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Set Me Free

Page 1

by Melissa Pearl

  Set Me Free

  Title Page



  Note from the Author

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33



  Other Books by Melissa Pearl

  About Melissa Pearl

  Connect with Melissa Pearl

  Evatopia Press

  Set Me Free

  A Fugitive Novel


  Melissa Pearl

  Set Me Free copyright © 2014 by Melissa Pearl

  Cover design copyright © by Kate Strawbridge.

  Dwell Design & Press

  Set Me Free, Book II, The Fugitive Series by Melissa Pearl

  Published by Evatopia Press at Smashwords

  All rights reserved.


  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


  The is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incident are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


  See other titles by Melissa Pearl at


  Lucy Tate has spent the last 5 years on the run. That is, until she met Zach, the one guy she couldn’t bear to leave even though it could cost both of them their lives.

  Hunted by a crooked FBI agent who killed her parents, Lucy has taken on one disguise after the next. But Zach knows exactly who she is and in spite of mounting evidence indicating her guilt in her parents’ death, he knows she’s innocent.

  Convinced that it’s time to put her years on the run behind her, Zach and Lucy vow to fight back, clear her name, and take down the real killer.

  With support from Zach’s loyal friends and his uncle, an investigative reporter, they set out on a dangerous mission hoping that the truth...will set them free.

  For MeatPac

  For being my husband's best friend and the guy who would do anything for him and the woman he loves.



  I love to try new things in my writing and this book lent itself to alternating the characters’ points of view.

  “I Know Lucy” was told from Zach’s point of view. “Set Me Free” is Lucy's story and therefore, it is told from her point of view while Zach’s recollection of the events are told in third person.

  I hope you find this to be a fun and original way to follow this story...I certainly had a good time writing it.

  Chapter 1


  The ride back to Danville had been quicker than I expected. The trucker who picked me up near Bakersfield had made a detour on his way to San Francisco, just to drop me off.

  "Thanks for the ride," I mumbled, jumping from the cab.

  His deep brown eyes shimmered with warmth. "You take care of yourself, quiet one."

  I grinned and flicked him a wave before slamming the heavy door and watching him drive off.

  He was a good guy. A family man who I knew all about after our three-and-a-half hour trip together. I had barely said two words the entire trip and he'd filled in the space nicely. It was a good distraction from my beehive of thoughts. My body was buzzing with so many emotions I could barely function.

  Hiking my bag onto my shoulder, I orientated myself. Trucky Derek had dropped me off on the outskirts of town. I recognized the buildings and took a deep breath before heading towards the brick house near the middle of town.

  I never usually hitched, walking was more my style. Six weeks ago I had walked out of Danville, scurried away from the love of my life because I was scared. I made it all the way to San Diego. I could practically smell Mexico, but I just could not make myself cross that line.

  I was a grimy, stinking mess when I finally admitted this to myself. I crawled behind a smelly dumpster and sobbed until my belly ached. I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave him. At least I couldn't do it without telling him how sorry I was.

  The next morning, startled awake by yet another nightmare, I stood on shaking limbs and began my trek back north. It took me eleven days to reach Bakersfield and when I bumped into Derek, I just could not refuse his offer of a ride. I knew it was foolhardy, but I had to get to Zach. The need within me had grown desperate.

  I slowed to a stop outside his house, the white door so familiar. I had walked through it for several study sessions in the little time we had together. His parents were so cool. I loved the warmth of his house, the comfort it provided. Sure, it did remind me of a sweet childhood that was snatched away from me in an act of brutality that left a gnarly scar on my soul. I had found that part unsettling, but it hadn't been enough to stop me from coming back. I entered Zach's world and fell in love with it.

  I wanted those feelings back, even though I didn't deserve them.

  Biting down hard on my bottom lip, I shuffled towards the door. My finger was shaking as I pressed the doorbell. I thought I might throw up as I waited for someone to answer. What if it was his parents? I ran my dirty fingers through my greasy hair and cringed. How was I going to explain myself?

  I nearly left. I nearly turned and fled on my weak legs, but the door clicked and swung open to reveal the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.


  Man, I'd forgotten how gorgeous he was. Those gentle eyes of his, that square jawline holding his perfect features in place. I wanted to touch him so bad, but knew I had no right. I squeezed my fingers together, trying to control myself.

  I had to say something. He was bugging out big time.

  "Hi, Zach." The words barely made it out of my mouth.

  He swallowed, gripping the door and just staring at me like I was an apparition.

  "I um..." My voice was stumbling and tripping all over the place. Why hadn't I rehearsed a speech or something? I was usually always so prepared, but for one of the most important conversations in my life, I'd thought of nothing? I was such an idiot! I licked my bottom lip, buying precious seconds. "It's been... Well..."

  "What are you doing here, Dani?" His voice was just a little icy. Soft, but cold.

  I winced.

  He called me Dani.

  Man, I had so much explaining to do.

  I just had to get over myself and get on with it. I'm sure my heart stopped beating as my mouth opened, but the words finally began to flow. "I know I don't have any right to be standing at your door. There's no apology big enough to make up for running away like that and there's no apology big enough for coming back." I grimaced. I knew what coming back could mea
n for him. Would he let me stay if he truly understood how much danger I was putting him in? If I loved him then I should turn and walk away, but I couldn't. Now that I was this close to him, I wanted to launch into his arms and never let go.

  "I don't know what I'm doing anymore." My chin trembled as I sucked in a breath. "I'm scared and running's always kept me safe in the past. But it doesn't seem to matter how far I go," I paused, my lips quirking to the side. "You are impossible to run away from."

  It was true. He'd consumed my every thought from the second I grabbed my stuff and took off. I hadn't been able to shake him, not even for one breath.

  I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, hating how grimy it felt. He must think I looked disgusting right now. I repulsed myself! But I couldn't think about that. I had to get through this. He could turn me away once I'd said my piece.

  My insides hitched.

  "I guess I just couldn't live with..." I blinked, looking down to the ground. How was I supposed to get this out? What would make him forgive me for ditching him without so much as a goodbye?

  One thought flickered through my brain and my immediate response was a resounding NO. Since my parents' murder, I hadn't whispered my name to a living soul. But this wasn't just any living soul...this was Zach and if I was serious about being back, I needed to trust him...with all of me.

  I huffed out a breath and went for it before I could change my mind. "I never introduced myself to you properly." I jerked out my hand like a robot and summoned every ounce of courage I possessed. "I'm Lucy Tate."

  There. I'd said it.

  I'd finally told someone my real name.

  It was one of the scariest things I'd done in the last five years. My hand quivered in the air as I waited. I felt like a guilty criminal in court. Zach was the judge and waiting for his response was pure torture. I couldn't look at him. My eyes jerked to the ground and I was milliseconds away from dropping my hand and making a run for it when he stepped forward.

  His fingers were warm as they wrapped around mine. "Nice to meet you, Lucy."

  A slow smiled spread across my face as he gently pulled me into his arms. My quaking insides instantly settled. I rested my chin on his shoulder, my lips quivering as they held back tears. My arms snaked around his body and I clung to him, squeezing him until I'm sure it hurt. I never wanted him to let me go, ever. I wanted this moment to be a photograph, one we could be locked inside, safe and secure for all eternity, but then Zach sniffed.

  His arms squeezed me a little tighter as he chuckled. "You really stink."

  My body rippled with laughing tears. I turned my head on his shoulder, lightly kissing his neck, before whispering, "I've been sleeping in a lot of dumpsters." It was humiliating to admit. I had turned myself into a street rat, refusing to pick one pocket or con anyone. I wanted to get rid of my old life and start anew, but that came with a price.

  I'd been homeless, hungry and petrified for the last month and a half.

  Zach pulled away from me, his brown eyes swimming with agony as he studied my face. His thumb gently caressed my cheek as he lightly kissed my lips and pulled me inside.

  He didn't say a word, just took the tatty bag off my shoulder and placed it by the front door. I kept a tight hold of his hand as he walked me up the stairs. I glanced into the living room, listening for signs of his parents, but the house was quiet. We were here alone. I could feel it.

  We reached the bathroom door next to his room and he flicked on the lights. Letting go of my hand, he reached into the shower and turned on the water. The sound of the hot spray hitting the porcelain tub beneath was music to my ears.

  Zach flicked the curtain across and came back to me. With a gentle smile he touched my face and trailed his fingers down to the top of my jacket. I could barely breathe as he slowly unzipped it then flicked it off my shoulders. He kept his eyes on my face as he reached for my shirt, lifting it over my head. The fabric dropped to the floor, leaving me standing in nothing but my ripped jeans and a tatty bra. I should have been humiliated. I should have been covering my dirty, skinny body with my bony arms, but the look in Zach's eyes held me frozen. There was desire there, but it wasn't lust. The compassion radiating from him kept me safe. Reaching behind me, he unclasped my bra and gently kissed my shoulder before sliding it off me. He didn't touch me, didn't study my naked form with hungry eyes, he just quietly undressed me...and I let him.

  Once I was naked, he kissed my lips lightly before stepping back to the shower and checking the temperature.

  "It's good." He slid the curtain back.

  I was still frozen. Stepping towards me with a little grin, he placed his hand on my lower back and gently pushed me towards the bath. "Get in. I'll go get you a fresh towel and leave it on the vanity."

  With that, he stepped from the room. The door gently clicked shut and with an astonished head shake, I stepped beneath the hot spray. Closing my eyes, I buried my head in the water, letting the droplets wash over me. As six week's worth of filth inched its way off my body, my insides began to tremble.

  I knew I shouldn't feel safe right now. If my past caught up to me, which it inevitably would, I was putting the guy I loved in unbelievable danger.

  Guilt wrestled with relief as I reached for the soap.

  I didn't deserve Zach Schultz. He was way too good for me.

  But now that I was with him again, I didn't think I could just walk away.

  In spite of the looming danger, I felt safe.

  I just needed to figure out a way of keeping him that way too.

  Chapter 2


  Zach's hands shook as he placed the towel on the vanity and quietly closed the door behind him. Leaning his head against the wood, he drew in three deep breaths. He couldn't believe he'd just done that...stripped her naked...and she'd let him.

  Even skinny and stinky, she was still gorgeous. He could drown in those blue eyes of hers and although her body needed some serious fattening up, he had still felt a strong spike of arousal shoot through him. But that's not what his undressing routine had been about. He'd just wanted to care for her. She looked like a lost little kid and his protective instincts were on overdrive.

  She'd come him.

  The thought was as exhilarating as it was scary. Would she leave him again without a moment's notice? Would he have to live through losing her again?

  No. He couldn't do it.

  Besides, she wasn't going to run. He nodded, trying to reinforce the idea.

  She'd told him her real name. That was huge. That said more than any apology she could ever utter.


  Lucy Tate.

  He thought of the three files Uncle Alex had handed him. Lucy Tate's was among them, but he'd flicked it to the bottom of the pile because it told him she was a parent killer and that could not be true of the girl he'd spent the first half of the year falling for.

  He could hear Dani...Lucy's...voice finally admitting her real name to him, his insides sizzling. Running a hand through his hair, he squeezed his dark locks and pushed off the door. He walked to his room and started hunting for some clothes that would fit her. For the first time in his life, he wished he had a sister. At least Dani was nearly the same height as him.

  Dani. He just did it again. Lucy. Her name was Lucy. Is that what he was supposed to call her now?

  Pulling out a pair of jeans, he held them up and instantly realized they'd slide right off her skinny frame. He yanked open his bottom drawer and searched for his dark grey sweat pants with the drawstring waist. He then grabbed out an orange Nike t-shirt.

  "Underwear," he mumbled.

  She'd just have to go commando.

  He rolled his eyes, knowing what that would do to him, but he wasn't about to go hunting through his Mom's underwear drawer. She may be out of the country with his father for the summer and she probably wouldn't mind one bit, but the thought of the girl who could turn him on with one look wearing his mother's underwear
was just a little too much to handle. He'd just have to take tomorrow.

  Bundling the clothes up, he placed them just inside the bathroom door. Dani was still soaking in the shower. He thought he heard her crying, but couldn't be sure. With a heavy sigh, he silently closed the door and shuffled down the stairs. What he wanted to do was head back to his room and yank out those files, pull Lucy Tate's free and scour it for every piece of information he could absorb. When Zach had been trying to figure out who Dani really was and what had happened to her, his Uncle Alex, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle had done some digging for him and brought him a few potential candidates. There was no way his girlfriend was a murderer, but now she was at his him a name he knew was true.

  It couldn't be possible. There was just no way she murdered her own parents. Yes, she was an expert liar...but not with him.

  Not with him.

  He had to keep believing that.

  In spite of his need to pull it out, that tempting file on Lucy Tate would have to remain in his closet for now.

  That girl in his shower needed food. She was scared and hungry. Right now, he didn't give a rat's ass who she really was or if she had killed someone. He just needed to take care of her. He could deal with the rest later.

  Striding into the kitchen, he opened the refrigerator and stood for a few minutes trying to decide what he was capable of making. He grabbed bacon and eggs, placing them on the counter before tugging out a cardboard slice of bread from the freezer. His mom had left everything well stocked, plus given him a stash of food money so he could look after himself. He'd planned to spend most of it on take out. He knew basically nothing about cooking, but he could scramble a couple of eggs, fry up some bacon, and no doubt burn a piece of toast.


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