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Protectors and Kings (Mists of the Fae Book 4)

Page 24

by Jaime Marks

  Kyle shook his head watching the bastard walk into his room. It had been a while since John had fucked with him like that. Actually he’d thought they were past all this shit. He should thank him for reminding him that not only could he not rely on him but he wasn’t keen on the idea of the son of a bitch controlling him either. He had no idea what the fuck he was gonna do, but one thing was sure, if it came down to Star or John, she was his priority. Maybe he’d even take Steph if the opportunity presented itself. She might not like him much but he actually respected and enjoyed the girl. She didn’t deserve her fate either. John could go fuck himself. He’d already reminded him of his loyalties.

  Stephynia stared at Grifyn accusingly. He could sense her anger and frustration and wanted nothing more than to comfort her. It was clear she had reasoned out the subject of their discussion and she was obviously upset with them. Mythos went to speak but she raised a hand silencing him a moment.

  “No, there’s something I need to say first. I told you this morning Grifyn, then again this afternoon, I make my own choices. I told you to leave this alone. You asked me to trust you, to come to you if I need something, yet instead of accepting my explanations and choices you go behind my back trying to discuss my future without me.” She shook her head, “How is it you think I can ever trust you when you can’t even trust me?”

  Grifyn looked thoroughly chastised. “Steph, please understand…”

  “No,” she cut him off, “this morning, I understood. This afternoon, I was patient and made myself clear. Now, I don’t really give a damn what you have to say. So I’ll say it again. You aren’t my Father, Grifyn. I can’t even explain why, but as strange as it feels to me I know my Father wouldn’t have had half the issue with this that you do. My Father would know to trust my instincts.”

  “Would you like sometime alone with the King, Steph?” Cymeryn spoke quietly.

  “No, you all seem to think my privacy is subjective anyway, so why grant me the respect now?” She shrugged nonchalantly but the ice in her voice was evident.

  Cymeryn went to speak but seemed to think better of it when she met his eyes and merely nodded. Byryn looked around and shook his head. The boy looked frustrated with the lot of them but remained silent. Mythos completely understood his feeling. He was none too pleased himself.

  “Byryn, perhaps it would be better if you return to Star?” Marcus offered sensing his discomfort.

  “She’s fine, Marcus. She and Kylion are with my Mom and Aunt Demytria in Kato’s suite,” Byryn replied levelly. “Steph asked me to come with her and unless she asks me to leave, I’m staying.”

  Mythos watched as she approached him cautiously. She stopped just before him and he had to restrain himself to keep from pulling her close. “I apologize, Stephynia. I can imagine how this must look to you.” He sighed in exasperation. “I did not want this to place undue pressure on you.”

  “I know, Mythos.” She offered him a rueful smile as she seemed to gather her words. “But as much as I don’t want this to cause problems, I’m sorry. I can’t offer you more than I already have. You know how I feel for you, please don’t doubt that…I just…I can’t…” Her voice broke and unshed tears glistened in her eyes.

  He gently placed his finger to her lips, his heart aching for the pain she felt, pain they were causing her. “Shh, Caria, please be at ease.” He heard Grifyn draw a ragged breath but the Fae graciously remained silent. He had caused enough issue for one day. “I told you I will never pressure you. If you are not ready for this, then I will not rush you and I will not allow anyfae else do so either.” He pulled her gently to him and wrapped her in his arms. It was a balm to the ache that had encased him since he left her. “I am sorry if anyfae has done so before now, but it will not continue.” He met Grifyn’s gaze with deadly determination. The Fae shook his head in frustration but looked away.

  She sighed against him as the tension bled out of her. “Thank you.”

  Pulling her back slightly he smiled at her. “I cannot stay, Caria. I have things I must attend to, but I brought you something to make your time pass easier.”

  He pulled the package from his robe and handed it to her as she stared at him curiously. Her fingers pressed into the gift as she smiled secretly, trying to discern its contents. Slowly she went to the couch, looking up at him as she sat and he could not help smile. The warmth she brought to his heart eased him in ways he could not even begin to explain.

  “Go ahead Caria, open it.”

  He forced himself to remain apart from her as he watched her. With delicate fingers she carefully untied the string and unfolded the paper. The smile that lit up her face as she pulled out the colored chalks and bound paper that he had procured for her was worth more than any jewels he could have gifted her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “I really missed my sketch pads today.”

  “You are quite welcome.” He held her gaze a moment, feeling her need, her desire and he let his essence flow freely comforting and caressing her. There was nothing he wanted more than to take her in his arms, but it was better for her if he did not push things in this moment. Instead he sat beside her on the couch and took her hand. “Stephynia, there are things we need to discuss regarding some of the confusion you are experiencing. If you are not ready to hear them now, then Kato can explain them when you are ready.”

  She tensed and inhaled deeply staring at the floor. “I take it you heard about the issues during training.”

  “Not issues, Caria. Abilities.” Mythos’ eyes ran over her, taking in every line of her visage. Being without her was so difficult. He needed to remember every breath, every instant if he was going to make it until the next moment he could be in her presence.

  She slowly met his eyes. “I would say not having any control of my own actions is an issue, Mythos.”

  He reached up and brushed an out of place curl from her eyes. Her hair was slightly longer in the front and it made him wonder if she wore it that way to hide her them. Hopefully not, considering how beautiful they were. “Stephynia, right now your essence and your body are in a high state of acceleration. Your normal development and abilities were subdued while you were masked to keep you hidden from our world, but being here is reversing that quickly. You possess great knowledge and ability but it will take time for your mind to catch up with your essence.”

  She blew out a breath in exasperation before glancing around the room at the rest of the Fae that were present. Shifting uncomfortably she looked back to the floor. “I’m not really comfortable with all this.”

  He reached out sensing her and she did not attempt to block him. The pain that lanced through her, the fear she felt nearly destroyed him. She was so uncertain. The confidence she had in herself and her abilities had been terribly shaken and the pressure that Grifyn and custom were placing on her was not helping the matter. Whereas before she had felt as though she was unworthy of stature simply because of the actions of others, she now felt she did not have the strength to even possess her birthright.

  “What can I do, Caria? How can I make this easier for you?” He reached over and caressed her cheek as he guided her to meet his gaze. “I will do anything within my power to help you through this, Stephynia.”

  Tears glistened her eyes once more but she refused to let them fall. Even in this moment of weakness she had the pride of a warrior and it only made him want take her in his arms even more so. She shook her head but remained silent.

  “I know that this is hard to understand. It will just take time. You need to trust that we will help you through this and in time it will come to make sense.”

  He was trying to reassure her, but apparently it had been the wrong course because her hard defensive edge returned and she pulled back from him. It nearly broke him. He could not bear the distance between them any more than he could stand the pain that she felt.

  She rose slowly and walked away from them. “I do trust you Mythos, and to a point I even trust you, Cymeryn.
” She sighed and turned to Byryn. “And as odd as it may seem I trust you too. I don’t really know either of you.” She motioned between Marcus and Kato but noticeably avoided Grifyn. “You’re all expecting me to rely on you, but you don’t seem to understand, that’s just not me.”

  Mythos glanced to Grifyn who stood stiffly by the chaise. She would not even look in his direction let alone acknowledge his presence. It was obvious the damage to the already fragile relationship they had was great. Part of it was certainly Mythos’ fault for not putting an end to the tension between them outright, but she herself had even warned him off this course of action. He could bridge the damage between Grifyn and himself, but only Grifyn could fix the issues between he and Stephynia.

  He turned back to her. “I realize how difficult it is for you to rely on anyfae Stephynia, and perhaps that is the wrong way to present this.” He rose and went to her, taking her by the shoulders. Running his hands tenderly down her arms, he was relieved when she did not pull away from him. “Let us teach you what you need so that you can rely on yourself. It has only really been a day, Caria. All of us can see the strength in you, you only need to know how to access it.”

  She met his eyes and he saw the strength of her will and the fire of her spirit. “Alright, Mythos, but it has to be on my own terms.”

  He offered her an encouraging smile. “I would expect nothing less, but please, allow us simply to guide you in your options so that you have the ability to make informed decisions.”

  Stephynia relaxed somewhat and met his eyes. “Fine,” she nodded, “but I can’t sit idle half the day and those Basic Studies or whatever was brought to me, that’s only going to last me another day at this rate. I’ve already skimmed through the challenge exams for almost all the sections without a problem.”

  He nodded and motioned behind him. “Tell us what you need and I will see that you receive it.”

  She seemed to concentrate a moment and her eyes swirled briefly with essence. “I need something to help me learn how to focus this energy inside me so I can control it, but I don’t want to stop sparring. I realize it’s a risk because I could lose control, but up until my control slipped it was the only time today I didn’t feel lost in this place…” She glanced away shyly and he could not help but smile at her words. “Aside from when I was with you.”

  An ease settled in him and he took her hand giving it a gentle squeeze allowing his essence to run over her. Cymeryn cleared his throat drawing their attention. “I believe I can assist with that, my lord. I have already discussed with Steph that I wish to take over her training. I would like to train her in the art of the Luxyn…unless anyfae objects. If need be I will send a request to Devyn to gain his approval. So far as I know we are the only Luxyn left.”

  Mythos turned to face him as he pondered the request. Alysse had already informed him that he would know how to aide her and what he suggested only made sense considering the circumstances. “Actually Cymeryn, considering what Kato described occurred this morn that is likely precisely what she needs. Her entire line was inducted into the Luxyn Order and trained from their youth in the ancient forms.” He turned back to meet her eyes. “The Luxyndi Forms should grant you the focus you seek and as you progress with training it should help you to gain control, Stephynia.”

  She looked to Cymeryn. “What are the Luxyndi Forms?”

  “They are fighting forms. You were actually utilizing them when you sparred with Byryn,” he offered.

  “Steph, you know what Tai Chai is right?” Byryn interjected.

  “Yeah, like moving meditation really. You kind of go through the motions of a fight but slow and methodically,” she shrugged.

  “Precisely,” Cymeryn smiled. “That is precisely what the Luxyndi Forms are. In each movement you learn how your essence is supposed to flow and focus. In some regards I suppose the very first levels are more similar to the ancient art of Yoga some humans practice in that you hold the pose trying to simply exist in the position focusing your essence. Once you have learned the positions and how to control and assert your essence through them, then you progress through the movements of the form in a moving meditation of sorts. Would that be acceptable Steph?”

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I want,” she nodded, “but I still want to spar as well.”

  Byryn shrugged offering her a lopsided grin. “I’ll spar with you, Steph. It’ll keep me on my toes and ensure I know where to adjust my own training. Like I said, I can’t let you actually have the ability to kick my ass.” He winked and she grinned stifling a laugh.

  “Indeed,” Marcus chuckled. “She did give you quite a challenge this morn, Byryn. I can see I will have to push you harder.”

  He shrugged, “Shit Marcus, you would have underestimated sprite too.”

  “Byryn!” She snapped. “Stop calling me that goddamn it.”

  He laughed, “I’ll make you a deal. The day you can actually kick my ass, I’ll stop calling you sprite.”

  “Watch it Byryn, because that’s a challenge I’m willing to take.” She smirked, “If for no other reason than to wipe that smug grin off your face.”

  They all laughed, well aside from Grifyn who was remaining stoically quiet. The edge in the Fae was nearly unbearable. There had to be some way to fix this, but at the moment he needed to see to her needs.

  “If you are willing to train with me in the morn and either Marcus or myself are available to oversee your sparring in the noon in the event that an issues arise, I see no reason why you would not be able to manage both,” Cymeryn smiled.

  “I’d like that,” she agreed more at ease. “I’ll still need things to work on in between, though.”

  “My lady, have you begun to delve into our histories as of yet?” Kato requested. “I believe that will provide you more value and challenge than the Basic Studies. It may also assist you with integrating some of the knowledge you possess.”

  “No, just the Basics.” She shrugged, “I can do most of that in my sleep.”

  He nodded. “I will see that you receive the books and scrolls you will need to begin to learn of our culture. I believe once you work through our history you will understand more of our customs as well. You should however at least finish progressing through the Basic Studies. If you bring me the challenge exams you have completed I will gladly see that a Scholar arranges for you to test in those areas so you may progress to more challenging material.”

  “Thanks, Kato.”

  Mythos exhaled in relief. He had been concerned that perhaps they had pushed her too far and she would not consent to their assistance. As much as he would like to be the one to lead her through all this it was impossible for him to be by her side as much as she would require. He still had a Kingdom to attend to and she was not yet able to join him in the Realm of Light.

  “If this meets your wishes Stephynia, then so be it. Cymeryn will oversee your training and Kato will ensure that your education progresses. I know we discussed how you feel about your guards this morn, but as I have already explained that is one thing I will continue to insist upon.” He studied her waiting for her reaction.

  There was an air of relief that he could clearly read from her. The idleness and issues with her episode this morn had been weighing on her heavily. Having a clear course of action and understanding of what was occurring with her seemed to alleviate the strain she was experiencing.

  “It’s alright Mythos, you already explained the reasons and I’m alright with the guards, really. As far as the rest, that works.” She walked over to the couch and picked up the sketch pad, “But can you also bring me more of these? I tend to go through them pretty quickly.”

  “Of course, I had already intended to do so.” He smiled and then cleared his throat, his voice once more taking on its usual formal intonation. “The Lady Stephynia a Ceryn is under my protection, for as long as she accepts it. As such, she has access to anything I possess, whether it be my personal suite, or anything else she may require or w
ish. If I have the ability to provide it, she need only ask and it is hers. Cymeryn a Cymarcion, Praefect of the Securine of the Realms, Protector of Night, Crowned King of the Night Throne of Balance and proclaimed bonded mate of the Queen Reyana a Mythion, I task you to oversee her training under the Arts of the Luxyn Order. Make the proper notifications to Devyn a Devyion, Commander of the Fronts. A request is not necessary as she is not being formally inducted and would be unable to be until her awakening. Once she is eligible for induction we will obtain the necessary agreement. High Councilman Kato a Kacyion of the Forest Fae, I task you to attend to the Lady’s education and to ensure that she progresses suitably to her needs. Marcus a Cymarcion, Praetor of the Guardians of Light, Protector of Light, Crowned King of the Light Throne of Balance, also proclaimed bonded mate of the Queen Reyana a Mythion, do you so witness these decrees?”

  “You have no right to usurp my rights as her guardian, Mythos. She is of my lines, as such she is my ward.” Grifyn interjected levelly, but there was a hard edge to his voice. Everyfae turned to him.

  “Grifyn…” Stephynia began as a rage swirled through her, her essence surging to the surface dancing along her skin in an almost flame like pattern.

  Kato raised his hand calmly and interjected. “If I may, Lady Steph…” He turned to Grifyn. “I am sorry, my friend, but as per the decrees of the Goddess of Light, put forth from the High Priestess Alysse this day, he has every right.”

  Grifyn’s eye widened and he glanced to him reluctantly as some of the anger bled from his face. “What has she decreed, Kato?”

  Kato glanced to Mythos and then to Stephynia. He held his breathe. If Kato recited Alysse’s direct decrees it might well push her too far. If she knew that their bonding had been preordained, that she was indeed intended to be the future Queen of the Fae before she was ready to hear it, it would destroy any progress they had just made. She could well push even him away completely.


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