her.

  “Yes! Oh my god! Tell me how last night went! Obviously it went well since he just sent you a bunch of flowers.” She said excitedly.

  Bianca blushed and looked away. “It went really well.” She whispered and then turned to begin making her own coffee.

  “Oh my god! Did you have sex with him?” she screeched seeing how bashful Bianca had gotten.

  Bianca threw her an embarrassed look and then made a shushing noise since most of the patrons in the café were looking at them by this point.

  “Maybe,” Bianca said sheepishly.

  “Oh my God! Details, bitch! Tell me the details!” Missy exclaimed, grabbing her arm and shaking it.

  “Chill out! I’ll get there.” Bianca yelled, pushing her hand off and pouring her coffee.

  “I just can’t believe this! I want to know what happened.” Missy whined.

  “And you will, just let me have my coffee and then I’ll tell you.” Bianca said hurriedly.

  Missy rolled her eye
s and waited for her to drink some coffee before attacking her again.

  “Ok. So we went to the ballet—“she began.

  “What ballet?” Missy asked.

  “The Nutcracker.” Bianca said already knowing the date was going to take hours to tell because of how excited Missy seemed to be.

  “And then what?” she asked clapping her hands in excitement.

  Bianca smiled despite herself. “Then we went to dinner. He paid for everything. The ballet was really amazing and I had so much fun. Then we went back to my place…” she trailed off and winked at Missy who laughed.

  They took a break to help some customers and then they went back to discussing Bianca’s date.

  “So you had sex. How was it? Amazing? Terrible? Was his dick small?” she asked waiting patiently for Bianca to continue telling her about the date.

  Bianca blushed and shook her head. “He was amazing. Totally a perfect gentlemen.” She said grinning like a crazy person.

  “So it was good then?” Missy asked wiggling her eyebrows.

  Bianca nodded. “Yeah I mean, everything was really perfect. We had a good time and then when I woke up he—“she began.

  “Did you get morning sex?” Missy asked doing a little shake at how fun that would be.

  Bianca frowned and shook her head. “Actually he wasn’t there this morning. He left before I woke up.” She said.

  Missy copied Bianca’s frown and shrugged. “Well he must’ve gotten up early because when I got to work the delivery man was already here with your flowers. Listen, Bianca I wouldn’t worry about it. Guys who are rich like him just do this. This is what it’s like dating a rich man.” Missy said with a shrug trying to tell Bianca that she had nothing to worry about.

  “What do you mean?” Bianca asked worriedly.

  “I just mean that rich guys do this. They have sex with you and then try and make up for it with nice things. If they do anything wrong they buy you off. I’ve been there, trust me,” Missy said, putting a hand on her wrist.

  Bianca frowned. “I don’t understand. I mean he was a perfect gentlemen all night.” She said not understanding what Missy was saying or she didn’t want to understand what Missy was saying.

  Missy sighed impatiently. “Listen, girl, this is how it goes. Rich guys take what they want and then when you get unhappy they pay you off or something. It’s really shitty, I know that, but since they are rich they just think they can do whatever they want.” She said shrugging and giving Bianca a look.

  Bianca stared at her and then looked away. “Maybe you’re wrong.” She said begrudgingly.

  “I’m not trying to make you feel bad, Bianca. I just want you to be ready when it doesn’t work out. This isn’t true love. It’s two people finding comfort in each other around the holidays.”

  Bianca nodded and turned away, not wanting to talk about it anymore. They began to get busy for the early lunch crowd and she was thankful, not wanting to talk about it any longer.

  It was Friday before Bianca saw Douglass again. It was late on Friday when Missy and Bianca were closing that night when a black car pulled up beside them.

  Douglass got out of the car and grinned excitedly at Bianca.

  “Hey.” He said pulling her over to him.

  She grinned back and they kissed. Despite her reservations she was still going to continue seeing Douglass. She liked him and they had been having such fun together she didn’t want it to end. She had talked to him since the whole flower incident, but he’d been busy with work and told her he’d see her over the weekend. He made sure she had off too since he had a surprise for her.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked looking between Missy and Bianca.

  Bianca nodded and looked at Missy with a sheepish smile. “Will you be ok walking?” she asked hoping that Missy wasn’t going to hate her too much if she ditched her to go with her boyfriend.

  Missy shrugged and began walking towards her apartment, which was close to Bianca’s.

  “See you later.” Missy called as Bianca crawled into the car with Douglass and they began to drive to the surprise destination.

  “So, where are we going?” she asked excitedly.

  “It’s a surprise” he said winking at her.

  She smiled and nodded. “So how’s work been?” she asked making conversation.

  Douglass shrugged and kept his eyes on the road. “It’s been fine.” he said reluctantly.

  She raised an eyebrow at him, but didn’t continue on that topic. Instead, she began to tell him about her week and all of the wacky customers that came in. Truth be told she had spent a majority of her week thinking about him. She had missed him and wished that they got to spend more time together, but she also knew they both had commitments. She had to work to pay her bills and he had to work to just continue being rich.

  She frowned, thinking about his job, and how he still hadn’t mentioned what he did for a living. She was beginning to think he really was in the mob. She really liked spending time with him, but she was also confused why he was so closed off. Missy’s words from earlier in the week came back to her and she wondered if maybe he was doing exactly what Missy had said. Was he just another rich guy spending time with her because he could. Would he try to buy her off when something went wrong between them? Could she really even trust him? Did she actually even know him?

  All of her questions were swirling around her brain and she tried to hold them back, but it seemed to be impossible. She wanted to be with him all the time despite the fact they had just met, but she was also scared of what Missy had said. For all Bianca knew, he was just passing the time because he had nothing else to do. She enjoyed spending what little time she had gotten to with him, but how long before Douglass’s true colors showed?

  “So why did you want to go on a weekend getaway?” she asked, hoping that maybe he would give something away. It bothered her how closed off he was. She thought maybe he was hiding something and on more than one occasion she was ashamed to think that maybe he was married.

  “I needed a change to get away before the holidays and I figured you did too. I mean you work so hard in that cafe I wanted to give you something back.” He said turning to give her a soft smile.

  She nodded, accepting the answer, but still feeling as if something was off. They spent a majority of the rest of the drive to wherever they were going not talking. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, but one where they got to enjoy each other’s presence. She was happy just to be with him and he was happy to be with her. They both enjoyed each other’s presence so the silence was welcome.

  Bianca watched all of the scenery pass them by. She took in the snow covered trees and the land that was plastered in white. She watched the other people in cars and enjoyed seeing the other people driving their cars. She smiled to herself when she saw the winter animals along the side of the road and the little kids playing toys in their cars as they drove down the highway. Eventually, she turned on the radio and softly sang along with the songs. It was half past eight when they finally rolled up to a cute little Bed and Breakfast called The Katz and Douglass exclaimed that they were at their destination.

  “This is it?” she asked, surprised by the place he had picked out for them to have their first getaway vacation at. She had envisioned something ritzier than a New England Bed and Breakfast named a cutesy name.

  “Is it ok?” he asked, giving her an odd look.

  She nodded vehemently, not wanting him to know what she really thought. They took their bags out of the trunk before going into the Inn.

  Chapter 5

  They walked towards the Bed and Breakfast. Immediately as they pushed the door open of the Bed and Breakfast they were accosted by a tiny old grey haired woman. She wore a bright and friendly smile and had an apron around her waist.

  “Can I help you?” the grey haired woman asked with a toothy smile.

  Bianca smiled at her, warmed by her friendly attitude. She was already starting to feel excited a
bout the weekend. This woman was so nice and homey that all of her reservations were dashed away when they had pulled up. Douglass smiled at the old woman.

  “We actually have a reservation.” He said, smiling at the old woman.

  “Fantastic! What’s the name?” the old woman asked.

  “Von Warren. Douglass Von Warren,” he said after clearing his throat.

  The old woman looked up at him with wide eyes. “Of the Von Warren Real Estate Company?” she asked in shock.

  He nodded and Bianca noticed he did it stiffly as if he was embarrassed. She frowned, wondering what was wrong with her knowing where he worked. They had yet to talk about his work or his wealth and Bianca was by no means a gold digger, but she did want to know about him. She had told him a large amount of information about herself as well.


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